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The aim of this study was to investigate the relative growth and onset of morphological sexual maturity of the freshwater crab Sylviocarcinus pictus. Specimens were collected every month from October 2013 to September 2014, at night, on a stretch of the river Guaribas, Piauí, Brazil. Crabs were sexed and their carapace width (CW, independent variable), carapace length (CL), cheliped propodus length (PL) and height (PH), gonopod length (GL), and abdomen width (AW) (dependent variables) were measured. These measurements were related to characterise relative growth and possible sex differences. On average males were larger than females (p = 0.0001). Size at the onset of morphological sexual maturity was defined by relating CL vs. PL for males (30.82 mm) and CL vs. AW for females (28.63 mm). These are considered secondary sexual characters and reflect initial size at morphological sexual maturity with greater precision. The differential cheliped growth of males may be related to courting and disputes with other males, while the allometric growth of the abdomen of females indicates increased probability of reproductive success.  相似文献   

The size at maturity was studied in the crab Aegla uruguayana from the Areco River (31°14′ S, 59°28′ W), Argentina. Size at sexual maturity was determined according to three criteria: morphometric (change in the relative growth of reproductive characters), histological (first maturation of gonads) and functional (capability to mate and carry eggs). Regarding females, morphometric maturity occurred at a carapace length (CL) of 11.50 mm, considering abdomen width as a reproductive character. Gonad maturity of females could be observed at a minimum size ranging from 15 to 17 mm CL. The smallest ovigerous female observed in the field was 15.60 mm CL, although a relevant population incidence of ovigerous females (86.6%) has just been observed at values higher than 17 mm CL. As for males, the relative growth of the left chela length changed at a value of 15.40 mm CL, while morphological changes in sexual tube occurred between CL of 14 and 16 mm. Testicular maturation occurred at a CL ranging from 17 to 19 mm. The smallest size of males having spermatozoids in their vasa deferentia was 18.70 mm CL. The results obtained indicated that, in both sexes, functional maturity occurred after morphometric maturity and at a size similar to that of gonad maturity. Comparing sexes, females acquired sexual maturity (morphometric, gonad and functional maturity) at sizes statistically smaller than those of males.  相似文献   


From January 1975 to June 1976, samples of Heterozius rotundifrons A. Milne Edwards, 1867 were taken monthly from the intertidal zone at First Bay, Kaikoura Peninsula (42°25′S, 173°42′E). Small crabs (< 8 mm carapace width) were never common; they were either too cryptic to be collected in quantity, or have a different habitat from larger crabs. Ovigerous females were present in all months except February (in both 1975 and 1976), but generally formed less than 50% of the total sample of females each month. The number of newly deposited eggs (0.75×0.81 mm) carried by females increased with increase in carapace width according to the equation y = -1123.56+102.97x (r 2 = 0.8213). Egg development lasted 3–5 months, and egg mortality during this period was almost 10%. The overall sex ratio for the 18-month sampling period was 1846 ♀ : 993 ♂, which suggests that females were approximately twice as numerous as males. However, when crabs were sorted into size classes it was evident that the sex ratio was not significantly different from 1:1 in crabs of 6–12 mm carapace width, whereas females significantly (P<0.001) outnumbered males in the 13–21 mm size range. The right and left chela were approximately equal in length in females of all sizes, but the right chela of large males was greatly enlarged compared with the left, and with the chelae of females of comparable carapace width. Increase in the growth rate of the males’ right chela commenced at a carapace width of approximately 11.0 mm. Since the smallest ovigerous female collected also had a carapace width of 11.0 mm, it is concluded that both males and females attain sexual maturity at this size.  相似文献   

Petrolisthes armatus (Gibbes, 1850) life history was evaluated based on growth and reproduction. Specimens were captured at Ubatuba (Brazil), identified, sexed and measured: carapace (CL, length; CW, width), larger cheliped propodus (PL, length; PW, width; and PH, height), and 2th and 5th abdominal somite (AW2 and AW5, width). Relative growth was studied using CL as independent variable and its relation with other variables (dependents), to estimate puberty size and morphological maturity. Fecundity was represented by number of eggs vs. body size CL, with a better fit using a power function. Considering the 257 specimens analyzed, males were larger than females, and the overall sex ratio was 1:1, with some differences among size classes. Maturity (puberty size) was revealed by: AW2 × CL (males: 8.6 mm CL; females: 7.6 mm CL); and AW5 × CL (7.1 and 7.6 mm CL, respectively). Reproduction was continuous, but more intense in rainy season and recruitment occurring in dry season. Fecundity of this species was 228 ± 163 eggs, with better fit by a power function (R2 = 0.72). Maturity size and growth differed when a pristine area (Ubatuba) was compared with a polluted area (São Sebastião), in the same Brazilian area (São Paulo State).  相似文献   

