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Dolichol kinase activity is effectively solubilized by extracting calf brain microsomes with 2% 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl) dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS), a zwitterionic detergent. The solubilized kinase catalyzes the enzymatic phosphorylation of dolichols with either CTP or dCTP serving as phosphoryl donor in the presence of Ca2+. Similar Km values were calculated for CTP (7.7 microM) and dCTP (9.1 microM). Dolichol phosphorylation was inhibited by CDP and dCDP, but not CMP, ADP, GDP, or UDP. A kinetic analysis of the inhibitory effect of CDP revealed a pattern characteristic of competitive inhibition. Dolichol kinase activity was markedly stimulated by the addition of R-dolichol (C95) or S-dolichol(C95). The apparent Km value for R-dolichol(C95) and S-dolichol(C95) was 9 microM, but the Vmax for the phosphorylation reaction was 40% higher with S-dolichol(C95). Incubation of the CHAPS extract with [gamma-32P]CTP and exogenous undecaprenol(C55) resulted in the enzymatic synthesis of a radiolabeled product that was mild acid-labile and chromatographically identical to undecaprenyl monophosphate. An enzymatic comparison with a variety of polyprenol substrates indicates that the solubilized kinase prefers long-chain (C90-95) polyprenols with saturated alpha-isoprene units. The effect of exogenous phosphoglycerides on the kinase activity in the dialyzed CHAPS extracts has also been evaluated. These studies describe the properties and polyprenol specificity of stable, solubilized preparations of dolichol kinase that should be useful for further purification of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Bovine thyroid microsomes are able to phosphorylate exogenous [1-3H]dolichol as well as endogenous dolichol. The properties and specificity of the dolichol kinase activity have been studied by following the phosphorylation of [1-3H]dolichol to [1-3H]DMP as well as the formation of [32P]DMP from endogenous dolichol and [gamma-32P]CTP. The dolichol kinase activity was not linear with respect to time and exhibited a neutral pH-optimum. Product formation was directly proportional to microsomal protein concentration up to 2.5 mg protein/incubation. The enzyme was found to depend on divalent cations for activity: Mg2+-ions being much more effective than Ca2+- and Mn2+-ions. In accordance, EDTA was strongly inhibitory. The enzyme exhibited specificity for CTP as phosphoryl donor and was found to be inhibited by the reaction product CDP. The apparent Km-value for exogenous dolichol amounted to 4 microM. Those for CTP were estimated to be 3.88 and 10.75 mM with exogenous [1-3H]dolichol depending on the source of CTP. With endogenous dolichol Km-values for CTP of 27.8 and 6.1 microM were calculated in respectively the absence and presence of 5 mM VO4(3-). Triton X-100 (0.15%) was necessary in the [1-3H]dolichol kinase assay (only 3% of enzymatic activity in the absence of detergent), while with [gamma-32P]CTP dolichol kinase detergent was only of minor influence (30% stimulation at 0.02% Triton X-100). The levels of the enzymatic activity could be doubled by the inclusion of 18-21 mM NaF [( 1-3H]dolichol kinase) as phosphatase inhibitor: VO4(3-) had practically no effect. In contrast with [gamma-32P]CTP dolichol kinase, the enzymatic activity could be enhanced 4-fold by addition of 5 mM VO4(3-) while F- resulted into no appreciable effect.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Dolichol kinase, a rate limiting enzyme for the supply with dolichyl monophosphate as glycosyl carrier lipid, was demonstrated in Plasmodium falciparum. The enzyme was found to be associated with the pellet fraction and to depend on cytidine triphosphate as phosphoryl donor. The apparent Km values of the plasmodial enzyme were determined to be 0.8 mM for cytidine triphosphate and 17 micrograms ml-1 for dolichol. In the presence of 0.5 mM mefloquine, the inhibition of enzyme activity was found to be about 50%.  相似文献   

