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条件价值评估法(CVM)是评估资源、环境物品及服务价值最广泛的方法.支付意愿(WTP)的引导技术是CVM研究的重要手段.对WTP引导技术的研究是提高CVM评价可靠性和有效性的重要途径.本文以三江平原生态旅游水资源的非使用价值为评价对象,分别运用支付卡式、单边界二分式和双边界二分式3种WTP引导技术对其进行综合评价,并对3种引导方式进行对比分析.结果表明: 支付卡式、单边界二分式及双边界二分式中的社会经济属性对支付意愿的影响关系一致,其中,变量投标值、年龄、受教育程度、年收入以及关心程度对支付意愿的影响显著,变量性别和职业对支付意愿的影响不显著.支付卡式的WTP为每人112.46元,其次是单边界二分式(136.15元),双边界二分式问卷的WTP为每人168.74元.综合考虑调查对象的性质、调查成本以及统计技术等,双边界二分式的结果(47.86×108元·a-1)最符合实际,可作为三江平原生态旅游水资源的非使用经济价值.不同WTP引导方式对支付意愿的影响很大,为提高问卷有效性,合理选择调查问卷类型至关重要.

流溪河林场森林生态系统服务功能价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用市场价值法、影子工程法、替代费用法等生态经济学方法对流溪河林场森林生态系统服务功能的价值进行了评估.研究结果表明:流溪河林场森林生态系统服务功能的总价值为6.18×108yuan·a-1,主要的生态系统服务价值为间接价值,其中涵养水源价值居首位.各项服务功能的价值如下:林产品价值为6.03×107yuan·a-1,涵养水源价值为4.50×108yuan·a-1,土壤保持价值为1.46×107yuan·a-1,固碳放氧价值为5.80×107yuan·a-1,净化空气价值为2.42×107yuan·a-1,旅游价值为3.00×106yuan·a-1,生物多样性维护价值为7.61×106yuan·a-1.  相似文献   

对野生动物资源进行价值评估是保护生物学研究的核心, 也是管理决策制定与生态补偿的重要依据。利用条件价值法(CVM), 通过简单随机抽样的方式对景东城镇居民的支付意愿(WTP)进行调查, 评估西黑冠长臂猿的非使用价值。结果表明: 85.52%的受访者认为应该对该物种进行保护, 86.43%的受访者愿意支付一定的费用来保护该物种。利用中位值法和平均值法得出城镇居民的支付意愿为51.86—54.04元·a-1, 推测得西黑冠长臂猿的非使用价值为421.87—439.60亿元·a-1。Logit和Probit模型实证分析结果表明, 支付意愿与受访者学历、个人收入以及对西黑冠长臂猿的了解程度呈显著正相关(P<0.05), 与年龄呈显著负相关(P<0.05), 与性别、民族等相关性不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

三江源区湿地生态系统功能分析及保育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据多次科考调查的成果和资料,对三江源区湿地生态系统的结构和功能进行了分析。结果表明:湿地生态系统服务价值为2.10×1011Yuan·a-1,占三江源区生态系统服务功能总价值的62.07%;其中废物处理、水源涵养、气候调节的价值较大,分别为6.40×1010Yuan·a-1、5.79×1010Yuan·a-1、4.90×1010Yuan·a-1,分别占湿地生态系统总价值的30.55%、27.61%、23.39%。其次为生物多样性保护、土壤形成与保护、气体调节、食物生产和原材料、娱乐文化等服务功能。此外针对三江源区湿地生态系统退化机制和存在的主要问题,提出了合理利用与保护对策。  相似文献   

本文根据2001年畜禽养殖污染调查,结果表明雷州半岛现有规模化畜禽养殖场413个,畜禽类尿产生量及其污水产生量分别为3.29×105t·a-1和1.98×106t·a-1,其中猪场粪尿及其污水产生量分别为2.48×105t·a-1和1.22×106t·a-1万吨/年,分别占全半岛总量的75.35%和61.85%,是畜禽养殖主要污染源;全半岛畜禽养殖产污主要分布在雷州市、麻章区、遂溪县和吴川市,文中还就畜禽养殖的污染问题,提出相应的环境管理与防治对策。  相似文献   

