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Complexes of the types cis- and trans-Pt(amine)2(NO3)2 with amines containing a phenyl group were synthesized and studied mainly by IR and multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies. The cis complexes could be synthesized pure only with the amines of the type Ph-R-NH2 (R = alkyl), while pure trans compounds were synthesized with all the studied amines. In 195Pt NMR spectroscopy, the dinitrato complexes of the amines Ph-R-NH2 were observed around −1700 ppm for the cis isomers and at about −1580 for the trans complexes. For the other amines, where a phenyl ring is directly attached to the amino group, the signals were observed at lower fields, −1528 ppm for cis-Pt(PhNH2)(NO3)2 and around −1450 ppm for all the trans isomers. There is a linear relationship between the δ(Pt) of the Pt(amine)2(NO3)2 complexes and the pKa of the protonated amines. The coupling constants 2J(195Pt-1HN) are larger in the cis compounds (ave. 76 Hz) than in the trans isomers (ave. 63 Hz). The complexes cis-Pt(amine)2(R(COO)2) with bidentate dicarboxylato ligands were also synthesized and characterized mainly by IR spectroscopy. The compounds apparently decompose in DMF and are too insoluble in other solvents for solution studies.  相似文献   

Complexes of the types cis- and trans-Pt(amine)2I2 were studied by spectroscopic methods, especially by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy. In 195Pt NMR, the cis diiodo compounds with primary amines were observed between −3342 and −3357 ppm in acetone, while the trans compounds were found between −3336 and −3372 ppm. For the secondary amines, the chemical shifts were observed at lower fields. In 1H NMR, the trans complexes were observed at higher fields than the cis compounds, while in 13C NMR, the reverse was observed. The 2J(195Pt-1H) and 3J(195Pt-1H) coupling constants are larger for the cis compounds (ave. 67 and 45 Hz, respectively) than for the trans isomers (ave. 59 and 38 Hz). In 13C NMR, the values of 2J(195Pt-13C) and 3J(195Pt-13C) were also found to be larger for the cis complexes (ave. 17 and 39 Hz versus 11 and 28 Hz). There seems to be a slight dependence of the pKa values of the protonated amines or the proton affinity in the gas phase with the δ(Pt) chemical shifts. The crystal structures of eight diiodo complexes were determined. These compounds are cis-Pt(CH3NH2)2I2, cis-Pt(n-C4H9NH2)2I2, cis-Pt(Et2NH)2I2, trans-Pt(n-C3H7NH2)2I2, trans-Pt(iso-C3H7NH2)2I2, trans-Pt(n-C4H9NH2)2I2, trans-Pt(t-C4H9NH2)2I2 and trans-Pt(Me2NH)2I2. The Pt-N bond distances located in trans position to the iodo ligands were compared to those located in trans position to the amines. The Pt-N bond in cis-Pt(Et2NH)2I2 are much longer than the others, probably caused by the steric hindrance of the two very bulky ligands located in cis positions.  相似文献   

Novel ionic mixed-ligands complexes of the types cis- and trans-[Pt(amine)2(pm)2](NO3)2 (where pm = pyrimidine) were synthesized and studied in the solid state by IR spectroscopy and in aqueous solution by multinuclear (195Pt, 1H and 13C) magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The results of the solution NMR characterization have shown that the isolated compounds are pure. In 195Pt NMR, the cis RNH2 complexes were observed at slightly lower fields (ave. −2441 ppm) than the equivalent trans analogues (ave. −2448 ppm). For Me2NH, the difference between the two isomers is larger (29 ppm). The complexes are observed at lower fields (difference of 100 ppm) than the corresponding [Pt(amine)4]2+ complexes, which might indicate the presence of π-backdonation in the Pt-pm bond. In 1H NMR, the coupling constants 3J(195Pt-1Hamine) are larger in the cis compounds (38-48 Hz) than in the trans analogues (30-36 Hz). The 3J(195Pt-1Hpm) values are also larger for the cis isomers. In 13C NMR spectroscopy, the coupling constants 3J(195Pt-13Camine) are 36 Hz (ave.) for the cis complexes and 26 Hz (ave.) for the trans isomers, while the 2J(195Pt-13Camine) are 18 Hz (cis) and 14 Hz (trans), respectively. The 3J(195Pt-13C5(pm)) values are 36 Hz (cis) and 28 Hz (trans). A few 2J(195Pt-13Cpm) couplings were observed (7-10 Hz).  相似文献   

