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There is good evidence indicating that ion-transport pathways in the apical regions of lingual epithelial cells, including taste bud cells, may play a role in salt taste reception. In this article, we present evidence that, in the case of the dog, there also exists a sugar-activated ion-transport pathway that is linked to sugar taste transduction. Evidence was drawn from two parallel lines of experiments: (a) ion-transport studies on the isolated canine lingual epithelium, and (b) recordings from the canine chorda tympani. The results in vitro showed that both mono- and disaccharides in the mucosal bath stimulate a dose-dependent increase in the short-circuit current over the concentration range coincident with mammalian sugar taste responses. Transepithelial current evoked by glucose, fructose, or sucrose in either 30 mM NaCl or in Krebs-Henseleit buffer (K-H) was partially blocked by amiloride. Among current carriers activated by saccharides, the current response was greater with Na than with K. Ion flux measurements in K-H during stimulation with 3-O-methylglucose showed that the sugar-evoked current was due to an increase in the Na influx. Ouabain or amiloride reduced the sugar-evoked Na influx without effect on sugar transport as measured with tritiated 3-O-methylglucose. Amiloride inhibited the canine chorda tympani response to 0.5 M NaCl by 70-80% and the response to 0.5 M KCl by approximately 40%. This agreed with the percent inhibition by amiloride of the short-circuit current supported in vitro by NaCl and KCl. Amiloride also partially inhibited the chorda tympani responses to sucrose and to fructose. The results indicate that in the dog: (a) the ion transporter subserving Na taste also subserves part of the response to K, and (b) a sugar-activated, Na-preferring ion-transport system is one mechanism mediating sugar taste transduction. Results in the literature indicate a similar sweet taste mechanism for humans.  相似文献   

Gilbertson  TA; Zhang  H 《Chemical senses》1998,23(3):283-293
The transduction of sodium salts occurs through a variety of mechanisms, including sodium influx through amiloride-sensitive sodium channels, anion-dependent sodium movement through intercellular junctions and unidentified amiloride-insensitive mechanisms. Characterizations of sodium transport in lingual epithelium mounted in Ussing chambers have focused almost exclusively on epithelia containing only fungiform taste buds. In the present study we have investigated sodium transport by measuring NaCl-induced short-circuit current from lingual epithelia containing fungiform, foliate, vallate and palatine taste buds in the hamster and the rat. All areas show measurable sodium transport, yet significant differences were noted between the epithelia from the rat and the hamster and among the different epithelia within a single species in terms of current density, transepithelial resistance and mucosal amiloride sensitivity. In general, epithelia from the anterior tongue were of a lower resistance and transported sodium more effectively than from the posterior tongue. Moreover, fungiform- and vallate-containing epithelia in the rat had a greater current density than did the corresponding tissues in the hamster. Amiloride sensitivity also differed between the rat and the hamster. In the hamster all gustatory areas showed some amiloride sensitivity, while in the rat the vallate-containing epithelia were devoid of amiloride- sensitive sodium transport. The results are consistent with the interpretation that all chemosensitive areas may participate in the detection of salts but the degree of salt transport and the mechanism of transport is variable among different lingual epithelia and different species.   相似文献   

The identity of the current carriers in canine lingual epithelium in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ion transport across the lingual epithelium has been implicated as an early event in gustatory transduction. The fluxes of isotopically labelled Na+ and Cl- were measured across isolated canine dorsal lingual epithelium under short-circuit conditions. The epithelium actively absorbs Na+ and to a lesser extent actively secretes Cl-. Under symmetrical conditions with Krebs-Henseleit buffer on both sides, (1) Na+ absorption accounts for 46% of the short-circuit current (Isc); (2) there are two transcellular Na+ pathways, one amiloride-sensitive and one amiloride-insensitive; (3) ouabain, added to the serosal solution, inhibits both Isc and active Na+ absorption. When hyperosmotic (0.25 M) NaCl is placed in the mucosal bath, both Isc and Na+ absorption increase; net Na+ absorption is at least as much as Isc. Ion substitution studies indicate that the tissue may transport a variety of larger ions, though not as effectively as Na+ and Cl-. Thus we have shown that the lingual epithelium, like other epithelia of the gastrointestinal tract, actively transports ions. However, it is unusual both in its response to hyperosmotic solutions and in the variety of ions that support a transepithelial short-circuit current. Since sodium ion transport under hyperosmotic conditions has been shown to correlate well with the gustatory neural response, the variety of ions transported may likewise indicate a wider role for transport in taste transduction.  相似文献   

