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Fins and limbs, which are considered to be homologous paired vertebrate appendages, have obvious morphological differences that arise during development. One major difference in their development is that the AER (apical ectodermal ridge), which organizes fin/limb development, transitions into a different, elongated organizing structure in the fin bud, the AF (apical fold). Although the role of AER in limb development has been clarified in many studies, little is known about the role of AF in fin development. Here, we investigated AF-driven morphogenesis in the pectoral fin of zebrafish. After the AER-AF transition at ~36 hours post-fertilization, the AF was identifiable distal to the circumferential blood vessel of the fin bud. Moreover, the AF was divisible into two regions: the proximal AF (pAF) and the distal AF (dAF). Removing the AF caused the AER and a new AF to re-form. Interestingly, repeatedly removing the AF led to excessive elongation of the fin mesenchyme, suggesting that prolonged exposure to AER signals results in elongation of mesenchyme region for endoskeleton. Removal of the dAF affected outgrowth of the pAF region, suggesting that dAF signals act on the pAF. We also found that the elongation of the AF was caused by morphological changes in ectodermal cells. Our results suggest that the timing of the AER-AF transition mediates the differences between fins and limbs, and that the acquisition of a mechanism to maintain the AER was a crucial evolutionary step in the development of tetrapod limbs.  相似文献   

Zebrafish pectoral fin bud formation is an excellent model for studying morphogenesis. Fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) and sonic hedgehog (shh) are essential for pectoral fin bud formation. We found that Fgf16 was expressed in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) of fin buds. A knockdown of Fgf16 function resulted in no fin bud outgrowth. Fgf16 is required for cell proliferation and differentiation in the mesenchyme and the AER of the fin buds, respectively. Fgf16 functions downstream of Fgf10, a mesenchymal factor, signaling to induce the expression of Fgf4 and Fgf8 in the AER. Fgf16 in the AER and shh in the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) interact to induce and/or maintain each other's expression. These findings have revealed that Fgf16, a newly identified AER factor, plays a crucial role in pectoral fin bud outgrowth by mediating the interactions of AER-mesenchyme and AER-ZPA.  相似文献   

Tbx4 is a crucial gene in the initiation of hindlimb development and has been reported as a determinant of hindlimb identity and a presumptive direct regulator of Fgf10 in the limb. Using a conditional allele of Tbx4, we have ablated Tbx4 function before and after limb initiation. Ablation of Tbx4 before expression in the hindlimb field confirms its requirement for limb bud outgrowth. However, ablation of Tbx4 shortly after onset of expression in the hindlimb field, during limb bud formation, alters neither limb outgrowth nor expression of Fgf10. Instead, post-limb-initiation loss of Tbx4 results in reduction of limb core tissue and hypoplasia of proximal skeletal elements. Loss of Tbx4 during later limb outgrowth produces no limb defects, revealing a brief developmental requirement for Tbx4 function. Despite evidence from ectopic expression studies, our work establishes that loss of Tbx4 has no effect on hindlimb identity as assessed by morphology or molecular markers.  相似文献   

Regeneration is the ability of multicellular organisms to replace damaged tissues and regrow lost body parts. This process relies on cell fate transformation that involves changes in gene expression as well as in the composition of the cytoplasmic compartment, and exhibits a characteristic age-related decline. Here, we present evidence that genetic and pharmacological inhibition of autophagy – a lysosome-mediated self-degradation process of eukaryotic cells, which has been implicated in extensive cellular remodelling and aging – impairs the regeneration of amputated caudal fins in the zebrafish (Danio rerio). Thus, autophagy is required for injury-induced tissue renewal. We further show that upregulation of autophagy in the regeneration zone occurs downstream of mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signalling to protect cells from undergoing apoptosis and enable cytosolic restructuring underlying terminal cell fate determination. This novel cellular function of the autophagic process in regeneration implies that the role of cellular self-digestion in differentiation and tissue patterning is more fundamental than previously thought.  相似文献   

