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Eicosanoids are important mediators of the inflammatory response to monosodium urate crystals (MSUC) that results in gout. Phospholipase enzymes cleave fatty acids from membrane phospholipids, and this is thought to be the rate-limiting step in eicosanoid production. To understand better the mechanism of eicosanoid production in this disease, we stimulated human peripheral blood neutrophils and monocytes with MSUC and measured phospholipase enzyme activities. MSUC stimulated both intracellular and secretory phospholipase A2 enzyme activities in a time and concentration-dependent manner. Specificity was observed, as phospholipase C activities were not affected. Pretreatment with colchicine, but not aspirin, indomethacin, allopurinol, or islet activating protein, abrogated the enhanced phospholipase A2 activities. We have recently isolated and characterized a phospholipase A2 activating protein termed PLAP from synovial fluid from patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and from murine and bovine cell lines. PLAP was detected in gouty synovial fluid by immunodot blotting and ELISA assays and expressed the same characteristics as PLAP identified from other sources. To examine the role of PLAP in MSUC-induced phospholipase A2 stimulation, we treated cells with MSUC and observed an increase in immunoreactive PLAP. This response also could be blunted by colchicine, but not other drugs. Both phospholipase A2 and PLAP induced production by human monocytes of PGE2 and leukotriene B4 by neutrophils. These findings suggest that phospholipase A2 activation in response to MSUC requires an intact microtubule structure, and that phospholipase A2 and PLAP may be important modulators of at least a portion of the gouty inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Murine embryonic fibroblast cells produce a factor designated cytotoxin-inhibiting factor (CIF) which inhibits tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin 1 production as well as tumoricidal activity by lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages. This study determines the physiologic conditions of CIF production in serum-free medium. CIF production was largely dependent upon the presence of lipopolysaccharide. A quantitative correlation between fibroblast cell number, lipopolysaccharide concentration, and incubation time was established. Evidence is presented that CIF inhibited the production or release of TNF. CIF did not destroy TNF after production and release nor did it sequester secreted TNF. The supernatant fluids which inhibited TNF production did not suppress the capability of resting macrophages to phagocytize opsonized sheep erythrocytes, suggesting that only functions expressed in the activated state are inhibited.  相似文献   

The role of tumor necrosis factor (cachectin) in cachexia   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A Oliff 《Cell》1988,54(2):141-142

The IFN-gamma linked PKC activation in endothelial cells was analysed. It was shown that IFN-gamma activates PKC in three transient and separate cycles within the first 60 minutes after IFN-gamma stimulation. Before each PKC activation there was an increase in DAG level. IP3, phosphocholine and choline productions were measured to determine the origin of DAG. Neither of the PLC products, IP3 or phosphocholine, were released after IFN-gamma stimulation. On the other hand the PLD products choline and PA were released before all the three activation cycles of PKC.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2))-activating protein (PLAA) is a novel signaling molecule that regulates the production of prostaglandins (PGE(2)) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha. To characterize the function of native PLAA in situ, we generated HeLa (Tet-off) cells overexpressing plaa (plaa(high)) and control (plaa(low)) cells, with the plaa gene in opposite orientation in the latter construct. The plaa(high) cells produced significantly more PGE(2) and interleukin (IL)-6 compared to plaa(low) cells in response to TNF-alpha. There was an increased activation and/or expression of cytosolic PLA(2), cyclooxgenase-2, and NF-kappaB after induction of plaa(high) cells with TNF-alpha compared to the respective plaa(low) cells. Microarray analysis of plaa(high) cells followed by functional assays revealed increased production of proinflammatory cytokine IL-32 and a decrease in the production of annexin A4 and clusterin compared to plaa(low) cells. We demonstrated the role of annexin A4 as an inhibitor of PLA(2) and showed that addition of exogeneous clusterin limited the production of PGE(2) from plaa(high) cells. To understand regulation of plaa gene expression, we used a luciferase reporter system in HeLa cells and identified one stimulatory element, with Sp1 binding sites, and one inhibitory element, in exon 1 of the plaa gene. By using decoy DNA oligonucleotides to Sp1 and competitive binding assays, we showed that Sp1 maintains basal expression of the plaa gene and binds to the above-mentioned stimulatory element. We demonstrated for the first time that the induction of native PLAA by TNF-alpha can perpetuate inflammation by enhancing activation of PLA(2) and NF-kappaB.  相似文献   

