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A method for the determination of estrogen and progesterone receptor levels in human mammary cell lines (MCF-7, Cama-1, ZR-75-1, Evsa-T and HBL-100) is described. Cells cultured as monolayers were incubated with the tritiated steroids, [3H]-17 beta-Estradiol or [3H] ORG-2058. Binding of steroids to receptors was a function of cellular uptake. Incubation periods of 50 min were sufficient to attain maximum intracellular incorporation. The binding of 17 beta-E2 and ORG-2058 to MCF-7 cells, a phenomenon which is saturable at low concentrations for the radioactive ligand, is a linear function of the number of cells assayed (Interval: 2.5 X 10(4) to 1.5 X 10(6) cells per well). Binding data and their Scatchard plot allowed for the calculation of affinity and capacity values. Thus, for ER, Kd = 2.0 +/- 0.5 X 10(-10) M and n = 3.76 +/- 0.91 Fmol/microgram DNA, and for PgR Kd = 2.0 +/- 0.2 X 10(-10) M and n = 14.02 +/- 2.30 Fmol/microgram DNA (Mean +/- SD). Binding specificity of 17 beta-Estradiol and ORG-2058 to MCF-7 cells was analysed by means of study on the inhibitory effect of increasing concentrations of unlabelled competitors: 17 beta-Estradiol, ORG-2058, Estrone, DES, R-5020, Cortisol, Androsterone and Testosterone. Only pharmacological doses of some of the mentioned molecules produce displacement of the hormonereceptor binding. This phenomenon appears to be related to the affinity of these chemical compounds for the receptor macromolecules to which estrogens and progesterone bind.  相似文献   

Prolonged exposure to estrogens is a significant risk factor for the development of breast cancer. Estrogens exert carcinogenic effects by stimulating cell proliferation or through oxidative metabolism that forms DNA-damaging species. In the present study, we aimed to provide a better understanding of estrogen metabolism and actions in breast cancer, and to characterize model breast cancer cell lines. We determined the expression profiles of the genes for the estrogen and progesterone receptors, and for 18 estrogen-metabolizing enzymes in eight cell lines: MCF-7, MCF-10A, T47D, SKBR3, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-361, Hs-578T and Hs-578Bst cells. Similar gene expression profiles of these receptors and enzymes for the formation of estradiol via the aromatase and sulfatase pathways were observed in the MCF-7 and T47D metastatic cell lines. The MDA-MB-361 cells expressed ESR1, ESR2 and PGR as well, but differed in expression of the estrogen-metabolizing enzymes. In the MDA-MB-231 and SKBR3 cells, all of these estrogen-forming enzymes were expressed, although the lack of ESR1 and the low levels of ESR2 expression suggested that the estrogens can only act via non-ER mediated pathways. In the non-tumorigenic MCF-10A cell line, the key enzymes of the aromatase pathway were not expressed, and the sulfatase pathway also had a marginal role. The comparison between gene expression profiles of the non-tumorigenic Hs-578Bst cells and the cancerous Hs-578T cells revealed that they can both form estrogens via the sulfatase pathway, while the aromatase pathway is less important in the Hs-578Bst cells. The Hs-578T cells showed low levels of ESR1, ESR2 and PGR expression, while only ESR1 and ESR2 expression was detected in the Hs-578Bst cells. Our data show that the cell lines examined provide the full range of model systems and should further be compared with the expression profiles of breast cancer specimens.  相似文献   

The regulation of both estrogen and progesterone receptor levels in human endometrial adenocarcinoma cells of the Ishikawa line was investigated immunocytochemically by using monoclonal antibodies. Positive staining for estrogen and progesterone receptors was observed in the nuclei of Ishikawa cells. Intercellular heterogeneity in receptor content was evident from the presence of receptor-positive or -negative cells and from differences in staining intensity of positive cells. Quantitative analysis was performed by scoring the staining intensity and the proportion of positively stained cells. The time and dose-dependent stimulatory effect of estradiol added to culture media on progesterone receptor levels was studied by applying both immunocytochemical and biochemical methods. Estradiol at 10 nM (optimal concentration) increased the intensity score for PR from an initial value of 10.1 to 78.3 after 72 h incubation, and the proportion of the positive staining cells from 6.7 to 42.7%. Promegestone (R5020) was effective at 1 microM concentration in decreasing the intensity score for ER from 31.1 to 14.6 after 72 h exposure and the proportion of positive cells from 19.0 to 11.4%.  相似文献   