广东省森林效益计量及经济评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
引用统计年鉴资料和其他公开发表的文献资料,并参照森林资源调查、水利、气象等部门提供的数据,计算出广东省森林各类效益值(有形产品和无形产品的产量),通过等效益物替换和货币置换法进行“产品”的转换和量纲统一,得出广东省森林年总效益为2.3681×1010元,其中,生态公益效益2.0376×1010元,占总效益的86%,生态公益效益中,涵养水源3.1197×109元,防止土壤侵蚀6.0109×109元,土壤改良2.6300×109元,大气净化8.3867×109元,森林景观游憩2.2900×108元;经济效益3.3050×109元,占总效益的14%。森林生态公益效益与经济效益比为6.1:1,该值与海南相同;与我国大部分地区接近,如黑龙江、湖南、黔东南;与我国西北干旱地区和其他国家相差较远。  相似文献   

广东省不同地区土壤微生物数量状况初步研究*   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在广东省不同地区,按不同土地利用类型(如自然林地、果园、水田、旱地、荒地等)以及不同土壤类型取样进行土壤微生物数量和土壤养分状况分析。结果发现,从三大类微生物总数的平均状况来看,广东省大部分土壤微生物总数可达1.0×106个·g-1干土以上;不同地区土壤微生物总数存在一定差异,从平均状况来看,潮汕地区(7.77×106个·g-1干土)>湛江地区(1.6×106个·g-1干土)>广州地区(1.35×106个·g-1干土);不同土地利用方式下微生物数量也存在着一定差异,具体表现为:林地>菜地>稻田>果园>作物旱地>荒地,土壤微生物总量与土壤肥力状况密切相关。从土壤类型来看,砖红壤、赤红壤微生物数量较低。从总体上看,广东省大部分土壤微生物数量处于较低水平。  相似文献   

农产品主产区的耕地保护是关系到全国农产品供给安全的重要问题.本文以湖北省京山县为例,以环境友好型农业生产的机会成本损失为基础,综合考虑农户的受偿意愿,确定出农田生态补偿额度,并通过构建Tobit回归模型分析影响农户受偿额度的相关因素.研究表明: 在对保护性耕作有经济补偿的前提下,分别有77.1%和64.7%的受访农户愿意减少化肥和农药施用量.随着化肥、农药的减少比例从<10%增加到>50%,农户的机会成本分别由1198、5850元·hm-2·a-1增加到9698、9750元·hm-2·a-1,农户的受偿额度分别由4750、7313元·hm-2·a-1增加到9781、12393元·hm-2·a-1,在同等减少比例下,农户对农药减少的机会成本和受偿额度都大于化肥减少的机会成本和受偿额度,且基于农户意愿的受偿额度要大于其机会成本损失额度.距离城镇远近、对农田生态环境的认知、改善农田生态环境期望指数对农户减少化肥施用受偿额度有正向显著影响,而受教育程度和村集体经济状况有负向显著影响.家庭农业收入占比、对农田生态环境的认知、改善农田生态环境期望指数对农户减少农药施用受偿额度有正向显著影响,而家庭年现金收入和村集体经济状况有负向显著影响.

福建东山岛防护林景观格局与生态价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用景观生态学原理和森林环境价值计量方法,对东山岛防护林景观格局与生态价值进行研究。首先选取斑块密度、边缘密度、分维数、景观多样性、景观优势度和均匀度指数等指标,分析东山岛防护林景观的空间分布和空间格局特征,并从中小尺度的防护林生态系统及其重要生态服务功能角度出发,运用市场价值法、造林成本法、生产成本法、影子工程法等方法进行生态价值评估。结果表明人类活动对东山岛防护林的景观格局产生很大影响,得出东山岛防护林生态系统固定CO2、释放O2及防风固沙服务功能的平均价值为39.45×106~92.55×106元。  相似文献   