Novel ionic mixed-ligands complexes of the types cis- and trans-[Pt(pz)2(Ypy)2](NO3)2 (where Ypy is a pyridine derivative and pz = pyrazine) were synthesized and studied mainly in the solid state by IR spectroscopy and in aqueous solution by multinuclear (195Pt, 1H and 13C) magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The trans isomers with ligands containing a methyl group in ortho position on the pyridine ring could not be synthesized. The results of the solution NMR characterization have shown that the isolated compounds are pure. In 195Pt NMR, the cis complexes containing a methyl group in ortho positions were observed at lower field (average −2337 ppm) than the other cis compounds (average −2427 ppm), which is explained by the solvent effect. The trans isomers were observed at very slightly lower fields (average −2422 ppm) than the equivalent cis complexes (average −2427 ppm). In 1H NMR, the coupling constants 3J(195Pt-1HYpy) and 3J(195Pt-1Hpz) are larger in the cis compounds (∼40 Hz) than in the trans complexes (∼31 Hz). A few 4J(195Pt-1Hpz) were observed (∼16 Hz). In 13C NMR spectroscopy, the coupling constants 3J(195Pt-13Cpz) and 3J(195Pt-13CYpy) are also larger in the cis configuration (∼30 and ∼38 Hz, respectively) than in the trans isomers (∼20 Hz). One 4J(195Pt-13Cpz) could be calculated (17 Hz). The presence of the syn and anti rotamers were observed in all the cis complexes containing a pyridine derivative with a -CH3 group in ortho position. They were observed in 195Pt, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The proportion of the two rotamers is about 55% and 45%.  相似文献   

The aquated and hydrolyzed species formed from the complexes cis-Pt(cba)2I2 and cis-Pt(NH3)(cba)I2 (cba = cyclobutylamine) were studied by multinuclear (195Pt, 15N and 1H) magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The iodo ligands were removed with AgNO3. In acidic medium, the aqueous product consists of the diaqua and the aqua-nitrato cations, although some monohydroxo-bridged dimers are formed after several hours, especially for the mixed-ligand compound. In basic medium, the main species are the dihydroxo compounds. At neutral pD, several species exist in solution, especially with the mixed-amine system, which contained also a small quantity of the symmetric cis-Pt(cba)2 complexes. Difficulties were encountered because of the insolubility of several oligomeric species, contrary to the cis-Pt(NH3)2 system, probably due to the greater lipophilicity of cba compared to NH3. Monohydroxo-bridged dimers are formed in large quantities and the stereochemistry of the mixed-amine species was determined by 15N NMR spectroscopy. For the latter system, the cyclic dihydroxo-bridged dimers are the predominant species at neutral pD after a few hours. After an extended period of time, most of the oligomers precipitate, leaving the more soluble monohydroxo-bridged dimers as the major species in solution. The preliminary antitumor testing results on several dichloro mixed-ligand compounds are listed. The results on further testing on the most active compound cis-Pt(NH3)(cba)Cl2 are also included.  相似文献   

