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一种简单、快速提取DNA的方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着分子生物学研究的迅速发展,提取DNA已成为一项常规实验。用经典方法提取DNA[1],先用蛋白酶K、SDS消化,然后用酚、氯仿抽提,乙醇沉淀,耗时较多,提取液需要多次转移,易引起交叉污染和DNA丢失。本文利用硅藻(diatom)能够特异性吸附核酸的...  相似文献   

A homogenous, chloride-dependent arginine amino-peptidase was purified from the liver of human fetuses by gel-permeation chromatography followed by subsequent fractionation on DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B and affinity chromatography on Sepharose 4B covalently coupled to L-arginine. The purified enzyme showed a single band on disc-gel electrophoresis. In SDS-gel electrophoresis the molecular weight of the enzyme was found to be 92′000 ± 2000. N-L-Arginyl-2-naphthylamine and N-L-lysyl-2-naphthylamine were practically the only amino-acyl-2-naphthylamines hydrolyzed by the enzyme. The method was successfully applied for the purification of the chloride-dependent arginine aminopeptidases from human erythrocytes, serum, synovial fluid and rat inflammatory exudates.  相似文献   

We report here a simple procedure for the purification of the organelle DNA. Mitochondrial DNA from Sorghum and the chloroplast DNA from Populus and spinach were purified using this protocol. The method utilizes a quick centrifugation of the isolated organelle DNA through a two step CsCl density gradient for removal of small molecular weight nucleic acids which pose a major problem for getting clean restriction patterns. This method of purification can be adopted with any isolation procedure for organelle DNA.  相似文献   

A two-step chromatographic procedure has been developed for the purification of ovine pineal arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (EC, based on the principles of disulfide exchange and anion exchange. The enzyme from 20 ovine pineal glands can be purified about 500-fold in a day; recovery is about 5%. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of the final preparation shows four major bands; one appears to be arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase.  相似文献   

Rapid purification of DNA from samples of highly clotted blood is a challenging problem due to the difficulty in recovering and dispersing blood clots. We developed a new method for discarding the serum-separator gel and rapidly dispersing the blood clots. A special disposable tip was inserted into the serum-separator gel so that the serum-separator gel could be discarded. The blood clot obtained was dispersed into small pieces through a copper mesh (pore size, 250 μm) in a special dispersing instrument by centrifugation. After lysis of red blood cells and white blood cells, genomic DNA was concentrated and desalted by isopropanol precipitation. The mean yield of DNA purified from a 0.3-ml blood clot was 22.70 μg in 173 samples of clotted blood cryopreserved for 1 month, and 19.02 μg in 1,372 samples of clotted blood cryopreserved for >6 months. DNA samples were successfully performed through polymerase chain reaction, real time polymerase chain reaction, and melt curve analysis. Their quality was comparable with that purified directly from EDTA-anticoagulated blood. The new method overcomes the difficulties in recovering and dispersing blood clots, allowing efficient purification of DNA from samples of highly clotted blood.  相似文献   

以往人们通常用氯化铯梯度超速离心法、甘油梯度超速度离心法等方法纯化噬菌体。采用这些方法,虽然可以获得纯净的λ噬菌体颗粒。但需要昂贵的试剂和仪器。操作也冗长繁琐。我们采用并改进了Reddy的方法,首先用DE_(52)纤维素柱层析纯化λ噬菌体颗粒,然后用酚抽提,从提纯的噬菌体中分离DNA,这个方法简单快速,不需要氯化铯梯度超速离心,也不使用SDS、蛋白酶和核酸酶。  相似文献   

A Method for Isolation of Chloroplast DNA and Mitochondrial DNA from Sunflower   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
We present a method for isolation of chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA from sunflower seedlings. The protocol includes: organelle isolation, deoxyribonuclease treatment, lysis, deproteinisation and a final DNA purification with sodium dodecyl sulphate and potassium acetate. The organelle DNA yield is 5–10 micrograms per gram of tissue and the DNA is fully restrictable. The technique is inexpensive and appropriate for the isolation of multiple samples of organelle DNA from a small amount of tissue.  相似文献   

