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A variety of methods have been developed to amplify DNA and RNA. These methods vary in their susceptibility to evolve new molecular species differing from the starting template. PCR is exceptionally resistant to in vitro evolution, whereas methods such as Q replicase and 3SR are much less robust. This paper develops some simple mathematical models which suggest that PCR is resistant to in vitro evolution because the reaction controls replication in discrete cycles: fast replication is of little advantage during PCR because the reaction limits fast replicators as well as slow ones to a single copy per cycle. In contrast, continuous (isothermal) reactions, as in the Q replicase reaction, favor fast replicators. The advantage of fast replication is compounded in continuous reactions, because a fast replicator can complete many generations of replication during the time it takes a slow replicator to complete one generation. These models suggest that continuous amplication protocols will never achieve the robustness against in vitro evolution observed with PCR.Correspondence to: J.J. Bull  相似文献   

American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is an endemic disease in Northern Argentina. We applied the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by a hybridization labelled probe to 21 paraffin embedded human skin biopsies, already analyzed histologically, from leishmaniasis endemic areas in the province of Tucumán, Argentina. We used primers previously designed to detect a Leishmania-specific 120-base-pair fragment of kinetoplast DNA minicircle, other two primer pairs that amplify kDNA minicircles belonging to the L. braziliensis and L. mexicana complexes respectively, and specific oligonucleotide primers to detect L. (V.) braziliensis which amplify the sequence of the ribosomal protein L-14 of this species. The PCR-hybridization showed a sensitivity of 90.5% when compared to the histopathology test which was 61.9%. Five of the total samples analyzed were positive for the L. braziliensis complex whilst none was positive for the L. mexicana complex. The specific primers for L. (V.) braziliensis detected the parasite in four samples. These results are consistent with those reported for close endemic areas and demonstrate that the causative agent of human leishmaniasis in the analyzed cases was L. (V.) braziliensis. PCR should be used as a diagnostic tool for tegumentary leishmaniasis, especially in the mucosal form, and as a valuable technique for the identification of the Leishmania species that causes the disease in certain areas.  相似文献   

Influence of 12 nonpolar amino acids residues from the hydrophobic core of apomyoglobin on stability of its native state and folding intermediate was studied. Six of the selected residues are from the A, G and H helices; these are conserved in structure of the globin family, although nonfunctional, that is, not involved in heme binding. The rest are nonconserved hydrophobic residues that belong to the B, C, D, and E helices. Each residue was substituted by alanine, and equilibrium pH‐induced transitions in apomyoglobin and its mutants were studied by circular dichroism and fluorescent spectroscopy. The obtained results allowed estimating changes in their free energy during formation of the intermediate state. It was first shown that the strength of side chain interactions in the apomyoglobin intermediate state amounts to 15–50% of that in its native state for conserved residues, and practically to 0% for nonconserved residues. These results allow a better understanding of interactions occurring in the intermediate state and shed light on involvement of certain residues in protein folding at different stages.  相似文献   

Oxidized DNA precursors can cause mutagenesis and carcinogenesis when they are incorporated into the genome. Some human Y-family DNA polymerases (Pols) can effectively incorporate 8-oxo-dGTP, an oxidized form of dGTP, into a position opposite a template dA. This inappropriate G:A pairing may lead to transversions of A to C. To gain insight into the mechanisms underlying erroneous nucleotide incorporation, we changed amino acids in human Polη and Polκ proteins that might modulate their specificity for incorporating 8-oxo-dGTP into DNA. We found that Arg61 in Polη was crucial for erroneous nucleotide incorporation. When Arg61 was substituted with lysine (R61K), the ratio of pairing of dA to 8-oxo-dGTP compared to pairing of dC was reduced from 660:1 (wild-type Polη) to 7 : 1 (R61K). Similarly, Tyr112 in Polκ was crucial for erroneous nucleotide incorporation. When Tyr112 was substituted with alanine (Y112A), the ratio of pairing was reduced from 11: 1 (wild-type Polκ) to almost 1: 1 (Y112A). Interestingly, substitution at the corresponding position in Polη, i.e. Phe18 to alanine, did not alter the specificity. These results suggested that amino acids at distinct positions in the active sites of Polη and Polκ might enhance 8-oxo-dGTP to favor the syn conformation, and thus direct its misincorporation into DNA.  相似文献   