Complexes of the type [Pt(amine)4]I2 were synthesized and characterized mainly by multinuclear (195Pt, 1H and 13C) magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The compounds were prepared with different primary amines, but not with bulky amines, due to steric hindrance. In 195Pt NMR, the signals were observed between −2715 and −2769 ppm in D2O. The coupling constant 3J(195Pt-1H) for the MeNH2 complex is 42 Hz. In 13C NMR, the average values of the coupling constants 2J(195Pt-13C) and 3J(195Pt-13C) are 18 and 30 Hz, respectively. The crystal structure of [Pt(EtNH2)4]I2 was determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The Pt atom is located on an inversion center. The structure is stabilized by H-bonding between the amines and the iodide ions. The compound with n-BuNH2 was found by crystallographic methods to be [Pt(n-BuNH2)4]2I3(n-BuNHCOO). The crystal contains two independent [Pt(CH3NH2)4]2+ cations, three iodide ions and a carbamate ion formed from the reaction of butylamine with CO2 from the air. When the compound [Pt(CH3NH2)4]I2 was dissolved in acetone, crystals identified as trans-[Pt(CH3NH2)2(H3CNC(CH3)2)2]I2 were isolated and characterized by crystallographic methods. Two trans bonded MeNH2 ligands had reacted with acetone to produce the two N-bonded Schiff base Pt(II) compound.  相似文献   

Complexes of the types cis-Pt(amine)2I2 were transformed into the iodo-bridged dimers, which were characterized mainly by multinuclear (195Pt, 1H and 13C) magnetic resonance spectroscopy. For bulby amines, the dinuclear species were synthesized directly from K2[PtI4]. Compounds with several primary aliphatic and cyclic amines and two secondary amines were studied. In 195Pt NMR, two signals were observed between −3899 and −4080 ppm in acetone. These species were assigned to the cis and trans dinuclear compounds I(amine)Pt(μ-I)2PtI(amine). We suggest that the most shielded compound is the trans isomer. The difference between the two isomers is 12-13 ppm for the primary amine system and 26-27 ppm for the two secondary amines. There seems to be a slight dependence of the proton affinity in the gas phase of the amine (linear amines) with the δ(Pt) chemical shifts of the dinuclear Pt(II) compounds. The 2J(195Pt-1HN) coupling constants are slightly larger for the trans isomers (average 67 Hz, vs. 56 Hz). The 3J(195Pt-1H) coupling constants were detected only for the dimethylamine compounds, 46 Hz (trans) and 44 Hz (cis). In 13C NMR, the values of 2J(195Pt-13C) and 3J(195Pt-13C) were also found to be very slightly larger for the trans complexes (average 19 and 25 Hz vs. 15 and 18 Hz). The structures were confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies of the n-butylamine and diethylamine compounds. The two crystals were those of the trans dinuclear complexes.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of two Pt(cyclopentylamine)2I2 compounds were determined by X-ray diffraction methods. Both crystals contain disordered cyclopentylamine ligands. Crystal I contains two independent trans-Pt(cyclopentylamine)2I2 molecules and all the C atoms are disordered on two positions. The second crystal (II) is most interesting since it contains both cis- and trans-Pt(cyclopentylamine)2I2 isomers in the same unit cell. It was prepared from the recrystallization of the cis isomer in acetone. The C atoms of the trans molecule in crystal II are disordered on two positions, while only one position was determined in the cis molecule, although some of the C thermal factors are quite high. The reactions of cis-Pt(amine)2X2 and cis-Pt(NH3)(amine)X2 (amine = cyclobutylamine and cyclopentylamine) with guanosine in water were studied in different Pt:guanosine proportions by multinuclear (1H, 195Pt and 15N) magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The presence of several species in solution was observed. For the mixed-cyclobutylamine compound, 15N NMR has shown that some of the NH3 ligands have been displaced from the coordination sphere in the presence of an excess of guanosine. The reactions of the two mixed-ligand complexes cis-Pt(NH3)(amine)Cl2 with 9-methylguanine, inosine and 9-methylhypoxanthine were also studied in water and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Dinitrato(ethylenediamine)palladium(II) has been crystallized from aqueous solution following treatment of enPdCl2 with AgNO3. The en ligand is chelating and the two nitrate ligands bind monofunctionally. When brought in water, the nitrates are immediately replaced by water ligands, thus providing a convenient source of highly reactive [enPd(H2O)2]2+. 1H NMR spectra of the title compound in dimethylformamide and acetonitrile indicate proton exchange between NH2 groups of en ligands.  相似文献   

