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The cell type-specific alternative splicing of FGFR2 pre-mRNA results in the mutually exclusive use of exons IIIb and IIIc, which leads to critically important differences in receptor function. The choice of exon IIIc in mesenchymal cells involves activation of this exon and repression of exon IIIb. This repression is mediated by the function of upstream and downstream intronic splicing silencers (UISS and DISS). Here we present a detailed characterization of the determinants of silencing function within UISS and DISS. We used a systematic mutational analysis, introducing deletions and substitutions to define discrete elements within these two silencers of exon IIIb. We show that UISS requires polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB)-binding sites, which define the UISS1 sub-element, and an eight nucleotide sequence 5'-GCAGCACC-3' (UISS2) that is also required. Even though UISS2 does not bind PTB, the full UISS can be replaced with a synthetic silencer designed to provide optimal PTB binding. DISS is composed of a 5'-conserved sub-element (5'-CE) and two regions that contain multiple PTB sites and are functionally redundant (DISS1 and DISS2). DISS1 and DISS2 are separated by the activator sequence IAS2, and together these opposing elements form the intronic control element. Deletion of DISS in the FGFR2 exon IIIb context resulted in the near full inclusion of exon IIIb, and insertion of this silencer downstream of a heterologous exon with a weak 5' splice site was capable of repressing exon inclusion. Extensive deletion analysis demonstrated that the majority of silencing activity could be mapped to the conserved octamer CUCGGUGC within the 5'CE. Replacement of 5'CE and DISS1 with PTB-binding elements failed to restore repression of exon IIIb. We tested the importance of the relative position of the silencers and of the subelements within each silencer. Whereas UISS1, UISS2, DISS1, and DISS2 appear somewhat malleable, the 5'CE is rigid in terms of relative position and redundancy. Our data defined elements of function within the ISSs flanking exon IIIb and suggested that silencing of this exon is mediated by multiple trans-acting factors.  相似文献   

The fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR)-2 gene contains two mutually exclusive exons, K-SAM and BEK. We made a cell line designed to become drug-resistant on repression of BEK exon splicing. One drug-resistant derivative of this line carried an insertion within the BEK exon of a sequence containing at least two independent splicing silencers. One silencer was a pyrimidine-rich sequence, which markedly increased binding of polypyrimidine tract-binding protein to the BEK exon. The BEK exon binds to polypyrimidine tract-binding protein even in the silencer's absence. Several exonic pyrimidine runs are required for this binding, and they are also required for overexpression of polypyrimidine tract-binding protein to repress BEK exon splicing. These results show that binding of polypyrimidine tract-binding protein to exon sequences can repress splicing. In epithelial cells, the K-SAM exon is spliced in preference to the BEK exon, whose splicing is repressed. Mutation of the BEK exon pyrimidine runs decreases this repression. If this mutation is combined with the deletion of a sequence in the intron upstream from the BEK exon, a complete switch from K-SAM to BEK exon splicing ensues. Binding of polypyrimidine tract binding protein to the BEK exon thus participates in the K-SAM/BEK alternative splicing choice.  相似文献   

Polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) acts as a regulatory repressor of a large number of alternatively spliced exons, often requiring multiple binding sites in order to repress splicing. In one case, cooperative binding of PTB has been shown to accompany repression. The SM exon of the alpha-actinin pre-mRNA is also repressed by PTB, leading to inclusion of the alternative upstream NM exon. The SM exon has a distant branch point located 386 nt upstream of the exon with an adjacent 26 nucleotide pyrimidine tract. Here we have analyzed PTB binding to the NM and SM exon region of the alpha-actinin pre-mRNA. We find that three regions of the intron bind PTB, including the 3' end of the polypyrimidine tract (PPT) and two additional regions between the PPT and the SM exon. The downstream PTB binding sites are essential for full repression and promote binding of PTB to the PPT with a consequent reduction in U2AF(65) binding. Our results are consistent with a repressive mechanism in which cooperative binding of PTB to the PPT competes with binding of U2AF(65), thereby specifically blocking splicing of the SM exon.  相似文献   

The fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 gene contains a pair of mutually exclusive alternative exons, one of which (K-SAM) is spliced specifically in epithelial cells. We have described previously (F. Del Gatto and R. Breathnach, Mol. Cell. Biol. 15:4825-4834, 1995) some elements controlling K-SAM exon splicing, namely weak exon splice sites, an exon-repressing sequence, and an intron-activating sequence. We identify here two additional sequences in the intron downstream from the K-SAM exon which activate splicing of the exon. The first sequence (intron-activating sequence 2 [IAS2]) lies 168 to 186 nucleotides downstream from the exon's 5' splice site. The second sequence (intron-activating sequence 3 [IAS3]) lies 933 to 1,052 nucleotides downstream from the exon's 5' splice site. IAS3 is a complex region composed of several parts, one of which (nucleotides 963 to 983) can potentially form an RNA secondary structure with IAS2. This structure is composed of two stems separated by an asymmetric bulge. Mutations which disrupt either stem decrease activation, while compensatory mutations which reestablish the stem restore activation, either completely or partially, depending on the mutation. We present a model for K-SAM exon splicing involving the intervention of multiple, interdependent pre-mRNA sequence elements.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) occurs in a cell-type-specific manner with the mutually exclusive use of exon IIIb or exon IIIc. Specific inclusion of exon IIIb is observed in epithelial cells, whereas exon IIIc inclusion is seen in mesenchymal cells. Epithelium-specific activation of exon IIIb and repression of exon IIIc are coordinately regulated by intronic activating sequence 2 (IAS2) and intronic splicing activator and repressor (ISAR) elements in FGFR2 pre-mRNA. Previously, it has been suggested that IAS2 and a 20-nucleotide core sequence of ISAR form a stem structure that allows for the proper regulation of FGFR2 alternative splicing. Replacement of IAS2 and the ISAR core with random sequences capable of stem formation resulted in the proper activation of exon IIIb and repression of exon IIIc in epithelial cells. Given the high degree of phylogenetic conservation of the IAS2-ISAR core structure and the fact that unrelated stem-forming sequences could functionally substitute for IAS2 and ISAR elements, we postulated that the stem structure facilitated the approximation of intronic control elements. Indeed, deletion of the entire stem-loop region and juxtaposition of sequences immediately upstream of IAS2 with sequences immediately downstream of the ISAR core maintained proper cell-type-specific inclusion of exon IIIb. These data demonstrate that IAS2 and the ISAR core are dispensable for the cell-type-specific activation of exon IIIb; thus, the major, if not the sole, role of the IAS2-ISAR stem in exon IIIb activation is to approximate sequences upstream of IAS2 with sequences downstream of the ISAR core. The downstream sequence is very likely a highly conserved GCAUG element, which we show was required for efficient exon IIIb activation.  相似文献   

Polypyrimdine tract binding protein (PTB) is a regulator of alternative splicing, mRNA 3' end formation, mRNA stability and localization, and IRES-mediated translation. Transient overexpression of PTB can influence alternative splicing, sometimes resulting in nonphysiological splicing patterns. Here, we show that alternative skipping of PTB exon 11 leads to an mRNA that is removed by NMD and that this pathway consumes at least 20% of the PTB mRNA in HeLa cells. We also show that exon 11 skipping is itself promoted by PTB in a negative feedback loop. This autoregulation may serve both to prevent disruptively high levels of PTB expression and to restore nuclear levels when PTB is mobilized to the cytoplasm. Our findings suggest that alternative splicing can act not only to generate protein isoform diversity but also to quantitatively control gene expression and complement recent bioinformatic analyses, indicating a high prevalence of human alternative splicing leading to NMD.  相似文献   

We studied the role of polypyrimidine tract binding protein in repressing splicing of the c-src neuron-specific N1 exon. Immunodepletion/add-back experiments demonstrate that PTB is essential for splicing repression in HeLa extract. When splicing is repressed, PTB cross-links to intronic CUCUCU elements flanking the N1 exon. Mutation of the downstream CU elements causes dissociation of PTB from the intact upstream CU elements and allows splicing. Thus, PTB molecules bound to multiple elements cooperate to repress splicing. Interestingly, in neuronal WERI-1 cell extract where N1 is spliced, PTB also binds to the upstream CU elements but is dissociated in the presence of ATP. We conclude that splicing repression by PTB is modulated in different cells by a combination of cooperative binding and ATP-dependent dissociation.  相似文献   

The intronic splicing silencer (ISS) of CFTR exon 9 promotes exclusion of this exon from the mature mRNA. This negative influence has important consequences with regards to human pathologic events, as lack of exon 9 correlates well with the occurrence of monosymptomatic and full forms of CF disease. We have previously shown that the ISS element interacts with members of the SR protein family. In this work, we now provide the identification of SF2/ASF and SRp40 as the specific SR proteins binding to this element and map their precise binding sites in IVS9. We have also performed a functional analysis of the ISS element using a variety of unrelated SR-binding sequences and different splicing systems. Our results suggest that SR proteins mediate CFTR exon 9 exclusion by providing a ‘decoy’ sequence in the vicinity of its suboptimal donor site. The results of this study give an insight on intron ‘exonization’ mechanisms and provide useful indications for the development of novel therapeutic strategies aimed at the recovery of exon inclusion.  相似文献   