Activin-betaA signaling is required for zebrafish fin regeneration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Normal development of the respiratory system is essential for survival and is regulated by multiple genes and signaling pathways. Both Tbx4 and Tbx5 are expressed throughout the mesenchyme of the developing lung and trachea; and, although multiple genes are known to be required in the epithelium, only Fgfs have been well studied in the mesenchyme. In this study, we investigated the roles of Tbx4 and Tbx5 in lung and trachea development using conditional mutant alleles and two different Cre recombinase transgenic lines. Loss of Tbx5 leads to a unilateral loss of lung bud specification and absence of tracheal specification in organ culture. Mutants deficient in Tbx4 and Tbx5 show severely reduced lung branching at mid-gestation. Concordant with this defect, the expression of mesenchymal markers Wnt2 and Fgf10, as well as Fgf10 target genes Bmp4 and Spry2, in the epithelium is downregulated. Lung branching undergoes arrest ex vivo when Tbx4 and Tbx5 are both completely lacking. Lung-specific Tbx4 heterozygous;Tbx5 conditional null mice die soon after birth due to respiratory distress. These pups have small lungs and show severe disruptions in tracheal/bronchial cartilage rings. Sox9, a master regulator of cartilage formation, is expressed in the trachea; but mesenchymal cells fail to condense and consequently do not develop cartilage normally at birth. Tbx4;Tbx5 double heterozygous mutants show decreased lung branching and fewer tracheal cartilage rings, suggesting a genetic interaction. Finally, we show that Tbx4 and Tbx5 interact with Fgf10 during the process of lung growth and branching but not during tracheal/bronchial cartilage development.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that Notch, Delta and Lunatic Fringe are expressed together in the leading edge of the tail bud of the Xenopus embryo prior to outgrowth (Beck and Slack, 1998). It has also been shown that ectopic expression of a constitutive form of Notch, Notch-ICD, will provoke ectopic tail formation (Beck and Slack, 1999). Here we show that inhibition of Notch activity in vivo prevents outgrowth of the tail bud. This is achieved using inhibitors of the protease that carries out the ligand-induced intramembranous cleavage of Notch. Other protease inhibitors that do not inhibit Notch cleavage do not affect tail outgrowth.  相似文献   

During gastrulation, convergent extension (CE) cell movements are regulated through the non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway. Wnt signaling results in downstream activation of Rho GTPases that in turn regulate actin cytoskeleton rearrangements essential for co-ordinated CE cell movement. Rho GTPases are bi-molecular switches that are inactive in their GDP-bound stage but can be activated to bind GTP through guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). Here we show that def6, a novel GEF, regulates CE cell movement during zebrafish gastrulation. Def6 morphants exhibit broadened and shortened body axis with normal cell fate specification, reminiscent of the zebrafish mutants silberblick and pipetail that lack Wnt11 or Wnt5b, respectively. Indeed, def6 morphants phenocopy Wnt5b mutants and ectopic overexpression of def6 essentially rescues Wnt5b morphants, indicating a novel role for def6 as a central GEF downstream of Wnt5b signaling. In addition, by knocking down both def6 and Wnt11, we show that def6 synergises with the Wnt11 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Lu W  Yamamoto V  Ortega B  Baltimore D 《Cell》2004,119(1):97-108
The Ryk receptor belongs to the atypical receptor tyrosine kinase family. It is a new member of the family of Wnt receptor proteins. However, the molecular mechanisms by which the Ryk receptor functions remain unknown. Here, we report that mammalian Ryk, unlike the Drosophila Ryk homolog Derailed, functions as a coreceptor along with Frizzled for Wnt ligands. Ryk also binds to Dishevelled, through which it activates the canonical Wnt pathway, providing a link between Wnt and Dishevelled. Transgenic mice expressing Ryk siRNA exhibit defects in axon guidance, and Ryk is required for neurite outgrowth induced by Wnt-3a and in the activation of T cell factor (TCF) induced by Wnt-1. Thus, Ryk appears to play a crucial role in Wnt-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

