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Multiple reaction monitoring is a mass spectrometry technology used to selectively identify and quantify a known molecule in a complex mixture. The technology has gained favor in proteomic applications, especially for biomarker quantification in human samples. For this purpose, employment of internal standard consisting of isotopically (heavy) labeled proteins is currently considered the best way of normalizing sample preparation and correcting for different ionization efficiencies. However, synthesis of heavy-labeled proteins is considered laborious and expensive. The work outlined here presents an efficient strategy of utilizing isotope-labeled amino acids in cell culture to produce heavy-labeled proteins. These are then spiked into serum and serve as internal standards to relatively quantify a large number of target proteins. The method has been applied to quantify 72 proteins in the sera of pancreatic cancer patients with remarkable efficiency and accuracy.  相似文献   

Due to the enormous complexity of proteomes which constitute the entirety of protein species expressed by a certain cell or tissue, proteome-wide studies performed in discovery mode are still limited in their ability to reproducibly identify and quantify all proteins present in complex biological samples. Therefore, the targeted analysis of informative subsets of the proteome has been beneficial to generate reproducible data sets across multiple samples. Here we review the repertoire of antibody- and mass spectrometry (MS) -based analytical tools which is currently available for the directed analysis of predefined sets of proteins. The topics of emphasis for this review are Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) mass spectrometry, emerging tools to control error rates in targeted proteomic experiments, and some representative examples of applications. The ability to cost- and time-efficiently generate specific and quantitative assays for large numbers of proteins and posttranslational modifications has the potential to greatly expand the range of targeted proteomic coverage in biological studies. This article is part of a Special Section entitled: Understanding genome regulation and genetic diversity by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Within recent years, ganglioside patterns have been increasingly analyzed by MS. However, internal standards for calibration are only available for gangliosides GM1, GM2, and GM3. For this reason, we prepared homologous internal standards bearing nonnatural fatty acids of the major mammalian brain gangliosides GM1, GD1a, GD1b, GT1b, and GQ1b, and of the tumor-associated gangliosides GM2 and GD2. The fatty acid moieties were incorporated after selective chemical or enzymatic deacylation of bovine brain gangliosides. For modification of the sphingoid bases, we developed a new synthetic method based on olefin cross metathesis. This method was used for the preparation of a lyso-GM1 and a lyso-GM2 standard. The total yield of this method was 8.7% for the synthesis of d17:1-lyso-GM1 from d20:1/18:0-GM1 in four steps. The title compounds are currently used as calibration substances for MS quantification and are also suitable for functional studies.  相似文献   

N-Acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) are widely conserved signal molecules that mediate quorum sensing in Gram-negative bacteria. In this study, deuterium-labeled AHLs were prepared for use as internal standards for isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Their utility in the sensitive and precise quantification of AHLs in culture supernatants of bacteria by GC/MS was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Oxidatively induced DNA damage is implicated in disease, unless it is repaired by DNA repair. Defects in DNA repair capacity may be a risk factor for various disease processes. Thus, DNA repair proteins may be used as early detection and therapeutic biomarkers in cancer and other diseases. For this purpose, the measurement of the expression level of these proteins in vivo will be necessary. We applied liquid chromatography/isotope-dilution tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for the identification and quantification of DNA repair proteins human 8-hydroxyguanine-DNA glycosylase (hOGG1) and Escherichia coli formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase (Fpg), which are involved in base-excision repair of oxidatively induced DNA damage. We overproduced and purified (15)N-labeled analogues of these proteins to be used as suitable internal standards to ensure the accuracy of quantification. Unlabeled and (15)N-labeled proteins were digested with trypsin and analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Numerous tryptic peptides of both proteins were identified on the basis of their full-scan mass spectra. These peptides matched the theoretical peptide fragments expected from trypsin digestion and provided statistically significant protein scores that would unequivocally identify these proteins. We also recorded the product ion spectra of the tryptic peptides and defined the characteristic product ions. Mixtures of the analyte proteins and their (15)N-labeled analogues were analyzed by selected-reaction monitoring on the basis of product ions. The results obtained suggest that the methodology developed would be highly suitable for the positive identification and accurate quantification of DNA repair proteins in vivo as potential biomarkers for cancer and other diseases.  相似文献   

A novel type of isobaric internal peptide standard for quantitative proteomics is described. The standard is a synthetic peptide derived from the target peptide by positional permutation of two amino acids. This type of internal standard is denominated minimally permutated peptide analog (MIPA). MIPA can be differentiated from their target analytes by LC‐MS due to individual retention times and/or by MS/MS due to specific fragment ions. Both quantification methods are demonstrated using peptide mixtures of low and high complexity.  相似文献   