The neural cell-specific N1 exon of the c-src pre-mRNA is both negatively regulated in nonneural cells and positively regulated in neurons. We previously identified conserved intronic elements flanking N1 that direct the repression of N1 splicing in a nonneural HeLa cell extract. The upstream repressor elements are located within the polypyrimidine tract of the N1 exon 3' splice site. A short RNA containing this 3' splice site sequence can sequester trans-acting factors in the HeLa extract to allow splicing of N1. We now show that these upstream repressor elements specifically interact with the polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB). Mutations in the polypyrimidine tract reduce both PTB binding and the ability of the competitor RNA to derepress splicing. Moreover, purified PTB protein restores the repression of N1 splicing in an extract derepressed by a competitor RNA. In this system, the PTB protein is acting across the N1 exon to regulate the splicing of N1 to the downstream exon 4. This mechanism is in contrast to other cases of splicing regulation by PTB, in which the protein represses the splice site to which it binds.  相似文献   

Mutually exclusive splicing of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) exons IIIb and IIIc yields two receptor isoforms, FGFR2-IIIb and -IIIc, with distinctly different ligand binding properties. Several RNA cis elements in the intron (intron 8) separating these exons have been described that are required for splicing regulation. Using a heterologous splicing reporter, we have identified a new regulatory element in this intron that confers cell-type-specific inclusion of an unrelated exon that mirrors its ability to promote cell-type-specific inclusion of exon IIIb. This element promoted inclusion of exon IIIb while at the same time silencing exon IIIc inclusion in cells expressing FGFR2-IIIb; hence, we have termed this element ISE/ISS-3 (for "intronic splicing enhancer-intronic splicing silencer 3"). Silencing of exon IIIc splicing by ISE/ISS-3 was shown to require a branch point sequence (BPS) using G as the primary branch nucleotide. Replacing a consensus BPS with A as the primary branch nucleotide resulted in constitutive splicing of exon IIIc. Our results suggest that the branch point sequence constitutes an important component that can contribute to the efficiency of exon definition of alternatively spliced cassette exons. Noncanonical branch points may thus facilitate cell-type-specific silencing of regulated exons by flanking cis elements.  相似文献   

Exonic splicing enhancer (ESE) sequences are important for the recognition of adjacent splice sites in pre-mRNA and for the regulation of splice site selection. It has been proposed that ESEs function by associating with one or more serine/arginine-repeat (SR) proteins which stabilize the binding of the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) auxiliary factor (U2AF) to the polypyrimidine tract upstream of the 3' splice site. We have tested this model by analyzing the composition of splicing complexes assembled on an ESE-dependent pre-mRNA derived from the doublesex gene of Drosophila. Several SR proteins and hTra2beta, a human homolog of the Drosophila alternative splicing regulator Transformer-2, associate with this pre-mRNA in the presence, but not in the absence, of a purine-rich ESE. By contrast, the 65-kDa subunit of U2AF (U2AF-65 kDa) bound equally to the pre-mRNA in the presence and absence of the ESE. Time course experiments revealed differences in the levels and kinetics of association of individual SR proteins with the ESE-containing pre-mRNA, whereas U2AF-65 kDa bound prior to most SR proteins and hTra2beta and its level of binding did not change significantly during the course of the splicing reaction. Binding of U2AF-65 kDa to the ESE-dependent pre-mRNA was, however, dependent on U1 snRNP. The results indicate that an ESE promotes spliceosome formation through interactions that are distinct from those required for the binding of U2AF-65 kDa to the polypyrimidine tract.  相似文献   

Polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) is an RNA-binding protein that regulates splicing by repressing specific splicing events. It also has roles in 3'-end processing, internal initiation of translation, and RNA localization. PTB exists in three alternatively spliced isoforms, PTB1, PTB2, and PTB4, which differ by the insertion of 19 or 26 amino acids, respectively, between the second and third RNA recognition motif domains. Here we show that the PTB isoforms have distinct activities upon alpha-tropomyosin (TM) alternative splicing. PTB1 reduced the repression of TM exon 3 in transfected smooth muscle cells, whereas PTB4 enhanced TM exon 3 skipping in vivo and in vitro. PTB2 had an intermediate effect. The PTB4 > PTB2 > PTB1 repressive hierarchy was observed in all in vivo and in vitro assays with TM, but the isoforms were equally active in inducing skipping of alpha-actinin exons and showed the opposite hierarchy of activity when tested for activation of IRES-driven translation. These findings establish that the ratio of PTB isoforms could form part of a cellular code that in turn controls the splicing of various other pre-mRNAs.  相似文献   