Summary Two in vitro passages of a human endometrial adenocarcinoma continuous cell line (RL95-2), an early (subcultured <30 times) and a late passage (subcultured >200 times) have provided an interesting model to study the growth, morphologic, and invasive properties of endometrial tumors. The early passage, which has been shown to be estrogen-receptor positive, has characteristics closely resembling a primary tumor, whereas the estrogen receptor negative late passage exhibits several features of the metastatic phenotype. Compared to the early passage cells, the late passage cells were less serum dependent, formed foci, demonstrated a faster rate of growth (due to their shorter doubling times), and attained higher saturation densities. The late passage cells also displayed an altered morphology which was accompanied by alterations in the distribution of F-actin. Even though early and late passages showed similar invasive potential in an in vitro invasion assay, the late passage cells, by virtue of their several transformed characteristics, maintain distinctive properties compared with their early passage counterparts.  相似文献   

A whole cell technique to measure estradiol receptors in cultured rabbit endometrial cells is described. The estradiol receptors measured appear to be composed of at least two components: one component has high affinity but low capacity, while the other component has low affinity but high capacity. Using the assay, the effects of estradiol and progesterone pretreatment were examined on the estradiol receptor levels. It was found that both of the hormones decreased the number of estrogen receptors in the cultured cells. The finding that estradiol decreased its own receptors was unexpected and its possible relevance is discussed.  相似文献   

Since we recently found that danazol, an isoxazol derivative of ethinyltestosterone, has a growth-inhibitory effect on human endometrial cancer cells in primary culture, the effects of danazol on a human endometrial cancer cell line (IK-90 cells), which contains estrogen-independent progesterone receptors (PR), were investigated in the present study. The addition of danazol (1 nM-1 microM) in culture medium caused a decrease in the growth of IK-90 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Competitive binding studies showed that danazol effectively binds to PR in IK-90 cells, and the binding affinity for PR was estimated to be 6.0% of that of R5020. The addition of 1 microM danazol in culture medium resulted in a rapid and significant increase in nuclear PR with a concomitant decrease in cytoplasmic PR in the cells. These findings suggest that danazol has a growth-inhibitory effect on human endometrial adenocarcinoma cells directly through PR system in the cells.  相似文献   

Transformed cells often express elevated levels of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins. Inhibition of protein tyrosine kinases causes reversion of malignant cells to the normal phenotype. In the present study, we evaluated the possibility that the reversion of human endometrial adenocarcinoma RL95-2 cells to a stationary phenotype induced by retinoic acid was associated with inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular proteins. We found that retinoic acid decreased the levels of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins, as assessed by immunostaining and immunoprecipitations using specific anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies. In addition, the inhibitors of tyrosine kinases herbimycin A and tyrphostin mimicked retinoic acid, inducing F-actin reorganization and increasing the size of RL95-2 cells, as determined by measurement of cell perimeters. Because focal adhesions that connect actin filaments with the plasma membrane are major sites of tyrosine phosphorylation, we further investigated whether selected focal adhesion proteins were affected by retinoic acid. We found that retinoic acid altered the localization of focal adhesion kinase. All-trans retinoic acid was effective in reducing the levels of focal adhesion kinase and paxillin protein. Thirteen-cis retinoic acid increased the levels of vinculin protein in the cytosolic fraction of cells. These changes are consistent with actin reorganization and reversion toward a stationary phenotype induced by retinoic acid in endometrial adenocarcinoma RL95-2 cells. Our results indicate that the differentiating effects of retinoids on endometrial cells are associated with decreases in tyrosine phosphorylation and changes in the levels and distribution of focal adhesion proteins. These findings suggest that signaling pathways that involve tyrosine kinases are potential targets for drug design against endometrial cancer. J. Cell. Physiol. 178:320–332, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The control of immune responses by sex hormones is well documented but the effect of sex hormones on lymphoid cell subsets is poorly understood. We have investigated the expression of receptors for androgens (AR), estradiol (ER) and progesterone (PR) by human cell lines of the B lymphocyte lineage and by murine myeloma or hybridomas. AR, ER and PR were determined by cytosol and nuclear binding assays. Eleven human lymphoblastoid cell lines obtained by in vitro infection of blood or tonsil B cells with Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) B95, did not express AR or ER. Similarly, 10 Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines were AR, ER and PR negative with the exception of the pre-B RAJI cells which bear AR. Among 13 cell lines derived from patients with multiple myeloma none expressed AR but five were found to bear ER (20-164 fmol/mg DNA or 5-10 fmol/mg protein). Four of the latter group also bear PR (86-450 fmol/mg DNA). Two mouse hybridomas out of seven tested were ER and PR positive. The MOPC 315 myeloma expressed ER but not PR. The possible functional role of these sex hormone binding sites in cell proliferation and immunoglobulin secretion deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