Selected reaction monitoring (SRM) is a mass spectrometry method with documented ability to quantify proteins accurately and reproducibly using labeled reference peptides. However, the use of labeled reference peptides becomes impractical if large numbers of peptides are targeted and when high flexibility is desired when selecting peptides. We have developed a label-free quantitative SRM workflow that relies on a new automated algorithm, Anubis, for accurate peak detection. Anubis efficiently removes interfering signals from contaminating peptides to estimate the true signal of the targeted peptides. We evaluated the algorithm on a published multisite data set and achieved results in line with manual data analysis. In complex peptide mixtures from whole proteome digests of Streptococcus pyogenes we achieved a technical variability across the entire proteome abundance range of 6.5-19.2%, which was considerably below the total variation across biological samples. Our results show that the label-free SRM workflow with automated data analysis is feasible for large-scale biological studies, opening up new possibilities for quantitative proteomics and systems biology.  相似文献   

内参基因加标法定量土壤微生物目标基因绝对拷贝数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】通过荧光定量PCR技术对土壤微生物目标基因进行绝对定量,其定量结果的准确性容易受到DNA提取得率以及腐殖酸抑制性的影响。【方法】采用内参基因加标法,利用构建的突变质粒DNA,对供试水稻土壤样品中的微生物16S r RNA目标基因的绝对拷贝数进行荧光定量PCR检测,用来表征该样品中细菌群落总体丰度。在定量前通过双向引物扩增方法验证突变质粒中的内参基因对供试土壤的特异性。【结果】不同水稻土壤样品的DNA提取量在样品间差异较大。通过内参基因加标法对DNA提取量进行校正,显著提高了16S r RNA基因绝对定量的精确度。不同水稻土壤样品间的变异系数为17.8,与未加标处理相比降低了66.7%。在此基础上,进一步通过内参基因加标法对土壤有机质和含水率均呈现典型空间特征差异的6处亚热带湿地土壤样品中的16S r RNA基因进行绝对定量。16S r RNA基因绝对拷贝数与土壤微生物生物量碳具有显著的线性相关性(R2=0.694,P0.001),表明内参校正后的16S r RNA基因绝对拷贝数可以准确反映单位质量土壤中微生物的丰度。【结论】内参基因加标法可以对DNA提取得率以及腐殖酸对PCR扩增的抑制性进行校正,从而提高绝对定量的准确性。基于内参基因加标法的目标基因绝对定量PCR检测,可作为土壤微生物生物量测量,以及微生物功能基因绝对丰度定量的一种核酸检测方法。  相似文献   

18O内标蛋白质质谱定量分析是一种极具前景的比较蛋白组学研究技术,虽然该方法与迄今所有内标法相比有一系列优点,但是由于其质谱是由16O未标记品种,单及双18O标记品种分子同位素峰簇相互迭加所构成的复杂谱,定量分析的关键是发展有效的质谱解析算法。有鉴于此,综述和讨论了18O内标质谱差异比较蛋白质分析过程中,分子同位素簇分布的简化计算方法,以及质谱混和谱解析的数学方法。  相似文献   

The use of data‐independent acquisition (DIA) approaches for the reproducible and precise quantification of complex protein samples has increased in the last years. The protein information arising from DIA analysis is stored in digital protein maps (DIA maps) that can be interrogated in a targeted way by using ad hoc or publically available peptide spectral libraries generated on the same sample species as for the generation of the DIA maps. The restricted availability of certain difficult‐to‐obtain human tissues (i.e., brain) together with the caveats of using spectral libraries generated under variable experimental conditions limits the potential of DIA. Therefore, DIA workflows would benefit from high‐quality and extended spectral libraries that could be generated without the need of using valuable samples for library production. We describe here two new targeted approaches, using either classical data‐dependent acquisition repositories (not specifically built for DIA) or ad hoc mouse spectral libraries, which enable the profiling of human brain DIA data set. The comparison of our results to both the most extended publically available human spectral library and to a state‐of‐the‐art untargeted method supports the use of these new strategies to improve future DIA profiling efforts.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, a number of endogenous peptides and endogenous peptide analogs have been employed in therapeutics and as diagnostic markers. The use of peptides as standards for the absolute quantification of proteins has become commonly accepted. Consequently, the requirement for standard peptides traceable to the International System of Units with low associated measurement uncertainty, and for accurate methods of peptide quantification, has increased. Here we describe a method of peptide quantification involving microwave-assisted acid hydrolysis followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry that enables traceable quantification of a peptide by exact matching isotope dilution mass spectrometry where the total hydrolysis time required is only 3 h. A solution of angiotensin I was quantified using this method, and the results were in agreement with those obtained previously using an oven hydrolysis liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method.  相似文献   

Software advancements in the last several years have had a significant impact on proteomics from method development to data analysis. Herein, we detail a method, which uses our in-house developed software tool termed Skyline, for empirical refinement of candidate peptides from targeted proteins. The method consists of four main steps from generation of a testable hypothesis, method development, peptide refinement, to peptide validation. The ultimate goal is to identify the best performing peptide in terms of ionization efficiency, reproducibility, specificity, and chromatographic characteristics to monitor as a proxy for protein abundance. It is important to emphasize that this method allows the user to perform this refinement procedure in the sample matrix and organism of interest with the instrumentation available. Finally, the method is demonstrated in a case study to determine the best peptide to monitor the abundance of surfactant protein B in lung aspirates.  相似文献   

