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张金旸  邹月  刘朴  李玉 《微生物学通报》2018,45(8):1705-1710
【背景】网柄细胞状黏菌是生物学、细胞学及发生生物学研究中一类重要的模式生物,至今已报道了百余种,但每个种的个体发育过程不是很明晰。【目的】了解网柄细胞状黏菌的个体发育。【方法】对采自云南苍山的土壤样品进行网柄菌的分离、培养和鉴定,并详细记录其个体发育全阶段特征。在传统形态学方法基础上,对样品进行基因组18S测序,并将获得序列在GenBank注册。通过双凹载玻片及水琼脂培养基添加大肠杆菌的培养方法,显微观察样品的发育过程,包括孢子、黏变形体、集群、假原质团、拔顶、孢堆果的发育特征。【结果】分离得到大头网柄菌Dictyostelium macrocephalum;该种温度适应范围较广,是亚热带和热带的广布种;其完成一个生活循环历时3 d,接种20 h后孢子开始萌发释放黏变形体,第50 h形成集群,第56 h假原质团形成,第58 h孢堆原形成,第71 h孢堆果完全成熟。【结论】研究分离的大头网柄菌为云南省新记录种,增加了其在我国亚热带的新分布区;明确了该种的个体发育过程。  相似文献   

安小亚  刘朴  李玉 《菌物学报》2018,37(4):516-521
本文研究了网柄细胞状黏菌中国新记录种硬基网柄菌Dictyostelium firmibasis从孢子-黏变形体-细胞集群-假原质团-成熟孢堆果的无性生活循环过程。结果表明:该种细胞状黏菌孢子萌发至少需要8h,孢子萌发释放出具有不规则形状的黏变形体,黏变形体无色并进行不规则的高速运动;黏变形体细胞集群为典型的辐射状;孢堆果对光极为敏感,在成熟发育期微弱的光刺激便会导致子实体生长畸形或停止生长并死亡;从集群开始形成到孢堆果成熟持续约12-14h,完成一个完整的生活史循环约需36-38h。  相似文献   

李文秀  周艳辉  刘朴  李玉 《菌物学报》2021,40(2):372-378
为揭示网柄细胞状黏菌的超微结构特征,对簇生岐柄菌Cavendericfasciculata生活史过程中的孢子、黏变形体和柄细胞3种类型的细胞超微结构进行系统观察,并与目前仅知的3种网柄细胞状黏菌的超微结构进行比较.结果表明:簇生岐柄菌C.fasciculata的孢子、黏变形体和柄细胞内均有线粒体结构,随着细胞分化,线粒...  相似文献   

正人们经常提到的"黏菌"一词,实际上为广义的黏菌,包括网黏菌、内寄生黏菌根肿菌、网柄细胞状黏菌、集胞细胞状黏菌及真黏菌等五大类,除网黏菌被归为茸鞭生物界外,其余均属于原生生物界。这里所谓的真黏菌就是我们所要讲述的黏菌,而其余四种黏菌则是真黏菌的"近亲"了,因它们的形态或多或少有相似之处,故在最初的分类系统中,将它们称为"兄弟姐妹"。  相似文献   

报道了细柄半网菌在无饲培养条件下的完整生活史过程,描述了孢子萌发、游动胞、黏变形体、原质团及孢囊形成过程中的主要发育特点。结果表明:孢子预处理可以提高萌发率;游动胞鱼形,具有一根较短的鞭毛;黏变形体前缘具有较厚的透明外质,滑动运动方式。原质团属于“发达的中间类型”原质团。  相似文献   

周艳辉  刘朴  李玉 《菌物研究》2019,17(1):57-62
文中综述了从网柄细胞状黏菌中分离得到的DIF-1及其衍生物、氯代苯并呋喃、三联苯化合物等芳香族化合物,脂肪酸和磷酸化合物、酶以及糖类等,并介绍了各成分的药理或生理作用等。表明网柄细胞状黏菌可以成为某些活性成分及药物的新来源。  相似文献   

本文研究了草生发网菌Stemonitis herbatica从孢子萌发-原质团形成-幼子实体-成熟子实体的个体发育完整过程。结果表明,草生发网菌孢子萌发类型为孔出式;原质团类型为隐型,子实体形态建成前形成淡黄色的珊瑚状原质团,需足够的光照后才能形成子实体;子实体的形成过程通常在6–7h内完成。  相似文献   