Critical to the exchange and metabolic functions served by tissues like brain choroid plexi and lung is the coherent development of an epithelial sheet of large surface area in tight apposition to an extensive vascular bed. Here, we present functional experiments in the mouse demonstrating that Sonic hedgehog (Shh) produced by hindbrain choroid plexus epithelium induces the extensive vascular outgrowths and vascular surface area fundamental to choroid plexus functions, but does not induce the more specialized endothelial cell features of fenestrations and bore size. Our findings indicate that these Shh-dependent vascular elaborations occur even in the presence of Vegf and other established angiogenic factors, suggesting either that the levels of these factors are inadequate in the absence of Shh or that a different set of factors may be more essential to choroid plexus outgrowth. Transducing the Shh signal is a perivascular cell—the pericyte—rather than the more integral vascular endothelial cell itself. Moreover, our findings suggest that hindbrain choroid plexus endothelial cells, as compared to other vascular endothelial cells, are more dependent upon pericytes for instruction. Thus, in addition to Shh acting on the progenitor pool for choroid plexus epithelial cells, as previously shown, it also acts on choroid plexus pericytes, and together serves the important role of coordinating the development of two disparate yet functionally dependent structures—the choroid plexus vasculature and its ensheathing epithelium.  相似文献   

The role of the pectoral fin bud for outgrowth by fin axons was assessed by ablation of pectoral fin buds and by transplantation of fin buds to ectopic sites in the embryos of the Japanese medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). Normally nerves from segments 1-4 (S1-4) and less frequently the S5 nerve converged at the base of the fin bud by extending toward the fin bud on the ventral surface of the axial muscles (H. Okamoto and J. Y. Kuwada, 1991, Dev. Biol. 146). Following ablation of the fin bud before motor growth cones have begun to extend laterally, nerves in S1-5 followed a trajectory down the middle of each segment parallel to the borders of the metamerically arranged axial muscles rather than converging. This trajectory was similar to that of more posterior segmental nerves which do not converge toward the fin bud. When fin buds were transplanted to more posterior segments, nerves from S1-5 often changed their trajectories and extended to the base of ectopic buds. Furthermore, motor nerves from segments posterior to S5, which normally do not innervate the fin bud, also extended to the ectopic fin bud. When faced with both the host and ectopic fin bud, motor nerves extended to either fin bud or branched and extended to both fin buds. These results demonstrate that the early fin bud is necessary for correct outgrowth of fin nerves and suggest that the fin bud normally attracts fin nerves to its base. One possible mechanism for the attraction of motor growth cones by the fin bud is a long distance cue emitted by the fin bud.  相似文献   

In the Drosophila leg, activation of Notch leads to the establishment of the joints that subdivide the appendage into segments. We find that mutations in bowl result in similar phenotypes to Notch, causing fusion and truncations of tarsal segments (tarsomeres) and, like its close relative Odd-skipped, Bowl is produced in response to Notch signalling at a subset of segment boundaries. However, despite the fact that bowl mutant clones result in fusion of tarsomeres, Bowl protein is only found at the t1/tibial and t5/pretarsal boundaries, not at tarsomere joints. One hypothesis to reconcile these data is that bowl has a role at an earlier stage in tarsal development. We therefore investigated the effects of bowl mutations on the expression of leg 'gap' genes that confer regional identity on the developing leg. Several of these genes have altered expression in bowl mutant cells. For example, bric-a-brac2 is normally expressed in the central part of the tarsus domain but expands into distal and proximal regions in bowl clones. Conversely, ectopic bowl leads to a reduction in bric-a-brac2, with a concomitant expansion of proximal (t1) and distal (t5) tarsomere fates. The bowl gene is therefore required for the elaboration of pattern in the tarsus and its effects suggest a progressive model for the determination of P/D identities. This mechanism might be important in the diversification of arthropod limbs, because it explains how segmented tarsomeres could have arisen from an ancestral limb with an unsegmented tarsus.  相似文献   

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