In this study it was demonstrated that cross-linking of FcR on human monocytes induces the secretion of the cytotoxic and immunoregulatory cytokine TNF. Both soluble and insoluble immune complexes, solid-phase antibody and antibody-coated phagocytizable particles were used to cross-link FcR on monocytes. It was observed that monocytes secreted large amounts of TNF in each of these instances. Kinetic studies performed with soluble immune complexes showed that TNF was secreted very rapidly, e.g., within 2 h after addition of immune complexes to monocytes. These findings are relevant for the understanding of FcR-mediated immune responses by monocytes and macrophages, for example antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and phagocytosis, and for disease states associated with circulating or tissue-fixed immune complexes.  相似文献   

Crystals of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) have been obtained in two forms. Rhombohedral crystals grow in 1.8 to 2.0 M ammonium sulfite, pH 7.8 at 21 degrees C, and tetragonal crystals grow in 2.6 M magnesium sulfate, pH 5.5 at 25 degrees C. Analysis of TNF by isoelectric focusing under native and denaturing conditions indicates that TNF molecules exist as trimers in solution. The rhombohedral cachectin crystals belong to space group R3 and have unit cell constants a = b = c = 47.65 A and alpha = beta = gamma = 88.1 degrees. Density determinations and the space group indicate that the unit cell contains one 51,000-dalton trimer. These crystals are stable in the x-ray beam and diffract to at least 1.85 A but are apparently twinned by merohedry. The tetragonal crystals are space group P4(3)2(1)2 or its enantiomorph P4(1)2(1)2 and have unit cell constants a = b = 95.08, c = 117.49. The asymmetric unit contains one trimer; the crystals are stable in the x-ray beam and diffract to beyond 3 A.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 (PLA2)-activating protein (PLAA) is a novel signaling molecule that regulates eicosanoid production and participates in inflammatory responses. In our current study, we revealed that PLAA production was induced by the chemotherapeutic drug cisplatin in HeLa cervical carcinoma cells. To determine the potential pro-apoptotic effects of PLAA induction by cisplatin, we utilized HeLa (Tet-off) cells overexpressing the plaa gene (plaa high) and compared them with control (plaa low) cells, which produce endogenous plaa from the chromosome. Cisplatin-stimulated plaa high cells contained significantly higher levels of DNA fragmentation, caspase 3, 8 and 9 activities, PLA2 enzyme activity, and cytochrome c leakage from mitochondria than did the cisplatin-stimulated plaa low cells. Importantly, siRNA against PLAA (siRNA–PLAA) reduced the levels of cisplatin-induced PLAA, DNA fragmentation, and PLA2 activation, while promoting cell viability in both plaa high and plaa low cells. Cisplatin-induced-cytochrome c leakage in plaa high cells was reduced by siRNA–PLAA and restored by the addition of exogenous arachidonic acid (AA), suggesting to us that PLAA induction by cisplatin promoted cytochrome c leakage/mitochondrial damage partially by accumulating AA. In addition, cisplatin-stimulated plaa high cells produced less cytoprotective clusterin than did the cisplatin-stimulated plaa low cells, and siRNA–PLAA promoted clusterin production from both plaa high and plaa low cells. We showed that clusterin reduced DNA fragmentation in cisplatin-stimulated plaa high and plaa low cells, which is consistent with the notion that clusterin promotes cancer chemoresistance. Furthermore, cisplatin-stimulated plaa high cells produced more IL-32 (a pro-apoptotic protein) than did cisplatin-stimulated plaa low cells, and siRNA–PLAA reduced IL-32 production from both plaa high and plaa low cells. Finally, our proteomic analysis revealed that cisplatin-stimulated plaa high cells contained higher levels of phosphorylated JNK/c-Jun and FasL than did plaa low cells treated the same way. In summary, our data indicated that PLAA induction enhanced cisplatin-induced-apoptosis through four pathways, namely by: 1) accumulation of AA and mitochondrial damage, 2) downregulation of the cytoprotective clusterin, 3) upregulation of the pro-apoptotic IL-32, and 4) induction of JNK/c-Jun signaling and FasL expression.  相似文献   