李超  刘朴  李玉 《菌物研究》2014,(3):148-153
从在河南省采集的75份基物中共分离得到14株网柄细胞状黏菌,其中网柄菌属Dictyostelium的圆头网柄菌D.sphaerocephalum、棒形网柄菌D.clavatum和紫网柄菌D.purpureum和轮柄菌属Polysphondylium的亮白轮柄菌P.candidum、紫轮柄菌P.violaceum和纤细轮柄菌P.tenuissium,均为河南省新记录种。文中对该6种网柄菌进行了形态学描述,并附有生长发育部分阶段形态和显微照片。  相似文献   

盘基网柄菌(Dictyostelium discoideum)细胞的分化及其调控   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文综述了盘基网柄菌(Dictyostelium dis-coideum)发育过程中细胞类型的诱导和分化,细胞外cAMP及其四种位于细胞表面的受体及PKA(蛋白激酶A)、GSK-3(糖原合成酶激酶)和STATa等在网柄菌发育过程中的作用。  相似文献   

生在山木患(Harpullia cupanioides Roxb.)叶上的丝孢菌(Hyphomycetes)个新种:瘤孢小棒柄菌(Microclava tuberospora G. C. Zhao et N Li sp nov)和黑孢射棒孢菌(Actinocladium alrosporum G.C.Zhao et N. Li sp.nov)。文中对这两种真菌作了描述和比较。  相似文献   

On decaying wood or litter in forests, plasmodial slime molds (myxomycetes) represent a large fraction of eukaryotic protists that feed on bacteria. In his seminal book Experimental Physiology of Plants (1865), Julius Sachs referred to the multinucleate plasmodium of myxomycetes, which were considered at that time as primitive plants (or fungi). Today it is well established that myxomycetes are members of the Amoebozoa (Protista). In this study we compare the mobility of myxamoebae of 3 European species, Lycogala epidendrum (order Liceales), Tubulifera arachnoidea, and Trichia decipiens (order Trichiales). Using agar plates, on which 3 separate bacterial species were cultivated as prey organisms (Methylobacterium mesophilicum, Escherichia coli, Agrobacterium tumefaciens), we document large differences in cell motility between the myxomycetes investigated. In addition, we show that the 3 species of myxamoebae can be distinguished based on their average cell size. These data shed light on the mode of co-occurrence via differential substrate utilization in these members of the Amoebozoa.  相似文献   

Macrocyst formation in the sexual cycle was found in three dictyostelid species:Dictyostelium monochasioides, Polysphondylium candidum, andP. pseudo-candidum. Mating tests suggested thatD. monochasioides andP. pseudocandidum were heterothallic andP. candidum was homothallic. The primary walls of macrocysts had partially or fully degenerated, while the inner walls, believed to be tertiary walls, showed an undulate structure.  相似文献   

The movement responses of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum to multiple stimuli were investigated. The responses were found to differ depending on the developmental stage of the organism. A novel response, positive gravitaxis, was found in Dictyostelium slugs but not in amoebae. In the presence of a simultaneous light stimulus, gravitaxis is effective only at low fluence rates. Slugs showed positive thermotaxis in a thermal gradient (0.2 °C cm?1) and ignored the simultaneous light stimulus at low fluence rates (< 10?3 W m?2), while at higher fluence rates they moved toward the light source. With a combination of a thermal gradient and gravity Dictyostelium slugs clearly oriented thermotactically ignoring the gravistimulus.  相似文献   

The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is a fascinating organism, not only for biologists, but also for physicists. Since the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction pattern, a well-known non-linear phenomenon in chemistry, was observed during aggregation of Dictyostelium amoebae, Dictyostelium has been one of the major subjects of non-linear dynamics studies. Macroscopic theory, such as continuous cell density approximation, has been a common approach to studying pattern formation since the pioneering work of Turing. Recently, promising microscopic approaches, such as the cellular dynamics method, have emerged. They have shown that Dictyostelium is useful as a model system in biology, The synchronization mechanism of oscillatory production of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate in Dictyostelium is discussed in detail to show how it is a universal feature that can explain synchronization in other organisms.  相似文献   

The modB mutation eliminates specific carbohydrate epitopes from glycoproteins which are expressed primarily in prespore and spore cells of differentiating Dictyostelium discoideum. Spores formed by the mutant show several phenotypes. Whereas mutant spores germinate efficiently after heat activation, they germinate poorly after urea activation. Following germination, at least one glycosylation-defective glycoprotein is cleaved, and the larger fragment is released in soluble form from the spore coat. However, an earlier difference in the spore coat can be traced back to the nongerminated spore coat, as detected by the elutability of protein from intact spores by chemical extraction. An altered character of the pregermination spore coat is also suggested by increased labeling by a fluorescent lectin which binds to its interior. The findings are consistent with a change in the character of certain molecular contacts leading to altered characteristics of the mutant spore coat, which are specific because they are distinctive from changes observed in another glycosylation mutant which affects a different epitope.  相似文献   

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