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Several different pathways for the evolution of dioecy from hermaphroditism have been invoked and analyzed. These have largely considered either the spread of male- or female-sterility mutations in a monomorphic hermaphroditic population (i.e., the evolution of gynodioecy or androdioecy, respectively) or the gradual divergence in sex allocation of two classes of individuals, one that becomes increasingly male and the other that becomes increasingly female in functional gender (the paradioecy pathway). Here we assess the conditions under which male- or female-sterility mutations may invade and spread in a heterodichogamous population, that is, a dimorphic population composed of protandrous and protogynous individuals. Our model is formally applied to heterodichogamous populations, but the ideas we explore may also apply to the evolution of separate sexes in distylous species, where plants are either long- or short-styled. The model predicts that, under many circumstances, conditions for the evolution of gynodioecy and androdioecy in a heterodichogamous population are the same as those for their evolution from monomorphic populations. However, if one or the other of the two morphs are already somewhat specialized in their functional gender, as might occur if the quality or quantity of seed set is time dependent, the conditions for the invasion of males or females are relaxed. In particular, androdioecy can evolve more easily under such circumstances in heterodichogamous populations than in monomorphic hermaphroditic populations.  相似文献   

Pleiotropy and preadaptation in the evolution of human language capacity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The capacity for spoken language in the human is a genetic trait, but the information communicated by this means is to a large extent culturally determined. Using a gene-culture coevolutionary approach, we model the hypothesis that speech evolved as a channel for the communication of adaptive cultural traits from parent to offspring. The motivation for this paper is a condition obtained previously that initial increase of communication would require at least a two-fold advantage for the transmitted trait. Here, we show that under reasonable assumptions the invasion condition becomes less stringent. In Model 1, we assume that two adaptive cultural traits can be transmitted. A gene which permits communication of the second adaptive trait. In Model 2, we assume that a related function such as greater memory capacity is a prerequisite for speech, and that this function confers an advantage independent of its association with speech. In both models we assume haploid sexual genetics and a simple scheme of vertical transmission. The stability properties of all corner and edge equilibria of the models are analyzed. The two models taken together suggest a possible scenario for the initial stages of the evolution of speech.  相似文献   

Evolutionary models of communication are used to shed some light on the selective pressures involved in the evolution of simple referential signals, and the constraints hindering the emergence of signs. Error-prone communication results from errors in transmission (in which individuals learn the wrong associations) and communication (in which signs are mistaken for one another). We demonstrate how both classes of errors are required to generate diversity and subsequently impose limits on the sign repertoire within a population. We then explore the influence of geographic structuring of a population on the evolution of a shared sign system and the importance of such structure for the maintenance of sign diversity. Deceit tends to erode conventional signs systems thereby reducing signal diversity, we demonstrate that population structure can act as a hedge against deceit, thereby ensuring the persistence of sign systems.  相似文献   

I present a model for the evolution of a seed bank in the absence of externally driven environmental variation. I use Evolutionarily Stable Strategy (ESS) analyses of both analytic and simulation models to assess the conditions under which a dormant genotype can invade and resist invasion. In my models, plant seeds compete through lottery for discrete safe sites holding one individual each. Analyzing the conditions under which a dormant genotype can invade when rare and resist invasion once established, I conclude that dormancy can be an ESS when some fraction of seeds is retained locally, seed bank survival is high, and mortality in the seed bank is low. The advantage of dormancy stems from the ability of dormant seeds to recapture a lost site and the fact that a plant’s offspring are more likely to win the lottery in its own site than in any new site. The advantage of dormancy does not depend on individual fecundity or on low relatedness with the offspring of kin, making this mechanism distinct from earlier models of sib competition.  相似文献   