There is a cyclicity in the number of endometrial macrophages that is most likely secondary to changes in steroid hormone levels. One cytokine that controls macrophage migration is monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1). In the endometrium, highest levels of MCP-1 are detected perimenstrually, when estrogen levels are low; however, when estrogen levels are high (around the time of ovulation), MCP-1 levels are lowest. We hypothesized that sex steroids may be involved in the regulation of macrophage migration by regulating MCP-1 expression. We investigated the regulation of MCP-1 expression in human endometrial stromal cells by estradiol 17beta (E2) and progestins. We found that MCP-1 mRNA levels decreased in response to E2 (5 x 10(-8) M), with biphasic nadirs at 8 h and 24 h. MCP-1 protein production was also inhibited by E2 in a concentration-dependent manner. Tamoxifen, an anti-estrogen, alone (10(-7) M) did not affect MCP-1 expression, but it reversed the E2-induced inhibition up to 80%. Progesterone (10(-7) M) alone slightly decreased MCP-1 levels, and the combination of E2 and progesterone further decreased them, but that decrease was not different from that observed using E2 treatment alone. In summary, we found that E2 inhibits MCP-1 expression in endometrial stromal cells, and we speculate that E2 may control endometrial macrophage migration by regulating MCP-1 expression.  相似文献   

Evidence is accumulating that estradiol (E2) may play a dual role in carcinogenic and anticarcinogenic effects by different metabolic pathways. It has been shown that some metabolites of E2 exert proliferative and others anti-proliferative properties on human cancer cells. In the present study, the effects of E2 and its four primary metabolites including 2-hydroxyestradiol (2OHE2), 4-hydroxyestradiol (4OHE2), 2-methoxyestradiol (2ME), and 4-methoxyestradiol (4ME) on proliferation and cell cycle in RL95-2 human endometrial cells were investigated. Our results indicate that 2ME and 2OHE2, but not E2, 4ME, and 4OHE2, exhibit the inhibitory effect through cell cycle arrest at G2/M. 2ME and 2OHE2-induced G2/M cell cycle arrest associated with activation of p53 (Ser15), upregulation of p21(WAF1/Cip1) (p21) and GADD45, inactivation of Cdc2 (Tyr15), as well as downregulation of Cyclin B1. 2ME and 2OHE2-mediated cell cycle arrest at G2/M was also related to activation of protein kinase Chk1 which is associated with p53 (Ser20) activation and downstream responses.  相似文献   

