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Kernel number per ear (KNE) is a maize yield component and an important breeding target for improving grain yield. As a complex quantitative trait, KNE has been assumed to be controlled by a set of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) with minor effects. Identification and genetic evaluation of these QTLs are prerequisites for improving KNE with a molecular breeding approach. In this study, we developed the chromosome segment introgression line SL19-41, which exhibited 95.60% recovery of the Ye478 background and showed a higher KNE and grain yield. The plant architecture and flowering time of SL19-41 were not significantly different from those of Ye478. We employed introgression line (IL)-derived mapping populations and identified a major QTL, KNE4, which is partially dominant. KNE4 was validated in a backcross population and a set of sub-introgression lines and was delimited to a 440-kb genomic region in Bin4.07. An allele included in the introgression fragment had a synergistic effect, noticeably increasing KNE and showing the potential to improve KNE in Ye478. Subsequently, the association between sequence polymorphism in the QTL interval and KNE variation revealed a putative candidate gene that encoded a long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase responsible. This result provides an available locus for the molecular improvement of KNE and for the isolation of functional genes underlying this QTL.  相似文献   

Rice stripe disease, caused by rice stripe virus (RSV) is a serious constraint to rice production in subtropical regions of East Asia. We performed fine mapping of a RSV resistance QTL on chromosome 11, qSTV11 ( SG ), using near-isogenic lines (NILs, BC(6)F(4)) derived from a cross between the highly resistant variety, Shingwang, and the highly susceptible variety, Ilpum, using 11 insertion and deletion (InDel) markers. qSTV11 ( SG ) was localized to a 150-kb region between InDel 11 (17.86 Mbp) and InDel 5 (18.01?Mbp). Among the two markers in this region, InDel 7 is diagnostic of RSV resistance in 55 Korean japonica and indica rice varieties. InDel 7 could also distinguish the allele type of Nagdong, Shingwang, Mudgo, and Pe-bi-hun from Zenith harboring the Stv-b ( i ) allele. As a result, qSTV11 ( SG ) is likely to be the Stv-b ( i ) allele. There were 21 genes in the 150-kb region harboring the qSTV11 ( SG ) locus. Three of these genes, LOC_Os11g31430, LOC_Os11g31450, and LOC_Os11g31470, were exclusively expressed in the susceptible variety. These expression profiles were consistent with the quantitative nature along with incomplete dominance of RSV resistance. Sequencing of these genes showed that there were several amino acid substitutions between susceptible and resistant varieties. Putative functions of these candidate genes for qSTV11 ( SG ) are discussed.  相似文献   

Leaf size is a major determinant of plant architecture and yield potential in crops. A previous study showed that the genomic region of chromosome 1 contains a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) for flag leaf size in a set of backcross recombinant inbred lines derived from two elite parental lines (Zhenshan 97 and 93-11). In the present study, the QTL (qFL1) was shown to explain a large proportion of the variation in flag leaf size (leaf length, width and area) in derived populations (BC2F3 and BC3F2) in multiple environments. Using a large segregating population, we narrowed the location of qFL1 to a 31 kb region containing four predicted genes. Expression of one of these genes, OsFTL1, differed between leaves in near-isogenic lines carrying alleles of Zhenshan 97 and 93-11. qFL1 had a pleiotropic effect on flag leaf size and yield-related traits. Conditional QTL analysis of the derived population (BC3F2) supports the assertion that qFL1 is the QTL for flag leaf length and exhibits pleiotropy. Pyramiding of qFL1 with two known genes (GS3 and Wx) from 93-11 into Zhenshan 97 enlarged flag leaves, improved grain size and amylose content, and increased yield per plant, but slightly delayed heading date. These results provide a foundation for the functional characterization of the gene underlying the pleiotropic effects of qFL1 and for genetic improvement of the plant architecture and yield potential of rice.  相似文献   

Identification of genes in rice that affect production and quality is necessary for improving the critical global food source. CSSL58, a chromosome segment substitution line (CSSL) containing a chromosome segment of Oryza rufipogon in the genetic background of the indica cultivar Teqing showed significantly smaller panicles, fewer grains per panicle, smaller grains and dwarfness compared with the recurrent parent Teqing. Genetic analysis of the BC4F1 and BC4F2 generations, derived from a cross between CSSL58 and Teqing, showed that these traits are controlled by the recessive gene spd6, which mapped to the short arm of chromosome 6. Fine mapping and high-resolution linkage analysis using 24,120 BC4F3 plants and markers flanking spd6 were carried out, and the gene was localized to a 22.4 kb region that contains four annotated genes according to the genome sequence of japonica Nipponbare. Phenotypic evaluation of the nearly isogenic line NIL(spd6) revealed that spd6 from wild rice has pleiotropic effects on panicle number per plant, grain size, grain weight, grain number per panicle and plant height, suggesting that this gene might play an important role in the domestication of rice. The discovery of spd6 may ultimately be useful for the design and breeding of crops with high grain yield and quality.  相似文献   

