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In the surveillance of the incidence of rubella in the northwestern region of Russia, an analysis was conducted of swabs from the noses and pharynxes of 37 patients with rubella treated in Solovev District Military Clinical Hospital No. 442. To isolate the virus, the RK-13 cell line was used, in total 22 strains were allocated. The strains of the Rubella virus isolated in St. Petersburg during the 2007 outbreak belong to the 1E genotype. In the culture of RK-13 cells, changes of cellular morphogenesis and the formation of replicative complexes, as well as the shells of virions of rubella viruses, were detected.  相似文献   

Advanced maternal age is a well-established factor of DS occurrence. However the majority of DS cases are born to young couples. Some studies suggested that the risk for Down syndrome may be related to an aging grandmother. We obtained data on grandmaternal ages in 243 families of DS and 330 families of healthy children born in 1990-1999. The data were analyzed according to two categories of maternal ages, <30 yr and > or =30 yr. We did not find systematic differences in grandparental age distribution between the studied groups. Specifically, in 102 young couples with DS, medians for both maternal and paternal grandmother's age appeared to be equal (26 yr). Similar figures were observed in 284 young controls (27 yr). There was no difference in age distribution between 141 older couples with DS and 104 control couples. Therefore we failed to support the suggestion that advanced age of the DS grandmother is responsible for meiotic disturbance in her daughter. Neither the hypothesis suggesting a significant contribution of parentally transmitted trisomy 21 to DS population rate has been confirmed.  相似文献   

The anthropology of post-socialism has largely been framed around a suspension of judgement of the so-called 'transition to market capitalism'. In this article I explore this theme as an ethnographic question and ask how social context is marked locally. I argue that while suspending judgements about the nature of context is nearly impossible in a sustained fashion – marriages must be planned, universities attended, etc. – in many ways people have a practical disposition that does in fact resemble the anthropological hesitance to pass judgement. I argue that ways of imagining context have more to do with historically informed practices of personhood and 'pretence' than with crisis and chaos.  相似文献   

As the result of prolonged (17 years) observations of patients with acute respiratory infections hospitalized in basic departments of clinics of the Research Institute of Influenza, coronavirus infection was found to be the cause of respiratory diseases, on the average, in 12% of cases (in some years in 6.8% to 28.6% of cases). The analysis of extensive morbidity rates among different age groups of the population showed that children were affected by coronavirus infection 5-7 times more often than adults. Three year cycles of this infection were established. The periods of coronaviruses activation were accompanied by their detection in patient material by electron-microscopy, a sharp increase of immune response of patients as well as in the number of nosocomial infections and the proportion of the monoinfection of the coronavirus nature. Coronaviruses played the leading role among other viruses in the etiology of hospital respiratory infections. Mucosal antibodies to coronaviruses in the secretions of the nasal cavity proved to be more important than serum antibodies not only in protection from infection, but also in the pattern of clinical manifestations of the disease.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) evolution is thought to proceed by mutations within the six genotypes. Here, we report on a viable spontaneous HCV recombinant and we show that recombination may play a role in the evolution of this virus. Previously, 149 HCV strains from St. Petersburg had been subtyped by limited sequencing within the NS5B region. In the present study, the core regions of 41 of these strains were sequenced to investigate the concordance of HCV genotyping for these two genomic regions. Two phylogenetically related HCV strains were found to belong to different subtypes, 2k and 1b, according to sequence analysis of the 5' untranslated region (5'UTR)-core and the NS5B regions, respectively. By sequencing of the E2-p7-NS2 region, the crossover point was mapped within the NS2 region, probably between positions 3175 and 3176 (according to the numbering system for strain pj6CF). Sequencing of the 5'UTR-core regions of four other HCV strains, phylogenetically related to the above-mentioned two strains (based on analysis within the NS5B region), revealed that these four strains were also recombinants. Since a nonrecombinant 2k strain was found in St. Petersburg, the recombination may have taken place there around a decade ago. Since the frequency of this recombinant is now high enough to allow the detection of the recombinant in a fraction of the city's population, it seems to be actively spreading there. The reported recombinant is tentatively designated RF1-2k/1b, in agreement with the nomenclature used for HIV recombinants. Recombination between HCV genotypes must now be considered in the classification, laboratory diagnosis, and treatment of HCV infection.  相似文献   

In September-December 1998 the epidemic rise of outhospital pneumonia (EP) among children was observed in St. Petersburg, which led to a twofold increase in morbidity rate this year. The study of the etiology of EP during the period of 1998-2001 confirmed the prime role of Streptococcus pneumoniae (74.5%) and, for the first time in Russia, revealed the epidemic outbreak of acute chlamydiosis (Chlamydia pneumoniae), diagnosed in 67.3% of children, the maximum occurrence (87.5%) in 1998 with only 19% of the patients having the disease in the form of monoinfection. The prevalence of S. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae in the etiology of EP and more severe course of mixed infection suggested that these infective agents played a leading role in the epidemic outbreak of acute respiratory infections in St. Petersburg.  相似文献   