濒危物种价值评估可为生物多样性保护提供重要的政策支撑。本文以国家二级重点保护植物翅果油树为例,从利益相关者视角作为切入点,基于选择实验法评价其偏好和支付意愿(WTP),进而探讨生态补偿机制。基于管理部门、企业和农户三方利益相关者的利益诉求,分析确定了5个翅果油树的物种属性,即种植面积、产品分类、树苗品种、保护投入和农户收益。运用随机参数Logit模型分析了利益相关者对不同物种属性变量的偏好和支付意愿。结果表明: 受访者对“保护增加投入”偏好最强和支付意愿最高,每户为331.00 yuan·a-1;对产品开发的“高低端产品同时开发”和“高端产品开发为主”变量偏好次之,WTP分别为每户242.71和227.57 yuan·a-1;对“农户收益”、“保护投入不变”、“树苗品种”和“种植面积”由强到弱依次表现出一定的偏好及支付意愿;而对“保护不投入”和“低端产品开发为主”偏好最弱且WTP为负值。通过直接和间接补偿方式对补偿客体(翅果油树及其生境)实施生态补偿,得到的补偿剩余价值为每户每年285.62元。  相似文献   

于文金  谢剑  邹欣庆 《生态学报》2011,31(23):7271-7278
采用意愿调查价值评估法(CVM)法定量评估湿地生态功能修复保护非使用价值,力图探讨支付能力与支付意愿的相关机理.研究结果显示:(1)支付意愿调研综合置信度为2.652,处于可信程度较高的范畴,3个调研区的集中度均呈现不规则偏正态分布,WTP中位数与平均数重现性良好,中支付区域集中度达86%,符合经济学原理,说明WTP结果可信度较高.(2)公务员、教师、律师、高薪企业工人、部分高收入农民、军人支付意愿较高,两者的相关性高达0.937以上.(3)按CVM法计算,当地居民对世行工程的平均支付意愿为户均支付19.19元/月,产生区域支付差异的原因主要在于不同区域随机被访者职业构成和收入构成存在差异.(4)在估算湿地生态功能恢复项目支付意愿时CVM法是可靠的基本方法,支付能力是支付意愿的重要制约因素,中等支付能力者支付金额最高,支付能力与支付意愿之间存在不仅仅是正相关而是复杂的关联性.  相似文献   

单长青  李甲亮  李超  于祥 《生态科学》2012,31(3):340-344
运用CVM和统计分析方法,调查了黄河三角洲城市噪声环境质量改善居民的支付意愿,得出愿意为城市噪声质量改善支付部分金钱的占71.3%,支付额平均为3.64元/(月.人);性别和教育程度对居民支付意愿均无显著影响,年龄、月收入和噪声影响程度对居民支付意愿均呈显著的正相关关系,职业对支付意愿有显著影响,但变化规律不明显。性别和噪声影响程度对支付水平无显著影响,年龄和教育程度对支付水平均呈显著负相关关系,职业和月收入对支付水平呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe Philippines is one of the developing countries highly affected by rabies. Dog vaccination campaigns implemented through collaborative effort between the government and NGOs have played an important role in successfully reducing the burden of disease within the country. Nevertheless, rabies vaccination of the domestic animal population requires continuous commitment not only from governments and NGOs, but also from local communities that are directly affected by such efforts. To create such long-term sustained programs, the introduction of affordable dog vaccination and registration fees is essential and has been shown to be an important strategy in Bohol, Philippines. The aim of this study, therefore, was to estimate the average amount of money that individuals were willing to pay for dog vaccination and registration in Ilocos Norte, Philippines. This study also investigated some of the determinants of individuals’ willingness to pay (WTP).MethodsA cross-sectional questionnaire was administered to 300 households in 17 municipalities (out of a total of 21) selected through a multi-stage cluster survey technique. At the time of the survey, Ilocos Norte had a population of approximately 568,017 and was predominantly rural. The Contingent Valuation Method was used to elicit WTP for dog rabies vaccination and registration. A ‘bidding game’ elicitation strategy that aims to find the maximum amount of money individuals were willing to pay was also employed. Data were collected using paper-based questionnaires. Linear regression was used to examine factors influencing participants’ WTP for dog rabies vaccination and registration.