血液基因组DNA的快速提取方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
申社林  李兵 《生物技术通报》2007,(4):146-147,164
目的:研究血液中基因组DNA的简便快速提取方法。方法:取新鲜抗凝血,以红细胞裂解液除去红细胞,再破碎白细胞,除去杂蛋白,获得基因组DNA。结果:所得基因组DNA完整、无断裂,含量和纯度均较高。以所提基因组DNA作为模板能很好的扩增出p21因子启动子序列,因此该法所提取的DNA是完整可靠的。结论:该法能简便、快速、安全、廉价的提取血液中的基因组DNA,并适用于临床检测和分子生物学研究。  相似文献   

一种适于PCR扩增的小麦基因组DNA快速提取法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
许多小麦分子生物学研究需要对大量的小麦样品进行PCR检测,因此,建立一种快速提取小麦基因组DNA的方法十分必要。根据国外报道的一种快速提取水稻和玉米基因组DNA的方法,我们对部分提取步骤进行变动后,在小麦上进行了尝试,长度为1.5kb的片段能得到稳定的扩增。该方法样品研磨在1.5ml的离心管内进行,后续操作不用酚、氯仿、CTAB、SDS和巯基乙醇,整个提取过程不需要使用通风橱,操作步骤简单,花费时间少,而且提取的小麦基因组DNA完整性好,量也较可观。一个DNA样品可供50~100次PCR反应使用,适用于小麦遗传多样性、分子标记辅助选择、转基因后代检测以及引物筛选、分子标记定位等多种研究。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种简单快速分离质粒DNA方法。此方法有两个主要步骤。用这种方法分离的质粒DNA纯度高、无RNA,并可用于酶切、连接等操作。  相似文献   

DNA assembly techniques have developed rapidly, enabling efficient construction of complex constructs that would be prohibitively difficult using traditional restriction-digest based methods. Most of the recent methods for assembling multiple DNA fragments in vitro suffer from high costs, complex set-ups, and diminishing efficiency when used for more than a few DNA segments. Here we present a cycled ligation-based DNA assembly protocol that is simple, cheap, efficient, and powerful. The method employs a thermostable ligase and short Scaffold Oligonucleotide Connectors (SOCs) that are homologous to the ends and beginnings of two adjacent DNA sequences. These SOCs direct an exponential increase in the amount of correctly assembled product during a reaction that cycles between denaturing and annealing/ligating temperatures. Products of early cycles serve as templates for later cycles, allowing the assembly of many sequences in a single reaction. To demonstrate the method’s utility, we directed the assembly of twelve inserts, in one reaction, into a transformable plasmid. All the joints were precise, and assembly was scarless in the sense that no nucleotides were added or missing at junctions. Simple, efficient, and low-cost cycled ligation assemblies will facilitate wider use of complex genetic constructs in biomedical research.  相似文献   

Nisin, an antimicrobial peptide showing activity against a broad range of Gram-positive bacteria, is widely used as a food preservative and has potential as a therapeutic for a range of infectious diseases. Here, we present a simple purification method, based on a salting-out approach, which can produce a powder containing ~33% nisin, from a nisin-producing culture in a whey permeate-based medium. This process removes over 99% of the lactic acid, NaCl, lactose and non-nisin proteins from the cell-free culture supernatant. The approach can also enrich a commonly used commercial nisin preparation over 30-fold to a purity of ~58%. These are higher purities than comparable published methods. The simplicity of this approach facilitates its use in research and also its scale-up.  相似文献   

一种快速有效提取植物和真菌DNA和RNA的简易方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用一种真菌核酸的快速提取方法提取了3种真菌的DNA和RNA,并将该法略作改进用于烟草DNA和RNA的提取.同时,通过低温保藏试验评价核酸提取液和提取产物的稳定性和有效性;利用凝胶电泳、PCR和RT-PCR等方法比较分析核酸质量;并将提取效果与传统方法或试剂盒的提取效果进行比较,以分析其有效性.结果表明,改进后的提取方法是一种简单、方便和有效的实验方法,不仅可用于真菌也可用于植物DNA和RNA提取,用这种方法提取得到的DNA和RNA在低温保存条件下比较稳定,能较长时间保持其原有活性.  相似文献   