Chorismus antarcticus is the only protandrous hermaphrodite decapod species found on the Antarctic continental shelves. The morphological structures of the male and female gonopores were described and used to determine sex and to fix the size range at which the transition from male to female takes place. The parallel occurrence of male and female gonopores was found in all specimens. The presence of open gonopore flaps at both the third and fifth pair of pereiopods in individuals between 9 and 12 mm of carapace length (CL) is discussed as the morphological indicator of sex change. Few females occurred from 9 mm CL onwards, whereas all shrimps larger than 13 mm CL only had open female gonopores. This size corresponds exactly with the CL at which onset of oocyte development and female gonad production starts. Secondary sexual characters, the gonopore structures, seem to allow an accurate prediction of the size range at which hermaphrodite caridean decapods change sex. Received: 23 February 1996/Accepted: 15 July 1996  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the size of morphological sexual maturity based on the study of relative growth, to determine the maximum size of individuals, and to determine if there are different morphotypes of males in a population of Macrobrachium amazonicum with an entirely freshwater life cycle. Collections were made monthly, with the use of a net, from September 2006 through August 2007. In each individual, the following structures were measured: carapace length (CL, in mm), width of the second pleuron (PlL, mm), length of the carpus (CaL, mm), and length of the propodus (PrL, mm). Relative growth was analyzed by observing the change in growth patterns of certain parts of the body in relation to the independent variable CL. The maximum sizes found were 8.5 and 11.4?mm CL for males and females, respectively. The morphometric variables: length of the carpus (CL?×?CaL) for males, and width of the second pleuron (CL?×?PlL) for females gave the best estimates for the size at maturation, which was 4.26?mm CL for males and 5.39?mm CL for females. The growth pattern in the different stages and the beginning of differential growth seemed to be closely related to reproductive aspects. No indices were found that separated the males into four different morphotypes, as proposed in the literature for coastal or artificially farmed populations. Only the male morphotype termed translucent claw was found in this population. The different morphological patterns in different regions are probably explained by ecological differences in the environments inhabited by these groups, principally in the availability of nutrients and the salinity in which the larvae develop.  相似文献   

Studies on relative growth and sexual maturity are important to understand the reproductive biology of a species. The aims of this study were to determine the relative growth and to estimate the size of Panopeus occidentalis at morphological sexual maturity, as well as to confirm whether this species demonstrates heterochely or handedness. Individuals were collected every two months from March 2013 to July 2014 in the intertidal estuarine zone of Cananeia, São Paulo, Brazil. The following measurements were taken: carapace width (CW), carapace length (CL), right and left cheliped propodus length (CPL), right and left cheliped propodus height (CPH), right and left cheliped propodus width (CPW), abdomen width (AW), and first pleopod length (FPL). The morphometric relationship used to estimate the size at morphological sexual maturity were CW vs. AW for females and CW vs. FPL for males; these comparisons yielded estimated CW values of 15.60 mm and 16.67 mm, respectively. Heterochely was observed but handedness was not present. The species has a major cheliped on one side, but the side is not constant. This study provides the first insights on the relative growth, sexual maturity, heterochely, and handedness on a population of P. occidentalis in a conserved area.  相似文献   

The morphometric characteristics of the European Pond Turtle, Emys orbicularis, were studied at Anzali lagoon on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. Males were on average (N=249) with 272.0?g significantly lighter than females with 447.0?g, and average carapace length was significantly smaller (123.0?mm in males, 139.0 in females). Females exceeded males also in all other studied characters (carapace width, plastron length, plastron width, and scute height). The sex ratio of male to female was 1 to 1.03, and the comparison of total tail length and cloaca-tail tip length revealed a difference between the position of the cloaca in both sexes, a character useful for sex determination in this species.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to provide information on the fishing pattern of Parapenaeus longirostris in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean), in order to improve the management of the resource in the area. Data were obtained from commercial fishery, covering the period 1991–2002. Catch rates revealed notable inter-annual fluctuation of the P. longirostris landing, probably due to the life cycle of the species. The highest yields (kg per hour of trawl) of the commercial fishery were obtained at depths ranging between 180 and 300 m, the lower ones at depths between 100 and 180 m, where small specimens are more abundant. Commercial catches were characterised by a very low presence of specimens smaller than 20 mm carapace length (CL), mainly due to the deeper localisation of the fishing grounds when compared to the recruitment areas of the species. The size at which 50% of the specimens were discarded by the fishermen was 15 mm CL, while the estimated size at first capture of the individuals caught by the commercial net was 12.4 mm CL.  相似文献   

