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Ectoparasites are common in most bird species, but experimentalevidence of their effects on life-history traits is scarce.We investigated experimentally the effects of the hematophagoushen flea (Ceratophyllus gallinae) on timing of reproduction,nest-site choice, nest desertion, clutch size, and hatchingsuccess in the great tit (Parus major). When great tits wereoffered a choice on their territory between an infested anda parasite-free nest-box, they chose the one without parasites.When there was no choice, the great tits in a territory containingan infested nest-box delayed laying the clutch by 11 days ascompared with the birds that were offered a parasite-free nestingopportunity. The finding that there was no difference in phenotypictraits related to dominance between the birds nesting in infestedboxes and birds nesting in parasite-free boxes suggests thatthe delay is not imposed by social dominance. Nest desertionbetween laying and shortly after hatching was significandy higherin infested nests. There was no difference between infestedand parasite-free nests in clutch size, but hatching successand hence brood size at hatching were significantly smallerin infested nests. Nest-box studies of great tits have beenseminal in the development of evolutionary, ecological, andbehavioral theory, but recently a polemic has arisen in theliterature about the validity of the conclusions drawn fromnest-box studies where the naturally occurring, detrimentalectoparasites are eliminated by the routine removal of old nestsbetween breeding seasons. Our study suggests that this criticismis valid and that the evaluation of the effects of ectoparasitesmay improve our understanding of behavioral traits, life-historytraits, or population dynamics  相似文献   

We investigated the possible causes of the evolution of sexual size and shape dimorphism in the great tit (Parus major) by using two different approaches. First, we used the equilibrium approach, i.e. analysing current selection to see whether it was possible to find directional selection in the direction of the dimorphism, or stabilising selection maintaining dimorphism at its current level. Second, we used the historical approach, i.e. putting the degree of dimorphism in a phylogenetic perspective to analyse what kind of changes (if any) have occurred. This was carried out in the following way: (i) we described the level of sexual dimorphism in a population of Swedish great tits by means of path model. (ii) We used the path model design to analyse survival and reproductive selection in this population. (iii) We compared the level of dimorphism in relation to size in the great tit with that of the closest congener, the blue tit P. caeruleus. (iv) We compared the amount of interspecific morphological variation with that which would be expected under a drift model. We found no evidence of either stabilising or directional survival or reproductive selection. Size and shape variation in the great tit seemed unrelated to fitness in adults. Dimorphism was somewhat greater in the great tit compared to the blue tit, but only with an amount predictable by its larger size. In terms of phenotypic standard deviations, the great tit was not more dimorphic than the blue tit, although it was larger. The amount of interspecific variance with regard to size was lower or equal to that expected by the drift model, showing that long-term directional selection for an increase in size and dimorphism is improbable. These results agree with recent theoretical findings that size and dimorphism should be related and that strong conservatism with regard to dimorphism is to be expected. They also agree with the view that in equilibrium populations, fitness components (if there are many of them) should appear neutral with regard to total fitness.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to link morphological differences between great tit ( Parus major ), willow tit ( P. montanus ) and coal tit ( P. ater ) and their rate of energy acquisition and choice of diet in order to explore the potential for competitive relations between them more directly. Handling times were measured in the laboratory by presenting mealworms of different sizes to the birds. Great tits were more efficient in handling large prey than were the smaller-bodied willow- and coal tits; for small prey sizes the coal tit was the least efficient species. Using the ratio of prey mass to the handling time value, a utility function for each species was constructed. These results suggests a potential for a segregation of the species on the food axis. However, results from the prey choice experiment show that despite considerable differences in functional morphology between the three species they do not differ significantly in the range of prey size exploited. My results suggest that the alleged importance of prey size partitioning is not likely to play the major role for the coexistence of these coniferous forests tits.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) among adults is commonly observed in animals and is considered to be adaptive. However, the ontogenic emergence of SSD, i.e. the timing of divergence in body size between males and females, has only recently received attention. It is widely acknowledged that the ontogeny of SSD may differ between species, but it remains unclear how variable the ontogeny of SSD is within species. Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus and Snowy Plovers C. nivosus are closely related wader species that exhibit similar, moderate (c. 4%), male‐biased adult SSD. To assess when SSD emerges we recorded tarsus length variation among 759 offspring in four populations of these species. Tarsus length of chicks was measured on the day of hatching and up to three times on recapture before fledging. In one population (Mexico, Snowy Plovers), males and females differed in size from the day of hatching, whereas growth rates differed between the sexes in two populations (Turkey and United Arab Emirates, both Kentish Plovers). In contrast, a fourth population (Cape Verde, Kentish Plovers) showed no significant SSD in juveniles. Our results suggest that adult SSD can emerge at different stages of development (prenatal, postnatal and post‐juvenile) in different populations of the same species. We discuss the proximate mechanisms that may underlie these developmental differences.  相似文献   

