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Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) forms pseudotypes with envelope components of reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV). The VSV pseudotype possesses the limited host range and antigenic properties of REV. Approximately 70% of the VSV, Indiana serotype, and 45% of VSV, New Jersey serotype, produced from the REV strain T-transformed chicken bone marrow cells contain mixed envelope components of both VSV and REV. VSV pseudotypes with mixed envelope antigens can be neutralized with excess amounts of either anti-VSV antiserum or anti-REV antiserum.  相似文献   

Although no detectable interferon was produced when L cells were infected with wild-type VSV (VSV-o), considerable amounts of interferon were produced when cells were infected with UV-irradiated VSV-o at a multiplicity equivalent to 10 PFU/cell. Treatment of VSV-o with UV-light resulted in the marked reduction of the RNA synthesizing capacity and cytotoxity of the virus, and the UV-irradiated virus had neither infectivity nor interfering activity against homologous viruses. The amount of interferon induced by UV-VSV-o was markedly influenced by multiplicity of infection and incubation temperature. Less-virulent temperature-sensitive mutants (VSV-mp and VSV-sp) derived from L cells persistently infected with VSV induced interferon in L cells without treatment of the viruses with UV-light, but these viruses could not induce interferon if the infected cells were incubated at nonpermissive temperature, or if cells were infected at multiplicities of more than 10 PFU/cell. On the other hand, it was shown that treatment of cells with cycloheximide (100 μg/ml) delayed the expression of cell damage caused by non-irradiated VSV-o and resulted in the production of interferon when cycloheximide was removed from the cultures. These results indicate that VSV has intrinsically interferon-inducing capacity in L cells and can induce interferon if the induction is carried out under such condition that cell damage caused by VSV are suppressed or delayed. Furthermore, the effect of pretreatment of cells by interferon and undiluted passage of VSV-o on interferon induction was discussed in relation to persistent infection.  相似文献   

Treatment of mouse L929 cells with mouse interferon (IFN) lowered the yield of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) in a dose-dependent manner. Accumulation of viral proteins was severely inhibited in IFN-treated cells, whereas cellular protein synthesis was not, indicating that the virus-induced shutoff of cellular protein synthesis was prevented by IFN. In order to identify the major target of IFN action precisely, the effect of IFN treatment on the synthesis of viral RNAs and proteins at various stages during the course of viral replication was examined. Accumulation of viral RNAs late in infection was inhibited, as was the case with viral proteins, but the synthesis of leader RNA and mRNAs early in infection was not significantly inhibited by treatment with a moderate dose of IFN. On the other hand, viral protein synthesis at an early stage of infection was strongly inhibited by IFN. The results indicate that the major target reaction of antiviral action of IFN against VSV multiplication is the translation of viral mRNA.  相似文献   

Interferon induces two antiviral actions against vesicular stomatitis virus by (i) inhibiting viral protein synthesis which leads to a reduction in virion production, and (ii) producing progeny which are deficient in infectivity (VSVIF). At low or physiological concentrations of interferon, while the virion production was decreased by less than 10-fold, the virion infectivity yield was suppressed more than 1000-fold. The VSVIF was found to be deficient (quantitatively) in envelop glycoprotein G and protein M. Tryptic peptide mapping indicated that there was no detectable structural abnormality in the G, M, and N proteins of VSVIF. The virion cores, lacking only the envelop G protein, isolated from VSVIF and control VSV have essentially identical specific infectivity. This indicated that the virion proteins L, N, NS, and M, as well as viral RNA that make up the virion core, must be functionally normal, and the observed deficiency in G protein was likely to be the cause of the functional deficiency of the virion. Low concentrations of DEAE-dextran, which is known to partially overcome the virion's dependence on the G protein for adsorption to the cell during infection, were found to enhance the infectivity of VSVIF more than the control virion. These results together indicated that the loss of infectivity in the VSVIF was due to the deficiency of the surface glycoprotein G.  相似文献   

