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Summary Intraperitoneal injection of p-chlorophenylalanine (pCPA) methylester (100 mg/kg body weight) results in an activation of the lysosomal system of the secretory cells in the rat seminal vesicle and an elevation of the activities of lysosomal enzymes within 15 min following the injection. Large autophagic vacuoles are formed, sequestering rough endoplasmic reticulum and part of the Golgi apparatus within 2 h. Shortly after the activation of the lysosomal system an elevation of both DNA and protein synthesis is measured biochemically. 6 h subsequent to the injection a wave of mitoses of the secretory cells begins, reaching a maximum 6 h later and then declining within 3 h. About 12 h following the injection a second rise in lysosomal activity begins, declining within 24 h. The entire sequence of lysosomal and proliferative activities is inhibited in antiandrogen-pretreated rats. Deduced from these findings the following hypothesis of growth regulation of the accessory sex glands is advanced: enhanced loss of intracellular material during autophagocytosis diminishes the intracellular concentration of a substance curtailing cell division below its effective threshold resulting in division of the secretory cells. The prerequisites of this mechanism are (i) a sufficient distributive capacity of the stroma for hormones (androgens) and metabolic precursors, and (ii) sufficient capacity of the basal cells for transporting the precursors to the secretory cells. Sloughing of the secretory cells separates them from these auxiliary structures (stroma and basal cells) and enables the basal cells to divide.The financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

For study of the mechanism of seminal fructogenesis, glucose 6-phosphatase activity was examined cytochemically (a method modified from that of Wachstein and Meisel) and biochemically (the method of Leskes et al.) in seminal vesicles from normal, castrated, and castrated and testosterone-treated mice. The reaction product for the activity was localized in the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope of all cell types composing the seminal vesicle. In normal seminal vesicle, the reaction product was apparently more abundant in columnar and basal cells than in other cell types. Ten, 20, and 30 days after castration, the abundant amount of reaction product in columnar and basal cells decreased to the level in other cell types. In animals treated with testosterone after castration, however, the reaction product in columnar and basal cells remained abundant. If fructose 6-phosphate was added to the reaction medium in place of glucose 6-phosphate, the amount and pattern of deposition of the reaction product did not change. Changes in biochemical activity in castrated or castrated and testosterone-treated animals paralleled the cytochemical results. The results show that the high activity in columnar and basal cells is under the control of testosterone, and the role of this enzyme is probably to release fructose into the seminal fluid.  相似文献   

Nuclear protein matrix was isolated from guinea pig seminal vesicle epithelium and liver. The two matrices were similar in fine structure as seen by transmission electron microscopy, in protein electropherograms, and in percent composition relative to protein, DNA, and RNA. Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine intact seminal vesicle nuclei, nuclei after treatment with Triton X-100 and DNAse I, and purified nuclear matrix. The matrix surface presented a 'porous' appearance by both scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The matrices of liver and seminal vesicle epithelium (SVE) and the intact nuclei of SVE were assayed for specific binding of free synthetic androgen, 17 alpha-methyltrienolone (R1881). Saturable specific binding was demonstrable for seminal vesicle matrix but not for liver matrix. Maximal binding of androgen occurred at a concentration of approximately 12 nM and was demonstrated to be 1.34 +/- 0.22 pmol of R1881 per mg of seminal vesicle matrix protein; the Kd was approximately 8 nM. The binding of labeled R1881 to matrix could be inhibited with low concentrations of unlabeled androgens, but not with estrogens or other steroids. Our data indicate that the binding of androgen to matrix could account for at least 21% of the binding to intact nuclei.  相似文献   

P H Chow 《Acta anatomica》1988,133(4):269-273
A study of the internal surfaces of the seminal vesicle, coagulating gland, ampullary gland and ventral prostate of the golden hamster was carried out by scanning electron microscopy. The internal surface of each of these glands was found to display characteristic features in topography and in arrangements of the microvilli. The features are useful in the identification of these glandular tissues in situ.  相似文献   