When purified subcellular fractions were prepared from rat liver and assayed for dolichol kinase activity using pig liver dolichol as a substrate, the microsomes were found to contain the highest specific activity and greater than 75% of the total actvity. With regard to substrate specificity, the microsomal enzyme showed a marked preference for saturation of the α-isoprene: dolichol-16 and -19 were 2.5-fold more active than the corresponding polyprenols. For a given class of prenol, the 16 and 19 isoprenologs exhibited similar activity, whereas the 11 isoprenolog appeared less active. The enzyme was twice as active against the naturally occurring polyprenol-16 (α-cis-isoprene) compared to synthetic α-trans-polyprenol-16. Taken together, the data indicate that the α-isoprene specificity follows the order: saturated>cis>trans. In addition, all-trans-2,3-dihydrosolanesol was not a substrate, suggesting that at least one cis isoprene residue is required.  相似文献   

Activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) tyrosine kinase was investigated in membrane preparations as well as intact A431 cells, using anti-EGF-R antibodies directed against extra- and intracellular receptor domains. In vitro assay conditions were mimicked on whole cells by a mild detergent treatment. We show that, irrespective of the recognition site on the EGF-R, antibodies induce EGF-R autophosphorylation and tyrosine kinase activity towards other endogenous and exogenous substrates, but only when detergent is present. We propose that the primary effect of detergent is to create conditions in the lipid environment of the EGF-R that allow antibodies to induce receptor-receptor interactions necessary for tyrosine kinase activation.  相似文献   

The role of calmodulin in the regulation of dolichol kinase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A calcium ion-requiring CTP-dependent kinase that phosphorylates dolichol was found in particulate enzyme preparations from the protozoa Tetrahymena pyriformis. This enzyme and an analogous enzyme present in rat brain microsomes were both shown to be inactivated following washing with EGTA-containing buffers. The activity could be restored by the addition of calcium and the calcium-binding protein calmodulin. In addition, both enzymes were strongly inhibited by trifluoperazine, chlorpromazine, and antiserum against brain calmodulin. These results are evidence that the dolichol kinase from these two sources is regulated by a system involving calmodulin. Dolichol kinase is the enzyme that is believed to be important in the maintenance of the cellular levels of dolichyl phosphate, the factor which is likely to exert the most control over the rate of glycoprotein biosynthesis. On the other hand, microsomal preparations from rat liver which were shown to contain a dolichol kinase that does not require Ca2+ for activity showed no inactivation by EGTA treatment, trifluoperazine, chlorpromazine, or preincubation with antiserum against calmodulin. These findings indicate that the liver enzyme and thus the level of dolichol phosphate is controlled by a different mechanism than that of brain and T. pyriformis.  相似文献   

Crude microsomal preparations from hen oviduct catalyze the transfer of [32P]phosphate from [gamma-32P]CTP or [gamma-32P]dCTP to endogenous dolichol, forming dolichyl [32P]monophosphate. The oviduct kinase activity assayed with [gamma-32P]CTP is stimulated by divalent cations and exogenous dolichol. The enzymatic formation of dolichyl [32P]monophosphate is inhibited by dCDP and CDP, but not CMP, ADP, GDP, or UDP. The hen oviduct kinase is inhibited 50% by the addition of 38 microM CDP, but 101 microM dCDP is required for 50% inhibition. The amount of dolichol kinase activity in chick oviduct microsomes increases 3.7-fold within 10 days of estrogen administration. The hormone-induced increase in kinase activity is also observed when membranes from untreated and estrogen-treated chicks are assayed in the presence of saturating levels of exogenous dolichol. The microsomal preparations from oviducts of untreated chicks and fully induced birds both exhibit an apparent Km value of 7.1 microM for CTP. An apparent Km of 14 microM has been determined for dCTP. Thus, the developmental change in dolichol kinase activity does not appear to be the result of a difference in the amount of available endogenous dolichol or an alteration in the reactive site for the nucleoside triphosphate substrate, but is probably due to an increased level of the enzyme.  相似文献   

A procedure for the quantitative extraction of both dolichol and dolichyl phosphate (Dol-P) in plant tissue (soybean embryos) into diethyl ether from an alkaline saponification mixture is described. A complete and quantitative separation of total dolichol and total Dol-P is then obtained based on their respective solubilities in diethyl ether and water. After separation dolichol and Dol-P can both be analyzed and quantitated directly by reverse-phase HPLC on C18 columns without additional purification. The two major homologs of dolichol and Dol-P are those with 17 and 18 isoprene units. The total dolichol and total Dol-P contents of dry embryos were 96.3 +/- 0.8 and 5.3 +/- 0.1 micrograms/g, respectively. The post-HPLC recoveries for dolichol and Dol-P were 101 +/- 2 and 84 +/- 3% respectively, using [1-14C]dolichol and Dol-P containing 20 isoprene units as recovery standards. Dol-P estimations could be carried out on material equivalent to as little as 65 mg embryo tissue.  相似文献   