Describing natural selection on phenotypic traits under varying environmental conditions is essential for a quantitative assessment of the scale at which adaptation might occur and of the impact of environmental variability on evolution. Here we analyzed patterns of multivariate selection via fecundity and viability on three reproductive traits (laying date, clutch size, and egg weight) in a population of great tits (Parus major). We quantified selection under different environmental conditions using (1) local variation in breeding density and (2) distinct areas of the population's habitat. We found that selection gradients were generally stronger for fecundity than for viability selection. We also found correlational selection acting on the combination of laying date and clutch size; this is the first documented evidence of such selection acting on these two traits in a passerine bird. Our analyses showed that both local breeding density and habitat significantly influenced selection patterns, hence favoring different patterns of reproductive investment at a small-scale relative to typical dispersal distances in this species. Canonical rotation of the nonlinear selection matrices yielded similar conclusions as traditional nonlinear selection analyses, and also showed that the main axes of selection and fitness surfaces varied over space within the population. Our results emphasize the importance of quantifying different forms of selection, and of including variation in environmental conditions at small scales to gain a better understanding of potential evolutionary dynamics in wild populations. This study suggests that the fitness landscape for this species is relatively rugged at scales relevant to the life histories of individual birds and their close relatives.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of brood‐size mediated food availability on the genetic and environmental components of nestling growth in the blue tit (Parus caeruleus), using a cross‐fostering technique. We found genetic variation for body size at most nestling ages, and for duration of mass increase, but not of tarsus growth. Hence, nestling growth in our study population seems to have the potential to evolve further. Furthermore, significant genotype–environment interactions indicated heritable variation in reaction norms of growth rates and growth periods, i.e. that our study population had a heritable plasticity in the growth response to environmental conditions. The decreasing phenotypic variance with nestling age indicated compensatory growth in all body traits. Furthermore, the period of weight increase was longer for nestlings growing up in enlarged broods, while there was no difference to reduced broods in the period of tarsus growth. At fledging, birds in enlarged broods had shorter tarsi and lower weights than birds in reduced broods, but there was no difference in wing length or body condition between the two experimental groups. The observed flexibility in nestling growth suggests that growing nestlings are able to respond adaptively to food constraint by protecting the growth of ecologically important traits.  相似文献   

Evolution cannot proceed without phenotypic variation for selection to act on. This is particularly true of ontogenetic parameters because it is changes in these parameters that give rise to new phenotypes. I analyzed the amount and dimensionality of phenotypic variation on growth trajectories in early ontogeny in three species of finches (Fringillidae) using the recently developed infinite-dimensional model. For two species, eight traits were analyzed, and for a third, six traits. Growth data were analyzed only up to 6 d of age in two species and 8 d of age in the third. The results were very similar for all species and traits. A very large proportion of the phenotypic variation in growth trajectories was confined to a single dimension. This dimension corresponded to a simultaneous increase/decrease at all ages in early ontogeny. The eigenfunctions, each describing a family of similar-shaped growth trajectories, were highly collinear among traits. A high covariance existed among traits at the same and different ages. If some part of the phenotypic variation has an additive genetic basis, then any selection for a change in size at one age in one trait will lead to a response in a size at subsequent ages and in the other traits. This in turn suggests that morphological evolution frequently will move along a multivariate size axis, as has indeed been found in several taxa.  相似文献   

Survival of juveniles during the postfledging period can be markedly low, which may have major consequences on avian population dynamics. Knowing which factors operating during the nesting phase affect postfledging survival is crucial to understand avian breeding strategies. We aimed to obtain a robust set of predictors of postfledging local survival using the great tit (Parus major) as a model species. We used mark–recapture models to analyze the effect of hatching date, temperatures experienced during the nestling period, fledging size and body mass on first‐year postfledging survival probability of great tit juveniles. We used data from 5192 nestlings of first clutches ringed between 1993 and 2010. Mean first‐year postfledging survival probability was 15.2%, and it was lower for smaller individuals, as well as for those born in either very early or late broods. Our results stress the importance of choosing an optimum hatching period, and raising large chicks to increase first‐year local survival probability in the studied population.  相似文献   

山地次生林冬季鸟类集群的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高玮  冯贺林 《动物学报》1993,39(4):385-391
通过山地次生林两冬季鸟类集群的研究表明,集群的鸟类主要是由大山雀、沼泽山雀和普通Shi组成;每群个体数为7.41-10.63只;据群的行为(单种群、多种集群和单独个体)分析,大多数种类是单独个体活动,冬季鸟类集群大小和组成有空间的变化。气候因子影响群的形成和行为。  相似文献   