The Pt(II) and Pt(IV) complexes with histamine were calculated by using more than 20 DFT functionals and various basis sets. Based on the comparison between the X-ray and theoretical geometrical parameters of the Pt(II)(Hist)Cl2 complex the MPW1PW91, OPW91 and SVWN5 functionals combined with the 6-311G∗∗ basis set for non-metallic and SDD (ECP) basis set for platinum were found to yield the most satisfactory agreement. The structure of the Pt(II) complex with iodohistamine important for pharmacy, so far isolated only in minute amounts, was predicted by using the MPW1PW91 functional. Comparison of the theoretical NMR chemical shifts of the Pt(II)(Hist)Cl2 complex with those found experimentally have shown that the theoretical 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts are in plausible agreement with the experimental ones, whereas the theoretical 195Pt chemical shifts fit the experimental values only when the relativistic approach is applied within the ZORA formalism. We confirmed suitability of the three selected functionals for reproduction of the experimental structure of Pt complexes at fourth oxidation state by using the cis- and ions as models. Finally, with the selected theoretical methods, the structures and stabilities of four Pt(IV)(Hist)2Cl2 complex isomers were predicted.  相似文献   

Pt(II) complexes of the types K[Pt(R2SO)X3], NR4[Pt(R2SO)X3] and Pt(R2SO)2Cl2 (where X = Cl or Br) were characterized by multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (195Pt, 1H and 13C). In 195Pt NMR, the chloro ionic compounds have shown signals between −2979 and −3106 ppm, while the cis disubstituted complexes were observed at higher fields, between −3450 and −3546 ppm. The signal of the compound trans-Pt(DPrSO)2Cl2 was found at higher field (−3666 ppm) than its cis analogue (−3517 ppm), since π-back-donation is considerably less effective in the trans geometry. In 1H NMR, a single signal was observed for the sulfoxide in [Pt(DMSO)Cl3], but for the other more sterically hindered ligands, two series of resonances were observed for the protons in α and β positions. The coupling constant 3J(195Pt-1H) are between 15 and 33 Hz. The 13C NMR results were interpreted in relation to the concept of inversed polarization of the π sulfoxide bond. The 2J(195Pt-13C) values vary between 35 and 66 Hz, while a few 3J(195Pt-13C) couplings were observed (13-26 Hz). The crystal structures of five monosubstituted ionic compounds N(n-Bu)4[Pt(TMSO)Cl3], N(Me)4[Pt(DPrSO)Cl3], K[Pt(EMSO)Cl3], K[Pt(TMSO)Br3] · H2O and N(Et)4[Pt(DPrSO)Br3] and one disubstituted complex cis-Pt(DBuSO)2Cl2 were determined. The trans influence of the different ligands is discussed.  相似文献   

Infrared and Raman spectra of solid trans-dichloro-bis[diperfluoroethyl(phenyl)phosphine]platinum(II), trans-Pt[PPh(CF3CF2)2]2Cl2, have been studied at high external pressures up to ∼50 kbar with the aid of a diamond-anvil cell. A gradual, pressure-induced phase transition, most probably second order, was observed in the 21-34 kbar pressure range. In the IR spectra, the bands assigned to the CF stretching modes of the CF3 groups exhibit larger pressure sensitivities than do those associated with the CF stretching modes of the CF2 groups, most probably because of their physical location on the outside in the molecules in the unit cell. The fairly high pressure sensitivities of the symmetric PtCl stretching mode in both the low and high pressure phases (0.46 and 37 cm−1/kbar, respectively) are considered to reflect the low force constant associated with the long PtCl bond length thus making this vibration more susceptible to compression.  相似文献   

