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We are witnessing tremendous advances in our understanding of the organization of life. Complete genomes are being deciphered with ever increasing speed and accuracy, thereby setting the stage for addressing the entire gene product repertoire of cells, towards understanding whole biological systems. Advances in bioinformatics and mass spectrometric techniques have revealed the multitude of interactions present in the proteome. Multiprotein complexes are emerging as a paramount cornerstone of biological activity, as many proteins appear to participate, stably or transiently, in large multisubunit assemblies. Analysis of the architecture of these assemblies and their manifold interactions is imperative for understanding their function at the molecular level. Structural genomics efforts have fostered the development of many technologies towards achieving the throughput required for studying system-wide single proteins and small interaction motifs at high resolution. The present shift in focus towards large multiprotein complexes, in particular in eukaryotes, now calls for a likewise concerted effort to develop and provide new technologies that are urgently required to produce in quality and quantity the plethora of multiprotein assemblies that form the complexome, and to routinely study their structure and function at the molecular level. Current efforts towards this objective are summarized and reviewed in this contribution.Key Words: Proteome, interactome, multiprotein assemblies, structural genomics, robotics, multigene expression, multiBac, BEVS, ACEMBL, complexomics.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Desert locusts ( Schistocerca gregaria Forskal.) were flown into an airstream from a wind tunnel while tethered to a balance. Rate of oxygen consumption and lift were recorded. The mean rate of oxygen consumption of male locusts in level flight at airspeeds between 2.5 and 3m/s was found to be 12.6ml/g/h.  相似文献   

Bernard John 《Chromosoma》1973,44(2):123-146
Two new cases of supernumerary heterochromatic segments are described. One of these, found in a heterozygous state in eight males of Chorthippus jucundus, is present terminally on the short arm of the longest autosome. The other, present in a single male heterozygote of Trimerotropis tolteca modesta, is again terminally sited, this time on the long arm of the second smallest auto-some. Both segments are considered to be products of tandem duplication rather than translocation. The segment system of C. jucundus, like that of a number of other categories of heterochromatic material, produces a striking increase in mean cell chiasma frequency compared to basic homozygotes from the same population. It is argued that this effect of the segment on recombination provides a potential basis for selection leading to altered fitness. This, in turn, may well have determined the evolution of at least some forms of supernumerary material in natural populations.  相似文献   

The chiasma-inducing pheromone of locusts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dr. D. J. Nolte 《Chromosoma》1968,23(3):346-358
To the two quantitative criteria for phase transformation of locusts, viz. nymphal colour and adult morphometric ratios, the change in chiasma frequencies during meiosis in the male can now be added: gregarization or swarming induces an increase in chiasma formation. The atmosphere around crowded locusts contains a pheromone which is absorbed and causes a reactive haemolymph in locust hoppers. This haemolymph may be injected into solitarious hoppers or nymphs to induce increased chiasma formation. Certain solvents like risella oil and dimethyl sulphoxide will extract the pheromone from such an atmosphere, and bio-assays with these extracts have been demonstrated to be chiasma-inducing. Such extracts are, however, not chiasma-inducing in the albino mutant, but the haemolymph from crowded normal-coloured hoppers is reactive in the albino hopper. In addition the albino mutant is solitaria-like in both morphometric ratios and chiasma frequencies. These data indicate a relationship between the melanization cycle and chiasma induction: the previously postulated melanin-inducing pheromone and this chiasma-inducing pheromone are probably identical. On the other hand, this pheromone of nymphs and the sex-maturation pheromone of adults are not identical, although the latter may be a modified form of the other. The effect of the nymphal pheromone on adult morphometric ratios is not clear although some correlation has been shown to exist between raised chiasma frequencies in treated solitaries and advances towards gregaria ratios. It may be that in this pheromone we have, what may be called, a gregarizing principle.  相似文献   

The australian plague locust (2n=23 male, 24 female) is distinctive in possessing three pairs of two-armed, short autosomes (S9, S10 and S11). In two of these pairs (S9, S10) these arms are a constant feature but in the shortest (S9) pair most individuals are either heterozygous for them or else are homozygous telocentric. Coupled with this five of the heterozygous individuals give evidence of occasional short-arm detachment.—In all the S-pairs the shorter of the two arms is invariably heterochromatic in character and in the S9 and S11 shows a bi- or tri-partite sub-structure which suggests they may have originated by tandem duplication. — Three of the other autosomes (L2, M3 and M6) also have small heterochromatin(het)-blocks associated with them. At first meiotic prophase these frequently associate with the univalent X chromosome which itself displays an unconventional pattern of allocycly, its centric end appearing negatively heteropycnotic from leptotene through diplotene.—At metaphase I the het-blocks on the telocentric autosomes sometimes transform into swollen, negatively heteropycnotic, segments equivalent in appearance to that shown by the entire X at this stage. It is suggested that these puff-like structures represent an inter-chromosomal position effect conditional upon prior X/A het-association at first prophase.  相似文献   