We present the first electrophysiological evidence for electrogenicion transport across the frog olfactory mucosa in vitro. Whenthe isolated dorsal mucosa was placed in an Ussing chamber andbathed symmetrically in amphibian Ringer's, the ciliated sidebecame electronegative (V = –5.2 mV ± 0.7 mV).The resistance of the mucosal preparation was 148 ± 4 cm2. The true short-circuit current was obtained as the intersectionof the I–V curve with the current axis after correctingfor the series solution resistance. The average value of theshort-circuit current was 35.9 µA/cm2. The I–V relationwas linear over the applied potential range of ± 16mV.The magnitude of the specific resistance of the olfactory mucosais comparable to values reported for various actively transportingrespiratory and oral cavity epithelia. Because the geometricalarea of the aperture used to normalize both the short-circuitcurrent and the resistance undoubtedly underestimates the actualarea of the dorsal olfactory epithelium, the specific resistanceand the short-circuit current are probably underestimated andoverestimated, respectively. Therefore, the nominally low resistanceneed not imply a leaky epithelium. Substitution of NO3for Cl caused the current to increase and the resistanceto decrease. These results suggest that cation absorption playsa role in the sign of the short-circuit current. The in vitropreparation responded to the odorant ethyl n-butyrate by givingan electro-olfactogram (EOG)-like voltage transient which wassuperimposed on the steady-state potential created by activeion transport. The significance of these results is discussedfrom the perspective of the peripheral events surrounding olfactorytransduction.  相似文献   

Sodium and potassium ion-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase ((Na+ + K+)-ATPase) was partially purified from canine brain gray matter and reconstituted into vesicles of phosphatidylcholine. A proportion of the enzyme molecules was reconstituted into sealed vesicles with the ATP-hydrolyzing site facing the outside of the vesicles. ATP was added to the outside of the vesicles after they had equilibrated with radioactive tracer, and the resulting active transport of Na+ and K+ was followed. Unlike the purified kidney renal medulla enzyme used in an earlier study, the brain enzyme transports both Na+ and K+(Rb+). Vesicles were made in solutions with different proportions of NaCl and KCl, and over the range studied, an average of 1.8 Rb+ ions were transported for every 3 Na+ ions. When ATP is depleted, the transported ions diffuse back to their equilibrium level in the vesicles.  相似文献   

Mammary epithelial 31EG4 cells (MEC) were grown as monolayers onfilters to analyze the apical membrane mechanisms that help mediate ionand fluid transport across the epithelium. RT-PCR showed the presenceof cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) andepithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) message, and immunomicroscopyshowed apical membrane staining for both proteins. CFTR was alsolocalized to the apical membrane of native human mammary ductepithelium. In control conditions, mean values of transepithelialpotential (apical-side negative) and resistance(RT) are 5.9 mV and 829  · cm2, respectively. The apical membranepotential (VA) is 40.7 mV, and the mean ratioof apical to basolateral membrane resistance (RA/RB) is 2.8. Apicalamiloride hyperpolarized VA by 19.7 mV andtripled RA/RB. AcAMP-elevating cocktail depolarized VA by 17.6 mV, decreased RA/RB by60%, increased short-circuit current by 6 µA/cm2,decreased RT by 155  · cm2, and largely eliminated responses toamiloride. Whole cell patch-clamp measurements demonstratedamiloride-inhibited Na+ currents [linear current-voltage(I-V) relation] and forskolin-stimulated Clcurrents (linear I-V relation). A capacitance probe methodshowed that in the control state, MEC monolayers either absorbed orsecreted fluid (2-4µl · cm2 · h1). Fluidsecretion was stimulated either by activating CFTR (cAMP) or blockingENaC (amiloride). These data plus equivalent circuit analysis showedthat 1) fluid absorption across MEC is mediated byNa+ transport via apical membrane ENaC, and fluid secretionis mediated, in part, by Cl transport via apicalCFTR; 2) in both cases, appropriate counterions move throughtight junctions to maintain electroneutrality; and 3)interactions among CFTR, ENaC, and tight junctions allow MEC to eitherabsorb or secrete fluid and, in situ, may help control luminal[Na+] and [Cl].