Inflammation was induced in rats by the subcutaneous injection of turpentine. Microsomes were prepared from the livers between 2 and 72 h after injection. Mannose and glucose incorporation into mannosyl and glucosyl dolichyl monophosphate was increased 2-fold over saline-injected controls 24 h after induction of inflammation. Synthesis of glycosylated dolichyl pyrophosphoryl oligosaccharides was also increased compared to controls. Extraction and assay of dolichol monophosphate from inflamed and control rat liver microsomes indicated that the endogenous levels of the lipid were elevated in the inflamed state. CTP-dependent phosphorylation of endogenous dolichol was also found to increase in microsomes from inflamed rats 24 h after injection of turpentine. When exogenous dolichol was added to the microsomal system an increase in phosphorylation was observed as early as 6 h after turpentine injection. Furthermore, the increase appeared to be biphasic, there being two peaks of elevated activity at 12 and 36-48 h after induction of inflammation. The earlier peak was the greater of the two. The results suggest that the increase in glycosylation of dolichol derivatives was due to greater amounts of endogenous dolichol monophosphate. The increase in dolichol monophosphate was itself due to greater availability of dolichol and an increase in the levels of CTP-dependent dolichol kinase.  相似文献   

The cation specificity of dolichol kinase of mammalian brain and the potential involvement of a Ca2+-calmodulin system in regulation of this enzyme have been studied. Among 10 divalent cations examined, Zn2+ was found to be most effective for the activation of dolichol kinase of rat and calf brain and cultured C-6 glial cells. The activations with Ca2+, Co2+, and Mg2+ were 53%, 32%, and 18% of the full activation with Zn2+, respectively. No combinations of the cations could activate the enzyme as much as Zn2+ alone. A role for a Ca2+-calmodulin system in the regulation of brain dolichol kinase was not supported by our data. First, the concentration of free Ca2+ required for the maximum activation of dolichol kinase was two to three orders of magnitude greater than the concentration required by typical calmodulin-dependent enzymes. Second, neither the depletion of calmodulin from the microsomal fraction nor the addition of exogenous calmodulin caused an alteration in the activation of dolichol kinase by Ca2+ (or Zn2+). Third, antagonists of calmodulin failed to suppress the activation of the enzyme by Ca2+ (or Zn2+). The data raise the possibility that Zn2+ is involved in the regulation of dolichol kinase in brain.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells respond to nutrient deprivation by inhibiting energy consuming processes, such as proliferation and protein synthesis, and by stimulating catabolic processes, such as autophagy. p70 S6 kinase (S6K1) plays a central role during nutritional regulation of translation. S6K1 is activated by growth factors such as insulin, and by mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which is itself regulated by amino acids. The Class IA phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase plays a well recognized role in the regulation of S6K1. We now present evidence that the Class III PI 3-kinase, hVps34, also regulates S6K1, and is a critical component of the nutrient sensing apparatus. Overexpression of hVps34 or the associated hVps15 kinase activates S6K1, and insulin stimulation of S6K1 is blocked by microinjection of inhibitory anti-hVps34 antibodies, overexpression of a FYVE domain construct that sequesters the hVps34 product PI3P, or small interfering RNA-mediated knock-down of hVps34. hVps34 is not part of the insulin input to S6K1, as it is not stimulated by insulin, and inhibition of hVps34 has no effect on phosphorylation of Akt or TSC2 in insulin-stimulated cells. However, hVps34 is inhibited by amino acid or glucose starvation, suggesting that it lies on the nutrient-regulated pathway to S6K1. Consistent with this, hVps34 is also inhibited by activation of the AMP-activated kinase, which inhibits mTOR/S6K1 in glucose-starved cells. hVps34 appears to lie upstream of mTOR, as small interfering RNA knock-down of hVps34 inhibits the phosphorylation of another mTOR substrate, eIF4E-binding protein-1 (4EBP1). Our data suggest that hVps34 is a nutrient-regulated lipid kinase that integrates amino acid and glucose inputs to mTOR and S6K1.  相似文献   