Museums and pathology collections around the world represent an archive of genetic material to study populations and diseases. For preservation purposes, a large portion of these collections has been fixed in formalin-containing solutions, a treatment that results in cross-linking of biomolecules. Cross-linking not only complicates isolation of nucleic acid but also introduces polymerase "blocks" during PCR. A wide variety of methods exists for the recovery of DNA and RNA from archival tissues, and although a number of previous studies have qualitatively compared the relative merits of the different techniques, very few have undertaken wide scale quantitative comparisons. To help address this issue, we have undertaken a study that investigates the quality of nucleic acids recovered from a test panel of fixed specimens that have been manipulated following a number of the published protocols. These include methods of pre-treating the samples prior to extraction, extraction and nucleic acid purification methods themselves, and a post-extraction enzymatic repair technique. We find that although many of the published methods have distinct positive effects on some characteristics of the nucleic acids, the benefits often come at a cost. In addition, a number of the previously published techniques appear to have no effect at all. Our findings recommend that the extraction methodology adopted should be chosen carefully. Here we provide a quick reference table that can be used to determine appropriate protocols for particular aims.  相似文献   

Described in the article is a new approach for the sequence-specific detection of nucleic acids in real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probes. The method is based on the production of PCR amplicons, which fold into dumbbell-like secondary structures carrying a specially designed ‘probe-luring’ sequence at their 5′ ends. Hybridization of this sequence to a complementary ‘anchoring’ tail introduced at the 3′ end of a fluorescent probe enables the probe to bind to its target during PCR, and the subsequent probe cleavage results in the florescence signal. As it has been shown in the study, this amplicon-endorsed and guided formation of the probe-target duplex allows the use of extremely short oligonucleotide probes, up to tetranucleotides in length. In particular, the short length of the fluorescent probes makes possible the development of a ‘universal’ probe inventory that is relatively small in size but represents all possible sequence variations. The unparalleled cost-effectiveness of the inventory approach is discussed. Despite the short length of the probes, this new method, named Angler real-time PCR, remains highly sequence specific, and the results of the study indicate that it can be effectively used for quantitative PCR and the detection of polymorphic variations.  相似文献   

Nuclear histone acetyltransferase is found to be inhibited by various nucleic acids and components. Of the adenosine phosphates, the order of inhibitory potency is ATP>ADP>AMP. Among the nucleoside triphosphates, GTP seems to be the best inhibitor, followed by ATP, CTP, and UTP. Deoxymononucleotides have the same order of inhibition potential as their ribonucleotide counterparts, with inhibition constants in the low millimolar range. Oligonucleotides and polynucleotides are much better inhibitors than mononucleotides. The inhibition constants of the DNA molecules are size dependent. Molecules larger than 40 base pairs have inhibition constants less than 18 µg/ml, whereas molecules with decreasing numbers of base pairs have increasing magnitudes of inhibition constants. However, acetyltransferase has a lower affinity for free DNA molecules than for DNA · histone complexes as revealed by its interaction with DNA-Sepharose and histone · DNA-Sepharose columns. Furthermore, native chromatin depleted of endogenous histone acetyltransferase activity shows no inhibitory effect on the enzyme. Yet heated chromatin not only loses substrate activity but also becomes an inhibitor for the enzyme. Since unmodified sea urchin sperm chromatin has been shown to be a potent acetyltransferase inhibitor, it seems possible that DNA · histone complexes may be the true inhibitory species and that the conformational states of such complexes may serve as a regulatory mechanism in the control of the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Summary -Thalassemia mutations in 71 chromosomes of Thai patients from the northeast, the middle and the south of the country were investigated using dot blot hybridization of PCR (polymerase chain reaction)-amplified DNA with allelespecific oligonucleotide probes. Eight different known molecular defects were detected, at different frequencies. There was an amber mutation in codon 17, a C-T transversion at position 654 of IVS-2, a frameshift mutation between codons 71 and 72, an A-G transition at nucleotide -28 within the TATA box (known as Chinese mutations), a G-T transversion at position 1 of IVS-1 (an Indian mutation), a 4bp deletion in codons 41/42 and a G-C transversion at position 5 of IVS-1 (described as both Chinese and Indian mutations) and a Thai original mutation, an ochre mutation in codon 35. Analysis of the three unknown alleles by DNA sequencing of the cloned DNA fragment amplified by PCR revealed an A-G substitution at the second position of the codon for amino acid 19 (AAC-AGC). The analytic approach used in the present study and the characteristic distribution of mutations in each region of Thailand will prove useful for setting up a prenatal diagnosis program.  相似文献   

