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Protonation equilibria and Cu(II) binding processes by an antifungal agent fluconazole, α-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-α-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl-methyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-ethanol, were studied using the UV-Vis, EPR and NMR spectroscopic techniques. The protonation constant of fluconazole was determined from NMR titration and attributed to N4′ nitrogen atoms using the DFT methods. The spectroscopic data suggest that at pH as low as 0.4 the first complex is formed, in which one or two Cu(II) ions are bound to one of the nitrogen atoms (N4′) from triazole rings. Above pH 1.5 each Cu(II) ion is surrounded by two nitrogen atoms (also N4′) from two different ligand molecules, forming primary monomeric complexes and above pH = 5, both dimeric or oligomeric species occur, which is well registered by the EPR technique.The mixture of Cu(NO3)2 with fluconazole in a 1:1 molar ratio in a water (pH = 4.5)/ethanol solution gave crystals of [Cu2(H2O){(C6H3-2,4-F2)(CH2N3C2H2)2C-OH}{(C6H3-2,4-F2)(CH2N3C2H2)2C-O}(NO3)](NO3)2·9(H2O). This complex is the first example of a cupric 3D polymeric structure with a fluconazole ligand coordinated via both N2′ and N4′ atoms from the same triazole rings. At higher pH values, we obtained a binuclear complex [Cu2(L)2(H2O)2(NO3)2], in which the copper(II) atoms were bridged by the oxygen atoms of the deprotonated OH group of fluconazole.The hypothetical oxidative properties of this system were also examined, however it failed to generate either reactive oxygen species or DNA scission products.  相似文献   

A possible new process of activation of the OOH group in the mechanism of ethylene epoxidation catalysed by Pt(II) diphosphine complexes has been investigated by ab initio MO-LCAO calculations. The electronic and geometric features of YOOH species (Y = H, CH3, t-But, CF3, CH3CO, (PH3)2Pt(CF3), (PH3)3PtCl) have been evaluated and compared. Coordination of the OOH group to platinum induces an inversion of the polarity of the O-O bond when compared to any organic hydroperoxide; parallelly it favours the isomerisation of the OOH group from a hydroperoxo to an oxywater-like structure. This latter effect could be an important factor in favouring the reaction of the platinum coordinated OOH group with ethylene to form ethylene oxide. In fact, calculations on the energetics of the interaction between H2O2 and C2H4 have shown that isomerisation of HOOH to H2OO oxywater structure is the rate determining step for the epoxidation process.  相似文献   

The extremely air-sensitive 19-electron [FeICp hexaalkylbenzene)] complexes (alkyl = n-propyl, n-butyl, n-pentl) have been synthesized; variable-temperature Mössbauer data indicate a drastic decrease of the quadrupole splitting upon increasing temperature which does not correspond to a Boltzmann population of the upper Kramer's doublet due to the ‘chain effect’. It is proposed that an increasing proportion of the 17-electron Fe(I) state is involved as the chain length increases.  相似文献   

A mononuclear cobalt(II) complex, [Co(ac)2(H2O)2(MeIm)2], with heteroleptic coordination sphere possessing the {CoO2O′2N2} chromophore has been prepared and structurally characterized. The magnetic data down to 2 K show an enhanced magnetic anisotropy manifesting itself in a large zero-field splitting (ZFS) parameter. As a consequence, the magnetization deviates substantially from the Brillouin-function behavior. A fit to the zero-field splitting model gave the following set of magnetic parameters: D/hc = +95 cm−1, gx = 2.530, zj/hc = −0.078, χTIP = 16.7 × 10−9 m3 mol−1, (gz = 2.0). The Griffith-Figgis model and the Generalized Crystal-Field model lie beyond the spin-Hamiltonian formalism; they gave analogous, although not identical ZFS parameters: D/hc = 109 cm−1, and D/hc = 77 cm−1, respectively. The absorption spectrum taken in the FAR-IR region exhibits manifold absorption peaks referring to the transitions among the crystal-field multiplets of the parent 4A2g + 4Eg terms (D4h), originating in a crystal-field splitting of the octahedral 4T1g ground term.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the tetradentate pendant arm macrocycles 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-N-acetate (L1) and N-(2-hydroxybenzyl)-1,4,7-triazacyclononane (HL2) and their coordination chemistry with vanadium(IV) and (V) are reported. The following mononuclear species have been prepared and characterized by UV-Vis, IR spectroscopy: [L1VIVO(NCS)] (1), [L1VO2]·H2O (2), [L2VO(NCS)] (3), [L2VO(NCS)]Cl (4), and [L2VO2] (5). In addition, the dinuclear, mixed valent complexes [L21V2O3]Br (6), [L22V2O3](ClO4)·0.5acetone (7), and the homovalent complex [L22V2O3](ClO4)2 (8) have been synthesized. Complexes 2, 3, 6 and 7 have been characterized by single crystal X-ray crystallography. Crystal data: 2, space group P21c,a=9.944(4),b=6.701(3),c=18.207(8)Å, β=102.88(3)°, V=1182.7 Å3, Z=4, Dcalc=1.51 g cm−3, R=0.049 based on 4760 reflections; 3, space group Pbca, A=11.003(6), b=14.295(7), C=20.21(1) Å, V=3178.8 Å3, Z=8, Dcalc=1,50 g cm−3, R=0.057 based on 1049 reflections; 6, space Pbcn, a=12.922(3), B=13.852(3), C=12.739(3) Å, V=2280.3 Å3, Z=4, Dcalc=1,75 g cm−3, R=0.047 based on 1172 reflections; 7, space group C2/c, A=23.553(9), B=13.497(5), C=20.951(8) Å, β=90.03(3)°, V=6660.2 Å3, Z=8, Dcalc=1.49 g cm−3, R=0.053 based on 3698 reflections. Complexes 6 and 7 are mixed valent V(IV)/(V) complexes containing the [OV---O---VO]3+ core. In the solid state 6 belongs to class III (delocalized) and 7 to class I (localized) according to the Robin and Day classification of mixed valent compounds. A rationale for these differing electronic structures is given.  相似文献   

