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The chromosome aberrations induced at zygotene stage in mouse spermatocytes following exposures to fast neutrons and 60Co gamma-rays were examined at diakinesis-metaphase I. The dose-response relationships were well fitted to linear equation for deletion-type aberrations and to linear-quadratic equation for exchange-type aberrations in 60Co gamma-irradiation group. In fast neutron-irradiation group, the dose-response relationships were well fitted to linear equations for deletion- and exchange-type aberrations. The rate of deletion-type aberrations was remarkably high for fast neutrons, about 6 times higher than that after 60Co gamma-irradiation. The main types of chromosome aberrations observed were iso-chromatid breaks or fragments and chromatid exchanges in both irradiation groups as well as X-irradiation. These results indicate that there is a possibility that two double-strand breaks are induced simultaneously at iso-locus position in sister chromatids by a single track of radiations. Production of such single-track-induced two double-strand breaks in iso-chromatids may be very frequently expressed as iso-chromatid-type deletions in the high LET fast neutron-irradiation group. On the contrary, in the low LET 60Co gamma- or X-irradiation group, the above-mentioned mechanism may not be so effective for contribution to chromosome aberration induction in mouse spermatocytes. This mechanism was discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Analysis of second meiotic metaphase divisions in control and irradiated male mice shows that while the spontaneous rates of autosomal and sex chromosomal anaphase I non-disjunction are extremely low, they can be enhanced by X ray treatment of prophase spermatocytes. Irradiation at pre-leptotene results in a higher rate of anaphase I non-disjunction than does irradiation at pachytene. Early spermatogonia are relatively insensitive. Experiments to detect trisomic progeny among the F1 foetal offspring of male mice mated during weeks 5 and 6 following irradiation (sampling of irradiated early spermatocytes and late spermatogonia) showed that none were present. Possible explanations for this are considered. Two triploid foetuses were however found.  相似文献   

Y Matsuda  T Yamada  I Tobari 《Mutation research》1985,148(1-2):113-117
The induction of chromosome aberrations in eggs of mice fertilized with X-irradiated sperm was performed by using an in vitro fertilization technique. Capacitated mature sperm was irradiated with various doses of X-rays and cytological analysis of the first cleavage metaphase of in vitro fertilized eggs was made. The frequencies of chromosome aberrations increased exponentially with dose and the dose-response relationship for overall breaks fitted well to a quadratic equation. The chromosome aberrations were mainly chromosome-type (82.1%), and the majority of aberrations were fragments.  相似文献   

Studies on some radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in man   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The sensitivity pattern for X-ray-induced chromatid aberrations was analysed in primary spermatocytes irradiated at 1 to 11 days diakinesis-metaphase I of meiosis. Using a dose of 300 R (60 R/min) of gamma-rays zygotene (day 9) was found to be the most sensitive and leptotene (day 11) the most insensitive stage. The dose-response to gamma-ray-induced aberrations was evaluated in cells irradiated zygotene. Both the yields of rearrangement as well as the yields of fragments gave a best fit to a quadratic model.  相似文献   

Structural chromosome aberrations were analyzed in superovulated metaphase-I oocytes of the mouse, Mus musculus, at various times after a single acute dose of 200 R of X-rays. The aberrations seen were of the chromatid type, i.e., chromatid interchanges, isochromatid deletions and chromatid deletions. The aberration frequency was low during the interval 24 h to 5 days between irradiation and ovulation; peak frequency was reached when irradiation was given 14 days prior to ovulation. A dose-response study was made 14 days prior to ovulation at doses of 50, 100, 200, 300 and 400 R. A curve of these data indicated that a significant two-track component was present for both interchanges and deletions. Centromere staining revealed that symmetrical and asymmetrical interchanges occurred at approximately equal frequency and also that the asymmetrical equivalent of crossing-over was induced at a measurable frequency.  相似文献   

Cytological analysis of the first-cleavage metaphase of eggs exposed to X-rays at the mature oocyte stage or the pronuclear stage 4 h after fertilization was performed using the in vitro fertilization technique. The frequency of chromosome aberrations in irradiated mature oocytes increased exponentially with dose, the dose-response relationship being best fitted to the linear-quadratic model. On the other hand, in eggs irradiated at the early pronuclear stage, the frequency increased linearly with dose and the dose-response relationship was best fitted to the linear model. The aberrations were mainly chromosome-type (mature oocytes: 86.0% and pronuclear stage: 88.5%) and the majority were fragments in both cases. Eggs in the early pronuclear stage were markedly more radiation-sensitive than mature oocytes. A comparison of the present results with the previous ones (Matsuda et al., 1985b) showed that the sensitivities to induction of chromosome aberrations were in the order: egg at early pronuclear stage (highest) greater than mature oocyte greater than mature sperm.  相似文献   