We studied the female reproductive pattern of Callinectes sapidus, which was introduced to the Mediterranean in the 20th century. We assessed female size at first maturity, fecundity, and fecundity relationship to size in Iskenderun Bay, eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Samples were collected between July 2014 and June 2015 using bottom trawling at depths ranging from 1 to 50 m. A total of 322 crabs were caught of which 308 (95.7%) were females including 116 ovigerous ones. The minimum carapace width of the mature females was 39.1 mm and the mean carapace width 123.8 mm. The carapace width of ovigerous females varied between 95.1 and 144.5 mm, with a mean of 120.3 mm. The highest number of ovigerous females was observed in July and August. Mean fecundity was 1.91 million (667,950–4,669,853) eggs per female. A weak positive linear relationship between fecundity and carapace width was noted, as well as a high correlation with total egg weight. In the eastern Mediterranean, maturity sizes of females were smaller than those in the native region of the species.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the population structure of the snapping shrimp Alpheus brasileiro. We tested the hypotheses that the sex ratio of the population differs from the expected 1:1 and that the growth pattern differs between adults and juveniles and between sexes. Reproductive period, juvenile recruitment and morphological sexual maturity were estimated. Samples were collected in two periods. The first sampling occurred bimonthly from March 2013 to January 2014. The second sampling occurred monthly from April 2015 to March 2016. The population structure was determined based on the size-frequency distribution of different demographic categories. To analyse the relative growth, we measured the second pleuron length, major cheliped propodus length, major cheliped propodus width, major cheliped propodus height, appendix interna length, appendix masculina length. The results showed that the sex ratio did not differ from 1:1 (male:female). Reproduction and juvenile recruitment were continuous throughout the study period. The analysis of relative growth confirmed the hypothesis that males and females, and juveniles and adults, have different growth patterns, indicating distinct strategies of energy allocation. The estimated carapace length at the onset of morphological sexual maturity was 4.9?mm in males and 4.7?mm in females. The results obtained in this study are probably related to the monogamous social behaviour of A. brasileiro. Monogamy can influence demographic parameters such as sex ratio and the size at which males and females reach morphological sexual maturity.  相似文献   

Metapenaeopsis sibogae inhabits the South Pacific and Southeast Asia and is an emerging fisheries resource. However, studies on the population biology of M. sibogae are scant, and their morphometric relationships have not been examined. Thus, we studied the relative growth of M. sibogae, hypothesizing that its morphological sexual maturity can be estimated based on abrupt shifts in allometry. The relationships of body length (BL) and body weight (BW) with carapace length (CL) were determined by the least squares method. Data for each sex were repeatedly partitioned into two size-delimited subsets (early and late phases), considering a CL value as a hypothesized transition point. Analysis of the sum of squared residuals indicated that two separate linear BL/CL models fit the data better than a single linear model showing clear transition points in both males (13.2 mm CL) and females (15.0 mm CL). The changes in allometry in the BL/CL relationships between early- and late-phased males and females were indicated by a 20.5 and 21.5% decrease in the slope, respectively. These transition points could be associated with sexual maturity. The growth rate of BW vs. CL slowed significantly after morphological sexual maturity was reached in both sexes, demonstrating the existence of dimorphic growth.  相似文献   

We investigated the reproductive ecology of D. nitidimanus in the Waka-River estuary with special reference to temporal change in the relative size of chelae length for males, i.e., secondary sexual character. Ovigerous females were observed from April to October, peaking in June–July with over 90% of females being ovigerous. Adult female carapace size ranged from 3.5 to 8.5 mm, but with the majority of females falling between 5–6 mm. Male carapace length was more evenly distributed between 3.5 and 10 mm. Juvenile settlement occurred mostly in July, during which time the frequency of both large females (over 6.5 mm in carapace length) and large males (over 8.5 mm in carapace length) clearly decreased. The carapace length of precopulatory-guarded females varied from 4.8 to 8.0 mm, while guarding males were almost over 7 mm and always larger than their paired females. The relative growth of the major chelae differed significantly between small and large males during the early months of the year, including the reproductive peak months (April–June). During these early months, large males had relatively larger chelae for their body size than did small crabs. This difference, however, was not evident later in the year (July–September). Large males may grow their chelae relatively long in the early months in order to take advantage of the mating opportunities during April–June. This is the first report in animals, to our knowledge, that relative size of the secondary sexual character for males temporarily change during a single reproductive season.  相似文献   

