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Birds have become an increasing concern for ecological preservation and safety. This paper proposes hierarchical architecture of semantic sensing information for bird acoustic data representation in bird ecological environment. This architecture provides various real-time sensing data such as bird calls using acoustic sensors in sensor networks. In this paper, we implement an ontology structure of hierarchical semantic information representation in bird’s ecological environment. Information of this architecture supports to recognize bird calls, identify birds, classify species, and to track a bird behavior in bird ecological environment. All of this would indicate that we suggest relationship between phenomenon data to service/semantic information in bird ecology.  相似文献   

A system for "intelligent" semantic integration and querying of federated databases is being implemented by using three main components: A component which enables SQL access to integrated databases by database federation (MARGBench), an ontology based semantic metadatabase (SEMEDA) and an ontology based query interface (SEMEDA-query). In this publication we explain and demonstrate the principles, architecture and the use of SEMEDA. Since SEMEDA is implemented as 3 tiered web application database providers can enter all relevant semantic and technical information about their databases by themselves via a web browser. SEMEDA' s collaborative ontology editing feature is not restricted to database integration, and might also be useful for ongoing ontology developments, such as the "Gene Ontology" [2]. SEMEDA can be found at http://www-bm.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/semeda/. We explain how this ontologically structured information can be used for semantic database integration. In addition, requirements to ontologies for molecular biological database integration are discussed and relevant existing ontologies are evaluated. We further discuss how ontologies and structured knowledge sources can be used in SEMEDA and whether they can be merged supplemented or updated to meet the requirements for semantic database integration.  相似文献   

SEMEDA: ontology based semantic integration of biological databases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Many molecular biological databases are implemented on relational Database Management Systems, which provide standard interfaces like JDBC and ODBC for data and metadata exchange. By using these interfaces, many technical problems of database integration vanish and issues related to semantics remain, e.g. the use of different terms for the same things, different names for equivalent database attributes and missing links between relevant entries in different databases. RESULTS: In this publication, principles and methods that were used to implement SEMEDA (Semantic Meta Database) are described. Database owners can use SEMEDA to provide semantically integrated access to their databases as well as to collaboratively edit and maintain ontologies and controlled vocabularies. Biologists can use SEMEDA to query the integrated databases in real time without having to know the structure or any technical details of the underlying databases. AVAILABILITY: SEMEDA is available at http://www-bm.ipk-gatersleben.de/semeda/. Database providers who intend to grant access to their databases via SEMEDA are encouraged to contact the authors.  相似文献   



Ontology-based enrichment analysis aids in the interpretation and understanding of large-scale biological data. Ontologies are hierarchies of biologically relevant groupings. Using ontology annotations, which link ontology classes to biological entities, enrichment analysis methods assess whether there is a significant over or under representation of entities for ontology classes. While many tools exist that run enrichment analysis for protein sets annotated with the Gene Ontology, there are only a few that can be used for small molecules enrichment analysis.


We describe BiNChE, an enrichment analysis tool for small molecules based on the ChEBI Ontology. BiNChE displays an interactive graph that can be exported as a high-resolution image or in network formats. The tool provides plain, weighted and fragment analysis based on either the ChEBI Role Ontology or the ChEBI Structural Ontology.


BiNChE aids in the exploration of large sets of small molecules produced within Metabolomics or other Systems Biology research contexts. The open-source tool provides easy and highly interactive web access to enrichment analysis with the ChEBI ontology tool and is additionally available as a standalone library.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0486-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Feldman HJ  Dumontier M  Ling S  Haider N  Hogue CW 《FEBS letters》2005,579(21):4685-4691
A novel chemical ontology based on chemical functional groups automatically, objectively assigned by a computer program, was developed to categorize small molecules. It has been applied to PubChem and the small molecule interaction database to demonstrate its utility as a basic pharmacophore search system. Molecules can be compared using a semantic similarity score based on functional group assignments rather than 3D shape, which succeeds in identifying small molecules known to bind a common binding site. This ontology will serve as a powerful tool for searching chemical databases and identifying key functional groups responsible for biological activities.  相似文献   

Existing methods for calculating semantic similarities between pairs of Gene Ontology (GO) terms and gene products often rely on external databases like Gene Ontology Annotation (GOA) that annotate gene products using the GO terms. This dependency leads to some limitations in real applications. Here, we present a semantic similarity algorithm (SSA), that relies exclusively on the GO. When calculating the semantic similarity between a pair of input GO terms, SSA takes into account the shortest path between them, the depth of their nearest common ancestor, and a novel similarity score calculated between the definitions of the involved GO terms. In our work, we use SSA to calculate semantic similarities between pairs of proteins by combining pairwise semantic similarities between the GO terms that annotate the involved proteins. The reliability of SSA was evaluated by comparing the resulting semantic similarities between proteins with the functional similarities between proteins derived from expert annotations or sequence similarity. Comparisons with existing state-of-the-art methods showed that SSA is highly competitive with the other methods. SSA provides a reliable measure for semantics similarity independent of external databases of functional-annotation observations.  相似文献   



