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This paper derives a model,from a review of published literature and U.S. Army technical reports, for calculating the total heat imposed per unit surface area by direct sunlight. Factors considered include solar zenith angle, water vapor and dust content of the air and terrestrial elevation. Unlike the usual meteorological measurement of total hemispheric radiation, calculated values are obtained for direct solar intensity and also diffuse sky radiation, thus allowing separation of the solar radiation impinging on horizontal surfaces from that on vertical or perpendicular surfaces. Representative calculated values for 9 major climatic regions of the world agree with the limited comparable measured values available.
Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit beschreibt mittels eines Rückblicks auf die veröffentlichte Literatur und die Technischen Berichte der U.S. Army ein Modell für die Berechnung der totalen Wärmemenge, die einer Oberflächeneinheit durch die direkte Sonnenstrahlung zugeführt wird. Die betrachteten Faktoren schliessen den Einfallswinkel, den Wasserdampf, den Staubgehalt der Luft sowie die Höhenlage ein.Im Gegensatz zur üblichen meteorologischen Messung der totalen hemisphärischen Strahlung erhält man so berechnete Werte für die direkte Strahlungsintensität und auch für die diffuse Himmelstrahlung, so dass damit die Strahlung auf horizontale Flächen von der auf vertikale oder geneigte Flächen getrennt werden kann. Repräsentative berechnete Werte für 6 Hauptklimagebiete der Erde stimmen mit den wenigen vergleichbaren Werten überein, die verfügbar sind.

Resume Dans le présent mémoire, on décrit un modèle permettant de calculer la quantité totale de chaleur reçue par une surface unité par suite du rayonnement solaire direct. Pour ce faire, on a passé en revue les travaux publiés en la matiére et les rapports techniques de l'armée des Etats-Unis. Les éléments considérés sont:l'angle d'incidence, la vapeur d'eau, la teneur en poussières de l'atmosphère et l'altitude. Au contraire des mesures météologiques usuelles indiquant le rayonnement total reçu par un hémisphère on obtient ici des valeurs calculées pour l'intensité du rayonnement direct ainsi que pour le rayonnement diffus. On peut ainsi distinguer le rayonnement tombant sur une surface horizontale de celui atteignant une surface verticale ou ayant une inclinaison quelconque. Des valeurs représentatives calculées pour 6 zones climatiques de la terre correspondent bien aux quelques valeurs comparatives dont on dispose.

Dr.Roller was a Senior Postdoctoral Visiting Research Associate of the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council on leave of absence from the Department of Agricultural Engineering, The Ohio State University, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio.  相似文献   

The cytophotometrical analysis of the relationships between the content of DNA--fuchsin and the duration of acid hydrolysis of the intranuclear DNA (the Feulgen reaction) in the Zaidela hepatoma cells allows to see the degree of the DNA--protein binding. The UV irradiation of different wave-lengths (254, 325 and 365 nm, resp.) irrespective of the degree of absorption by nucleic acids, causes changes in chromatin condensation, thus suggesting the labilization of DNA--protein bounds.  相似文献   

XH Yan  MO Magnasco 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41419
A number of studies have suggested that many properties of brain activity can be understood in terms of critical systems. However it is still not known how the long-range susceptibilities characteristic of criticality arise in the living brain from its local connectivity structures. Here we prove that a dynamically critically-poised model of cortex acquires an infinitely-long ranged susceptibility in the absence of input. When an input is presented, the susceptibility attenuates exponentially as a function of distance, with an increasing spatial attenuation constant (i.e., decreasing range) the larger the input. This is in direct agreement with recent results that show that waves of local field potential activity evoked by single spikes in primary visual cortex of cat and macaque attenuate with a characteristic length that also increases with decreasing contrast of the visual stimulus. A susceptibility that changes spatial range with input strength can be thought to implement an input-dependent spatial integration: when the input is large, no additional evidence is needed in addition to the local input; when the input is weak, evidence needs to be integrated over a larger spatial domain to achieve a decision. Such input-strength-dependent strategies have been demonstrated in visual processing. Our results suggest that input-strength dependent spatial integration may be a natural feature of a critically-balanced cortical network.  相似文献   