Many bird species start laying their eggs earlier in response to increasing spring temperatures, but the causes of variation between and within species have not been fully explained. Moreover, synchronization of the nestling period with the food supply not only depends on first‐egg dates but also on additional reproductive parameters including laying interruptions, incubation time and nestling growth rate. We studied the breeding cycle of two sympatric and closely related species, the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus and the great tit Parus major in a rich oak‐beech forest, and found that both advanced their mean first‐egg dates by 11–12 days over the last three decades. In addition, the time from first egg to fledging has shortened by 2–3 days, through a decrease in laying interruptions, incubation time (not statistically significant) and nestling development time. This decrease is correlated with a gradual increase of temperatures during laying, suggesting a major effect of the reduction in laying interruptions. In both species, the occurrence of second clutches has strongly decreased over time. As a consequence, the average time of fledging (all broods combined) has advanced by 15.4 and 18.6 days for blue and great tits, respectively, and variance in fledging dates has decreased by 70–75%. Indirect estimates of the food peak suggest that both species have maintained synchronization with the food supply. We found consistent selection for large clutch size, early laying and short nest time (laying to fledging), but no consistent changes in selection over time. Analyses of within‐individual variation show that most of the change can be explained by individual plasticity in laying date, fledging date and nest time. This study highlights the importance of studying all components of the reproductive cycle, including second clutches, in order to assess how natural populations respond to climate change.  相似文献   

Cranial form in subspecies of Papio baboons (Papio hamadryas) varies in relation to size, geography, and sex. However, knowledge about this variation is based mainly on adults, precluding direct assessments of the evolutionary factors that are ultimately responsible for adult shape variation. Consequently, this study tests hypotheses about the development of size and shape differences among subspecies of Papio baboons, anticipating limited evolutionary divergences in the ontogenetic pathways leading to adult endpoints. Geometric morphometric and bivariate allometric analyses are used to explore developmental size and shape variation. Allometric scaling in adult Papio baboons occurs because both sexes and all subspecies follow similar developmental pathways to a variety of adult forms. However, complex allometry contributes to form differences, producing potentially important shape differences that emerge during development. Modest shape differences that are statistically independent of size distinguish chacma baboons (P. h. ursinus) from other forms. A small-headed subspecies, the Kinda baboon (P. h. kindae), also presents a distinctive ontogeny, and may provide insights into the evolution of size change in this species. Variation among subspecies that is statistically independent of size involves the rostrum, zygomatic breadths, and cranial flexion. These features may be related to diet, but the precise biomechanical correlates of baboon form variation remain unclear.  相似文献   

Molluscs such as ammonoids record their growth in their accretionary shells, making them ideal for the study of evolutionary changes in ontogeny through time. Standard methods usually focus on two‐dimensional data and do not quantify empirical changes in shell and chamber volumes through ontogeny, which can possibly be important to disentangle phylogeny, interspecific variation and palaeobiology of these extinct cephalopods. Tomographic and computational methods offer the opportunity to empirically study volumetric changes in shell and chamber volumes through ontogeny of major ammonoid sub‐clades in three dimensions (3‐D). Here, we document (1) the growth of chamber and septal volumes through ontogeny and (2) differences in ontogenetic changes between species from each of three major sub‐clades of Palaeozoic ammonoids throughout their early phylogeny. The data used are three‐dimensional reconstructions of specimens that have been subjected to grinding tomography. The following species were studied: the agoniatitid Fidelites clariondi and anarcestid Diallagites lenticulifer (Middle Devonian) and the Early Carboniferous goniatitid Goniatites multiliratus. Chamber and septum volumes were plotted against the septum number and the shell diameter (proxies for growth) in the three species; although differences are small, the trajectories are more similar among the most derived Diallagites and Goniatites compared with the more widely umbilicate Fidelites. Our comparisons show a good correlation between the 3‐D and the 2‐D measurements. In all three species, both volumes follow exponential trends with deviations in very early ontogeny (resolution artefacts) and near maturity (mature modifications in shell growth). Additionally, we analyse the intraspecific differences in the volume data between two specimens of Normannites (Middle Jurassic).  相似文献   