为了寻找适合小麦白粉菌基因组DNA微量提取的方法,分别采用改进破壁法,液氮研磨法和溶菌酶消化法进行破壁,提取专性寄生菌小麦白粉菌DNA。结果表明,用改进的破壁方法,仅用3~10 mg的分生孢子粉所获得DNA的收率为(12.23±3.46)~(40.32±5.67)ng/mg,且OD260/OD280比值为1.71~1.92之间,说明该破壁方法获得的DNA收率大且纯度高。通过PCR反应获得了良好的效果。同时该方法也适用于小麦条锈菌和大麦白粉菌专性寄生菌DNA的提取。  相似文献   

以籼稻品种珍讪97B为材料,采用溶液捣碎和不连续蔗糖梯度离心的方法提取了籼稻的叶绿体DNA,DNA经限制性内切酶酶解和琼脂糖胶电泳可以得到清晰的条带,来自蚕豆的核酮糖—1,5—二磷酸羧化氧合酶大亚基基因探针和23SrRNA基因探针可以与酶切条带杂交,由此确定了含这二种基因的BamHI酶切片段。  相似文献   


A simple, rapid and novel method for purification of the oligonucleotide using silica gel matrix is described.  相似文献   

分析磷脂酰肌醇循环(PI cycle)的磷脂组分常采用双向薄层层析法.建立了一个简单快速的单向薄层层析分离肌醇磷脂方法.首先采用不同的有机溶剂体系分别提取非多磷酸肌醇磷脂和多磷酸肌醇磷脂,然后用不同的层析展开体系,对两部分磷脂进行单向薄层层析分离.采用无载体 32P标记实验对该方法分离效果进行了观察.此法适用于同位素标记和非标记样品中肌醇磷脂组分的比较分析及多磷酸肌醇磷脂的提取、纯化和定量.  相似文献   

目的:为了达到批量提取质粒DNA的目的,在多次实验的基础上,建立一种经济、高效的质粒提取方法。方法:以pUC18、pET28b、pCAMBIA1304等3种质粒为材料,分别采用silica法和碱裂解法提取质粒DNA,通过质粒DNA浓度的紫外分光光度法定量测定、电泳分析和HindⅢ酶切鉴定,对两种质粒提取方法的效果进行了比较与评价;对silica法进行了改进和优化,进行大批量重组子的提取和验证。结果:silica法和碱裂解法提取质粒DNA效果相当,都可进行后续实验,但silica法具有经济、高效、无毒的优势。结论:silica法是一种简单、经济、高效的质粒提取方法,可用于批量质粒DNA提取。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌质粒的快速提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱帆  刘忠纯  李健 《微生物学杂志》2004,24(3):59-59,F003
质粒的提取是生物学中的常规技术之一 ,但常规法提取质粒十分复杂 ,繁琐并且费时。国外公司的试剂盒大大简化了此过程。但价格使国内大多数实验室难以承受。我们利用自制的玻璃粉提取质粒 ,大大简化了提取过程 ,同时相对于进口试剂盒而言 ,实验成本也大大降低  相似文献   

目的:发展一种简便快速的制备水稻基因组DNA PCR模板的方法。方法:用枪头捣碎水稻叶片代替液氮研磨法提取水稻基因组DNA作PCR模板,在去污剂SDS和表面活性剂TrionX-100的存在下在沸水中煮沸10min,然后取上清扩增微管蛋白(TubA1)基因内含子。结果:发现在利用煮沸法提取水稻基因组DNA的过程中,用枪头捣碎叶片可代替液氮碾磨,加入0.1%表面活性剂TrionX-100煮沸叶片对制备模板有促进效果,得到了预期的PCR片断。结论:该方法快速、简便、经济,具有良好的重复性与特异性,便于自动化。  相似文献   

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