A reasonably general theory for predicting the outcome of coevolution among interacting species is developed. It is applied to a model for resource partitioning among competing species.Current theory for resource partitioning is based on derivations of a “limiting similarity”—i.e., a limit to how similar competitors can be to one another consistent with coexistence. This theory presumes there is a mechanism, perhaps invasion and extinction, which causes competitors to attain the limiting similarity. The view taken in this paper is that partitioning is an evolutionary compromise between pressures for character displacement and disadvantages inherent in the shift to different resource types.A set of principles is offered for the evolution of the parameters in ecological models. (1) For single population models natural selection causes the parameters ultimately to assume those values which produce the highest equilibrium population size. (2) For models of interacting populations, but without interspecific frequency-dependence, natural selection causes the parameters to assume values which produce either the highest or lowest equilibrium population size for any species depending on the sign of the “feedback” in the community obtained by deleting that species. (3) For models of interacting populations with interspecific frequency dependence natural selection leads to parameter values which produce intermediate equilibrium population sizes. A function called the conditional equilibrium population size is introduced. Provided (a) the mean fitness is a maximum in each species at a stable coevolutionary equilibrium and (b) there is negative density-dependence in each species then natural selection causes the parameters to assume values which produce the highest conditional equilibrium population size for each species.These coevolutionary principles, applied to a model for resource partitioning, entail that the niche separation between species relative to given niche widths, increases with the variety of available resources and decreases with the number of competing populations. Also, the evolution of character displacement between two species does not proceed far enough to maximize the equilibrium population sizes of the species involved. These results imply that the relationship between the niche overlap (of nearest neighbors) and species diversity is qualitatively different depending on whether the variety of resources at any place covaries with the species diversity there. Without covariation niche overlap increases with species diversity; with covariation overlap may decrease with species diversity. This study provides the beginning of a theory for the convergent evolution of community structure.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict has been proposed as a potential selective agent in the evolution of a variety of traits. Here, we present a simple model that investigates the initial conditions under which sex-linked and sex-limited harming alleles can invade a population. In this paper, we expand previous threshold models to study how sex-linkage and sex determination mechanisms affect the spreading conditions of a harming allele. Our models provide new insights into how sexual conflict could originate, showing that in diploid organisms the probability of a new harming allele spreading is independent of both the genetic sex determination system and the dominance relationships. However, the incidence of interlocus sexual conflicts in the initial steps of the invasion critically depends on the inheritance system.  相似文献   

Insects are the dominant herbivores in tropical forests, with a range of mechanisms for exploiting plant resources. For group-living species, such mechanisms may involve communication. The Neotropical treehopper Calloconophora pinguis (Hemiptera: Membracidae) is a sap-feeding species in which groups of siblings feed on new leaves during the brief period of leaf expansion. Using an experimental approach, a process of cooperative foraging among siblings was documented, in which a few individuals in a group behave as scouts, locating a new feeding site and advertising it using plant-borne vibrational signals. Signalling leads to a period of positive feedback in which newly recruited individuals signal in concert with those already there. The food signalling system of C. pinguis is unique in its use of synchronized group displays and in the tight coordination of receiver responses with collective signals. Examples from a number of taxonomic groups show that vibrational communication can allow group-living insects to solve the challenges of feeding on plants, such as remaining in a foraging group or avoiding predation. While most research has focused on leaf-feeding species, sap-feeding species may remove just as much biomass. This study shows that cooperative vibrational communication underlies the ability of a sap-feeding species to exploit plant resources during a narrow window of availability.  相似文献   

Host tolerance to infectious disease, whereby hosts do not directly “fight” parasites but instead ameliorate the damage caused, is an important defense mechanism in both plants and animals. Because tolerance to parasite virulence may lead to higher prevalence of disease in a population, evolutionary theory tells us that while the spread of resistance genes will result in negative frequency dependence and the potential for diversification, the evolution of tolerance is instead likely to result in fixation. However, our understanding of the broader implications of tolerance is limited by a lack of fully coevolutionary theory. Here we examine the coevolution of tolerance across a comprehensive range of classic coevolutionary host–parasite frameworks, including equivalents of gene‐for‐gene and matching allele and evolutionary invasion models. Our models show that the coevolution of host tolerance and parasite virulence does not lead to the generation and maintenance of diversity through either static polymorphisms or through “Red‐queen” cycles. Coevolution of tolerance may however lead to multiple stable states leading to sudden shifts in parasite impacts on host health. More broadly, we emphasize that tolerance may change host–parasite interactions from antagonistic to a form of “apparent commensalism,” but may also lead to the evolution of parasites that are highly virulent in nontolerant hosts.  相似文献   