M A Whitt  P Zagouras  B Crise    J K Rose 《Journal of virology》1990,64(10):4907-4913
We have recently described an assay in which a temperature-sensitive mutant of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV; mutant tsO45), encoding a glycoprotein that is not transported to the cell surface, can be rescued by expression of wild-type VSV glycoproteins from cDNA (M. Whitt, L. Chong, and J. Rose, J. Virol. 63:3569-3578, 1989). Here we examined the ability of mutant G proteins to rescue tsO45. We found that one mutant protein (QN-1) having an additional N-linked oligosaccharide at amino acid 117 in the extracellular domain was incorporated into VSV virions but that the virions containing this glycoprotein were not infectious. Further analysis showed that virus particles containing the mutant protein would bind to cells and were endocytosed with kinetics identical to those of virions rescued with wild-type G protein. We also found that QN-1 lacked the normal membrane fusion activity characteristic of wild-type G protein. The absence of fusion activity appears to explain lack of particle infectivity. The proximity of the new glycosylation site to a sequence of 19 uncharged amino acids (residues 118 to 136) that is conserved in the glycoproteins of the two VSV serotypes suggests that this region may be involved in membrane fusion. The mutant glycoprotein also interferes strongly with rescue of virus by wild-type G protein. The strong interference may result from formation of heterotrimers that lack fusion activity.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that the mRNA encoding the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) glycoprotein (G) is bound to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and that newly made G protein is localized to the RER. In this paper, we have investigated the topology and processing of the newly synthesized G protein in microsomal vesicles. G was labeled with [35S]methionine ([35S]met), either by pulse-labeling infected cells or by allowing membrane-bound polysomes containing nascent G polipeptides to complete G synthesis in vitro. In either case, digestion of microsomal vesicles with any of several proteases removes approximately 5% (30 amino acids) from each G molecule. These proteases will digest the entire G protein if detergents are present during digestion. Using the method of Dintzis (1961, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 47:247--261) to order tryptic peptides (8), we show that peptides lost from G protein by protease treatment of closed vesicles are derived from the carboxyterminus of the molecule. The newly made VSV G in microsomal membranes is glycosylated. If carbohydrate is removed by glycosidases, the resultant peptide migrates more rapidly on polyacrylamide gels than the unglycosylated, G0, form synthesized in cell-free systems in the absence of membranes. We infer that some proteolytic cleavage of the polypeptide backbone is associated with membrane insertion of G. Further, our findings demonstrate that, soon after synthesis, G is found in a transmembrane, asymmetric orientation in microsomal membranes, with its carboxyterminus exposed to the extracisternal, or cytoplasmic, face of the vesicles, and with most or all of its amino-terminal peptides and its carbohydrate sequestered within the bilayer and lumen of the microsomes.  相似文献   

We compared the predicted amino acid sequences of the vesicular stomatitis virus and rabies virus glycoproteins by using a computer program which provides an optimal alignment and a statistical significance for the match. Highly significant homology between these two proteins was detected, including identical positioning of one glycosylation site. A significant homology between the predicted amino acid sequences of vesicular stomatitis virus and influenza virus matrix proteins was also found.  相似文献   

The entry of enveloped animal viruses into their host cells always depends on membrane fusion triggered by conformational changes in viral envelope glycoproteins. Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) infection is mediated by virus spike glycoprotein G, which induces membrane fusion between the viral envelope and the endosomal membrane at the acidic environment of this compartment. In this work, we evaluated VSV interactions with membranes of different phospholipid compositions, at neutral and acidic pH, using atomic force microscopy (AFM) operating in the force spectroscopy mode, isothermal calorimetry (ITC) and molecular dynamics simulation. We found that the binding forces differed dramatically depending on the membrane phospholipid composition, revealing a high specificity of G protein binding to membranes containing phosphatidylserine (PS). In a previous work, we showed that the sequence corresponding amino acid 164 of VSV G protein was as efficient as the virus in catalyzing membrane fusion at pH 6.0. Here, we used this sequence to explore VSV–PS interaction using ITC. We found that peptide binding to membranes was exothermic, suggesting the participation of electrostatic interactions. Peptide–membrane interaction at pH 7.5 was shown to be specific to PS and dependent on the presence of His residues in the fusion peptide. The application of the simplified continuum Gouy–Chapman theory to our system predicted a pH of 5.0 at membrane surface, suggesting that the His residues should be protonated when located close to the membrane. Molecular dynamics simulations suggested that the peptide interacts with the lipid bilayer through its N-terminal residues, especially Val145 and His148. Fabiana A.Carneiro and Pedro A. Lapido-Loureiro contributed equally to this work An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Vesicular stomatitis virus was disrupted by a combination of freezing and thawing, osmotic shock, and sonic treatment. Subviral components were separated by isopycnic centrifugation. The low-density, lipid-rich fractions were pooled and shown to contain primarily viral glycoprotein. Further purification of this material resulted in the isolation of a preparation of vesicles which contained only the G protein and the same phospholipids as in the intact virions and exhibited spikelike structures similar to those on intact vesicular stomatitis virions. We conclude that we have isolated fragments of native vesicular stomatitis virus envelopes.  相似文献   