Key Results

On average, Ilocos Norte residents were willing to pay 69.65 Philippine Pesos (PHP) (equivalent to 1.67 USD in 2012) for dog vaccination and 29.13PHP (0.70 USD) for dog registration. Eighty-six per cent of respondents were willing to pay the stated amount to vaccinate each of their dogs, annually. This study also found that WTP was influenced by demographic and knowledge factors. Among these, we found that age, income, participants’ willingness to commit to pay each year, municipality of residency, knowledge of the signs of rabies in dogs, and number of dogs owed significantly predicted WTP.  相似文献   



To study willingness to pay for cataract surgery and surgical service provided by a senior cataract surgeon in urban Southern China.


This study was a cross-sectional willingness-to-pay (WTP) interview using bidding formats. Two-hundred eleven persons with presenting visual impairment in either eye due to cataract were enrolled at a tertiary eye hospital. Participants underwent a comprehensive eye examination and a WTP interview for both surgery and service provided by a senior surgeon. Demographic information, socioeconomic status and clinical data were recorded.


Among 211 (98% response rate) persons completing the interview, 53.6% were women and 80.6% were retired. About 72.2% had a monthly income lower than 1000 renminbi (US $161). A total of 189 (89.6%) were willing to pay for cataract and the median amount of WTP was 6000 renminbi (US$968). And 102 (50.7%) were willing to pay additional fees for surgery performed by a senior surgeon, and the median amount of WTP was 500 renminbi (US$81). In regression models adjusting for age and gender, persons with preexisting eye diseases other than cataract, were more likely to pay for cataract surgery and service provided by a senior surgeon (P = 0.04 for both).


In urban China, cataract patients, especially those with preexisting eye conditions, are willing to pay additional fees for a senior surgeon. Moving to a system where the price of cataract surgery is proportional to the consultant’ skill and expertise is possible and may have a potential impact on waiting list and quality of eye care. Further studies are needed to examine the impact of such pricing system on attitudes and choices of cataract patients.  相似文献   

Human-elephant Conflict (HEC) is a significant problem in Nepal, with approximately two-thirds of households being impacted by elephants (Elephas maximus), particularly during the winter. In addition to elephant casualties, more than 10% of the households surveyed have had human casualties (injury or death) during the past 5 years. This study evaluates the economic viability of elephant conservation in Nepal within the context of current and proposed HEC mitigation scenarios. Face-to-face interviews were carried out using a structured questionnaire to elicit the residents’ willingness to pay (WTP) for elephant conservation and HEC mitigation programs using seemingly unrelated regression (SUR). Residents’ WTP was found to be positively related to income and education, and negatively related to damage-related programs. Local stakeholders were willing to pay about 42% more to programs that were economically transparent and improved upon existing management. Residents’ WTP were also greater if they have had previous HEC-related injuries or deaths.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lymphatic filariasis (LF) affects more than 120 million people worldwide. Efforts to eliminate this disease require sustained community participation. This study explores community valuation of LF elimination efforts by estimating household and community willingness to pay (WTP) for the prevention of transmission and treatment of filarial lymphedema in the community of Leogane, Haiti. METHODS: A contingent valuation survey was used to assess individual WTP for specific prevention and treatment interventions. A 2-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation was developed to estimate confidence limits in mean WTP and to generate a distribution of WTP for the community, accounting for uncertainty in regression coefficients and variability within the population. RESULTS: Mean WTP was estimated to be $5.57/month/household (95% CL: $4.76, $6.72) to prevent disease transmission, and $491/yr (95% CL: $377, $662) for treatment of lymphedema for one person. Based on the estimated distributions, 7% and 39% of households were not willing to pay for prevention and treatment, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the majority of the community places a positive value on both prevention and treatment of LF. Mean WTP provides a useful monetary estimate of overall societal benefit of LF prevention and treatment programs. However, for interventions which require broad and sustained community participation, the lower end of the distribution of WTP has additional implications. Cost recovery policies may result in inadequate participation and longer program duration.  相似文献   