Elton's concept of community-level resistance to invasion has derived significant theoretical support from community assembly models in which species invade (colonize) singly at low densities. Several theoretical models have provided support to this concept and are frequently cited as providing evidence that invasion resistance occurs in nature. The underlying assumptions of these models however, are derived from island or island-like systems in which species invade infrequently at low abundances. We suggest that these island-like models cannot be generalized to systems in which species arrive in greater frequencies and densities. To investigate the effects of altering the basic assumptions of these original models, we utilized assembly algorithms similar to those used in previous studies, but allowed either two species to invade per time step or single species invasions at relatively high inoculation densities. In these models, invasion resistance only occurred when the invasion process was restricted to single species invading at low densities (as in previous models). When two species were allowed to invade per time step, invasion resistant states did not occur in any of 20 simulated communities, even after 10,000 invasion events. Relaxation of the assumption of invasion at low density also resulted in a lack of invasion resistance. These results may explain why the strict concept of complete invasion resistance appears only to operate in island and island-like systems.  相似文献   

Population dynamics and evolutionary dynamics can occur on similar time scales, and a coupling of these two processes can lead to novel population dynamics. Recent theoretical studies of coevolving predator-prey systems have concentrated more on the stability of such systems than on the characteristics of cycles when they are unstable. Here I explore the characteristics of the cycles that arise due to coevolution in a system in which prey can increase their ability to escape from predators by becoming either significantly larger or significantly smaller in trait value (i.e., a bidirectional trait axis). This is a reasonable model of body size evolution in some systems. The results show that antiphase population cycles and cryptic cycles (large population fluctuation in one species but almost no change in another species) can occur in the coevolutionary system but not systems where only a single species evolves. Previously, those dynamical patterns have only been theoretically shown to occur in single species evolutionary models and the coevolutionary model which do not involve a bi-directional axis of adaptation. These unusual dynamics may be observed in predator-prey interactions when the density dependence in the prey species is strong.  相似文献   

The evolution of visual warning signals is well known in animals but has received scant attention in plants. The coevolutionary hypothesis is the most influential hypothesis on warning signals in plants proposing that red and yellow leaf colours in autumn signal defensive strength to herbivores. So far, evidence in support of the hypothesis, which assumes a coevolutionary origin of autumnal leaf colours, is correlative and open to alternative explanations. We therefore tested the coevolutionary hypothesis experimentally by colouring the leaves either red or green of same-aged mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) individuals. We monitored the response of winged aphids to leaf colour using insect glue on branches with natural and artificial leaf colours in each individual. In contrast to the prediction of the coevolutionary hypothesis, aphid numbers did not differ between the individuals with artificial green or artificial red leaves. Likewise, at the within-plant level, aphids did not colonize branches with natural green leaves preferentially. However, we suggest that plants emitted warning signals because aphids colonized the hosts non-randomly. We found a strong positive correlation between aphid numbers and fruit production, suggesting an allocation trade-off between investment in plant defence and reproduction. Our study demonstrates that aphids use warning signals or cues in host selection, probably volatiles, but that they did not use leaf colour.  相似文献   

Strong reciprocity, defined as a predisposition to help others and to punish those that are not helping, has been proposed as a potent force leading to the evolution of cooperation and altruism. However, the conditions under which strong reciprocity might be favored are not clear. Here we investigate the selective pressure on strong reciprocity by letting both limited dispersal (i.e., spatial structure) and recombination between helping and punishment jointly determine the evolutionary dynamics of strong reciprocity. Our analytical model suggests that when helping and punishment are perfectly linked traits (no recombination occurring between them), strong reciprocity can spread even when the initial frequency of strong reciprocators is close to 0 in the population (i.e., a rare mutant can invade). By contrast, our results indicate that when recombination can occur between helping and punishment (i.e., both traits coevolve) and is stronger than selection, punishment is likely to invade a population of defectors only when it gives a direct fitness benefit to the actor. Overall, our results delineate the conditions under which strong reciprocity is selected for in a spatially structured population and highlight that the forces behind its evolution involves kinship (be it genetic or cultural).  相似文献   