The relative sensitivities of dictyate oocytes from young and old female mice to radiation-induced chromosome damage were examined in 2 separate experiments. Firstly, females were given either 2 or 4 Gy of X-rays and metaphase I stage oocytes collected 16.5 days later. Analysis of these cells showed dose-related increases in chromosome aberrations in both age groups. The response was significantly greater in oocytes of older females. In the second experiment, females were given 4 Gy of X-rays and metaphase I stage oocytes collected 3.5 days later. Again, a significantly larger frequency of aberrations was present in cells from older animals. Overall, these 2 experiments provide unambiguous evidence that the radiosensitivity of mouse dictyate oocytes increases with advancing maternal age.  相似文献   

Irradiation temperature, changed from 37 degrees C to 4 degrees C, acts as a dose-modifying factor with regard to the dose-yield relationship for dicentric chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes irradiated with 150 kV X-rays. The temperature dependence of the aberration yield observed at constant dose is S-shaped, with a sharp rise near 15 degrees C from a lower plateau below 12 degrees C to a higher plateau beyond 17 degrees C. The aberration yield is determined by the irradiation temperature, irrespective of fast temperature changes from 4 degrees C to 37 degrees C or from 37 degrees C to 4 degrees C, applied at various delay times before and after irradiation. It is concluded that irradiation temperature influences the formation of chromatin lesions rather than their interaction.  相似文献   

The finding of Lilly and Thoday that potassium cyanide produces structural chromosome changes in root tips of Vicia faba was confirmed. Like mustards, diepoxides, and maleic hydrazide, potassium cyanide seems to act on cells at early interphase. A tendency of cyanide breaks to be concentrated in heterochromatic segments of the chromosomes was evident. The production of chromosome aberrations by cyanide proved to be practically unaffected by the temperature during treatment. In agreement with Lilly and Thoday, the effect of potassium cyanide was found to be dependent on oxygen tension during treatment. The effect of potassium cyanide increases with increasing oxygen concentration up to 100 per cent oxygen. In the absence of oxygen, potassium cyanide was not completely inactive, but produced a low, though significant frequency of aberrations. Pretreatments with 2.4-dinitrophenol did not influence the effect of potassium cyanide. When bean roots were treated with potassium cyanide before a treatment with 8-ethoxycaffeine, or at the same time as they were treated with 8-ethoxycaffeine, the effect of 8-ethoxycaffeine was almost completely suppressed. The effects of a number of other heavy metal complexing agents were also tested. Sodium fluoride, potassium thiocyanate, carbon monoxide, o-phenanthroline, 2.2-bipyridine, and sodium azide were without radiomimetic effect under the conditions employed, and so was a mixture of sodium azide and sodium fluoride. A low, but quite significant, radiomimetic effect was obtained after treatments with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate, cupferron, and 8-hydroxyquinoline. Under anaerobic conditions, the effects of cyanide and cupferron were both quantitatively and qualitatively indistinguishable. Unlike the effect of cyanide, the effect of cupferron was not enhanced by the presence of oxygen. The effects of the same heavy metal complexing agents were tested on the activities of the enzymes catalase and peroxidase. The activities of both of these enzymes were found to be totally inhibited only by potassium cyanide. In the other cases, little correlation was found between ability to inhibit the activities of these enzymes and ability to produce chromosome aberrations. In a number of experiments, hydrogen peroxide was found to be without radiomimetic effect, whether alone or in combination with potassium cyanide. t-Butyl hydroperoxide proved to be active. The effect of t-butyl hydroperoxide was substantially increased by pretreatments with 2.4.-dinitrophenol. The results are discussed, and it is concluded that the observations made do not support the hypothesis that hydrogen peroxide is involved in the production of chromosome aberrations by potassium cyanide. The possibility that organic peroxides are involved cannot be excluded on the bases of the experimental results. As an alternative hypothesis, it is suggested that iron or other heavy metals are present in the chromosomes and that cyanide and other heavy metal complexing agents produce chromosome aberrations by reacting with these metals.  相似文献   