Summary This study describes the fine structure of the hamster seminal vesicle. Intact, sexually mature young and aged animals were used to obtain the results presented. The epithelium of the hamster seminal vesicle contains numerous large electron-dense structures, with a single limiting membrane, with many internal granules and, in the aged animals, myelin-like figures. Based on histochemical results presented in this study, and those of others, it is suggested that this material is a lipofuscin pigment. This substance is of special interest inasmuch as in the hamster seminal vesicle epithelium, pigment is a more sensitive indicator of circulating androgen than is, as in the case of the rat seminal vesicle, regression of cell height. It is possible that this pigment takes origin as breakdown products of mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. The relation of pro-pigment granules and lysosomes is discussed. Results indicate that pigment is formed at sites of increased catabolism in response to a biological insult to the cell.Supported by U.S.P.H.S. grant RG 6583 from the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences.  相似文献   

Endocytosis was studied in the seminal vesicle secretory cells of castrated and control hamsters in order to investigate the effect of testosterone withdrawal in the endocytic activity of these cells. Horseradish peroxidase was injected into the glands lumen after removal of their contents, and tracer distribution was qualitatively studied, and the number of labeled endocytic vesicles quantitatively analyzed, following 5, 20, 40 and 60 min incubation. The following compartments are labeled both in castrate and control cells: 1), endocytic vesicles; 2), vacuoles with or without secretory material; 3), multivesicular bodies; 4), Golgi cisternae; 5), intercellular spaces; 6), sub-epithelial space. The pattern of labeling is lighter in castrate than in control cells and the labeling of Golgi cisternae, which correlates with a significant peak in the number of endocytic vesicles, is observed later in castrated animals than in controls: 40 min vs 20 min. Exocytosis, as evaluated through the fraction of secretory protein released in vitro, decreases following castration. Endocytosis performed in castrated, pilocarpine treated animals shows that the Golgi labeling, coinciding with numerous labeled endocytic vesicles, is advanced from 40 to 20 min after stimulation of exocytosis. The results show that, in the seminal vesicle secretory cells a) the endocytic pathway does not depend on testosterone; b) testosterone withdrawal decreases endocytosis and delays the kinetics of labeling and; c) endocytosis couples to exocytosis, probably so regulating the apical cell membrane area.  相似文献   

Endocytosis was studied in the seminal vesicle secretory cells of castrated and control hamsters in order to investigate the effect of testosterone withdrawal in the endocytic activity of these cells. Horseradish peroxidase was injected into the glands lumen after removal of their contents, and tracer distribution was qualitatively studied, and the number of labeled endocytic vesicles quantitatively analyzed, following 5, 20, 40 and 60 min incubation. The following compartments are labeled both in castrate and control cells: 1), endocytic vesicles; 2), vacuoles with or without secretory material; 3), multivesicular bodies; 4), Golgi cisternae; 5), intercellular spaces; 6), sub-epithelial space. The pattern of labeling is lighter in castrate than in control cells and the labeling of Golgi cisternae, which correlates with a significant peak in the number of endocytic vesicles, is observed later in castrated animals than in controls: 40 min vs 20 min. Exocytosis, as evaluated through the fraction of secretory protein released in vitro, decreases following castration. Endocytosis performed in castrated, pilocarpine treated animals shows that the Golgi labeling, coinciding with numerous labeled endocytic vesicles, is advanced from 40 to 20 min after stimulation of exocytosis. The results show that, in the seminal vesicle secretory cells a) the endocytic pathway does not depend on testosterone; b) testosterone withdrawal decreases endocytosis and delays the kinetics of labeling and; c) endocytosis couples to exocytosis, probably so regulating the apical cell membrane area.  相似文献   

Summary The epithelial reticular cells of the thymic medulla of the golden hamster were studied by electron microscopy. On the basis of their structural details two cell types are distinguished, although the two types are similar in basic structure. The cells of one type are more extended in shape and darker in appearance. They are connected with one another by their cytoplasmic processes, forming a reticulum in the medulla. Thus they appear to play a supporting role as do the cortical epithelial reticular cells. The other cell type is larger, more rounded and lighter. The characteristic feature of this cell type is an abundance of vesicular structures, which occur as vesicles or vacuoles of varying sizes. In addition, an enormous, intracytoplasmic ciliated cyst is occasionally encountered in the latter cell type. The cyst may be regarded as representing a specialized form of the vesicular structures. The possible functional significance of the latter cell type is discussed in relation to recent concepts concerning the mechanism of thymic function.Dedicated to Professor W. Bargmann, under whose guidance my thymus studies were begun, in honor of his 60th birthday (T. Ito).  相似文献   