The breaching of the blood-brain barrier is an essential aspect in the pathogenesis of neuroinflammatory diseases, in which tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) as well as endothelial calcium ions play a key role. We investigated whether TNF-alpha could influence the communication of calcium signals between brain endothelial cells (GP8 and RBE4). Intercellular calcium waves triggered by mechanical stimulation or photoliberation of InsP3 in single cells were significantly reduced in size after TNF-alpha exposure (1000 U/mL, 2 and 24 h). Calcium signals are communicated between cells by means of gap junctional and paracrine purinergic signalling. TNF-alpha significantly inhibited gap junctional coupling, stimulated the basal release of ATP, and dose-dependently blocked the triggered component of ATP release. The cytokine displayed similar effects on the uptake of a fluorescent reporter dye into the cells. Previous work with connexin mimetic peptides demonstrated that the triggered ATP release in these cells is connexin-related; these peptides did, however, not influence the elevated basal ATP release caused by TNF-alpha. We conclude that TNF-alpha depresses calcium signal communication in blood-brain barrier endothelial cells, by reducing gap junctional coupling and by inhibiting triggered ATP release. The cytokine thus inhibits connexin-related communication pathways like gap junctions and connexin hemichannels.  相似文献   

Human promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60) were used as a cell model to determine how arachidonic acid stimulates the synthesis of platelet-activating factor (PAF) synthesized via the remodeling pathway. In these studies HL-60 cells were cultured over 30 passages in fatty acid-free medium to deplete them of arachidonic acid. Even though the phospholipid classes from these cells contained no arachidonate, they could still be differentiated into granulocytes by dimethyl sulfoxide (1.25%). When the differentiated HL-60 cells, depleted of arachidonic acid, were stimulated with calcium ionophore A23187 in the presence of Ca2+ and [3H]acetate, only minimal amounts of [3H]PAF were produced. In contrast, if the differentiated HL-60 cells were supplemented with 10 microM arachidonic acid for 24 h and then stimulated with the ionophore, there was a large amount of [3H]PAF formed. The increase in PAF synthesis depended on the length of time the cells were supplemented with arachidonic acid; only a small increase in PAF synthesis occurred during the early hours of supplementation whereas stimulation of PAF synthesis was maximal (3-5-fold) after a 24-h period of the 20:4 supplementation. Other polyenoic fatty acid supplements (20:5, 22:4, and 22:6 for 24 h) also stimulated PAF production in the ionophore-treated HL-60 cells depleted of 20:4, but the amount of PAF was significantly less than found for the supplements of 20:4 under identical experimental conditions. Also noteworthy is that undifferentiated cells supplemented with 20:4 or their unsupplemented controls could not be stimulated by the calcium ionophore to produce PAF. Addition of indomethacin (cyclooxygenase inhibitor), A63162 (5'-lipoxygenase inhibitor), or eicosatetraynoic acid (cyclooxygenase/lipoxygenase inhibitor) to the incubations caused little change in the production of [3H]PAF in the differentiated cells supplemented with 20:4 for 24 h. On the other hand, the addition of mepacrine, bromophenacyl bromide, or U26384 (phospholipase A2 inhibitors) resulted in very large decreases (80-90% lower than controls) in the amount of [3H]PAF produced under the same conditions. Analysis of the molecular species of [3H]alkylacyl-GroPCho (1-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, the precursor of PAF in the remodeling pathway) in 20:4-supplemented cells prelabeled with [3H]alkyl-lyso-GroPCho revealed that only the alkylarachidonoyl-GroPCho species were preferentially decreased after stimulation with the A23187 ionophore.These results demonstrate that arachidonate must be at the sn-2 position of alkylacyl-GroPCho in order for it to serve as a precursor of PAF.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Melittin and phospholipase A2-activating protein (PLAP) are known as efficient activators of secretory phospholipase A2(sPLA2) types I, II, and III when phospholipid liposomes are used as substrate. The present study demonstrates that both peptides can either inhibit or activate sPLA2 depending on the peptide/phospholipid ratio when erythrocyte membranes serve as a biologically relevant substrate. Low concentrations of melittin and PLAP were observed to inhibit sPLA2-triggered release of fatty acids from erythrocyte membranes. The inhibition was reversed at melittin concentrations above 1 microM. PLAP-induced inhibition of sPLA2 persisted steadily throughout the used concentration range (0-150 nM). The two peptides induced a dose-dependent activation of sPLA2 at low concentrations, followed by inhibition when model membranes were used as substrate. This opposite modulatory effect on biological membranes and model membranes is discussed with respect to different mechanisms the interaction of the regulatory peptides with the enzyme molecules and the substrate vesicles.