The spectral distribution of solar radiation was studied under different sky conditions during a 15-month period in Miami, Florida (USA), and over a latitudinal gradient at solar maximum. Spectroradiometric scans were characterized for total irradiance (300–3000 nm) and the relative energetic and photon contributions of the following wavelength regions: UV-B (300–320 nm); UV-A (320–400 nm); B (400–500 nm); PAR (400–700 nm); R (600–700 nm); and FR (728–732 nm). Notable results include: (i) significantly higher UV-A energy fluxes than currently in use for laboratory experiments involving the biological effects of this band-width (values ranged from 33.6 to 55.4 W/m2 in Miami over the year); (ii) marked diurnal shifts in B:R and R:FR, with elevated R:FR values in early morning: (iii) a strong correlation between R:FR and atmospheric water content; and (iv) unusually high PAR values under direct sunlight with cloudy skies (2484 mol/2 per s).  相似文献   

崇明东滩盐沼植被变化对滩涂湿地促淤消浪功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任璘婧  李秀珍  杨世伦  闫中正  黄星 《生态学报》2014,34(12):3350-3358
30年来在海平面上升、人类围垦、自然保护、外来物种入侵等自然与人为作用共同影响下,崇明东滩盐沼植被群落结构发生了巨大变化。基于长江口四期遥感影像解译结果,得到盐沼植被群落结构变化,结合对盐沼植被促淤消浪功能已有研究成果,量化崇明东滩盐沼植被促淤消浪功能潜力及其变化。研究表明:1980、1990、2000和2010年崇明东滩芦苇、互花米草、藨草群落面积比例分别为23∶0∶77、73∶0∶27、33∶9∶58、34∶34∶32,同期总植被覆盖面积分别为51、83、37、44 km2。30年来滩涂湿地促淤消浪能力均有下降,1990—2000年变化最大。其中,植被黏附悬浮颗粒物量分别为1976、4645、2192、4695 t;沉积量分别为960、1579、195、286万m3;常规波高情况下堤外没有足够植被保护的岸段长度分别为5、0、7、6 km;风暴潮情况下堤外没有足够植被保护的岸段长度分别为19、5、26、20 km。因此保护堤外盐沼植被对消浪促淤,特别是抵御风暴潮等恶劣气候灾害的影响具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - Objective of the present study was to investigate the tolerant radiation dose of nasal mucosa by observing and analyzing patients who received...  相似文献   

A total of 90 bacterial strains were isolated from the sea surface microlayer (i.e., bacterioneuston) and underlying waters (i.e., bacterioplankton) from two sites of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. The strains were identified by sequence analysis, and growth recovery was investigated after exposure to simulated solar radiation. Bacterioneuston and bacterioplankton isolates were subjected to six different exposure times, ranging from 0.5 to 7 h of simulated noontime solar radiation. Following exposure, the growth of each isolate was monitored, and different classes of resistance were determined according to the growth pattern. Large interspecific differences among the 90 marine isolates were observed. Medium and highly resistant strains accounted for 41% and 22% of the isolates, respectively, and only 16% were sensitive strains. Resistance to solar radiation was equally distributed within the bacterioneuston and bacterioplankton. Relative contributions to the highly resistant class were 43% for gamma-proteobacteria and 14% and 8% for alpha-proteobacteria and the Cytophaga/Flavobacterium/Bacteroides (CFB) group, respectively. Within the gamma-proteobacteria, the Pseudoalteromonas and Alteromonas genera appeared to be highly resistant to solar radiation. The majority of the CFB group (76%) had medium resistance. Our study further provides evidence that pigmented bacteria are not more resistant to solar radiation than nonpigmented bacteria.  相似文献   

A method is described of determining the increment of air temperature which would produce a physiological effect on man equivalent to that induced by the solar radiation load imposed under open summer conditions in mid-latitude deserts. The method consists of: (a) exposing subjects to solar radiation in a transparentchamber with controlled temperature, humidity, and air movement; (b) exposing the same subjects to the same conditions with the solar radiation excluded, but at various temperatures above that used in the solar exposure; (c) establishing regression equations of physiological reactions on air temperature from the preceding step; (d) determining the air temperature which, acting alone, would have produced the same reaction as the solar exposure; (e) determining the increment of air temperature equivalent to the radiation load.
Zusammenfassung Eine Methode zur Bestimmung derjenigen Zunahme der Lufttemperatur, die eine physiologische Wirkung beim Menschen auslöst,Äquivalent derjenigen durch Sonnenstrahlung im Sommer in der Wüste, wird beschrieben: (a) Exponierung einer Person in einer transparenten Kammer mit kontrollierter Temperatur, Feuchte und Luftbewegung; (b)Abschirmung der Sonnenstrahlung und Exponierung der Person bei höheren Temperaturen unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen; (c) Berechnung der Beziehung zwischen Lufttemperatur und physiologischer Reaktion; (d) Bestimmung der Temperatur, die die gleiche Reaktion auslöst wie die Sonnenstrahlung durch Berechnung; (e) Bestimmung derjenigen Zunahme der Lufttemperatur, die der Bestrahlungsbelastung Äquivalent ist.