Hunting in Spain represents an imperfect market in which some hunters pay a price that is below what would be paid or they simply do not pay a market price. This article evidences the welfare that hunting activities provide to hunters in the forests of southern Spain. To do so, a contingent valuation survey of 557 hunters was conducted, and their maximum willingness to pay (WTP) to maintain their hunting activity over a hunting season was obtained. Bids were established according to the individual expenditure in the hunting market, thereby incorporating heterogeneity into the very design of the valuation exercise. The results show an additional WTP of 212 euros per hunter during the 2009–2010 hunting season, meaning 24% above their actual mean expenditure during that season. Likewise, the research shows how small game hunters are the ones who, in relative terms, would be willing to pay more for the hunting services.  相似文献   

We conducted a choice experiment for the economic valuation of benefits of components of biodiversity that are provided by the natural systems protected in the Peñuelas Lake National Reserve, located in the Mediterranean zone of Chile. The Mediterranean zone of central Chile is one of the world's 34 biodiversity hotpots. Furthermore, we estimated the economic benefits of the water supply provided by the reserve. Unlike most of the previous studies on willingness to pay (WTP) for conservation, part of the data that we produce refers to: (a) public WTP for unpopular species of fauna (an endemic amphibian currently in danger of extinction); and (b) public WTP for flora present at the Reserve (endemic orchid species). Specifically the attributes of the study were the following: existence of endemic orchid species; chances of observing animals with scenic attraction; additional protection for an endemic amphibian; and, availability of drinkable water in the future. A rate of entry to the area was incorporated to estimate WTP for additional protection for the selected attributes. WTP data were obtained from a representative sample of Chilean tourists that visit the area. Factors influencing the visitors’ WTP were also explored.Three hundred and four Chilean visitors of the reserve were randomly selected for interviews. Multinomial Logit and Random Parameter Logit models results show that visitors are willing to pay to protect the selected attributes. Marginal mean WTP/visitor for the single levels of variation of the attributes range from about $1.7 per visitor per visit for securing the existence of five species of endemic orchids to about $8.9 for guaranteeing the availability of drinkable water for 50 years. The analysis of visitors’ WTP for different levels of protection allowed an improved understanding of the sensitivity of the participants to the scope of the information provided.  相似文献   

In January 2008, 10 people from three families living in Chiba and Hyogo Prefectures in Japan were found to be poisoned after eating frozen dumplings that had been imported from Tianjin, China. This incident had a big influence in the short term on Japanese consumers’ consumption choice of imported food from China as well as the willingness to pay (WTP) for food with higher safety guarantees. Using data from a Web-survey of 1500 respondents covering the whole of Japan, two regression models show that firstly, after the incident, consumers intending to buy Chinese food products reduced from 92.5% to 27.6%, and the change of purchase decision is mostly affected by consumers’ prior risk perception and attitude about Chinese products and presents a regional difference. Secondly, Japanese consumers are willing to pay 64,300 yen per year for safer food on average after the incident, and those whose purchase decision is influenced by the incident have a higher WTP of 54,000 yen than those who are not influenced. The most significant factor to decide the WTP is the framing of questions in the survey. The influence of demographic factors is less important and inconsistent in the two models.  相似文献   

高琴  敖长林  陈红光  佟锐 《生态学报》2014,34(7):1851-1859
在WTP距离衰减性研究基础上,将菲什拜因理论与条件价值法相结合,假设个人对于物品的认知在空间上并不是均衡分布的,不同空间内的受访者的支付意愿存在差异,以三江平原湿地生态系统为应用对象,将样本分为核心区、辐射区、外围区,采用双边界二分式CVM,探讨受访者对三江平原湿地生态环境保护的支付意愿水平及支付意愿的影响因素,建立基于居民生态认知的支付意愿空间分异模型。计算得到核心区、辐射区、外围区居民平均支付意愿分别为142.23元人-1a-1、105.01元人-1a-1、77.62元/人,总体呈递减趋势,验证了距离、认知和WTP之间相关性。研究结果表明,通过空间视角将居民的认知程度纳入支付意愿的计算,能提高CVM在环境价值评估应用中的有效性及可靠性。研究结论将为政府相关政策的制定和决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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