Green-revertible albino is a novel type of chlorophyll deficiency in rice (Oryza sativa L.), which is helpful for further research in chlorophyll synthesis and chloroplast development to illuminate their molecular mechanism. In the previous study, we had reported a single recessive gene, gra(t), controlling this trait on the long arm of chromosome 2. In this paper, we mapped the gra(t) gene using 1,936 recessive individuals with albino phenotype in the F2 population derived from the cross between themo-photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile (T/PGMS) line Pei'ai 64S and the spontaneous mutant Qiufeng M. Eventually, it was located to a confined region of 42.4 kb flanked by two microsatellite markers RM2-97 and RM13553. Based on the annotation results of RiceGAAS system, 11 open reading frames (ORFs) were predicted in this region. Among them, ORF6 was the most possible gene related to chloroplast development, which encoded the chloroplast protein synthesis elongation factor Tu in rice. Therefore, we designated it as the candidate gene of gra(t). Sequence analysis indicated that only one base substitution C to T occurred in the coding region, which caused a missense mutation (Thr to Ile) in gra(t) mutant. These results are very valuable for further study on gra(t) gene.  相似文献   

A rice lesion mimic mutant, lm3, was obtained by the mutagenesis of an indica cultivar, 93-11, using γ-ray radiation. Brownish lesions appeared on the leaves of lm3 at the young seedling stage and persisted until the ripening stage. The lm3 mutant was characterised by a shorter plant height and delayed heading compared with the wild-type 93-11. A genetic analysis indicated that the lesion mimic phenotype was controlled by a single recessive gene. Using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, the target gene LM3 was first located between marker RM5748 and RM14906 on chromosome 3. We then developed Insertion-Deletion (InDel) markers to fine-map LM3, and the locus was localised to a 29 kb region defined by two InDel markers, In12571 and In12600. Five ORFs were predicted in the candidate region, and DNA sequencing detected a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the coding region of LOC Os03g21900. The SNP in the fourth exon (C in 93-11; T in lm3) of LOC_Os03g21900 results in the substitution of a proline (P) with a serine (S) at the 140th amino acid of the deduced uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase protein. We did not detect polymorphisms in the other predicted ORF regions between lm3 and 93-11. These results suggest that LOC_Os03g21900 is the most likely candidate gene for LM3.  相似文献   

In rice, one detrimental factor influencing single panicle yield is the frequent occurrence of panicle apical abortion (PAA) under unfavorable climatic conditions. Until now, no detailed genetic information has been available to avoid PAA in rice breeding. Here, we show that the occurrence of PAA is associated with the accumulation of excess hydrogen peroxide. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping for PAA in an F(2) population derived from the cross of L-05261 (PAA line) × IRAT129 (non-PAA variety) identified seven QTLs over a logarithm of the odd (LOD) threshold of 2.5, explaining approximately 50.1% of phenotypic variance for PAA in total. Five of the QTLs with an increased effect from L-05261, were designated as qPAA3-1, qPAA3-2, qPAA4, qPAA5 and qPAA8, and accounted for 6.8%, 5.9%, 4.2%, 13.0% and 12.2% of phenotypic variance, respectively. We found that the PAA in the early heading plants was mainly controlled by qPAA8. Subsequently, using the sub-populations specific for qPAA8 based on marker-assisted selection, we further narrowed qPAA8 to a 37.6-kb interval delimited by markers RM22475 and 8-In112. These results are beneficial for PAA gene clone.  相似文献   

In addition to its role as an energy source for plants, animals and humans, starch is also an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels. In rice, the eating and cooking quality of the grain is determined by its starch properties. The floury endosperm of rice has been explored as an agronomical trait in breeding and genetics studies. In the present study, we characterized a floury endosperm mutant, flo(a), derived from treatment of Oryza sativa ssp. japonica cultivar Hwacheong with MNU. The innermost endosperm of the flo(a) mutant exhibited floury characteristics while the outer layer of the endosperm appeared normal. Starch granules in the flo(a) mutant formed a loosely-packed crystalline structure and X-ray diffraction revealed that the overall crystallinity of the starch was decreased compared to wild-type. The FLO(a) gene was isolated via a map-based cloning approach and predicted to encode the tetratricopeptide repeat domaincontaining protein, OsTPR. Three mutant alleles contain a nucleotide substitution that generated one stop codon or one splice site, respectively, which presumably disrupts the interaction of the functionally conserved TPR motifs. Taken together, our map-based cloning approach pinpointed an OsTPR as a strong candidate of FLO(a), and the proteins that contain TPR motifs might play a significant role in rice starch biosynthetic pathways.  相似文献   