Quantification of protein and PTM abundance in biological samples is an important component of proteomic studies. Label-free methods for quantification using MS are attractive because they are simple to implement and applicable to any experimental system. We demonstrate that PTM stoichiometry can be accurately measured using label-free quantification and selected reaction monitoring. Use of selected reaction monitoring is advantageous with complex biological samples and we show this approach can be used to quantify multiple PTMs independently on a single peptide.  相似文献   

Drews O  Reil G  Parlar H  Görg A 《Proteomics》2004,4(5):1293-1304
Despite the fact that almost 39% of the theoretical expressed proteins of Lactococcus lactis have a predicted isoelectric point above 7, these proteins have not been studied in previous proteome analyses. In the present study, we set up a reference map of alkaline lactococcal proteins by using immobilized pH gradients (IPG) spanning pH 6 to 12 and 9 to 12, and protein identification by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Different electrophoresis systems for isoelectric focusing were evaluated to optimize the first dimension. Best results were obtained by sample application using cup-loading at the anodic side and increasing the final voltage up to 8000 V for IPGs, using N,N-dimethylacrylamide as monomer. After two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of extracts obtained from exponentially growing cells, about 200 protein spots were selected for identification by peptide mass fingerprinting. With MALDI-TOF MS, 153 proteins were identified that were the products of 85 different genes. Their predicted isoelectric points range from as high as 11.31 to as low as 6.34. Ribosomal proteins, hypothetical proteins and proteins with unknown function represent the largest groups of identified proteins. For further classification, the codon adaptation index (CAI) and grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY) for each lactococcal protein were calculated. The protein with the lowest CAI identified in this study is the manganese ABC transporter ATP-binding protein. Less than 10% of the alkaline lactococcal proteins have a smaller CAI. The highest GRAVY for an identified protein is 0.26. The complete in silico data of Lactococcus lactis as well as clickable reference maps are available at www.wzw.tum.de/proteomik/lactis.  相似文献   

Selected reaction monitoring allows quantitative measurements of proteins over several orders of magnitude in complex biological samples. Here we present a targeted approach for quantification of 19 enzymes from Corynebacterium glutamicum applying isotope dilution mass spectrometry coupled to high performance liquid chromatography (IDMS-LC-MS/MS). Investigations of protein dynamics upon growth on acetate and glucose as sole carbon source shows highly stable peptide amounts for enzymes of the central carbon metabolism during the transition phase and after substrate depletion. However significant adaptations of protein amounts are observed between both growth conditions well agreeing with known changes in metabolic fluxes. Time-resolved measurements of protein expression after metabolic switch from glycolytic to gluconeogenetic conditions reveal fast responses in protein synthesis rates for glyoxylate shunt enzymes.  相似文献   

Proteomics, the analysis of the protein complement of a cell or an organism, has grown rapidly as a subdiscipline of the life sciences. Mass spectrometry (MS) is one of the central detection techniques in proteome analysis, yet it has to rely on prior sample preparation steps that reduce the enormous complexity of the protein mixtures obtained from biological systems. For that reason, a number of so-called tagging (or labeling) strategies have been developed that target specific amino acid residues or post-translational modifications, enabling the enrichment of subfractions via affinity clean-up, resulting in the identification of an ever increasing number of proteins. In addition, the attachment of stable-isotope-labeled tags now allows the relative quantitation of protein levels of two samples, e.g. those representing different cell states, which is of great significance for drug discovery and molecular biology. Finally, tagging schemes also serve to facilitate interpretation of MS/MS spectra, therefore assisting in de novo elucidation of protein sequences and automated database searching. This review summarizes the different application fields for tagging strategies for today's MS-based proteome analysis. Advantages and drawbacks of the numerous strategies that have appeared in the literature in the last years are highlighted, and an outlook on emerging tagging techniques is given.  相似文献   

A novel method was developed for the quantitative analysis of the microbial metabolome using a mixture of fully uniformly (U) (13)C-labeled metabolites as internal standard (IS) in the metabolite extraction procedure the subsequent liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) analysis. This mixture of fully U (13)C-labeled metabolites was extracted from biomass of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultivated in a fed-batch fermentation on fully U (13)C-labeled substrates. The obtained labeled cell extract contained, in principle, the whole yeast metabolome, allowing the quantification of any intracellular metabolite of interest in S. cerevisiae. We have applied the labeled cell extract as IS in the analysis of glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates in S. cerevisiae sampled in both steady-state and transient conditions following a glucose pulse. The use of labeled IS effectively reduced errors due to variations occurring in the analysis and sample processing. As a result, the linearity of calibration lines and the precision of measurements were significantly improved. Coextraction of the labeled cell extract with the samples also eliminates the need to perform elaborate recovery checks for each metabolite to be analyzed. In conclusion, the method presented leads to less workload, more robustness, and a higher precision in metabolome analysis.  相似文献   

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