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An essential guanine nucleotide-binding protein, Obg, of Bacillus subtilis has been characterized with respect to its enzymatic activity for GTP. The protein was seen to hydrolyze GTP with a Km of 5.4 microM and a kcat of 0.0061 min-1 at 37 degrees C. GDP was a competitive inhibitor of this hydrolysis, with an inhibition constant of 1.7 microM at 37 degrees C. The dissociation constant for GDP from the Obg protein was 0.5 microM at 4 degrees C and was estimated to be 1.3 microM at 37 degrees C. Approximately 80% of the purified protein was capable of binding GDP. In addition to hydrolysis of GTP, Obg was seen to autophosphorylate with this substrate. Subsequent release of the covalent phosphate proceeds at too slow a rate to account for the overall rate of GTP hydrolysis, indicating that in vitro hydrolysis does not proceed via the observed phosphoamidate intermediate. It was speculated that the phosphorylated form of the enzyme may represent either a switched-on or a switched-off configuration, either of which may be normally induced by an effector molecule. This enzyme from a temperature-sensitive mutant of Obg did not show significantly altered GTPase activity at the nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

J Kok  K A Trach    J A Hoch 《Journal of bacteriology》1994,176(23):7155-7160
The obg gene is part of the spo0B sporulation operon and codes for a GTP-binding protein which is essential for growth. A temperature-sensitive mutant in the obg gene was isolated and found to be the result of two closely linked missense mutations in the amino domain of Obg. Temperature shift experiments revealed that the mutant was able to continue cell division for 2 to 3 generations at the nonpermissive temperature. Such experiments carried out during sporulation showed that Obg was necessary for the transition from vegetative growth to stage 0 or stage II of sporulation, but sporulation subsequent to these stages was unaffected at the nonpermissive temperature. Spores of the temperature-sensitive mutant germinated normally at the nonpermissive temperature but failed to outgrow. The primary consequence of the obg mutation may be an alteration in initiation of chromosome replication.  相似文献   

Control of sporulation initiation in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

YsxC is a member of a family of GTP-binding proteins carried by a diverse range of organisms from bacteria to yeasts, plants, and humans. To resolve the issue of whether ysxC of Bacillus subtilis is essential for growth, we attempted to construct mutants in which ysxC was either inactivated or placed under the control of an inducible promoter. Viable mutants were obtained only in the latter case, and these were inducer dependent, demonstrating unambiguously that ysxC is an essential gene.  相似文献   

Initiation of spore formation in Bacillus subtilis appears to depend on initiation of DNA replication. This regulation was first identified using a temperature-sensitive mutation in dnaB. We found that mutations in the replication initiation genes dnaA and dnaD also inhibit sporulation, indicating that inhibition of sporulation is triggered by general defects in the function of replication initiation proteins.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis spo0K mutants are blocked at the first step in sporulation. The spo0K strain was found to contain two mutations: one was linked to the trpS locus, and the other was elsewhere on the chromosome. The mutation linked to trpS was responsible for the sporulation defect (spo-). The unlinked mutation enhanced this sporulation deficiency but had no phenotype on its own. The spo- mutation was located in an operon of five genes highly homologous to the oligopeptide transport (Opp) system of Gram-negative species. Studies with toxic peptide analogues showed that this operon does indeed encode a peptide-transport system. However, unlike the Opp system of Salmonella typhimurium, one of the two ATP-binding proteins, OppF, was not required for peptide transport or for sporulation. The OppA peptide-binding protein, which is periplasmically located in Gram-negative species, has a signal sequence characteristic of lipoproteins with an amino-terminal lipo-amino acid anchor. Cellular location studies revealed that OppA was associated with the cell during exponential growth, but was released into the medium in stationary phase. A major role of the Opp system in Gram-negative bacteria is the recycling of cell-wall peptides as they are released from the growing peptidoglycan. We postulate that the accumulation of such peptides may play a signalling role in the initiation of sporulation, and that the sporulation defect in opp mutants results from an inability to transport these peptides.  相似文献   