D. J. Nolte 《Chromosoma》1969,26(3):287-297
The production of a gregarization pheromone has been postulated in locusts, with effects on melanization of the hopper cuticle and increased chiasma frequency during meiosis in the adult on crowding or gregarization. Lack of chiasma-inducing effect of the pheromone on albino strains is correlated with the absence or deficiency of some of the products of the metabolic pathways of tyrosine. Some of these products, commercially obtainable, are the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine leading to both the melanization and sclerotization pathways; dopamine formed from dopa in the lastnamed pathway; three products of dopamine i.e. protocatechuic acid, noradrenaline and adrenaline. The injection of solutions of these metabolites into the haemolymph of solitary hoppers has shown that only dopa to some extent but noradrenaline to a large extent are effective in raising chiasma frequency in solitarised individuals of normal-coloured strains of Locusta, while in two albino strains, which differ genetically, the injection of dopa, dopamine, protocatechuic acid and noradrenaline proved effective; phenylalanine was effective in only one of these albino strains, while adrenaline was effective in neither. The chiasma-inducing effect of noradrenaline, common to the three strains, is accompanied in the normal-coloured strain by a greater retention of dark coloration during solitarization and by some attainment of the crowded type of morphometric ratios which is a third physical criterion of gregarization. The genetic blocks to the physical criteria of gregaria in the albino strains lie at the immediate level of dopa production or previous to this reaction; it may be construed that such a block in the solitaria of normal-coloured strains also lies at this early level, in this case being induced by too low a pheromone concentration.  相似文献   

Swarming locusts show three physical criteria, i.e. the phase changes of melanisation of the nymphal stages or hoppers, of the proportions of certain body parts (morphometric ratios), and increased genetic recombination (meiotic chiasma frequencies) in the adult. The control of these changes, initiated by aggregation into swarms, i.e. gregarisation, seems to be vested in a pheromone which is produced by all hoppers in both the solitaria and gregaria phases, also by hoppers of the albino strain. Such a pheromone can be extracted from the locust room air and from the locust, these extracts showing high activity in bioassays, primarily in increased chiasma frequencies but also in hopper colour. The extract in risella oil is more efficient than that in petroleum ether and can be distilled to yield an active distillate. The pheromone is secreted in the faeces of hoppers but not of adults. There is evidence in faeces bioassays that all three physical criteria are affected; the pheromone may be called locustone. It is manufactured or secreted in a specific section of the alimentary canal, i.e. the crop. Reception is not through the antennae but through the stigmata. Preliminary chemical analysis of a risella oil air extract distilled into various other solvents showed the presence of a relatively simple saturated aliphatic chain with a carbonyl function, perhaps a ketone or an ester.  相似文献   

The cytogenetic systems of grasshoppers and locusts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The three endemic species of the Australian genusTolgadia are all distributed in the northern tropical and subtropical areas. They are distinguishable both on morphological and cytological grounds. All three have a derived neo XY, neo XX sex chromosome system involving distinct elements of a basically 11-membered autosome set, namely (spacies-1) (bivittata) and (infirma). Additionallybivittata is homozygous for two autosomal fusions involving and giving 2n=18 as compared to the complement of 2n=22 present in the other two species. Two of the species,bivittata and species-1, have a comparable mean cell chiasma frequency despite their difference in chromosome number. That ofinfirma is significantly higher. Coupled with this, some of the populations ofinfirma are polymorphic for supernumerary heterochromatic segments, principally on the smallest autosome. Such segments increase the mean cell chiasma frequency still further. Thusinfirma, which is the least habitat restricted despite its brachypterous nature, not only has the highest mean cell chiasma frequency but, in addition, has at its disposal a polymorphism capable of magnifying this difference.  相似文献   

Weather,food and plagues of locusts   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
T. C. R. White 《Oecologia》1976,22(2):119-134
Summary Species of acridids throughout the world are shown to have very similar habitats and food plants, and to increase and decrease in abundance in response to very similar patterns of weather. Changes in the rate of survival of the very young hoppers from unexplained causes would appear to be the major factor influencing these changes in abundance; parasites and predators apparently have little if any significant effect.It is postulated that variation in survival of the very young is brought about by changes in the abundance and nitrogen content of their food plants, and that this in turn is largely influenced by changes in patterns of rainfall.The hypothesis—already proposed for other phytophagous insects—states that the environment of these insects is basically inadequate in that there is normally a relative shortage of nitrogenous food for the rapidly growing young. Species have adapted to this inadequate environment by producing large surpluses of young.When chance combinations of weather stress the food plants, making them a richer source of nitrogen, there is a greatly increased rate of survival of the very young, rapidly leading to explosive increases in abundance—to outbreaks.Some of the implications of applying this hypothesis more generally to the interpretation of the ecology of herbivores are discussed.  相似文献   

蝗虫化学信息物质研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石旺鹏 《昆虫知识》2005,42(3):244-249
详述了蝗虫主要化学信息物质的种类、功能及主要成分等研究进展。蝗虫化学信息物质包括种内通讯的化学信息素和种间通讯的化学信息物质。其中种内通讯的化学信息素主要有群居信息素、成熟信息素、产卵信息素(含促产卵化学信息素和群集产卵化学信息素)、性信息素、聚集信息素等;种间通讯的化学信息物质主要介绍用于防卫的化学信息物质,包括卵分泌的信息物质、特定腺体分泌的信息物质、粪便挥发的信息物质、口腔分泌物和内部毒素等,对其天敌均有一定的防卫作用。化学通讯是蝗虫种内和种间通讯联系的普遍方式。  相似文献   

Injections of immunogens, such as beta-1,3-glucan or lipopolysaccharide (LPS), bring about a marked hyperlipaemia with associated changes in lipophorins and apolipophorin-III in the haemolymph of Locusta migratoria. These changes are similar to those observed after injection of adipokinetic hormone (AKH). The possibility that endogenous AKH is released as part of the response to these immunogens is investigated using passive immunisation against AKH-I, and measurement of AKH-I titre in the haemolymph after injection of immunogens. The data presented show that, despite the similarity of the changes brought about by the presence of immunogens in the haemolymph to those brought about by AKH, there is no release of endogenous AKH after injection of laminarin or LPS. A direct effect of the immunogens on release of neutral lipids by the fat body cannot be demonstrated in vitro, and the mechanism by which hyperlipaemia is induced during immune challenge remains uncertain.  相似文献   

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