Reaction between a mixture of cis-trans-[PtCl2(SMe2)2] and 1 equiv. AsPh3 in chloroform gives cis-[PtCl2(SMe2)(AsPh3)] crystallizing in P21/n with a=10.397(2), b=14.876(3), c=13.956(3) Å, β=90.86(3)° and Z=4. Selected geometrical parameters are PtAs 2.3531(10), PtS 2.262(2), PtCl (trans to S) 2.301(2), PtCl (trans to As) 2.328(2) Å and SPtAs 88.85(6), SPtCl(2) 90.77(8), AsPtCl(1) 91.07(6) and ClPtCl 89.42(7)°. cis-[PtCl2(AsPh3)2]·CHCl3 crystallizes in P21/c with a=20.557(4), b=9.5951(19), c=20.147(4) Å, β=96.77(3)° and Z=4. Selected geometrical parameters are PtAs(1) 2.3599(9), PtAs(2) 2.3770(9), PtCl(1) (trans to As(1)) 2.3515(18), PtCl(2) (trans to As(2)) 2.3251(18) Å and AsPtAs 97.87(3), As(1)PtCl(2) 88.67(5), As(2)PtCl(1) 84.30(5) and ClPtCl 89.32(7)°. By comparison with related structures from the literature the following trans influence series was established PMe2Ph>PPh3>AsPh3≈SbPh3>Me2SO≈SMe2≈SPh2>NH3≈olefin>Cl>MeCN.  相似文献   

The synthesis and characterisation of cis- and trans-[Co(tmen)2(NCCH3)2](ClO4)3 are described. Solvolysis rates have been measured by both 1H NMR spectroscopy and UV-Vis spectrophotometry in dimethyl sulfoxide at 298.2 K. The cis isomer undergoes solvolysis by consecutive first-order reactions, k1=5.61 × 10−4 and k2=5.35 × 10−4 s−1, each with steric retention. The measured solvolysis rate (single step reaction) for the trans isomer is k=1.54 × 10−5 s−1. The solvent exchange rates have been measured by 1H NMR spectroscopy in CD3CN at 298.2 K: kex(cis)=kct + kcc=2.0 × 10−5 and kex(trans)=ktc + ktt=4.56 × 10−6 s−1. From these data, the measured cis-trans isomerisation rate (1.71 × 10−6 s−1) and equilibrium position in CH3CN (17% trans), the steric course for substitution in the exchange processes has been determined: trans reactant - 69% trans product; cis reactant - 99% cis product. Aquation rates for cis- and trans-[Co(tmen)2(NCCH3)2](ClO4)3 have also been determined spectrophotometrically and by NMR; kcis=1.3 × 10−4 and ktrans=2.7 × 10−5 s−1. In both cases the steric course for the primary aquation step is indeterminate because the subsequent steps are faster. Where data are available, the [Co(tmen)2X2]n+ complexes are found to be consistently much more reactive than their [Co(en)2X2]n+ analogues.  相似文献   

A novel synthetic method for the synthesis of the complexes cis-Pt(amine)2R(COO)2 is compared to two other methods involving the use of either barium dicarboxylate or sodium carboxylate. Pt(II) compounds with monodentate and bidentate amines were studied. The reaction involves the use of a silver dicarboxylato complex, which is the intermediate in the new synthetic procedure. The crystal structure of the silver intermediate with the ligand 1,1-cyclobutanedicarboxylate (1,1-CBDCA) was determined by X-ray diffraction. The crystal Ag2(1,1-CBDCA) has a very interesting 3-D extended structure. The complexes cis-Pt(amine)2R(COO)2 were studied in solution by multinuclear (1H, 13C and 195Pt) magnetic resonance spectroscopy, but the solubilities are very low. D2O was found to be the best solvent. In 195Pt NMR, the complexes containing bidentate amines forming five-membered chelates were observed at higher fields than those containing monodentate amines. The resonances of the NH3 compounds were also found at lower fields than the primary amine complexes. All the dicarboxylato ligands form six-membered chelates except 1,2-CBDCA, whose Pt(II) compounds were observed at lower fields than the others. The crystal structures of Pt(en)(1,1-CBDCA), Pt(Meen)(1,1-CBDCA) and Pt(en)(benzylmalonato) were confirmed by X-ray diffraction methods. Several compounds are disordered. The crystals are stabilized by intermolecular hydrogen bonds between the -NH2 groups and the carboxylato O atoms.  相似文献   