The temperate japonica rice cultivar M202 is the predominant variety grown in California due to its tolerance to low temperature stress, good grain quality and high yield. Earlier analysis of a recombinant inbred line mapping population derived from a cross between M202 and IR50, an indica cultivar that is highly sensitive to cold stress, resulted in the identification of a number of QTL conferring tolerance to cold-induced wilting and necrosis. A major QTL, qCTS12, located on the short arm of chromosome 12, contributes over 40% of the phenotypic variance. To identify the gene(s) underlying qCTS12, we have undertaken the fine mapping of this locus. Saturating the short arm of chromosome 12 with microsatellite markers revealed that qCTS12 is closest to RM7003. Using RM5746 and RM3103, which are immediately outside of RM7003, we screened 1,954 F5-F10 lines to find recombinants in the qCTS12 region. Additional microsatellite markers were identified from publicly available genomic sequence and used to fine map qCTS12 to a region of approximately 87 kb located on the BAC clone OSJNBb0071I17. This region contains ten open reading frames (ORFs) consisting of five hypothetical and expressed proteins of unknown function, a transposon protein, a putative NBS-LRR disease resistance protein, two zeta class glutathione S-transferases (OsGSTZ1 and OsGSTZ2), and a DAHP synthetase. Further fine mapping with markers developed from the ORFs delimited the QTL to a region of about 55 kb. The most likely candidates for the gene(s) underlying qCTS12 are OsGSTZ1 and OsGSTZ2.The mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Seedling vigor is among the major determinants of stable stand establishment in direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) in temperate regions. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for seedling vigor were identified using 250 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between two japonica rice cultivars Kakehashi and Dunghan Shali. Seedling heights measured at 14 days after sowing were 20.3 and 29.4 cm for Kakehashi and Dunghan Shali, respectively. For the RILs, the height ranged from 14.1 to 31.7 cm. Four putative QTLs associated with seedling height were detected. qPHS3-2, the major QTL that was located on the long arm of chromosome 3, accounted for 26.2 % of the phenotypic variance. Using progeny of the near isogenic lines (NILs) produced by the backcross introduction of a chromosome segment carrying this major QTL into an elite cultivar Iwatekko, we fine-mapped qPHS3-2 to a 81-kb interval between two markers, ID_CAPS_01 and RM16227. Within this mapped region, we identified the gene OsGA20ox1, which is related to gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis. The relative expression levels of GA20ox1 in seedlings of Dunghan Shali and NILs were higher than that of Iwatekko. Concomitantly, the amount of endogenous active GA was higher in Dunghan Shali and the NILs compared to the level detected in Iwatekko. These results indicate that OsGA20ox1 is a strong candidate gene for major QTL controlling seedling vigor in rice.  相似文献   

Architecture of the rice inflorescence, which is determined mainly by the morphology, number and length of primary and secondary inflorescence branches, is an important agronomical trait. In the current study, we characterized a novel dense and erect panicle (EP) mutant, dep3, derived from the Oryza sativa ssp. japonica cultivar Hwacheong treated with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. The panicle of the dep3 mutant remained erect from flowering to full maturation, whereas the panicle of the wild type plant began to droop after flowering. The dep3 mutation also regulated other panicle characteristics, including panicle length, grain shape and grain number per panicle. Anatomical observations revealed that the dep3 mutant had more small vascular bundles and a thicker culm than wild type plants, explaining the EP phenotype. Genetic analysis indicated that the phenotype with the dense and EP was controlled by a single recessive gene, termed dep3. The DEP3 gene was identified as the candidate via a map-based cloning approach and was predicted to encode a patatin-like phospholipase A2 (PLA2) superfamily domain-containing protein. The mutant allele gene carried a 408?bp genomic deletion within LOC_Os06g46350, which included the last 47?bp coding region of the third exon and the first 361?bp of the 3??-untranslated region. Taken together, our results indicated that the patatin-like PLA2 might play a significant role in the formation of vascular bundles, and that the dep3 mutant may provide another EP resource for rice breeding programs.  相似文献   