The fungal and bacterial aerobiota of four St. Petersburg Underground stations has been examined over a 4-month period. In the indoor air of St. Petersburg Underground 50 fungal species were found, among which were likely deteriogenic fungi. The most prevailing genera were Acremonium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Penicillium. Fungal spore density in the underground air was within the sanitary level accepted for public buildings. The spore densities and specificities correlated with the station type. A more specific (independent of outdoor) air mycobiota was found in deeper stations. All fungal isolates were tested in laboratory conditions for their ability to produce extracellular proteinase, phospholipase, and hemolytic activities which can be associated to virulence. Only 2 of the 75 isolates expressed a high level of all three activities. Assuming this figure can serve as a rough assessment of pathogenicity potential, the risk of invasive mycoses was not considered significant. But taking into account the situation with peak-hours overcrowding, it may be concluded that the risk of “mould” allergic diseases for some categories of the underground passengers in St. Petersburg does exist.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Genetics - The principal genetic demographic parameters that describe migration processes affecting the structure of the St. Petersburg population gene pool were determined on...  相似文献   

Screening of patients with familial breast cancer from St. Petersburg for BRCA1 gene mutations resulted in identification of three mutations (414del3, 276delA, and A622V) and two polymorphisms (P871L and S1436S). Mutations 4146del3 and 276delA are novel, never previously described elsewhere. Deletion 2761delA produces a reading frame shift, premature protein synthesis termination and can cause predisposition for breast cancer. Deletion 414de13 does not cause a frame shift, but can result both in the disappearance of amino acid residue (D1343del) in the BRCA1 protein and in alteration of folding of the protein, entailing loss of its functional activity. Two variants of nucleotide sequence observed in the number of patients were classified as DNA polymorphisms (P871L and S1436S) rather than mutations as they were not tightly associated with the increased risk of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Rusakov  A. V.  Novikov  V. V. 《Microbiology》2003,72(1):103-109
Biological activity in the urban modern and medieval soils of St. Petersburg was determined using soil samples taken from sections located at the historical center of this city nearby the Kazan Cathedral and the Twelve Colleges building (now the main building of St. Petersburg State University) and on the site where the Swedish fortress Nienshants formerly existed. The studied parameters of biological activity included the rate of microbial transformation of organic matter under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, the intensity of denitrification and nitrogen fixation, and the amount of microbial biomass. This investigation is the first attempt to comparatively study modern urban anthropogenically impacted soils and buried soils that had formed the soil cover of this region before St. Petersburg was founded. The major microbiological and physicochemical parameters of the soils were subjected to correlation analysis.  相似文献   

The work presents a short history of development of evolutionary methods in the St. Petersburg school of computer simulation of biological processes. Several moments confirm priority of this school in modeling of micro- and macroevolutionary processes. A peculiarity of the school is a combination of the applied and theoretical study, penetration into the biological essence of phenomenon, consideration of real interrelationships of ecological and physiological parameters. The natural tendency for transition to modeling at the level of single individuals and then-to imitation of evolutionary processes on computer is traced. Paradoxically, such detalization sometimes does not worsen, but improves prognostic properties of models of populations, communities, and ecosystems, and besides, makes unnecessary monitoring of some variable characteristics, because the individual-based approach allows to direct account for adaptive processes and hidden evolutionary relationships between the life history parameters. Problems and perspectives of development of evolutionary methods of modeling are analyzed.  相似文献   

Data on the age of grandparents of 243 children with Down syndrome (DS) born between 1990 and 1999 are considered in this work in comparison with control families of 330 healthy children. In 102 families, where the age of the mother at the birth of a child with DS was younger 30 (or less than 30) years, the median ages of both maternal and paternal grandmothers of probands were actually the same (26 years). Actually, the median age of grandmothers in 226 young families having healthy children were also the same (27 years). No differences in the indicators in question were revealed between 141 families with DS and 104 families with healthy children, where the mothers were older than 29 years. Thus, our results have not confirmed the hypothesis about the influence of the age of DS probands’ grandmothers on the segregation of chromosomes in their daughters’ oogenesis, as well as the hypothesis about a significant contribution of the inherited trisomy of chromosome 21 to the frequency of DS in the general population.  相似文献   

A total of 57 species from 32 genera of hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) were found in the agricultural landscapes of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Province. One species, Cheilosia vulpina (Mg.), was recorded in the region for the first time. The largest numbers of species occurred at forest and field edges covered with wild grasses and shrubs, while 21 species of hoverflies were recorded in crops. The species most commonly found in crops were representatives of the genera Melanostoma, Sphaerophoria, and Platycheirus whose larvae feed on aphids.  相似文献   

The history of rise and development of evolutionary methods in Saint Petersburg school of biological modelling is traced and analyzed. Some pioneering works in simulation of ecological and evolutionary processes, performed in St.-Petersburg school became an exemplary ones for many followers in Russia and abroad. The individual-based approach became the crucial point in the history of the school as an adequate instrument for construction of models of biological evolution. This approach is natural for simulation of the evolution of life-history parameters and adaptive processes in populations and communities. In some cases simulated evolutionary process was used for solving a reverse problem, i. e., for estimation of uncertain life-history parameters of population. Evolutionary computations is one more aspect of this approach application in great many fields. The problems and vistas of ecological and evolutionary modelling in general are discussed.  相似文献   

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