Coevolutionary interactions between species are thought to be an important cause of evolutionary diversification. Despite this general belief, little theoretical basis exists for distinguishing between the types of interactions that promote diversification and those types that have no effect or that even restrict it. Using analytical models and simulations of phenotypic evolution across a metapopulation, we show that coevolutionary interactions promote diversification when they impose a cost of phenotype matching, as is the case for competition or host-parasite antagonism. In contrast, classical coevolutionary arms races have no tendency to promote or inhibit diversification, and mutualistic interactions actually restrict diversification. Together with the results of recent phylogenetic and ecological studies, these results suggest that the causes of diversification in many coevolutionary systems may require reassessment.  相似文献   

Gene-culture coevolutionary theory is a branch of theoretical population genetics that models the transmission of genes and cultural traits from one generation to the next, exploring how they interact. These models have been employed to examine the adaptive advantages of learning and culture, to investigate the forces of cultural change, to partition the variance in complex human behavioral and personality traits, and to address specific cases in human evolution in which there is an interaction between genes and culture.  相似文献   

Indirect reciprocity models are meant to correspond to simple moral systems, in which individuals assess the interactions of third parties in order to condition their cooperative behavior. Despite the staggering number of possible assessment rules in even the simplest of these models, previous research suggests that only a handful are evolutionarily stable against invasion by free riders. These successful assessment rules fall into two categories, one which positively judges miscreants when they refuse to help other miscreants, the other which does not. Previous research has not, however, demonstrated that all of these rules can invade an asocial population—a requirement for a complete theory of social evolution. Here, I present a general analytical model of indirect reciprocity and show that the class of assessment rules which positively judges a refusal to help scofflaws cannot invade a population of defectors, whereas the other class can. When rare, assessment rules which positively judge a refusal to help bad people produce a poor correlation between reputation and behavior. It is this correlation that generates the assortment crucial in sustaining cooperation through indirect reciprocity. Only assessment rules that require good deeds to achieve a good reputation guarantee a strong correlation between behavior and reputation.  相似文献   

The theory that coevolving hosts and parasites create a fluctuating selective environment for one another (i.e., produce Red Queen dynamics) has deep roots in evolutionary biology; yet empirical evidence for Red Queen dynamics remains scarce. Fluctuating coevolutionary dynamics underpin the Red Queen hypothesis for the evolution of sex, as well as hypotheses explaining the persistence of genetic variation under sexual selection, local parasite adaptation, the evolution of mutation rate, and the evolution of nonrandom mating. Coevolutionary models that exhibit Red Queen dynamics typically assume that hosts and parasites encounter one another randomly. However, if related individuals aggregate into family groups or are clustered spatially, related hosts will be more likely to encounter parasites transmitted by genetically similar individuals. Using a model that incorporates familial parasite transmission, we show that a slight degree of familial parasite transmission is sufficient to halt coevolutionary fluctuations. Our results predict that evidence for Red Queen dynamics, and its evolutionary consequences, are most likely to be found in biological systems in which hosts and parasites mix mainly at random, and are less likely to be found in systems with familial aggregation. This presents a challenge to the Red Queen hypothesis and other hypotheses that depend on coevolutionary cycling.  相似文献   

Approximately 15-20% of global cancer incidence is causally linked to viral infection, yet the low incidence of cancers in healthy infected individuals suggests that malignant conversion of virus-infected cells occurs after a long period as a result of additional genetic modifications. There are four families of viruses that are now documented to be involved in the development of human cancers which include members of the polyomavirus, hepadnavirus, papillomavirus and herpesvirus families. Although a number of these viruses are implicated in the aetiology of lymphomas or leukaemias, the vast majority are associated with malignancies of epithelial cells. In epithelial tissues, several classes of proteins are involved in maintaining tissue architecture, including those that promote cell-cell adhesion, and others, which mediate cell-matrix interactions. Proteins representative of all classes are frequently altered in malignant tumour cells that possess invasive and metastatic properties. Malignant tumour cells acquire mechanisms to degrade basement membranes and invade the underlying tissue. Many viruses encode proteins which engage signalling pathways that affect one or more of these mechanisms. It is believed that activation of these processes by chronic viral infection can, under certain circumstances, promote tumour cell invasion and metastasis. This review will take a brief look at the current knowledge of viral-induced alterations in cell motility and invasiveness in the context of tumour invasion and metastasis.  相似文献   