SpoIIAA is the first protein of the spoIIA operon. Here we show that SpoIIAA can bind and hydrolyze GTP. The protein also accepts ATP, but with lower affinity. GDP competes poorly for binding of GTP. The GTPase activity of SpoIIAA is within the range found for other GTP-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Sporulation in Bacillus subtilis is a complex developmental process that occurs in response to nutrient deprivation. To identify components of the mechanism that allows cells to monitor their nutritional status and to understand how this sensory information is transduced into a signal to activate specific sporulation genes, we have isolated mutants that are able to sporulate efficiently under nutritional conditions that strongly inhibit sporulation in wild-type bacteria, a phenotype we refer to as Coi (control of initiation). Four coi mutations were found to be within the coding sequence of spoOA, a gene in which null mutations prevent the initiation of sporulation and a gene whose product shares a domain of homology with phosphorylation-activated proteins that play signal transduction roles in bacteria. All four of the spoOA mutations were within this conserved domain and in close proximity to the presumptive phosphoacceptor site. The wild-type and one of the mutant SpoOA proteins were purified and shown to be competent to accept phosphoryl groups from a phosphohistidine within a bacterial signal transduction kinase (CheA). The mutant SpoOA protein exhibited enhanced phosphoacceptor activity compared with the wild-type. This property of the mutant protein, together with additional genetic information, supports a model for regulation of sporulation initiation by control of the phosphorylation level of SpoOA.  相似文献   

Thymine-requiring mutants of Bacillus subtilis and mutants that are temperature-sensitive for initiation of chromosome replication have been used to study the relationship between sporulation and chromosome formation. The DNA synthesis that normally occurs when cells are transferred to sporulation medium is essential for spore induction. This is shown by the fact that thymine-starved cells are unable to form spores and are unable to perform even the earlier steps of sporulation, such as septum formation or synthesis of alkaline phosphatase. The nature of the medium in which the cells are growing while the DNA is being completed is also important because it determines both the shape and the position of the daughter chromosomes. If the cells are in a rich medium, the newly synthesized chromosomes are discrete and compact bodies: the cells are primed for growth, and sporulation cannot be induced by transferring them at this stage to a spore-inducing medium. If DNA synthesis was completed with the cells in a poor medium the daughter chromosomes, by the time DNA synthesis has ceased, are spread in a single filamentous band and the cells are morphologically already in stage I of sporulation.  相似文献   

Phosphoglycerate phosphomutase of Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus megaterium required Mn2+ as cofactor, whereas the wheat germ and rabbit liver enzymes did not. In the absence of Mn2+, B. subtilis did not sporulate in normal sporulation media but it did sporulate if the proper ratio of glucose or glycerol and malate was used. Decoyinine, an inhibitor of guanosine monophosphate synthesis, induced sporulation in the presence of excess glucose and malate to the same extent with and without Mn2+. Apparently, phosphoglycerate phosphomutase is the only strictly Mn2+-requiring enzyme needed for optimal sporulation in normal sporulation media.  相似文献   

The neomycin phosphotransferase gene (neo) from Transposon Tn5 is active in Gram-negative bacteria but silent in B. subtilis since it lacks an appropriate ribosome binding site for Gram-positive bacteria. Neo translation could be reactivated by coupling its initiation to the translational termination of the highly expressed beta-lactamase gene (penP) from B. licheniformis. This initiation occurred at the authentic neo start codon. Its efficiency was independent of the nucleotide sequence 5 to the neo gene, but strongly affected by the distance between the termination and initiation codon. It was the highest if both codons overlapped in the sequence ATGA. In B. licheniformis, a translationally coupled neo gene was inducible expressed as the penP gene demonstrating the potential of the technique to monitor the activity of expression units for which no direct assays exists.  相似文献   

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