The expression of estrogen (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR) in the endometrium is regulated by steroid hormones. An increase in plasma estrogen leads to upregulation of the number of both steroid receptors, whereas a decrease in both receptors population is due to high concentration of plasma progesterone. To study the exact effect of different concentrations of beta-estradiol and progesterone on canine epithelial and stromal endometrial cells an in vitro model from dog uterus was developed and kept for 20 days. Material was obtained from healthy dogs, undergoing ovariohysterectomy. Endometrial epithelial and stromal cells were gained after collagenase treatment, followed by filtration steps. Electron microscopy and immunolabeling were used to study cell morphology and differentiation. Immunocytochemistry was used to determine proliferation rate (Ki-67), ER and PR status on Days 3, 8, 10, 13, and 20. Mitotic activity of both cells was stimulated with different concentrations of steroids and revealed high values until cells reached confluency. ER and PR expression in confluent layer from epithelial and stromal cells was upregulated with beta-estradiol. In addition progesterone significant downregulated both receptors population in stromal cells, whereas the reduction was less pronounced in epithelial cells. Results showed that our in vitro system is a useful tool to study the influence of beta-estradiol and progesterone on cell proliferation rate, ER and PR expression. The primary cell culture model helps to avoid experiments on living animals.  相似文献   

Estrogen induces the synthesis of a glycoprotein of molecular weight 46,000 daltons in three estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cell lines (MCF7, ZR75 and T47D), but not in an estrogen receptor-negative cell line (BT 20) or a nonmalignant cell line (HBL 100). The 46K protein, which accounts for 40% of 35S-methionine incorporation into secreted proteins, is only induced by steroids able to interact with the estrogen receptor. The anti-estrogens tamoxifen and hydroxytamoxifen, which by themselves were inactive, suppressed the induction of this protein by estradiol. In MCF7 cells, estradiol also induces three intracellular proteins which are resolved in two-dimensional electrophoresis. The induction of the 46K secreted protein(s) makes these cell lines excellent in vitro systems for studying the mechanism of estrogen and anti-estrogen action. This protein may also be a useful probe for studying the action of estrogen on breast cancer growth, and may be a useful marker for predicting the hormonal responsiveness of breast cancer in vivo.  相似文献   

Cultured human mammary MCF7 and T47D tumor cell lines were used to test the interference of the partial antiestrogen 4′-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OH-TAM) and the pure antiestrogen ZM 182780 with growth factor (IGF-I, heregulin) signaling pathways. Growth of both cell lines was stimulated by IGF-I (20 ng/ml) or heregulin (3 nM). ZM 182780 effectively blocked growth factor induced as well as basal proliferation of MCF7 cells while the compound was ineffective in interfering with growth factor mitogenic activity in T47D cells. On both cell lines the IGF-I or heregulin- induced proliferation was enhanced further by 4-OH-TAM. This synergism could be inhibited dose-dependently by ZM 182780. When cells were grown in the presence of estradiol plus growth factors, the antiestrogenic potencies of both compounds and the efficacy of ZM 182780 were unaffected, while the efficacy of 4-OH-TAM was reduced. Our data show cell type specific cross-talk between the receptor for estrogen and that for IGF-I or heregulin, which is different in MCF7 and T47D cells, respectively. In MCF7 cells with demonstrable cross-talk, a clear superiority exists for a pure antiestrogen over a partial agonist in interfering with growth factor mitogenic activity.  相似文献   

Progesterone action in target tissues is mediated through two progesterone receptor (PR) isoforms, PR-A and PR-B, which display different regulatory functions in target cells. Relative expression ratio of these isoforms varies depending on cell and tissue types. Here, we studied the regulation of PR isoform expression by estradiol (E(2)), insulin, IGF-1 and cAMP in different breast cancer cell lines. Although, E(2) induced PR expression in all cell lines studied, the expression ratio of PR-A/PR-B induced by E(2) was dependent on the cell line. The differential regulation of the isoforms was also seen at the mRNA level suggesting that the PR-A and PR-B promoters are differentially regulated by E(2) in different breast cancer cells. Insulin, IGF-1 or cAMP previously reported to induce PR expression however failed to alter the PR expression in our study. This is the first report describing that in different breast cancer cell lines the expression of PR-A and PR-B is regulated by E(2) in a distinct way.  相似文献   

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