In the current era of scientific research, efficient communication of information is paramount. As such, the nature of scholarly and scientific communication is changing; cyberinfrastructure is now absolutely necessary and new media are allowing information and knowledge to be more interactive and immediate. One approach to making knowledge more accessible is the addition of machine-readable semantic data to scholarly articles.  相似文献   

The amount of genomic and proteomic data that is entered each day into databases and the experimental literature is outstripping the ability of experimental scientists to keep pace. While generic databases derived from automated curation efforts are useful, most biological scientists tend to focus on a class or family of molecules and their biological impact. Consequently, there is a need for molecular class-specific or other specialized databases. Such databases collect and organize data around a single topic or class of molecules. If curated well, such systems are extremely useful as they allow experimental scientists to obtain a large portion of the available data most relevant to their needs from a single source. We are involved in the development of two such databases with substantial pharmacological relevance. These are the GPCRDB and NucleaRDB information systems, which collect and disseminate data related to G protein-coupled receptors and intra-nuclear hormone receptors, respectively. The GPCRDB was a pilot project aimed at building a generic molecular class-specific database capable of dealing with highly heterogeneous data. A first version of the GPCRDB project has been completed and it is routinely used by thousands of scientists. The NucleaRDB was started recently as an application of the concept for the generalization of this technology. The GPCRDB is available via the WWW at http://www.gpcr.org/7tm/ and the NucleaRDB at http://www.receptors.org/NR/.  相似文献   



Recently there has been an explosion of new data sources about genes, proteins, genetic variations, chemical compounds, diseases and drugs. Integration of these data sources and the identification of patterns that go across them is of critical interest. Initiatives such as Bio2RDF and LODD have tackled the problem of linking biological data and drug data respectively using RDF. Thus far, the inclusion of chemogenomic and systems chemical biology information that crosses the domains of chemistry and biology has been very limited  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Mass spectrometry experiments in the field of proteomics produce lists containing tens to thousands of identified proteins. With the protein information and property explorer (PIPE), the biologist can acquire functional annotations for these proteins and explore the enrichment of the list, or fraction thereof, with respect to functional classes. These protein lists may be saved for access at a later time or different location. The PIPE is interoperable with the Firegoose and the Gaggle, permitting wide-ranging data exploration and analysis. The PIPE is a rich-client web application which uses AJAX capabilities provided by the Google Web Toolkit, and server-side data storage using Hibernate. AVAILABILITY: http://pipe.systemsbiology.net.  相似文献   



SSWAP (Simple Semantic Web Architecture and Protocol; pronounced "swap") is an architecture, protocol, and platform for using reasoning to semantically integrate heterogeneous disparate data and services on the web. SSWAP was developed as a hybrid semantic web services technology to overcome limitations found in both pure web service technologies and pure semantic web technologies.  相似文献   

One of the main goals in proteomics is to solve biological and molecular questions regarding a set of identified proteins. In order to achieve this goal, one has to extract and collect the existing biological data from public repositories for every protein and afterward, analyze and organize the collected data. Due to the complexity of this task and the huge amount of data available, it is not possible to gather this information by hand, making it necessary to find automatic methods of data collection. Within a proteomic context, we have developed Protein Information and Knowledge Extractor (PIKE) which solves this problem by automatically accessing several public information systems and databases across the Internet. PIKE bioinformatics tool starts with a set of identified proteins, listed as the most common protein databases accession codes, and retrieves all relevant and updated information from the most relevant databases. Once the search is complete, PIKE summarizes the information for every single protein using several file formats that share and exchange the information with other software tools. It is our opinion that PIKE represents a great step forward for information procurement and drastically reduces manual database validation for large proteomic studies. It is available at http://proteo.cnb.csic.es/pike .  相似文献   

The intermediary steps between a biological hypothesis, concretized in the input data, and meaningful results, validated using biological experiments, commonly employ bioinformatics tools. Starting with storage of the data and ending with a statistical analysis of the significance of the results, every step in a bioinformatics analysis has been intensively studied and the resulting methods and models patented. This review summarizes the bioinformatics patents that have been developed mainly for the study of genes, and points out the universal applicability of bioinformatics methods to other related studies such as RNA interference. More specifically, we overview the steps undertaken in the majority of bioinformatics analyses, highlighting, for each, various approaches that have been developed to reveal details from different perspectives. First we consider data warehousing, the first task that has to be performed efficiently, optimizing the structure of the database, in order to facilitate both the subsequent steps and the retrieval of information. Next, we review data mining, which occupies the central part of most bioinformatics analyses, presenting patents concerning differential expression, unsupervised and supervised learning. Last, we discuss how networks of interactions of genes or other players in the cell may be created, which help draw biological conclusions and have been described in several patents.  相似文献   

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