3-(1,1-Dioxadibenzothien-4-oyl)acrylic acid (1) was condensed with compounds containing active methylene groups under Michael reaction conditions to furnish the Michael adducts (lactones,2a–c, lactams,3a–c, ketones4a, b). The behavior of these adducts toward the action of hydrazine hydrate were investigated. The compounds were tested for their biological properties. 1st part of this series:Egypt. J. Chem. 42, 309 (1999).  相似文献   

The article describes a new technology for real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of nucleic acids. Similar to Taqman, this new method, named Snake, utilizes the 5′-nuclease activity of Thermus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase that cleaves dual-labeled Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) probes and generates a fluorescent signal during PCR. However, the mechanism of the probe cleavage in Snake is different. In this assay, PCR amplicons fold into stem–loop secondary structures. Hybridization of FRET probes to one of these structures leads to the formation of optimal substrates for the 5′-nuclease activity of Taq. The stem–loop structures in the Snake amplicons are introduced by the unique design of one of the PCR primers, which carries a special 5′-flap sequence. It was found that at a certain length of these 5′-flap sequences the folded Snake amplicons have very little, if any, effect on PCR yield but benefit many aspects of the detection process, particularly the signal productivity. Unlike Taqman, the Snake system favors the use of short FRET probes with improved fluorescence background. The head-to-head comparison study of Snake and Taqman revealed that these two technologies have more differences than similarities with respect to their responses to changes in PCR protocol, e.g. the variations in primer concentration, annealing time, PCR asymmetry. The optimal PCR protocol for Snake has been identified. The technology’s real-time performance was compared to a number of conventional assays including Taqman, 3′-MGB-Taqman, Molecular Beacon and Scorpion primers. The test trial showed that Snake supersedes the conventional assays in the signal productivity and detection of sequence variations as small as single nucleotide polymorphisms. Due to the assay’s cost-effectiveness and simplicity of design, the technology is anticipated to quickly replace all known conventional methods currently used for real-time nucleic acid detection.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase (pol) η is a specialized error-prone polymerase with at least two quite different and contrasting cellular roles: to mitigate the genetic consequences of solar UV irradiation, and promote somatic hypermutation in the variable regions of immunoglobulin genes. Misregulation and mistargeting of pol η can compromise genome integrity. We explored whether the mutational signature of pol η could be found in datasets of human somatic mutations derived from normal and cancer cells. A substantial excess of single and tandem somatic mutations within known pol η mutable motifs was noted in skin cancer as well as in many other types of human cancer, suggesting that somatic mutations in A:T bases generated by DNA polymerase η are a common feature of tumorigenesis. Another peculiarity of pol ηmutational signatures, mutations in YCG motifs, led us to speculate that error-prone DNA synthesis opposite methylated CpG dinucleotides by misregulated pol η in tumors might constitute an additional mechanism of cytosine demethylation in this hypermutable dinucleotide.  相似文献   

PCR—restriction fragment—SSCP (PCR—RF—SSCP) analysis of mitochondrial DNA by HhaI/HincII in Japanese revealed 46 polymorphic patterns. The determinations of nucleotide sequence of these 46 patterns revealed 56 mutations compared with the Cambridge Sequence.  相似文献   