Quaternary climatic oscillations have been considered decisive in shaping much of the phylogeographic structure around the Mediterranean Basin. Within this paradigm, peripheral islands are usually considered as the endpoints of the colonization processes. Here, we use nuclear and mitochondrial markers to investigate the phylogeography of the blue tit complex (blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus, Canary blue tit C. teneriffae and azure tit C. cyanus), and assess the role of the Canary Islands for the geographic structuring of genetic variation. The Canary blue tit exhibits strong genetic differentiation within the Canary Islands and, in combination with other related continental species, provides an ideal model in which to examine recent differentiation within a closely related group of continental and oceanic island avian species. We analysed DNA sequences from 51 breeding populations and more than 400 individuals in the blue tit complex. Discrepancies in the nuclear and mitochondrial gene trees provided evidence of a complex evolutionary process around the Mediterranean Basin. Coalescent analyses revealed gene flow between C. caeruleus and C. teneriffae suggesting a dynamic process with multiple phases of colonization and geographic overlapping ranges. Microsatellite data indicated strong genetic differentiation among the Canary Islands and between the Canary archipelago and the close continental areas, indicating limited contemporary gene flow. Diversification of the blue tit complex is estimated to have started during the early Pliocene (≈ 5 Ma), coincident with the end of Messinian salinity crisis. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the North African blue tit is derived from the Canary blue tits, a pattern is avian 'back colonization' that contrasts with more traditionally held views of islands being sinks rather than sources.  相似文献   

A series of four principal component analyses was applied to data on the nestling development of three passerines, the Blue tit Parus caeruleus , House martin Delichon urbica and House sparrow Passer domesticus. The pattern of weight development in the tit and sparrow was largely controlled by selection for growth rate and for final size but in the martin final size was due to the prevailing levels of nestling food. Development in all three species was primarily through size increase in all growth measures but the differential development of individual organs or body constituents nevertheless accounted for 15% or more of the variance in developmental pattern. Blue tit young in broods of above average size sacrificed differential development to maintain size increase. Species specific differences in the integration of weight and plumage development and their sensitivity to hatching weight and hatching order were explicable as adaptive modifications of developmental pattern to the nature of each species' food supply. The value of such individual measures of development as weight and feather growth is assessed in the light of multivariate analysis of arrays of such variables.  相似文献   

Despite their potential ecological and evolutionary importance, factors shaping the composition of bacterial communities in wild vertebrate populations remain poorly understood. The goal of this study was to examine the relative contributions of environmental factors and genetic factors (e.g. species and common origin) to the variation of cloacal bacterial assemblages in wild bird nestlings. We conducted a partial cross-fostering experiment with two passerine species, the great tit Parus major and the blue tit P. caeruleus, sharing similar habitats and breeding biology. Nestlings of the two species were exchanged four days after hatching and cloacal bacteria were sampled nine days later. The structure of cloacal bacterial communities was determined by Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis. Our results showed that each nestling displayed a unique bacterial community. Furthermore, nestlings raised in the same nest shared significantly similar bacterial communities. The similarity of bacterial community was higher among heterospecific siblings raised within the same nest than between biological siblings raised in separate nests. Effects of common origin between species could not be detected and, if present, were dominated by nest-based short-term environmental effects. Our results show that growth conditions within nests and individually based endogenous factors have significant effects on cloacal bacteria assemblages and could affect post-fledging condition.  相似文献   

This study examines the evolution of size differences among papionin primates by measuring hormones that regulate size growth during ontogeny and influence ultimate adult size (insulin‐like growth factor‐I (IGF‐I), insulin‐like growth factor binding protein‐3 (IGFBP‐3), growth hormone binding protein (GHBP), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), testosterone, estradiol). The analyses assess longstanding ideas about circulating hormone levels and body size. Importantly, because the consensus papionin molecular phylogeny implies at least two episodes of size increase, this study offers opportunities to determine whether or not similar hormone profiles regulate this apparent evolutionary convergence (i.e., do larger‐bodied papionins have higher levels of growth‐related hormones than smaller‐bodied papionins?). Five hundred and sixty serum samples (from 161 individuals) from 11 papionin species were analyzed using a two‐level approach to address this issue. One used mixed longitudinal samples from two papionin species to test whether, during growth, large‐ and small‐bodied species have higher and lower hormone levels, respectively. The second compared multiple papionin species to assess whether or not hormone levels covary with size in adult animals. Result show that size and hormone levels do not covary consistently across papionins, either during growth or in adulthood. Specifically, some smaller‐bodied papionin species have higher absolute hormone levels than larger‐bodied species. Differences in some hormone levels appear to track phylogeny more closely than body size. In contrast to studies based on single species, we demonstrate that, while the hormones analyzed affect growth, absolute circulating hormone levels either during growth or adulthood may be decoupled from interspecific differences in body size. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Morphological divergence among species may be constrained by the pattern of genetic variances and covariances among traits within species. Assessing the existence of such a relationship in nature requires information on the stability of intraspecific correlation and covariance structure and the correspondence of this structure to the pattern of evolutionary divergence within a lineage. Here, we investigate these issues for nine morphological traits and 15 species of stalk-eyed flies in the genus Diasemopsis. Within-species matrices for these traits were generated from phenotypic data for all the Diasemopsis species and from genetic data for a single Diasemopsis species, D. dubia. The among-species pattern of divergence was assessed by calculating the evolutionary correlations for all pairwise combinations of the morphological traits along the phylogeny of these species. Comparisons of intraspecific matrices reveal significant similarity among all species in the phenotypic correlations matrices but not the covariance matrices. In addition, the differences in correlation structure that do exist among species are not related to their phylogenetic placement or change in the means of the traits. Comparisons of the phenotypic and phylogenetic matrices suggest a strong relationship between the pattern of evolutionary change among species and both the intraspecific correlation structure and the stability of this structure among species. The phenotypic and the phylogenetic matrices are significantly similar, and pairs of traits whose intraspecific correlations are more stable across taxa exhibit stronger coevolution on the phylogeny. These results suggest either the existence of strong constraints on the pattern of evolutionary change or a consistent pattern of correlated selection shaping both the phenotypic and phylogenetic matrices. The genetic correlation structure for D. dubia, however, does not correspond with patterns found in the phenotypic and phylogenetic data. Possible reasons for this disagreement are discussed.  相似文献   