Resume On décrit ici une méthode permettant de déterminer quelle hausse de température déclen une réaction physiologique équivalente à celle provoquée par le soleil d'été en plein désert: (a) On expose un sujet au rayonnement solaire dans une cellule transparente dont la température, l'humidité et le mouvement de l'air sont contrÔlés; (b) On supprime alors le rayonnement solaire et l'on expose le mÊme sujet à des températures plus élevées, les autres éléments restant les mÊmes; (c)On calcule ensuite la relation entre la température de l'air et les réactions physiologiques observées précédemment; (d) On détermine la température qui déclenche, selon le dit calcul, la mÊme réaction que le rayonnement solaire; (e) On peut alors déterminer la hausse de température qui équivaut aux effects du rayonnement.

Studies were made while the authors were employed by the U.S. Army Quartermaster Research & Development Command, Natick, Mass.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of solar ultraviolet‐B radiation (UV‐B; 280–315 nm) on the growth of Colobanthus quitensis plants by placing them under contrasting UV‐B filters at Palmer Station, along the Antarctic Peninsula. The filters reduced diurnal biologically effective UV‐B (UV‐BBE) either by 83% (‘reduced UV‐B’) or by 12% (‘near‐ambient UV‐B’) over the 63 day experiment (7 November 1998–8 January 1999). Ozone column depletion averaged 17% during the experiment. Relative growth and net assimilation rates of plants exposed to near‐ambient UV‐B were 30 and 20% lower, respectively, than those of plants exposed to reduced UV‐B. The former plants produced 29% less total biomass, as a result of containing 54% less aboveground biomass. These reductions in aboveground biomass were mainly the result of a 45% reduction in shoot biomass, and a 31% reduction in reproductive biomass. Reductions in shoot biomass were owing to an 18% reduction in branch production by main shoots, while reductions in reproductive biomass were the result of a 19% reduction in individual capsule mass. Total plant leaf area was reduced by 19% under near‐ambient UV‐B, although total leaf biomass was unaffected because leaves had a greater specific leaf mass. The reduction in plant leaf area under near‐ambient UV‐B was attributable to: (1) production of 11% fewer leaves per main shoot system and plant, which resulted from an 18% reduction in branch production by main shoots. Leaf production per individual main shoot or branch was not affected; (2) shorter leaf longevity—main shoots contained 14% fewer green leaves at a given time; and (3) smaller individual leaves—leaf elongation rates were 14% slower and mature leaves were 13% shorter.  相似文献   

The effects of solar radiation on thermal comfort   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between simulated solar radiation and thermal comfort. Three studies investigated the effects of (1) the intensity of direct simulated solar radiation, (2) spectral content of simulated solar radiation and (3) glazing type on human thermal sensation responses. Eight male subjects were exposed in each of the three studies. In Study 1, subjects were exposed to four levels of simulated solar radiation: 0, 200, 400 and 600 Wm−2. In Study 2, subjects were exposed to simulated solar radiation with four different spectral contents, each with a total intensity of 400 Wm−2 on the subject. In Study 3, subjects were exposed through glass to radiation caused by 1,000 Wm−2 of simulated solar radiation on the exterior surface of four different glazing types. The environment was otherwise thermally neutral where there was no direct radiation, predicted mean vote (PMV)=0±0.5, [International Standards Organisation (ISO) standard 7730]. Ratings of thermal sensation, comfort, stickiness and preference and measures of mean skin temperature (tsk) were taken. Increase in the total intensity of simulated solar radiation rather than the specific wavelength of the radiation is the critical factor affecting thermal comfort. Thermal sensation votes showed that there was a sensation scale increase of 1 scale unit for each increase of direct radiation of around 200 Wm−2. The specific spectral content of the radiation has no direct effect on thermal sensation. The results contribute to models for determining the effects of solar radiation on thermal comfort in vehicles, buildings and outdoors.  相似文献   