The size distribution, length–weight relationship and size at the onset of sexual maturity of the orange mud crab (Scylla olivacea) from four geographically distinct locations (Taiping, Setiu, Kota Marudu and Lundu) representing Malaysian waters were analysed and estimated. Scylla olivacea was found in the size range of 47–134?mm carapace width. Males were significantly smaller in size but heavier than females. Geographical variation in carapace width and body weight were significant, but no interaction was found between sexes and locations. As shown by the length–weight relationships of S. olivacea, the males exhibited positive growth allometry whereas the females exhibited negative growth allometry. Males mature physiologically prior to attaining morphometric sexual maturity. Females, however, achieve physiological and morphometric sexual maturity in synchrony. No significant variation was found in the estimates of size at the onset of sexual maturity of males and females among different locations. We recommend the use of the third right walking leg merus length and carapace width to estimate the size at the onset of sexual maturity (morphometric maturity) for S. olivacea. Data obtained in this study serve as important baseline data for future mud crab resource management in Malaysia and were used to recommend minimum landing sizes for S. olivacea in each respective location based on the largest size at the onset of sexual maturity estimates were suggested.  相似文献   

A. O. Oluoch 《Hydrobiologia》1990,208(1-2):85-92
This paper describes the breeding biology of the Louisiana red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii Girard) that has been introduced in a tropical lake, Naivasha. Notable differences in crayfish biology are found between the place of origin in Louisiana and lake Naivasha.In Naivasha sexual maturity in females is reached at a larger size (42 mm carapace length (CL), 76 mm full length (FL)) than in males (40 mm CL, 71 mm FL). The corresponding figures for Chalmette area of Louisiana are 31–32 mm CL for both sexes and at Ben Hur Research Centre, Louisiana, 33 mm CL. The females weigh between 15 and 20 g at the onset of egg deposition. The corresponding Louisiana values are from 5 to 10 g. Crayfish in Naivasha as in Louisiana breed both inside burrows which are 10–70 cm deep, and on the sediment in shallow water at a depth of between 0.5 and 4 m. These observations suggest that reproduction is very much a lake edge activity. The number of breeding individuals in Naivasha varies with the trend of the water surface level. Sexually active females (form I) as judged from secondary sexual characters (appearance of basal hooks at the base of 3rd and 4th walking legs) persist throughout the year at no less than 60% of the adult male population. This is confirmed by the appearance of recently hatched juveniles (3.4 to 6.5 mm CL) in the water throughout the year. Similarly berried females in Naivasha are found throughout the year, though with peaks at irregular intervals. In Louisiana breeding takes place only from August through November with a single peak in October. The fecundity of crayfish in Naivasha is 433 (SE ± 21, N = 133) and there is a positive correlation between body length and egg number.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to characterize the population biology (sex ratio, size structure, relative growth of reproductive characters and realised fecundity) of the crab Microphrys bicornutusfrom Isla Margarita, Venezuela. Nearly 100 crabs were collected and fixed monthly during 1998. In the laboratory, crabs were sexed and measured: maximum carapace length, chelae length, chelae and abdomen width for females and first pleopod length for males. Additionally, 96 ovigerous females were collected to determine fecundity. The following measurements were taken for each female: body wet weight (BWW), body dry weight (BDW), egg wet weight (EWW), egg dry weight (EDW) and number of eggs (NE). The following determinations were made: relative fecundity (RF) = NE/BDW and reproductive output (RO) = (EDW/ BDW) × 100. Relative size at the onset of maturity (RSOM) was calculated as minimum ovigerous female/female's maximum size. The results indicate that the sex ratio is nearly 1:1 during the entire year. Ovigerous females and moulted males and females were observed throughout the year. Size frequency distribution and size at the onset of sexual maturity, estimated by relative growth of the sexual secondary characters and RSOM value, differed from those estimated in studies done in Jamaica and Buchuaco, Venezuela.  相似文献   