The seminal vesicles are male accessory sex glands that contribute the major portion of the seminal plasma in which mammalian spermatozoa are bathed during ejaculation. In addition to conveying sperm through the ejaculatory duct, seminal vesicle secretions support sperm survival after ejaculation, and influence the female reproductive tract to promote receptivity to pregnancy. Analysis of seminal vesicle fluid (SVF) composition by proteomics has proven challenging, due to its highly biased protein signature with a small subset of dominant proteins and the difficulty of solubilizing this viscous fluid. As such, publicly available proteomic datasets identify only 85 SVF proteins in total. To address this limitation, we report a new preparative methodology involving sequential solubilization of mouse SVF in guanidine hydrochloride, acetone precipitation, and analysis by label-free mass spectrometry. Using this strategy, we identified 126 SVF proteins, including 83 previously undetected in SVF. Members of the seminal vesicle secretory protein family were the most abundant, accounting for 79% of all peptide spectrum matches. Functional analysis identified inflammation and formation of the vaginal plug as the two most prominent biological processes. Other notable processes included modulation of sperm function and regulation of the female reproductive tract immune environment. Together, these findings provide a robust methodological framework for future SVF studies and identify novel proteins with potential to influence both male and female reproductive physiology.  相似文献   

Insulin-like immunoreactivity was localized in tissue sections and cell cultures of mouse seminal vesicle using the indirect technique of immunocytochemistry. Seminal vesicles were cut into fragments, fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde, embedded in epoxy resin, sectioned at 1 micron, and transferred to glass slides. Epithelial cell cultures of seminal vesicle were grown on coverslips in Dulbecco's Minimal Essential Medium for 4-6 days and fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde. Sections (etched with sodium ethanolate) or coverslips were incubated in guinea pig antiporcine insulin antiserum, in antiserum immunoabsorbed with porcine insulin, or in normal guinea pig serum. For indirect immunocytochemistry, incubation with primary antiserum was followed by treatment with rabbit anti-guinea pig immunoglobulin (Ig) G conjugated to peroxidase, or with protein A and then rabbit peroxidase anti-peroxidase (PAP). Finally, treated samples were incubated in phenylenediamine-pyrocatechol-H2O2 substrate mixture for 6-8 min at room temperature. Specific immunoreactivity to insulin antisera was confined to the epithelium of the seminal vesicle in tissue sections. No staining occurred in subepithelial connective tissue. Specific immunoreactivity was also observed in the cytoplasm of cultured seminal vesicle epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Caltrins, small basic proteins that inhibit calcium uptake by epididymal spermatozoa, have been purified from seminal vesicle content of the mouse and rat. Mouse caltrin (M(r) 8,476) contains 75 amino acid residues, 14 basic, 5 acidic, and 7 cysteines while rat caltrin (M(r) 6,217) has 56 residues, 10 basic, 5 acidic, and 6 cysteines; their pI values are 10.2 and 9.3, respectively. The proteins did not react with Ellman's reagent unless the cystine residues were previously reduced. The primary structures were determined by sequencing fragments generated by trypsin, clostripain, and endoproteinase Lys-C digestion. The sequences were ordered to give the total structural formula. The two molecules have no sequence similarity and are different from those of the bull and guinea pig previously reported. Only rat caltrin has a sequence of 13 residues nearly identical to that in guinea pig caltrin I. Both rat and mouse caltrin react with antibodies against bovine and guinea pig caltrins. Reduction and alkylation of cysteine residues suppressed the immunologic response of mouse caltrin; however, modified rat caltrin retained partially its immunoreactivity with the antiserum against guinea pig caltrin I. The same treatment abolished the calcium transport inhibitory activity of mouse caltrin and greatly reduced that of rat caltrin. It is likely that rat and mouse caltrins have the same physiological function as proposed for bovine caltrin; namely, to regulate the development of the Ca(2+)-dependent processes that "capacitate" sperm for fertilization.  相似文献   

The seminal vesicle of the rat was studied with scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The internal surface of the organ is partitioned into small areas by a system of elevated ridges of connective tissue and covered by a columnar epithelium. This consists of small basal cells, presumably reserve elements, and larger ones containing the typical cell organelles involved in protein synthesis. The surface of the cell is covered with slender microvilli, varying in height and number from region to region. It is suggested that they are involved in the maintenance of hydration and/or regulation of low molecular weight substances in the secretion product. The latter develops from small granules which pass the apical cell border and then fuse together as larger drops.  相似文献   

Fine structure of the hamster sperm head   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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