School science laboratory classes and hands-on public engagement activities share many common aims and objectives in terms of science learning and literacy. This article describes the development and evaluation of a microbiology public engagement activity, ‘The Good, the Bad and the Algae’, from a school laboratory activity. The school activity was developed as part of an educational resource which aimed to promote practical microbiology in the classroom. The public engagement activity was derived locally for National Science and Engineering Week 2011 and was subsequently adapted for a national science and engineering fair (The Big Bang 2012 The Big Bang. 2012. About The Big Bang Fair. http://www.thebigbangfair.co.uk/about_us.cfm. [Google Scholar]). The aim of the session was to raise awareness of the importance of algae and to encourage hands-on laboratory examination in a fun and informal manner. Evaluation of the first event, delivered in a workshop format, helped shape the educational resource before publication. The second event was modified to enable delivery to a larger audience. Both events were successful in terms of enjoyment and engagement. Over 2200 people participated in the Big Bang activity over three days, with evaluation indicating 80% of participants had increased awareness/knowledge of algae after the event. The success of both iterations of the activity demonstrates that it is possible to transform a simple school activity into an exciting and effective public engagement activity.  相似文献   

Ambient ultraviolet-b (UV-B) radiation (280-320 nm) has increased at north-temperate latitudes in the last two decades. UV-B can be detrimental to amphibians, and amphibians have shown declines in some areas during this same period. We documented the distribution of amphibians and salmonids in 42 remote, subalpine and alpine ponds in Olympic National Park, Washington, United States. We inferred relative exposure of amphibian habitats to UV-B by estimating the transmission of 305- and 320-nm radiation in pond water. We found breeding Ambystoma gracile, A. macrodactylum and Rana cascadae at 33%, 31%, and 45% of the study sites, respectively. Most R. cascadae bred in fishless shallow ponds with relatively low transmission of UV-B. The relationship with UV-B exposure remained marginally significant even after the presence of fish was included in the model. At 50 cm water depth, there was a 55% reduction in incident 305-nm radiation at sites where breeding populations of R. cascadae were detected compared to other sites. We did not detect associations between UV-B transmission and A. gracile or A. macrodactylum. Our field surveys do not provide evidence for decline of R. cascadae in Olympic National Park as has been documented in Northern California, but are consistent with the hypothesis that the spatial distribution of R. cascadae breeding sites is influenced by exposure to UV-B. Substrate or pond depth could also be related to the distribution of R. cascadae in Olympic National Park.  相似文献   

The attenuation of ultraviolet and visible radiation in Dutch inland waters   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The vertical attenuation coefficients (K d) of downward ultraviolet (UV) and visible irradiance (PAR) were measured in 19 different inland waters in the Netherlands using a scanning spectroradiometer. Water chemistry variables such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), absorbance of dissolved matter (a d), chlorophyll-a, and particulate matter were measured to determine the relative contribution of dissolved and particulate components in explaining the variation in K d. In addition to the field measurements, laboratory measurements were performed to test the relationships between water properties and light attenuation. The attenuation properties of Dutch inland waters vary. In most systems the penetration of UV-B radiation (280–320 nm) is limited to the upper decimetres. Lake Maarsseveen was the clearest waterbody in this study, with K dUVB of 9.1 (m–1). The DOC concentration had limited power in predicting UV attenuation in this study (r 2=0.33), because of the large differences in carbon-specific absorption. A d300 was a much better predictor of UV attenuation (r 2=0.75). The relationships obtained in the laboratory experiments can be used to give a good prediction of in situ K d values, based on 3 variables (chlorophyll-a, ash weight, and absorption of dissolved matter).  相似文献   

The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is expected to double by the end of the century. Experiments have shown that this will have important effects on the physiology and ecology of photosynthetic organisms, but it is still unclear if elevated CO2 will elicit an evolutionary response in primary producers that causes changes in physiological and ecological attributes. In this study, we cultured lines of seven species of freshwater phytoplankton from three major groups at current (approx. 380 ppm CO2) and predicted future conditions (1000 ppm CO2) for over 750 generations. We grew the phytoplankton under three culture regimes: nutrient-replete liquid medium, nutrient-poor liquid medium and solid agar medium. We then performed reciprocal transplant assays to test for specific adaptation to elevated CO2 in these lines. We found no evidence for evolutionary change. We conclude that the physiology of carbon utilization may be conserved in natural freshwater phytoplankton communities experiencing rising atmospheric CO2 levels, without substantial evolutionary change.  相似文献   

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