Grain length in rice plays an important role in determining rice appearance, milling, cooking and eating quality. In this study, the genetic basis of grain length was dissected into six main-effect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and twelve pairs of epistatic QTLs. The stability of these QTLs was evaluated in four environments using an F7 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross between a Japonica variety, Asominori, and an Indica variety, IR24. Moreover, chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) harboring each of the six main-effect QTLs were used to evaluate gene action of QTLs across eight environments. A major QTL denoted as qGL-3a, was found to express stably not only in the isogenic background of Asominori but also in the recombinant background of Asominori and IR24 under multiple environments. The IR24 allele at qGL-3a has a positive effect on grain length. Based on the test of advanced backcross progenies, qGL-3a was dissected as a single Mendelian factor, i.e., long rice grain was controlled by a recessive gene gl-3. High-resolution genetic and physical maps were further constructed for fine mapping gl-3 by using 11 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers designed using sequence information from seven BAC/PAC clones and a BC4F2 population consisting of 2,068 individuals. Consequently, the gl-3 gene was narrowed down to a candidate genomic region of 87.5 kb long defined by SSR markers RMw357 and RMw353 on chromosome 3, which provides a basis for map-based cloning of this gene and for marker-aided QTL pyramiding in rice quality breeding.  相似文献   

挖掘与稻米蒸煮品质相关的数量性状基因座(quantitative trait locus, QTL),分析候选基因,并通过遗传育种手段改良稻米蒸煮品质相关性状,可有效提升稻米的口感。以籼稻华占(Huazhan, HZ)、粳稻热研2号(Nekken2)及由其构建的120个重组自交系(recombinant inbred lines, RILs)群体为实验材料,测定成熟期稻米的糊化温度(gelatinization temperature, GT)、胶稠度(gel consistency, GC)和直链淀粉含量(amylose content, AC)。结合高密度分子遗传图谱进行QTL定位,共检测到26个与稻米蒸煮品质相关的QTLs (糊化温度相关位点1个、胶稠度相关位点13个、直链淀粉含量相关位点12个),其中最高奇数的可能性(likelihood of odd, LOD)值达30.24。通过实时荧光定量PCR (quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, qRT-PCR)分析定位区间内候选基因的表达量,发现6个基因在双亲间的表达量差异显著,推测LOC_Os04g20270LOC_Os11g40100的高表达可能会极大地提高稻米的胶稠度,而LOC_Os01g04920LOC_Os02g17500的高表达以及LOC_Os03g02650LOC_Os05g25840的低表达有助于降低直链淀粉含量。这些结果为培育优质水稻新品种奠定了分子基础,并为揭示稻米蒸煮品质的分子调控机制提供了重要的遗传资源。  相似文献   


Key message

Fine mapping of the novel thermo-sensitive genic male sterility locus tms9 - 1 in the traditional TGMS line HengnongS-1 revealed that the MALE STERILITY1 homolog OsMS1 is the candidate gene.


Photoperiod-thermo-sensitive genic male sterility (P/TGMS) has been widely used in the two-line hybrid rice breeding system. HengnongS-1 is one of the oldest TGMS lines and is often used in indica two-line breeding programs in China. In this study, our genetic analysis showed that the TGMS gene in HengnongS-1 was controlled by a single recessive gene that was non-allelic with the other TGMS loci identified, including C815S, Zhu1S and Y58S. Using SSR markers and bulked segregant analysis, we located the TGMS locus on chromosome 9 and named the gene tms9-1. Fine mapping further narrowed the tms9-1 loci to a 162 kb interval between two dCAPS markers. Sequence analysis revealed that a T to C substitution results in an amino acid change in the tms9-1 candidate gene (Os09g27620) in HengnongS-1 as compared to Minghui63. Sequencing of other rice accessions, including six P/TGMS lines, seven indica varieties and nine japonica varieties, showed that this SNP was exclusive to HengnongS-1. With multiple sequence alignment and expression pattern analyses, the rice MALE STERILITY1 homolog OsMS1 gene was identified as the candidate gene for tms9-1. Therefore, our study identified a novel TGMS locus and will facilitate the functional identification of the tms9-1 gene. Moreover, the markers linked to the tms9-1 gene will provide useful tools for the development of new TGMS lines by marker-assisted selection in two-line hybrid rice breeding programs.  相似文献   