The alpha-actinin gene has a pair of alternatively spliced exons. The smooth muscle (SM) exon is repressed in most cell types by polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB). CELF (CUG-BP and ETR3-like factors) family proteins, splicing regulators whose activities are altered in myotonic dystrophy, were found to coordinately regulate selection of the two alpha-actinin exons. CUG-BP and ETR3 activated the SM exon, and along with CELF4 they were also able to repress splicing of the NM (nonmuscle) exon both in vivo and in vitro. Activation of SM exon splicing was associated with displacement of PTB from the polypyrimidine tract by binding of CUG-BP at adjacent sites. Our data provides direct evidence for the activity of CELF proteins as both activators and repressors of splicing within a single-model system of alternative splicing, and suggests a model whereby alpha-actinin alternative splicing is regulated by synergistic and antagonistic interactions between members of the CELF and PTB families.  相似文献   

The polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB, or hnRNP I) contains four RNA-binding domains of the ribonucleoprotein fold type (RRMs 1, 2, 3, and 4), and mediates the negative regulation of alternative splicing through sequence-specific binding to intronic splicing repressor elements. To assess the roles of individual RRM domains in splicing repression, a neural-specific splicing extract was used to screen for loss-of-function mutations that fail to switch splicing from the neural to nonneural pathway. These results show that three RRMs are sufficient for wild-type RNA binding and splicing repression activity, provided that RRM4 is intact. Surprisingly, the deletion of RRM4, or as few as 12 RRM4 residues, effectively uncouples these functions. Such an uncoupling phenotype is unique to RRM4, and suggests a possible regulatory role for this domain either in mediating specific RNA contacts, and/or contacts with putative splicing corepressors. Evidence of a role for RRM4 in anchoring PTB binding adjacent to the branch site is shown by mobility shift and RNA footprinting assays.  相似文献   

Splicing of exon 6B from the beta-tropomyosin pre-mRNA is repressed in nonmuscle cells and myoblasts by a complex array of intronic elements surrounding the exon. In this study, we analyzed the proteins that mediate splicing repression of exon 6B through binding to the upstream element. We identified the polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) as a component of complexes isolated from myoblasts that assemble onto the branch point region and the pyrimidine tract. In vitro splicing assays and PTB knockdown experiments by RNA interference demonstrated that PTB acts as a repressor of splicing of exon 6B. Using psoralen experiments, we showed that PTB acts at an early stage of spliceosome assembly by preventing the binding of U2 snRNA on the branch point. Using UV cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments with site-specific labeled RNA in PTB-depleted nuclear extracts, we found that the decrease in PTB was correlated with an increase in U2AF65. In addition, competition experiments showed that PTB is able to displace the binding of U2AF65 on the polypyrimidine tract. Our results strongly support a model whereby PTB competes with U2AF65 for binding to the polypyrimidine tract.  相似文献   

Two alternative exons, BEK and K-SAM, code for part of the ligand binding site of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2. Splicing of these exons is mutually exclusive, and the choice between them is made in a tissue-specific manner. We identify here pre-mRNA sequences involved in controlling splicing of the K-SAM exon. The short K-SAM exon sequence 5'-TAGGGCAGGC-3' inhibits splicing of the exon. This inhibition can be overcome by mutating either the exon's 5' or 3' splice site to make it correspond more closely to the relevant consensus sequence. Two separate sequence elements in the intron immediately downstream of the K-SAM exon, one of which is a sequence rich in pyrimidines, are both needed for efficient K-SAM exon splicing. This is no longer the case if either the exon's 5' or 3' splice site is reinforced. Furthermore, if the exon inhibitory sequence is removed, the intron sequences are not required for splicing of the K-SAM exon in a cell line which normally splices this exon. At least three elements are thus involved in controlling splicing of the K-SAM exon: suboptimal 5' and 3' splice sites, an exon inhibitory sequence, and intron activating sequences.  相似文献   

The fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 gene is differentially spliced to encode two transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor proteins that have different ligand-binding specificities and exclusive tissue distributions. We have used Cre-mediated excision to generate mice lacking the IIIb form of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 whilst retaining expression of the IIIc form. Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2(IIIb) null mice are viable until birth, but have severe defects of the limbs, lung and anterior pituitary gland. The development of these structures appears to initiate, but then fails with the tissues undergoing extensive apoptosis. There are also developmental abnormalities of the salivary glands, inner ear, teeth and skin, as well as minor defects in skull formation. Our findings point to a key role for fibroblast growth factor receptor 2(IIIb) in mesenchymal-epithelial signalling during early organogenesis.  相似文献   

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