The cis effects of phosphine, arsine and stibine ligands have been evaluated by measuring the IR stretching frequency in dichloromethane of the carbonyl ligand in a series of Rh(I) Vaska-type complexes, trans-[RhCl(CO)(L)2]. These data were correlated with those obtained by Tolman for the electronic trans influences in the [Ni(L)(CO)3] complexes. The electronic contribution, χFc, of ferrocenyl was determined as 0.8 from these plots by evaluating PPh2Fc as ligand. In order to accommodate arsine and stibine ligands an additional correction term, to compensate for differences in the donor atom, was added to Tolman’s equation for calculation of the Tolman electronic parameter of phosphine ligands. In the resulting equation: ν(CONi)=2056.1+∑i=13χi+CL values for CL of CP=0, CAs=−1.5 and CSb=−3.1 are suggested for phosphine, arsine and stibine ligands, respectively. The crystal and molecular structures of trans-[RhCl(CO)(PPh2Fc)2] · 2C6H6, trans-[RhCl(CO){P(NMe2)3}2] and trans-[RhCl(CO)(AsPh3)2] are reported. The Tolman cone angles for PPh2Fc and P(NMe2)3 were determined as 169° and 166°, while the effective cone angles for PPh2Fc, P(NMe2)3 and AsPh3 were determined as 171°, 168° and 147°, respectively.  相似文献   

Diethyltin(IV) complexes formed with carbohydrate ligands (aldoses, polyalcohols, sugar acids and disaccharides) containing the diethyltin(IV) moiety and the carbohydrate ligand in a 1:1 ratio were prepared. Their local structures were determined by extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) in the solid state. The results showed that the dioxastannolane units are associated into an infinite chain polymer, in which tin(IV) is bound by two carbon atoms and three or four oxygen atoms either in highly distorted octahedral and trigonal bipyramidal arrangements or in a purely trigonal bipyramidal arrangement. The present structure models are consistent with the results of previous Mössbauer studies, proving the advantages of the use of the partial quadrupole splitting concept for the determination of the symmetry of the coordination sphere in tin(IV) organic complexes.  相似文献   

He I and He II PE spectra of Ti(BH4)3 are reported and assigned by reference to density functional calculations on the molecule and cation. The performance of different functionals in predicting the first vertical ionization energy is assessed. Calculations based on hybrid functionals are found to give ionisation energies closer to the experimental value than those using pure density functionals. The accuracy of the ΔSCF method and time dependent density functional theory in calculating higher vertical ionization energies is also examined.  相似文献   

The complexes Au2Cl2(P-P) with P-P=biphep (2,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1-biphenyl), binap (2,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1-binaphthyl) and xantphos (9,9-dimethyl-4,5-bis(diphenyl-phosphino)xanthene), were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis and ESI-MS. The solid compounds show a r.t. phosphorescence. While the binap complex emits from an intraligand (IL) triplet, the luminescence of the biphep complex originates from a metal-centered (MC) triplet which is presumably lowered by gold-gold interaction. The xantphos complex displays a dual phosphorescence. In this case, the emitting triplets are of the IL and MC type.  相似文献   