The heterotrimeric G protein alpha q subunit (Galphaq) mediates a variety of cell functions by activating the effector molecule phospholipase Cbeta. Galphaq activity is regulated by G protein betagamma subunits, G protein-coupled receptors, RGS proteins, and Ric-8. In this study, we identified the lipid raft resident proteins, flotillin-1/reggie-2 and flotillin-2/reggie-1, as Galphaq-binding proteins. The interactions of Galphaq and flotillins were independent of the nucleotide-binding state of Galphaq, and the N-terminal portion of flotillins was critical for the interaction. A short interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of flotillins, particularly flotillin-2, attenuated the UTP-induced activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) but not that of ERK1/2. The activation of p38 MAPK was inhibited by the Src family tyrosine kinase inhibitor PP2 and the cholesterol-depleting agent methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, which is generally used for the disruption of lipid rafts. In contrast, the activation of ERK1/2 was not inhibited by these compounds. These lines of evidence suggested that a Gq-coupled receptor activates specifically p38 MAPK through lipid rafts and Src kinase activation, in which flotillins positively modulate the Gq signaling.  相似文献   

The monosaccharide lipid A precursor, N2,O3-diacylglucosamine 1-phosphate (Escherichia coli lipid X), has been shown previously to be a potent B-lymphocyte mitogen. We now report that lipid X interacts with macrophages, stimulating turnover of phosphatidylinositol, deacylation of phospholipids, and release of arachidonic acid. In addition, the monosaccharide lipid X, the incomplete lipid A disaccharides found in KDO-deficient mutants, and crude free lipid A by itself activate protein kinase C isolated from RAW 264.7 macrophages. This activation is augmented by diglyceride, a product of phosphatidylinositol turnover. Like the lipid X-induced mitogenesis of B-lymphocytes, lipid X activation of macrophages and the cell-free activation of protein kinase by lipid X require the presence of the O-linked hydroxymyristoyl residue at position 3. We suggest, therefore, that some of the biological effects of lipid A may be mediated by its interaction with protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Dolichol phosphate (Dol‐P) serves as a carrier of complex polysaccharides during protein glycosylation. Dol‐P is synthesized by the phosphorylation of dolichol or the monodephosphorylation of dolichol pyrophosphate (Dol‐PP); however, the enzymes that catalyze these reactions remain unidentified in Arabidopsis thaliana. We performed a genome‐wide search for cytidylyltransferase motif‐containing proteins in Arabidopsis, and found that At3g45040 encodes a protein homologous with Sec59p, a dolichol kinase (DOK) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. At3g45040, designated AtDOK1, complemented defects in the growth and N‐linked glycosylation of the S. cerevisiae sec59 mutant, suggesting that AtDOK1 encodes a functional DOK. To characterize the physiological roles of AtDOK1 in planta, we isolated two independent lines of T‐DNA‐tagged AtDOK1 mutants, dok11 and dok12. The heterozygous plants showed developmental defects in male and female gametophytes, including an aberrant pollen structure, low pollen viability, and short siliques. Additionally, the mutations had incomplete penetrance. These results suggest that AtDOK1 is a functional DOK required for reproductive processes in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) typically activate c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) through the G protein betagamma subunit (Gbetagamma), in a manner dependent on Rho family small GTPases, in mammalian cells. Here we show that JNK activation by the prototypic Gq-coupled alpha1B-adrenergic receptor is mediated by the alpha subunit of Gq (Galphaq), not by Gbetagamma, using a transient transfection system in human embryonic kidney cells. JNK activation by the alpha1B-adrenergic receptor/Galphaq was selectively mediated by mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 (MKK4), but not MKK7. Also, MKK4 activation by the alpha1B-adrenergic receptor/Galphaq required c-Src and Rho family small GTPases. Furthermore, activation of the alpha1B-adrenergic receptor stimulated JNK activity through Src family tyrosine kinases and Rho family small GTPases in hamster smooth muscle cells that natively express the alpha1B-adrenergic receptor. Together, these results suggest that the alpha1B-adrenergic receptor/Galphaq may up-regulate JNK activity through a MKK4 pathway dependent on c-Src and Rho family small GTPases in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the synthesis of mannosylphosphoryl dolichol and glucosylphosphoryl dolichol hen oviduct microsomes were compared in order to gain insight into the properties of their respective synthases. A stabilized form of mannosylphosphoryl dolichol synthase, but not glucosylphosphoryl dolichol synthase, was released from microsomes by freezing the membranes after exposure to the detergent CHAPSO. The activation energy for mannosylphosphoryl dolichol synthesis in membranes was 9.4 glucosylphosphoryl dolichol synthesis in membranes had a similar activation energy, 8.1 kcal/mol, but below 18 degrees C the value was 16.7 kcal/mol. Tryptic digestion of sealed microsomes preferentially inactivated mannosylphosphoryl dolichol synthase; however, both synthases were equally inactivated in detergent-permeabilized microsomes. Periodate-oxidized UDP-Glc was used to probe the topological orientation of glucosylphosphoryl dolichol synthase in rat liver microsomes. Sealed microsomes treated with oxidized UDP-Glc were inactive in synthesis of glucosylphosphoryl dolichol. However, when these treated microsomes were permeabilized, glucosylphosphoryl dolichol synthase activity was readily detected. From these studies we conclude that although mannosyl- and glucosylphosphoryl dolichol synthases catalyze chemically similar reactions in the endoplasmic reticulum, they differ in several respects. These differences were interpreted in terms of a topological model in which the active sites of the two enzymes reside on opposite faces of the endoplasmic reticulum, with that of the glucosyl lipid synthase facing the lumen and that of the mannosyl lipid synthase facing the cytosol.  相似文献   