The interaction of an excess of the title ligands L with the cis-Pt(phos)2 moieties gives compounds a-bcis-[Pt(L-O)2(phos)2] (a, phos = P(Ph)3; b, phos = 1/2 dppe), in which O- is preferred to S-coordination. Such preference is confirmed by the fact that the same products are obtained by reaction of excess of L with the previously reported a-d complexes [Pt(L-O,S)(phos)2]+, (c, phos = PPh3, d, phos = 1/2 dppe), for which chelate ring opening occurs with rupture of Pt-S rather than Pt-O bonds. Compound a can be obtained also by oxidative addition of HL to [Pt(PPh3)3]. The Pt-O bonds in compounds a-d are stable towards substitution by Me2SO, pyridine and tetramethylthiourea. Substitution of L’s occurs with N,N′-diethyldithiocarbamate, which forms a very stable chelate with Pt(II). Thiourea and N,N′-dimethylthiourea also react, because they give rise to cyclometallated products [Pt(phos)2(NRC(S)NHR)]+ (R = H, CH3), with one ionised thioamido group, as revealed by an X-ray investigation of [Pt(PPh3)2(NHC(S)NH2)]+. The preference of O versus S coordination, as well as the stability of the Pt-O bonds, are discussed in terms of antisymbiosis.  相似文献   

The reactivity of the cyclic primary aliphatic amines cyclopropyl-, cyclopentyl- and cyclohexylamine with cis- and trans-[PtCl2(NCMe)2], under the same experimental conditions, is compared. Whereas cis-[PtCl2(NCMe)2] yields the neutral diamidine compounds, the reactions with trans-[PtCl2(NCMe)2] take place either with addition or substitution processes yielding the neutral diamidine complexes trans-[PtCl2(Amidine)2], the monocationic trans-[PtCl(Amine)(Amidine)2]Cl and the dicationic trans-[Pt(Amine)2(Amidine)2]Cl2 salts. An NMR and ESI study indicate that the main species formed is the monocationic trans-[PtCl(Amine)(Amidine)2]Cl complex.The X-ray structure of is reported and its supramolecular arrangement is described.  相似文献   

The reaction products of adenosine with [Pt(NH3)3Cl]Cl or cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 have been studied using high performance liquid chromatography and uv spectroscopy. The reaction of [Pt(NH3)3Cl]Cl with adenosine (pH = 7.0, Pt/base = 0.5) gives four products. Two of them, mononuclear complexes in which platinum is bound to adenosine through N(7) or N(1), comprise more than 90% of all the products. The N(1) and N(7) sites on adenosine indicate almost equal binding affinity for [Pt(NH3)3Cl]Cl. The reaction of cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 with adenosine has been studied in the presence of a large excess of adenosine (Pt/base ? 0.05). The reaction gives four products. One is the monomeric 2:1 complex with cis-Pt(NH3)22+ bound to two adenosine molecules through the N(7) site and the N(1) site, and another is the monomeric 2:1 complex with cis-Pt(NH3)22+ bound to two adenosine molecules through the N(7) sites. cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 is stronger affinity to the N(7) site than of adenosine to the N(1) site.  相似文献   

Reaction between the binuclear hydroxo complex cis-[(PPh3)2Pt(μ-OH)]2X2 (X = NO3, 1a; , 1b) and the model DNA base 9-methyladenine (9-MeAd) leads to the formation of the mononuclear species cis-[(PPh3)2Pt{9-MeAd(-H),N6N7}]X (X = NO3, 2a; PF6, 2b), in which the nucleobase chelates the Pt(II) ion with the N6 and N7 atoms. The coordination mode of the nucleobase has been determinated through a multinuclear (1H, 31P, 13C, 15N and 195Pt) NMR analysis and the nuclearity of the complex has been obtained by E.S.I. mass spectrometry. 2 represents the first example of an isolated platinum complex in which the NH2-deprotonated adenine exhibits this binding mode.  相似文献   

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