In order to assess the changes in the redox activity of a metal ion that result from inductive effects, three electronically modified derivatives of the ligand, N-benzyl-N,N′-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine (LH), have been prepared: N-(4-nitro)benzyl-N,N′-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine (LNO2), N-(4-chloro)benzyl-N,N′-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine (LCl), and N-(4-methoxy)benzyl-N,N′-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine (LOMe). Due to the lack of a fully conjugated π-system between the 4-benzyl substituent and the N-donors, the electronic perturbation should influence a bound metal ion’s redox properties through primarily inductive pathways. The organic ligands react with MnCl2 to form mononuclear complexes with the general formula [Mn(LR)Cl2]. The parent ligand, LH, and its three derivatives each coordinate Mn(II) ions in a cis-α conformation, with the amine N-donors installed trans to the Mn-Cl bonds. Despite its distance from the metal ion, the electron-donating or - withdrawing group has a notable impact on both the metrical parameters of the Mn(II) compounds and the Mn(III/II) reduction potential. A single inductive perturbation can vary the reduction potential by as much as 50 mV.  相似文献   

The reversible equilibrium conversion under H2 of [RuCl(dppb) (μ-Cl)]2 (1) to generate (η2-H2) (dppb) (μ-Cl)3RuCl(dppb) in CH2Cl2 (dppb = Ph2P(CH2)4PPh2) has been studied at 0–25 °C by UV-Vis and 31P{1H} NMR spectroscopy, and by stoppe kinetics; the equilibrium constant and corresponding thermodynamic parameters, and the forward and reverse rate constants at 25 °C have been determined. A measured ΔH° value of 0 kJ mol−1 allows for an estimation of an exothermicity of 60 kJ mol−1 for binding an η2-H2 at an Ru(II) centre; a ΔS° value of 60 J mol−1 K−1 indicates that in solution 1 contain s coordinated CH2Cl2. The kinetic and thermodynamic data are compared to those obtained from a previously studied hydrogenation of styrene catalyzed by 1. Preliminary findings on related systems containing Ph2P(CH2)3PPh2 and (C6H11)2P(C6H11)2 are also noted.  相似文献   

A new complex of thallium(III) with the nitrogen donor ligand diethylenetriamine (dien) has been prepared and characterized by multinuclear NMR (1H, 13C, 205Tl), infrared and Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. In solution, the symmetric s-facial isomer of [Tl(dien)2]3+ is formed. This is a fluxional molecule even at low temperature (235 K); therefore, the different rotamers cannot be observed separately. A complete characterization of the complex is given from its non-trivial NMR spectra. The crystal structure of [Tl(dien)2](ClO4)3·H2O shows u-facial geometry, where the coordination environment around thallium can be described as a distorted trigonal prism.  相似文献   

The atomic structure of crystals of the complex [Tb(NO3)2(Acac)(Phen)2]·H2O, (AA – acetylacetonate anion, Phen – 1,10‐phenanthroline) characterized by an intensive luminescence and triboluminescence has been determined by means of an X‐ray structural analysis method. Centrosymmetric crystals have a monoclinic syngony: a = 11.2298(1), b = 9.6492(1), c = 13.2745(1) Å, β = 101.290(1), space group P2/n, Z = 2, ρcalc = 1.790 g/cm3. The crystal structure is represented by individual С29Н25N6O9Tb complexes linked through van der Waals interactions with clearly expressed cleavage planes. The Tb(III) atom coordination polyhedron reflects the state of a distorted square antiprism. The structural aspects of the suggested model of formation of the triboluminescent properties were considered and the role of the cleavage planes discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The salt Ag+ReO4 − shows an orange luminescence (λmax=580 nm), which originates from a AgI → ReVII MMCT triplet.  相似文献   

A novel hexanickel(II) complex [Ni6(NCCHCH2CH2CHCN)6] (2) with 1,4-dicyanobutane-1,4-diyl (L) which was produced by the metal-induced dimerization of acrylonitrile (AN) has been isolated and the structure has been determined crystallographically. Complex 2 is triclinic, space group . Each nickel atom is coordinated by two carbon atoms of L and two nitrogen atoms of the cyano group of two other L, providing a square-plenar geometry. The six nickel atoms are bridged by the cyano group and carbon atom to form the slightly distorted octahedral Ni6 core.  相似文献   

In a synthetic route that varies from the standard procedure requiring irradiation, the (η6-C6H5Cl)Cr(CO)2PPh3 complex is obtained upon reacting (η6-C6H5Cl)Cr(CO)3 with tetrakis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(0), CuI, and trimethylsilylphenylacetylene in triethylamine. The X-ray crystal structure of the yellow–orange crystals of (η6-C6H5Cl)Cr(CO)2PPh3 allows structural comparisons to related (arene)Cr(CO)2PR3 complexes.  相似文献   