Knowledge of liquid secretion by fetal lung stems from studies of sheep. We extended these studies to dogs and examined the persistence of the fetal pattern of airway epithelial permeability and ion transport in the neonatal animal. Plasma and lung liquid from fetal dogs were analyzed for Na+, K+, Cl-, and HCO3-. Only the Cl- concentration of fetal lung liquid (129 meq/l) was significantly different from that of fetal plasma (111 meq/l). Segments of trachea from fetal and neonatal (less than 1, 7-10, and 21-46 days after birth) dogs were excised and mounted in flux chambers. The transepithelial potential difference (PD) of all tissues was oriented lumen negative (9.8-14.8 mV). Under short-circuit conditions, unidirectional Na+ flows were symmetrical. Cl- was secreted, and the secretion was equivalent to short-circuit current (Isc). Cl- secretion persisted under open-circuit conditions. Lobar bronchi from 21- to 46-day neonates absorbed Na+ (1.9 mueq.cm-2.h-1), but unidirectional flows of Cl- were symmetrical. Amiloride (10(-4) M) reduced Isc of neonatal bronchi by 47% but did not affect fetal bronchi. Isoproterenol increased Isc of both fetal (33%) and neonatal (40%) bronchi. These responses suggest that fetal bronchi do not absorb Na+ but can be stimulated to secrete Cl-. We conclude that Cl- secretion by epithelium of large airways may contribute to fetal lung liquid production, but it is unlikely that the tracheal epithelium is involved in fluid absorption at birth. Whereas fetal bronchi appear to secrete Cl-, neonatal bronchi absorb Na+.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ambroxol is often used as a mucolytic agent in various lung diseases. However, it is unclear how ambroxol acts on bronchial epithelial cells. To clarify the action of ambroxol, we studied the effects of ambroxol on the ion transport in human Calu-3 cells, a human submucosal serous cell line, measuring the transepithelial short-circuit current and conductance across monolayers of Calu-3 cells. Ambroxol of 100 microM diminished the terbutaline (a beta2-adrenergic agonist)-stimulated Cl-/HCO3(-)-dependent secretion without any decreases in the conductance of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) channel locating on the apical membrane. On the other hand, under the basal (unstimulated) condition ambroxol increased the Cl(-)-dependent secretion with no significant change in the apical CFTR channel conductance and decreased the HCO3- secretion associated with a decrease in the apical CFTR channel conductance. Ambroxol had no major action on the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) or the ENaC-mediated Na+ absorption. These results indicate that in Calu-3 cells: (1) under the basal (unstimulated) condition ambroxol increases Cl- secretion by stimulating the entry step of Cl- and decreases HCO3- secretion by diminishing the activity of the CFTR channel and/or the Na+/HCO3(-)-dependent cotransporter, (2) under the adrenergic agonist-stimulated condition, ambroxol decreases Cl- secretion by acting on the Cl-/HCO3- exchanger, and (3) ambroxol has a more powerful action than the adrenergic agonist on the Cl-/HCO3- exchanger, leading fluid secretion to a moderately stimulated level from a hyper-stimulated level.  相似文献   

Sphingosine kinase was partially purified and characterized from rat brain microsomes. A new assay, utilizing octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside and sphingosine mixed micelles, was developed to quantitate formation of the sphingosine-1-phosphate product. The assay was proportional with respect to time and protein, displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and was subject to surface dilution in regard to the sphingosine substrate. Investigations into substrate specificity showed that the enzyme is specific for the erythro-enantiomers of sphingosine and dihydrosphingosine. Neither of the threo-enantiomers were phosphorylated in this system, but both were found to be potent competitive inhibitors of sphingosine kinase activity. Human platelet sphingosine kinase activity displayed substrate and inhibitor specificities similar to the rat brain enzyme. A mixture of DL-threo-dihydrosphingosine competitively inhibited sphingosine kinase activity in a dose dependent manner in isolated platelets. DL-Threo-dihydrosphingosine caused a prolongation of the inhibition of thrombin-induced protein kinase C-dependent 40 (47)-kDa protein phosphorylation in platelets. D-, L-, or DL-Threo-dihydrosphingosine may be useful as a tool to investigate D-Erythrosphingosine metabolism and the function of sphingosine-1-phosphate in signal transduction processes.  相似文献   

Na,K-ATPase was localized in canine fungiform and circumvallfltepapillae by immunocytochemical and histochemical methods. Monoclonalantibodies raised against the -subunit of Na,K-ATPase showedspecific staining in the stratum basale and in the lower layersof the stratum spinosum. Small stained wavy lines, interpretedas trigerrunal fibers, were found in the epithelium near tastebuds. In contrast, conventional histochemical methods showedno staining in the epithelium. In both immunocytochemical and histochemical methods taste budswere densely stained. The histochemical stain in taste budswas essentially eliminated by levamisole and L-cysteine butremained in the presence of 10 mM ouabain or in the absenceof potassium. These data suggest that the majority of the histochemicalstain arises from phosphatases other than Na,K-ATPase.  相似文献   

The anaerobic active ion transport by isolated frog skin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

An enzymatic ion exchange model for active sodium transport   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
An enzymatic ion exchange model for active sodium transport is described. Kinetic equations relating net flux to time, and to concentration difference across the actively transporting membrane are derived. The second of these equations is tested, using the isolated frog skin in the "short-circuit" apparatus of Ussing. Reasonable linearity, as predicted by this equation, is observed. The passive permeability coefficient for Na+, is calculated as 5.3 x 10-4 ± 5.3 x 10-4 cm./hr. If cholinesterase is assumed to be the enzyme responsible for transport, the activity required to account for the observations reported here is 17.7 x 10-4 mmoles/cm.2/hr.  相似文献   

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