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Species composition, distribution, and the character of structural changes in the heterotrophic flagellate community were studied along environmental gradients in the Chernaya River estuary. There were 99 species and forms of heterotrophic flagellates, subdivided into three groups: prevalently marine species and euryhaline species preferring biotopes either of higher or decreased salinity. The heterotrophic flagellate community of the estuary was continuously divided into two distinct variants: (1) cenosis of halophilic species, prevalently of sea forms and euryhaline species preferring biotopes of increased salinity; (2) cenosis of halophobic species with prevalence of euryhaline forms gravitating to fresh biotopes. The arbitrary and indistinct boundary between the variants of the community ran at a salinity of 9–10‰. The response of estuarine communities of heterotrophic flagellates and infusorians to variation of abiotic factors was similar and differed from response of communities of microphyto-, meiozoo-and macrozoobenthos; this implied similarity of the response mechanism to environmental factors in organisms of one level of organization.  相似文献   

The age structure of a dense settlement of Arctica islandica (Bivalvia) near Vysokii Island (Rugozerskaya Guba (bay)) of the White Sea is described. The data collected by trawling in 2003, 2006–2007 and grab sampling in 2009–2011 are summarized. The A. islandica community in the Rugozerskaya Guba was first described in 1953–1959, but to date, no reliable quantitative estimates have been obtained and the community’s size structure was not studied. The size structure of this community was stable over the last eight years; the main part of the community was represented by individuals with a body weight of 3–10 g. It was revealed that the distribution of different A. islandica classes depends on the depth. The majority of the largest individuals were found in the shallowest parts of the study area (9–11 m); middle-size individuals were registered at depths of 9–14 m; and the smallest ones, at depths of 12–17 m.  相似文献   

东海区沙海蜇和浮游动物的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2003—2005年夏、秋季在东、黄海进行的大型水母监测调查资料,分析了沙海蜇及其分布区内浮游动物的数量动态分布特点,研究了浮游动物优势种的生态类型及其种间变化。结果表明:夏季沙海蜇主要分布于29°00′—34°00′N海域,秋季主要分布于31°00′—34°00′N海域;3年间,沙海蜇生物量逐年递减、分布范围逐年变小,但并不影响东海、黄海沙海蜇从夏季至秋季具有由东海北部向黄海逐渐移动的特点;沙海蜇分布海域浮游动物的高生物量密集区一般位于沙海蜇中心区的边缘区域;沙海蜇和浮游动物的生物量在空间分布上存在着明显的负相关关系;浮游动物优势种夏季为中华哲水蚤与长尾类溞状幼体,秋季为中华哲水蚤、肥胖箭虫和小齿海樽。浮游动物与沙海蜇的生物量变化有较好的对应关系,浮游动物生物量大小与主要优势种组成可作为分析年间沙海蛰是否暴发的重要参考。  相似文献   

Understanding what environmental drivers influence marine predator–prey relationships can be key to managing and protecting ecosystems, especially in the face of future climate change risks. This is especially important in environments such as the Black Sea, where strong biogeochemical gradients can drive marine habitat partitioning and ecological interactions. We used underwater video recordings in the north-eastern Black Sea in November 2013 to observe the distribution and behaviour of the Black Sea sprat (Sprattus sprattus phalericus, Risso 1827) and its zooplankton prey. Video recordings have shown that the Black Sea sprat S. sprattus phalericus tolerates severely hypoxic waters near the redoxcline. The school was distributed in the 33–96 m layer [oxygen concentration (O2) 277–84 μmol L−1]. Some individuals were observed to leave the school and descended 20 m deeper for foraging on copepods in the 119–123 m layer (O2 12–10 μmol L−1). Zooplankton appeared concentrated on the upper boundary of the suboxic zone (O2 < 10 μmol L−1). No zooplankton were observed below O2 6–7 μmol L−1 (128 m). Understanding the ability of this species to tolerate low oxygen waters is crucial to predicting future responses to natural and anthropogenic changes in hypoxia.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of zooplankton in the upper 700 mof the water column was investigated across the Almeria–Oranfront (Alboran Sea) during winter 1997/98 (Almofront 2 cruise).Eight sites corresponding to three hydrodynamic structures (theAtlantic jet, an anticyclonic gyre and the surrounding Mediterraneanwaters) were explored, by day and at night, using multiple-netsampling. Results are presented for the major species of copepods(>500 µm), macroplankton and microplankton. Speciesinhabiting the surface layer or occupying it at night extendeddeeper in the gyre. On the other hand, mesopelagic species (e.g.Pleuromamma borealis, Pleuromamma abdominalis, Euphausia krohniand Cyclothone braueri) were found to live deeper, at leastby day for the migrants, in the Mediterranean waters comparedwith the two other structures. These changes in preferentialdepths across the front are discussed in relation to environmentalfeatures, such as light level, abundance of food and mixed layerdepth. This study also documented the vertical distributionof some overwintering copepod species (Calanus helgolandicus,Eucalanus hyalinus and Eucalanus monachus).  相似文献   