[NBun4]2[W(C3Se5)3] (C3Se52− = 1,3-diselenole-2-selone-4,5- diselenolate(2−)) was prepared by the reaction of Na2[C3Se5] with WCl6 in ethanol, followed by addition of [NBun4]Br. The cyclic voltammogram in dichloromethane exhibits two oxidation peaks at −0.04 and +0.03 V (versus SCE). The complex reacted with [Fe(C5Me5)2][BF4], iodine or [TTF]3[BF4]2 (TTF·+ = the tetrathiafulvalenium radical cation) in acetonitrile to afford the oxidized complexes [Fe(C5Me5)2]0.5[W(C3Se5)3], [NBun4]0.1[W(C3Se5)3] and [TTF]0.5[W(C3Se5)3], respectively. Current-controlled electrochemical oxidation of the complex in acetonitrile gave [NBun4]0.6[W(C3Se5)3]. The oxidized complexes exhibit electrical conductivities of 4.7×10 −5−1.5×10−3 S cm−1 at room temperature measured for compacted pellets. Electronic absorption, IR and ESR spectra of these complexes are discussed.  相似文献   

The cobalt(II) complexes [Co(TPA)Cl]ClO4 (1), [Co(TPA)Br]ClO4 (2), [Co(TPA)(H2O)]Cl(ClO4) (3) and [Co2(TPA)2(μ-tp)](ClO4)2 · 2H2O (4) (TPA = tris(2-methylpyridyl)amine and tp = terephthalate dianion) were synthesized and structurally characterized by UV-vis and IR spectroscopy. The molecular structures of complexes 1 and 4 were determined by X-ray crystallography and their magnetic properties were measured over the temperature range 2-300 K. The coordination geometry around the central Co(II) in these compounds has a distorted trigonal bipyamidal geometry with four nitrogen atoms from the TPA ligand and the fifth coordination site is occupied by Cl ion in 1, Br ion in 2, coordinated oxygen atom from H2O in 3 and by an oxygen atom supplied by the carboxylate group of the bridged terephthalato ligand in 4. The visible spectra of the complexes 1-3 in MeOH show strong distortion toward tetrahedral geometry. For complex 4, analysis of the infrared spectral data for the ν(COO) stretching frequencies of the tp-carboxalato groups reveals the existence of the bis(monodentate) coordination mode for the bridged tp. X-ray data for 1 and 4 show that the former is mononuclear while the latter is dinuclear. The electronic spectrum of 4 in MeOH is in complete agreement with the assigned X-ray geometry around the Co(II) centers. The magnetic behavior of the mononuclear complex 1 is indicative of a high-spin compound with zero-field splitting. The best fit was obtained with ∣D∣ = 7.3 cm−1, g = 2.25. The dinuclear complex 4 exhibits weak antiferromagnetic coupling with a coupling constant J = −0.8 cm−1. The magnetic properties and the structural parameters of 4 are discussed in relation to the other related μ-terephthalato dinuclear Co(II) compounds. The geometry of the coordination sphere around 4 is unique - the CSD compilation listing only one other compound with such a geometry around the dinuclear Co(II) complex and its composition is far different from that in 4. However, they share a common feature of having a weakly antiferromagnetic coupling between Co(II) centers.  相似文献   

Trans-dihydroxo-[tetrakis(2,6-dichlorophenyl)porphinato]ruthenium(IV) ([Ru(OH)2(TDCPP)]) was prepared by meta-chloroperbenzoic acid oxidation of [Ru(CO)(TDCPP)] in dichloromethane-toluene, and its crystal structure is reported. Crystal data for [Ru(OH)2(TDCPP)]·2toluene:C44H22N4O2Cl8Ru·2C7H8, orthorhombic, space group Pbca a = 13.149(1), B = 19.893(2), C = 21.093(2)Å, U = 55.17.3(2) Å3, Z = 4. The short axial Ru---O bond distance, 1.790(7) Å, is in the range expected for a double Ru(IV)-oxygen bond. Both hydroxo ligands are approximately located in the mean plane of two opposite dichlorophenyl groups. Full-matrix least-squares refinement of positional and thermal parameters, using 2368 unique reflections with F > 2.5 σ (F) led to R(F) = 0.063; Rw = 0.066.  相似文献   

The first trinuclear vanadium complex [(talent-Bu2)(VIVO)3] (1) of a triple tetradentate triplesalen ligand has been synthesized and characterized. The triplesalen ligand (talent-Bu2)6- provides three salen-like coordination environments bridged in a meta-phenylene arrangement by a phloroglucinol backbone. In the electronic absorption spectrum of 1 all four ligand field transitions are detected below 21 400 cm−1. The region above 23 000 cm−1 is dominated by strong absorption from imine π → π and ligand-to-ligand CT transitions. The latter may also be described by a combined phenolate-to-vanadium LMCT and vanadium-to-imine MLCT through the empty metal d orbitals in a push-pull type interaction. The temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal a ferromagnetic coupling of the three VIVO units in the triplesalen complex with J = +0.44 cm−1. The correlation of the electronic structure to the weakness of the ferromagnetic coupling by the spin-polarization mechanism in the trinuclear VO system is discussed.  相似文献   

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