Inflammation and glucocorticoids stimulate hepatic glycoprotein synthesis, resulting in an increased secretion of serum glycoproteins. We now present evidence that the synthesis of dolichol and dolichol phosphate from mevalonate is increased in hepatocytes from inflamed rats. Also, in inflamed rats, the levels of dolichol and dolichol phosphate are increased in liver homogenates and microsomes. Dexamethasone treatment of the cells, however, does not increase the synthesis of dolichol and dolichol phosphate from mevalonate. The results suggest that the inflammation-induced dolichol-linked saccharide and glycoprotein synthesis is possibly mediated through an increase in the level of dolichol and dolichol phosphate in the liver. Since dexamethasone treatment does not increase the synthesis of dolichol and dolichol phosphate, its action on glycoprotein synthesis appears to be different and to affect the induction of enzymes in mannosyl phosphoryl dolichol- and dolichol-linked oligosaccharide synthesis.  相似文献   

Electron-density maps for the crystal structures of membrane proteins often show features suggesting binding of lipids and/or detergent molecules on the hydrophobic surface, but usually it is difficult to identify the bound molecules. In our studies, heavy-atom-labelled phospholipids and detergents have been used to unequivocally identify these binding sites at the surfaces of test membrane proteins, the reaction centres from Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Blastochloris viridis. The generality of this method is discussed in the present article.  相似文献   

The photophobic receptor from Natronomonas pharaonis (NpSRII) forms a photo-signalling complex with its cognate transducer (NpHtrII). In order to elucidate the complex formation in more detail, we have studied the intermolecular binding of both constituents (NpSRII and NpHtrII157; truncated at residue 157) in detergent buffers, and in lipid bilayers using FRET. The data for hetero-dimer formation of NpSRII/NpHtrII in detergent agrees well with KD values (∼ 200 nM) described in the literature. In lipid bilayers, the binding affinity between proteins in the NpSRII/NpHtrII complex is at least one order of magnitude stronger. In detergent the strength of binding is similar for both homo-dimers (NpSRII/NpSRII and NpHtrII/NpHtrII) but significantly weaker (KD  ∼ 16 μM) when compared to the hetero-dimer. The intermolecular binding is again considerably stronger in lipid bilayers; however, it is not as strong as that observed for the hetero-dimer. At a molar transducer/lipid ratio of 1:2000, which is still well above physiological concentrations, only 40% homo-dimers are formed. Apparently, in cell membranes the formation of the assumed functionally active oligomeric 2:2 complex depends on the full-length transducer including the helical cytoplasmic part, which is thought to tighten the transducer-dimer association.  相似文献   

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