The sand-bubbler crab Dotilla fenestrata (Hilgendorf, 1869) is the most common and abundant brachyuran in the intertidal area of many East African sandy shores. Monthly sampling surveys were performed from March 2001 to February 2002 at Praia do Triunfo, Southern Mozambique. At each sampling survey, 15 stations (0.25 m2) were sampled to a depth sediment of 30 cm. Crabs were identified, sexed, and measured for carapace width (mm). A total of 2456 crabs were collected of which 1247 were males (mean ± sd: 5.36 ± 0.04 mm), 938 non-ovigerous females (5.03 ± 0.03 mm) and 271 ovigerous females (5.15 ± 0.06 mm). The overall size frequency distribution showed a unimodal pattern suggesting a stable population with continuous recruitment. A clear sexual dimorphism was observed, with males being larger than ovigerous females, which in turn, were larger than non-ovigerous females. The overall sex ratio did not differ from 1:1. The annual reproductive cycle of Dotilla fenestrata was continuous and ovigerous females were recorded throughout the year, with peaks of occurrence during the warmer months (February–August). Despite of this continuous cycle, few juveniles were observed during the study period. These observations and the maximum size attained by adults supports the hypothesis that for this burrowing crab, recruitment may occur in different habitat than that occupied by adults. However, the studied area is favourable for growth, since the analysed population attains sexual maturity in smaller sizes than that from close areas.  相似文献   

The present study documents for the first time shell use by juvenile fiddler crabs in the salt marsh. Twenty visits were made to six salt marsh sites at Tybee Island, Georgia between 2007 and 2009. One hundred empty Littorina irrorata shells were collected at each site on each field trip. Juvenile carapace width was measured, crabs sexed, and species identification completed using RFLP analysis. Shell use of up to 79% was observed. Two species of fiddler crabs were found in empty shells, Uca pugnax and U. pugilator. U. pugnax was the dominant species at all sites representing 62-84% of the juvenile fiddler crab population. Juvenile sex ratios were female-biased (1.7:1) at all six sites. Juvenile size did not vary significantly between species but males of both species were significantly larger than females. Size frequency distribution of carapace width revealed that shell use varied with size and sex. In the 3 to 4 mm size class, juvenile females outnumbered juvenile males in empty L. irrorata shells while in the 5 to 6 mm size class and greater, juvenile males outnumbered juvenile females in shells. Significantly more juvenile fiddler crabs were found in empty shells during flood than ebb tide at 3 of the sites. This discovery illuminates the resourcefulness of juvenile fiddler crabs and provides another mechanism that might enhance survival.  相似文献   


Sicyonia dorsalis is not commercially exploited in Brazil, but it forms a critical link in marine food chains by converting detritus food sources into microorganism biomass that is available for higher trophic levels. We examined the reproductive biology of this species, sampled for five and a half years in a tropical locality, the southeastern coast of São Paulo (23° S), Brazil. Monthly samples were taken from January 1998 to June 2003 at depths of 5 to 45 m. Degree of ovarian development was used to examine breeding in adult females. Recruitment was estimated by changes in proportion of individuals in juvenile size classes of carapace length (CL #8.2 mm) in relationship to the total number of individuals. The largest immature female measured 9.2 mm CL, but 75% of females were smaller than 7.3 mm CL. The largest immature male measured 6.8 mm CL. The relative frequency of reproductive females was negatively correlated with the relative frequency of recruitment (p <0.001). Reproductive females were found in every season, with peaks in December-February following the recruitment peak in March-June, and a second peak of spawning in May-July and of recruitment in September-November. The continuous reproductive pattern observed for S. dorsalis, combined with the hypothesis that during spring and summer the phytoplankton production is higher, when the South Atlantic central water mass intrudes into the region during upwelling events, suggests that food availability for protozoeal and mysis larvae may be an important selective factor shaping the seasonal breeding pattern for S. dorsalis. The classical paradigm of continuous reproduction at lower latitudes, with increased seasonality of the breeding period at higher latitudes, seems to be valid for this species.  相似文献   


Aspects of the reproductive biology of snapping shrimp Alpheus euphrosyne euphrosyne inhabiting a tropical estuary were studied between August 2007 and July 2008 by examining 1309 females of 8.5–21.5 mm carapace length. Although the occurrence of ovigerous females was noted from October, the main breeding season extended from January to March. Size at 50% sexual maturity was estimated as 10.6±1.40 mm CL. Number of eggs per brood ranged from 141 to 1553 in females of 11.2 to 19.2 mm CL and mean absolute fecundity was estimated as 480±272 eggs. Regressions of log egg number on log total length, log carapace length and log weight revealed isometric relationships (p <0.01). Results of ANOVA revealed significant variation between mean short and long axes of eggs among five embryo developmental stages (P <0.05). The estimated egg batch 33 volume ranged from 4.99 to 32.09 mm3 with a mean of 12.44 mm3. Estimates of reproductive output from 41 females ranged between 8.21 to 31.25% with a mean value of 18.55±5.81.  相似文献   

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