The allele Mx regulates the extent to which interferon alpha/beta inhibits the growth of influenza viruses in mouse cells such as peritoneal macrophages. The time course of induction of the antiviral state against an influenza A virus is comparable in macrophages with and without Mx and is similar to that found with vesicular stomatitis virus. In contrast, the decay of the antiviral state against influenza virus is markedly slower in Mx-positive cells and slower than that against vesicular stomatitis virus observed in either Mx-positive or Mx-negative cells. Thus, after removal of interferon alpha/beta, Mx-positive cells remain protected against influenza virus at times when they have lost protection against vesicular stomatitis virus. These results suggest that interferon alpha/beta treatment activates different antiviral mechanisms, each acting against distinct groups of viruses and each independently controlled by host genes.  相似文献   

Coil DA  Miller AD 《Journal of virology》2004,78(20):10920-10926
The envelope protein from vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) has become an important tool for gene transfer and gene therapy. It is widely used mainly because of its ability to mediate virus entry into all cell types tested to date. Consistent with the broad tropism of the virus, the receptor for VSV is thought to be a ubiquitous membrane lipid, phosphatidylserine (PS). However, the evidence for this hypothesis is indirect and incomplete. Here, we have examined the potential interaction of VSV and PS at the plasma membrane in more detail. Measurements of cell surface levels of PS show a wide range across cell types from different organisms. We demonstrate that there is no correlation between the cell surface PS levels and VSV infection or binding. We also demonstrate that an excess of annexin V, which binds specifically and tightly to PS, does not inhibit infection or binding by VSV. While the addition of PS to cells does allow increased virus entry, we show that this effect is not specific to the VSV envelope. We conclude that PS is not the cell surface receptor for VSV, although it may be involved in a postbinding step of virus entry.  相似文献   

《Seminars in Virology》1993,4(2):101-107
Antigen processing and presentation is the complex series of steps involving numerous compartments of cells derived from multiple lineages. This collective process is central to the initiation of specific cellular immune responses. Internalization of foreign proteins or infectious agents, degradation of proteins to peptides, and transfer to 1a heterodimers which are then translocated to the cell surface, comprise the pathway. This can be blocked by drugs which interfere with compartment acidification (ammonium chloride, methylamine, chloroquine), protein synthesis (emetine), vesicle trafficking (brefeldin A), and microtubule metabolism (taxol, colchicine, nocadazole).  相似文献   

To isolate new types of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) mutants, a four-stage screen was developed which identifies and characterizes mutants capable of complementing the defect in the VSV temperature-sensitive mutant tsG11. Two types of mutants of VSV, Indiana serotype, have been found by using the screen; they are new temperature-sensitive mutants which are, of necessity, not in complementation group I and mutants which do not produce plaques under conditions of single infection at 31 C (the normal permissive temperature) and are, therefore, called complementation-dependent mutants. The newly isolated, temperature-sensitive mutants fall into three complementation groups, two of which are congruent with known complementation groups; the newly identified group extends to six the number of complementation groups of VSV Indiana. The nature of the complementation-dependent mutants has not been established, but one was shown to not contain a significant deletion in its nucleic acid.  相似文献   

Life-history theory predicts that traits for survival and reproduction cannot be simultaneously maximized in evolving populations. For this reason, in obligate parasites such as infectious viruses, selection for improved between-host survival during transmission may lead to evolution of decreased within-host reproduction. We tested this idea using experimental evolution of RNA virus populations, passaged under differing transmission times in the laboratory. A single ancestral genotype of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), a negative-sense RNA Rhabdovirus, was used to found multiple virus lineages evolved in either ordinary 24-h cell-culture passage, or in delayed passages of 48 h. After 30 passages (120 generations of viral evolution), we observed that delayed transmission selected for improved extracellular survival, which traded-off with lowered viral fecundity (slower exponential population growth and smaller mean plaque size). To further examine the confirmed evolutionary trade-off, we obtained consensus whole-genome sequences of evolved virus populations, to infer phenotype–genotype associations. Results implied that increased virus survival did not occur via convergence; rather, improved virion stability was gained via independent mutations in various VSV structural proteins. Our study suggests that RNA viruses can evolve different molecular solutions for enhanced survival despite their limited genetic architecture, but suffer generalized reproductive trade-offs that limit overall fitness gains.  相似文献   

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