The evolution of female multiple mating in social hymenoptera   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract The evolution of female multiple mating is a highly controversial topic, especially in social insects. Here we analyze, using comparative analyses and simulation models, the merits of two major contending hypotheses for the adaptive value of polyandry in this group. The hypotheses maintain that, respectively, the resulting genotypic diversity among offspring within a colony: (1) mitigates against the effects of parasites; or (2) favors adaptive division of labor. Only two of 11 phylogenetically uncontrolled comparative analyses supported an association between polyandry and the complexity of division of labor (measured here using worker caste polymorphism or polyethism) as proposed by hypothesis 2, and after controlling for phylogeny there were no significant associations. In contrast, a previous study demonstrated such an association for parasite load as expected under hypothesis 1. In addition, we used simulation models to track the spread of an initially rare allele for double mating in a population of single-mating alleles, thus analyzing the crucial first step from monandry to polyandry. We find that double mating evolves consistently under antagonistic coevolution given that parasites exert sufficient selection intensity. In contrast, selection for enhanced division of labor resulted in only an erratic appearance of polyandry in highly (and mostly negatively) autocorrelated environments where no coevolutionary dynamics were allowed. Together, we interpret these results to suggest that parasites, and the antagonistic coevolutionary pressures they exert, may play an important role in the evolution of polyandry in social hymenopteran populations.  相似文献   

Interactions with parasites may promote the evolution of disassortative mating in host populations as a mechanism through which genetically diverse offspring can be produced. This possibility has been confirmed through simulation studies and suggested for some empirical systems in which disassortative mating by disease resistance genotype has been documented. The generality of this phenomenon is unclear, however, because existing theory has considered only a subset of possible genetic and mating scenarios. Here we present results from analytical models that consider a broader range of genetic and mating scenarios and allow the evolution of non-random mating in the parasite as well. Our results confirm results of previous simulation studies, demonstrating that coevolutionary interactions with parasites can indeed lead to the evolution of host disassortative mating. However, our results also show that the conditions under which this occurs are significantly more fickle than previously thought, requiring specific forms of infection genetics and modes of non-random mating that do not generate substantial sexual selection. In cases where such conditions are not met, hosts may evolve random or assortative mating. Our analyses also reveal that coevolutionary interactions with hosts cause the evolution of non-random mating in parasites as well. In some cases, particularly those where mating occurs within groups, we find that assortative mating evolves sufficiently to catalyze sympatric speciation in the interacting species.  相似文献   

Humans and other animals do not use social learning indiscriminately, rather, natural selection has favoured the evolution of social learning rules that make selective use of social learning to acquire relevant information in a changing environment. We present a gene-culture coevolutionary analysis of a small selection of such rules (unbiased social learning, payoff-biased social learning and frequency-dependent biased social learning, including conformism and anti-conformism) in a population of asocial learners where the environment is subject to a constant probability of change to a novel state. We define conditions under which each rule evolves to a genetically polymorphic equilibrium. We find that payoff-biased social learning may evolve under high levels of environmental variation if the fitness benefit associated with the acquired behaviour is either high or low but not of intermediate value. In contrast, both conformist and anti-conformist biases can become fixed when environment variation is low, whereupon the mean fitness in the population is higher than for a population of asocial learners. Our examination of the population dynamics reveals stable limit cycles under conformist and anti-conformist biases and some highly complex dynamics including chaos. Anti-conformists can out-compete conformists when conditions favour a low equilibrium frequency of the learned behaviour. We conclude that evolution, punctuated by the repeated successful invasion of different social learning rules, should continuously favour a reduction in the equilibrium frequency of asocial learning, and propose that, among competing social learning rules, the dominant rule will be the one that can persist with the lowest frequency of asocial learning.  相似文献   

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