On humans and wildlife in Mediterranean islands   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Aim To investigate the effects of human‐induced landscape changes in Mediterranean islands on the ecological and evolutionary responses of bird communities and populations. The combination of mass extinction of large mammals and massive deforestation by humans was hypothesized to produce new selection regimes to which organisms were likely to respond. Habitat selection and niche breadth have been investigated at the scale of species, and phenotypic variation at the scale of local populations. Location The study was carried out along habitat gradients and in habitat mosaics at different spatial scales on the island of Corsica and in areas of similar size and structure in continental France. Methods Two sets of gradients have been used for investigating habitat selection and niche breadth: gradients of altitude, and gradients of vegetation structure. Population studies focused on the blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus. Large samples of breeding attempts by this species in 10 habitats provided detailed data on phenotypic variation of fitness‐related traits both on Corsica and on the mainland. Results The extent of niche space used by birds differed substantially depending on which habitat gradient was considered. Many species have been found to contract their habitat niche along the elevation gradient on Corsica compared with the mainland, whereas all species in the vegetation gradient broadened their niche on the island. Breeding patterns of the blue tit differed considerably depending on whether they settle in deciduous oaks (Quercus humilis) or in evergreen sclerophyllous oaks (Quercus ilex). Phenotypic variation of breeding traits was much higher on the island, where more populations were correctly timed for the best breeding period than on the mainland, a pattern that is likely to result from lower dispersal of organisms on the island. Main conclusions The differences in observed niche breadth between the two series of habitat gradients is explained both by the species‐specific ecology of the species and the human‐induced environmental history of Corsica. Large‐scale landscape changes provided new opportunities for island colonization by non‐forest species, which are isolated as small, ‘fugitive’ local populations. In both gradients, forest species that are typical components of the Corsican bird fauna definitely expanded their niche and occupied a wider range of habitats on Corsica than on the mainland. At the population scale, landscapes included habitat patches with contrasted selection regimes, which resulted in high phenotypic variation for many fitness‐related traits. Reduced dispersal of birds on the island resulted in a much higher degree of local differentiation on Corsica than on the mainland.  相似文献   

Although variance in life history parameters is well known from comparisons among broad phylogenetic groups of marine invertebrates, there is still an outstanding need to increase empirical studies that compare closely related species. If the species under study share a recent common ancestor and developmental strategy, there is an opportunity to contrast maternal investment against interspecific variation while controlling for evolutionary distance. Furthermore, when these species co-occur, it allows for exploration of potential character displacement. We examined egg size and other factors related to reproduction in four closely related species, co-occurring nudibranchs belonging to the monophyletic Chromodoris planar spawning clade. The duration of oviposition appeared to be conserved and may be phylogenetically constrained in these four co-occurring species. In contrast, egg size differed significantly among species, but was not influenced by parental body length or position within the egg mass for any of the species. The number of egg mass whorls also varied, but did not correspond to the interspecific differences in parental body length. These results suggest that some significant differences exist among these sympatric Chromodoris species that may be candidate traits for character displacement. These characters would need to be re-measured in geographic areas where the studied Chromodoris species do not co-occur.  相似文献   

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