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced disruption of vascular endothelial barrier function may be due in part to alterations in proteoglycan metabolism. To test this hypothesis, confluent endothelial cell monolayers were exposed for 24 h to 500 or 1,000 U of TNF per mililiter of culture medium together with 20 μCi Na2 35SO4. HPLC anion-exchange separation of proteoglycans secreted into media of control as well as TNF-treated cultures revealed one major peak (representing 95% of total radioactivity) and one minor peak (representing 5% of total radioactivity), which eluted at 0.6 and 0.9 M NaCl, respectively. One single peak was obtained from control as well as TNF-treated endothelial cell monolayers and eluted at 1.2 M NaCl. TNF treatment did not change the total quantity of radioactive proteoglycans secreted into the media but significantly decreased the amount of proteoglycans in endothelial cell monolayers. However, TNF treatment did not alter the size or glycosaminoglycan (GAG) composition of the proteoglycans either in the media or in the cell monolayers. In addition, mRNA levels of specific proteoglycans, perlecan and biglycan, were measured upon TNF treatment, using Northern analysis. TNF treatment caused a dose-dependent decrease in mRNA levels for the biglycan in endothelial cultures. These results suggest that TNF decreases production of proteoglycans and alters normal endothelial cell proteoglycan metabolism which may be sufficient to impair endothelial barrier function. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (PAF), a phospholipid mediator with broad and potent biologic activities, is synthesized by several inflammatory cells including endothelial cells (EC). PAF is also an effective stimulating agent for EC leading to increased cell permeability and adhesivity. We examined the synthesis of PAF in human umbilical cord vein EC after stimulation of EC with PAF or with its nonmetabolizable analog 1-O-alkyl-2-N-methyl-carbamyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (C-PAF). PAF (1 to 100 nM) induced a dose- and time-dependent increase of PAF synthesis as detected by [3H]acetate incorporation into PAF fraction. Stimulation of PAF synthesis occurred via activation of the "remodeling pathway" as the 1-O-alkyl-2-lyso-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (lyso-PAF):acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase was dose-dependently increased after PAF treatment. The de novo pathway of PAF synthesis was not activated under these conditions. C-PAF was able to mimic the effect of authentic PAF on [3H] acetate incorporation. The inactive metabolite lyso-PAF (100 nM) had no influence on PAF synthesis in EC. CV-3988, BN 52021, and WEB 2086, potent and specific antagonists of PAF suppressed PAF effects on the remodeling pathway completely. The PAF- and C-PAF-induced [3H]PAF remained 93% cell-associated and was not degraded up to 10 min after stimulation. Characterization of the [3H]acetate-labeled material co-migrating with authentic PAF revealed that a significant proportion (approximately 57%) was actually 1-acyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. PAF-induced PAF synthesis might be an important mechanism for amplifying original PAF signals and potentiating adhesive interactions of circulating cells with the endothelium.  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanism of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)-induced bone resorption, the effects of recombinant human TNF-alpha on mouse osteoblast-like cells (MC3T3-E1) were studied. TNF-alpha stimulated MC3T3-E1 cells to produce prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and macrophage colony stimulating activity (M-CSA) in a dose-dependent manner. TNF decreased alkaline phosphatase (AL-P) activity of MC3T3-E1 cells. These TNF effects were observed at 1 ng/ml (approximately 6 X 10(-11)M). The inhibitory effect on AL-P activity was reversible and the cell growth of MC3T3-E1 cells was only slightly affected by TNF. These findings suggest that both PGE2 and M-CSA stimulated by TNF-alpha are possibly involved in osteoblast-mediated osteoclastic bone resorption, whereas inhibition of AL-P activity may lead to a decrease in bone formation.  相似文献   

We previously identified TIARP (TNF(alpha)-induced adipose-related protein, where TNF(alpha) stands for tumour necrosis factor alpha), a novel plasma-membrane protein that is induced during 3T3-L1 preadipocytes differentiation by TNF(alpha). Whereas the biological function of TIARP is currently unknown, its protein sequence is reminiscent of transporter protein and/or NAD(P)/NAD(P)H-dependent oxidoreductase activities. We hypothesized that TIARP could be associated with the 3T3-L1 adipocyte plasma-membrane caveolae domains that contain many proteins involved in cellular trafficking and signalling processes. Studies by confocal microscopy showed that TIARP and caveolin-1, a major protein of caveolae, co-localized as patches at the plasma membrane. Immunoblot analysis of cell extracts indicated that TIARP was completely detergent-extractible from membranes, whereas caveolin-1 was present as both detergent-extractible and -insoluble pools. Since TIARP is compartmentalized with caveolin-1 within caveolae domains, we suggest this protein to be part of a signalling complex in association with caveolin-1 and regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

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