Summary Asian couples at risk for a fetus with homozygous -thalassemia (hydrops fetalis) are often identified by their low erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and normal hemoglobin electrophoresis when little time remains to test their genotypes by restriction enzyme analysis. DNA analysis is performed directly on chorionic villi or amniocytes remaining after an aliquot is used to establish a backup cell culture. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol quickly determines whether the fetus has hydrops fetalis without waiting for cultured cells to grow. Previously, growing cultured fetal cells to obtain more fetal material to establish unambiguously the fetal genotype with two independent restriction enzyme digests absorbed a significant portion of the time remaining to complete prenatal diagnosis. A dual restriction enzyme digestion protocol was development using a 3-globin probe to clearly distinguish the most common -thalassemia deletions that represent nearly all the -thalassemia haplotypes in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

The detection of expressed sequences of genomic DNA is an important aspect of the human genome project. A technique is described where ‘long’ polymerase chain reaction (LPCR), which allows for extended large fragment production of > 10–20 kb, is used with Alu primers to generate a biotinylated template for cDNA hybridization. Streptavidin-coated magnetic beads are used to extract the long PCR templates and bound cDNAs, which are recovered by standard PCR. This method allows the isolation of cDNAs from virtually any human DNA source and should be valuable in expression mapping, positional cloning and gene isolation.  相似文献   

-Amylases are the key enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of starch in plants. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to detect polymorphisms in the length of amplified sequences between the annealing sites of two primers derived from published -amy1 gene sequences in barley. These two primers (Bsw1 and Bsw7), flanking the promoter region and the first exon, amplified two PCR fragments in barley. One of the amplified products, with the expected length of 820 bp, appeared together with another shorter PCR band of around 750 bp. This 750-bp fragment seems to be derived from an -amylase gene not reported previously. Both of the PCR products could be amplified from the two-rowed barley varieties tested, including cv Himalaya from which the sequence information was obtained. Five of the six-rowed barley varieties also have the two PCR fragments whereas another two have only the long fragment. These two fragments seem to be unique to barley, neither of them could be amplified from other cereals; for example, wheat, rye or sorghum. These two -amylase fragments were mapped to the long arm of 6H, the location of the -amy1 genes, using wheat-barley addition lines. Amplification of genomic DNA from wild barley accessions with primers Bsw1 and Bsw7 indicated that both of the fragments could be present, or the long and short fragments could be present alone. The results also demonstrated that the genes specifying these two fragments could be independent from each other in barley. The conserved banding pattern of these two fragments in the two-rowed barley varieties implies that artificial selection from these genes may have played an important role in the evolution of cultivated barley from wild barley.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is the most common gastric bacteria of human beings. Animal-borne helicobacter have been associated with gastritis, ulceration, and gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid-tissue lymphoma in people. We attempted to identify the species of Helicobacter spp. that infect human beings in north Paran , Brazil. Samples of gastric mucosa from 38 dyspeptic patients were analyzed by optic microscopy on silver stained slides, polimerase chain reaction (PCR), and enzymatic cleavage. Genus and species-specific primers to H. pylori, H. heilmannii, H. felis, and consensual primers to H. bizzozeronii or H. salomonis were used. The PCR products were submitted to enzymatic cleavage by VspI (Helicobacter spp. product) and HinfI (species products) enzymes. Thirty-two out of 38 patients evaluated had 3.2 to 5 m long bacteria that resembled H. pylori in Warthin-Starry stained slides and were positive to the genus Helicobacter by PCR. In 30 of these patients the bacteria were identified as H. pylori. Two samples positive by silver stain were negative to all species tested by PCR. None of the 38 samples was positive to animal-origin helicobacter species. These results show that PCR and enzymatic restriction are practical methods to identify the species of helicobacters present in gastric mucosa of human beings. People in north Paran appear to be infected mostly with H. pylori.  相似文献   

For almost a decade, in vitro selection experiments have been used to isolate novel nucleic acids, peptides and proteins according to their function. Selection experiments have altered our perception of molecular mimicry and catalysis, and they appear to be more facile than rational design at generating biopolymers with desired properties. New methods that have been developed improve the power of functional strategies in ways that nature has already discovered - by expanding library size and facilitating the recombination of positive mutations. Recent structural information on a number of selected and evolved molecules highlights future challenges for design via rational approaches.  相似文献   

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