Molecular tagging and mapping of the erect panicle gene in rice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Erect panicle (EP) is one of the more important traits of the proposed ideotype of high-yielding rice. Several rice cultivars with the EP phenotype, which has been reported to be controlled by a dominant gene, have been successfully developed and released for commercial production in North China. To analyze the inheritance of the EP trait, we generated segregating F2 and BC1F1 populations by crossing an EP-type variety, Liaojing 5, and a curved-panicle-type variety, Fengjin. Our results confirmed that a dominant gene controls the EP trait. Simple-sequence repeat (SSR) and bulked segregant analyses of the F2 population revealed that the EP gene is located on chromosome 9, between two newly developed SSR markers, RM5833-11 and RM5686-23, at a genetic distance of 1.5 and 0.9 cM, respectively. Markers closer to the EP gene were developed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis with 128 AFLP primer combinations. Three AFLP markers were found to be linked to the EP gene, and the nearest marker, E-TA/M-CTC200, was mapped to the same location as SSR marker RM5686-23, 1.5 cM from the EP gene. A local map around the EP gene comprising nine SSR and one AFLP marker was constructed. These markers will be useful for marker-assisted selection (MAS) for the EP trait in rice breeding programs.  相似文献   

基于CSSL的水稻穗颈长度QTL的代换作图   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨德卫  朱镇  张亚东  林静  陈涛  赵凌  朱文银  王才林 《遗传》2009,31(7):741-747
水稻穗颈长度是影响杂交水稻制种产量提高的重要农艺性状之一。文章利用94个以籼稻品种9311为遗传背景、粳稻品种日本晴为染色体片段供体的覆盖全基因组的染色体片段置换系(Chromosome segment substi-tution lines, CSSL)为材料, 调查和分析CSSL群体及双亲的穗颈长度。结果表明: 在17个置换系中检测到8个控制水稻穗颈长度的数量性状位点(Quantitative trait loci, QTL), 分别位于第2、3、7、8、9和第11染色体; 利用代换作图法, 定位了其中的7个穗颈长度QTL; 其加性效应值介于0.10~3.20之间, 其中qPE-9和qPE-11的加性效应值较大, 平均效应值分别为3.15和2.95, 表现为主效基因特征; qPE-2-2、qPE-3-1、qPE-3-2、qPE-7和qPE-8等5个QTL被定位在小于10.0 cM的区段内。利用CSSL可以有效地鉴定水稻穗颈长度QTL, 这些QTL为分子标记辅助选育穗颈长度适中的水稻品系及其进一步的精细定位奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The rice blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae is one of the most devastating diseases worldwide, and the panicle blast could result in more loss of yield in rice production. However, the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and genes related to panicle-blast resistance have not been well studied due to the time-consuming screening methodology involved and variation in symptoms. The QTLs for panicle blast resistance have been mapped in a population of 162 RILs (recombination inbreeding lines), derived from a cross between a highly blast-resistant rice landrace, Heikezijing, and a susceptible variety, Suyunuo. Two QTLs for panicle-blast resistance, qPbh-11–1 and qPbh-7-1, were identified, which were distributed on chromosomes 11 and 7. The QTL qPbh-11–1 was stably detected in three independent experiments, at Nanjing in 2013 and 2014 and at Hainan in 2014, located between the region of RM27187 and RM27381 on the distal end of chromosome 11 far from the reported resistant loci Pb1 and qPbm11 for panicle blast. The QTL qPbh-7-1 was detected only at Nanjing in 2013 and located between the region of M18 and RM3555 on chromosome 7. With marker-assisted selection (MAS) three introgression lines with the major panicle blast-resistance QTL qPbh-11–1 were developed from a recurrent parent Nanjing 44 (NJ44) and the panicle resistance of introgression lines was improved 46.36–55.47 % more than NJ44. Based on the results provided, Heikezijing appears to be a valuable source for panicle blast resistance.  相似文献   

Green rice leafhopper (GRH, Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler) is one of the insect pests that damage cultivated rice in East Asia. GRH also transmits viruses such as rice dwarf virus. The mortality of GRH nymphs is high in rice cultivar Shingwang, indicating that Shingwang is resistant to GRH. Genetic analyses were performed to map GRH resistance in Shingwang using F2 and F3 populations derived from a cross between a GRH-resistant near-isogenic line (NIL-IS60) from Shingwang and recurrent parent Ilpum. Resistance to GRH in Shingwang was found to be controlled by a single dominant gene (Grh1) mapped within an approximately 670-kb region between 8.10 and 8.77 Mb on the short arm of chromosome 5. Genotypes with three simple sequence repeat markers (RM18166, RM516, and RM18171) and one indel marker (Indel 15040) co-segregated with GRH resistance controlled by the Grh1 locus. A detailed map of the Grh1 locus will facilitate marker-assisted selection of resistance to GRH in rice breeding.  相似文献   

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