To obtain information on the relation beteween yiels of chrmosome aberrations and dose at low-dose levels, experiments were conducted with 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 rad of 137Cs γ-rays, on lymphocytes from man and crab-eating monkey (Macaca fascicularis). The dose-response relationship for dicentrics was obtained from the combined data of these low-dose experiments with those of our previous onse at high doses (100–400 rad) When the difference between observed yields and those expected from the linear-quadratic model were computed, the dose-response curve had a good fit for man, but not for the monkey. The linear regression lines between 0 and 30 rad were calculated, because the expected values of α/β for man and monkey would be about 100 and 60 rad.The human date gave a satisfactory fit to a linear model, i.e., a linear increase in aberration frequency with dose, whereas this was not so for those of the monkey. Furtyhermose, there was some suggestive evidence for the existence of plateau in dicentrics yields between 10 and 30 rad for the monkey and between 20 and 30 rad for human lymphocytes, but more data would be needed to verify this suggestion, particularly for human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Synchronous cultures of V79 Chinese hamster cells were irradiated in G1 with 300 rad of X-rays. Cells were collected for 2-h intervals after synchronization to include the first three post-irradiation divisions and were scored for chromosome aberrations. After the first post-irradiation division, asymmetrical exchanges were distributed according to the Poisson formula and both the asymmetrical exchange frequency and the acentric fragment frequency exhibited significant variations with collection time. Formulae derived from a previous mathematical analysis were used in conjunction with the aberration frequencies observed at the first, second, and third post-irradiation divisions to predict transmission and survival parameters for specific chromosomal aberrations.The probability, 2T, that an acentric fragment will be transmitted to a daughter cell at anaphase was found to be 0.57. The probability, W, that a two-break aberration (asymmetrical exchange) will be transmitted and observed at the next division was 0.56. Finally, the probability, P, that a cell will survive to a subsequent mitosis after losing a single acentric fragment was about 1.0 for one post-irradiation generation but somewhat less for two generations.  相似文献   

L I Lebedeva 《Genetika》1982,18(9):1462-1467
The frequency of chromosome aberrations induced by UV light at wavelengths 254, 265, 280 and 302 using doses 2-10 J/m2 in the primary culture of mouse embryonic fibroblasts during the G1, S and G2 phases was studied at metaphase of the first mitosis. Two classes of chromosome aberrations were distinguished. These classes differ in the time intervals of the final establishment of the cell cycle. The aberrations of the class 1 emerge before the beginning of prometaphase (possibly, at interphase). Formation of the second class aberrations is completed during the metaphase. It is shown that the class 1 aberrations occur with almost the same rate in approx. 7% of cells, irrespective of the cell cycle, irradiation dose and wavelength. It is suggested that these aberrations arise as a result of indirect UV action on the chromosome structures; the mechanism of their emergence does not depend on DNA replication. The class 2 aberrations do not appear after UV irradiation during the post-DNA-synthetic G2 phase of the cell cycle. However, after UV treatment at the G1 or S periods, they represent the majority of aberrations and their rate increases almost monotonously with the radiation dose. The UV action spectrum for these aberrations coincides with the adsorption spectrum of thymidine and the action spectrum for DNA cross-links. Thus, it may be inferred that formation of DNA cross-links following thymine dimerization is the first step in formation of UV-induced aberrations of the class 2. The passage of cells through DNA replication is a very important step in the process of their emergence.  相似文献   

To investigate whether myosin is involved in crane-fly primary spermatocyte division, we studied the effects of myosin inhibitors on chromosome movement and on cytokinesis. With respect to chromosome movement, the myosin ATPase inhibitor 2,3-butanedione 2-monoxime (BDM) added during autosomal anaphase reversibly perturbed the movements of all autosomes: autosomes stopped, slowed, or moved backwards during treatment. BDM added before anaphase onset altered chromosome movement less than when BDM was added during anaphase: chromosome movements only rarely were stopped. They often were normal initially and then, if altered at all, were slowed. To confirm that the effects of BDM were due to myosin inhibition, we treated cells with ML-7, a drug that inhibits myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), an enzyme necessary to activate myosin. ML-7 affected anaphase movement only when added in early prometaphase: this treatment prevented chromosome attachment to the spindle. We treated cells with H-7 as a control for possible non-myosin effects of ML-7. H-7, which has a lower affinity than ML-7 for MLCK but a higher affinity than ML-7 for other potential targets, had no effect. These data confirm that the BDM effect is on myosin and indicate that the myosin used for chromosome movement is activated near the start of prometaphase. With respect to cytokinesis, BDM did not block furrow initiation but did block subsequent contraction of the contractile ring. When BDM was added after initiation of the furrow, the contractile ring either stalled or relaxed. ML-7 blocked contractile ring contraction when added at all stages after autosomal anaphase onset, including when added during cytokinesis. H-7 had no effect. These results confirm that the effects of BDM are on myosin and indicate that the myosin used for cytokinesis is activated starting from autosomal anaphase and continuing throughout cytokinesis.  相似文献   

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