Biomass of photosynthetic picoplankton (Bpic), its contribution to the total phytoplankton biomass (Bpic%), chlorophyll a concentration (Chl), and associated hydrophysical characteristics of the water masses in the White Sea were estimated in June 2015 at 47 stations located in the open parts and in the inlets of the Onega and Kandalaksha Bays and in the western part of the Basin. Spatial variability of mean values of Bpic in the photic layer (0.01–1.91 mg C/m3) was preconditioned by sub- and mesoscale heterogeneity of the hydrological conditions. The values of Bpic were higher near the frontal zones than those in the water masses characterized by quasi-homogeneous distribution of the thermohaline characteristics. The relative contribution of Bpic did not exceed 1% at half of the stations and varied from 1 to 8% for the rest of the studied water area. The value of Bpic% reached 40.5% in the Basin and did not exceed 2% during the phytoplankton bloom in Knyazhaya Inlet (Chl > 3 mg/m3) accompanied by the dominance of Skeletonema costatum sensu lato.  相似文献   

According to results of layer-by-layer fishings performed in June 2006 in the Knyazhaya and Kolvitsa estuaries, data on the spatial distribution of larval White Sea herring Clupea pallasi marisalbi during the tidal cycle are provided. In these estuaries, the presence of a system of counter-currents that form a two-layer circulation was revealed. The surface current that is directed to the bay is traced to a depth of 2–4 m; below this, a current directed to the tail part of estuaries was recorded. It was established that larval herrings perform vertical migrations, as a result of which they can be freely drifted from inlets with a surface current and penetrate back from the adjoining water areas with a counter-current, which promotes a decrease in their drift in the open part of Kandalaksha Bay beyond shallow zones of juvenile feeding.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton biomass and abundance were evaluated in epipelagic waters at 59 stations covering the Italian sector of the Ligurian Sea (north-western Mediterranean) in December 1990. This region is characterised by a cyclonic circulation which encloses a central divergence zone and is associated with a main thermohaline front offshore the western Ligurian coast. At the end of autumn, mesozooplankton biomass (range: 0.80–4.24 mg DW m−3) and the abundance (range: 83.8–932 ind. m−3) were lower in the divergence zone. On the contrary, in the Ligurian frontal zone at the periphery of the divergence and on the eastern continental shelf the greatest values of biomass and abundance were recorded. Copepods and appendicularians dominated the mesozooplankton community, the main taxa being the copepods Clausocalanus spp. (46% of total zooplankton) and Oithona spp. (15%) and the appendicularian Fritillaria spp. (12%). Three hydrological sub-regions, i.e. the divergence, the eastern continental shelf and the periphery of the divergence, were characterised by different zooplankton communities and characteristic species. Environmental differences between the three zones were mainly related to changes in bottom topography, sea surface temperatures and quantity of particulate organic matter. Vertical mesozooplankton abundance and taxa distribution from the surface to 1,900 m depth were also examined in one station. The results showed that the bulk of the community was concentrated in the upper 200 m, small copepods being dominant particularly in the upper 50 m. The copepod community was more diversified in sub-superficial waters, with a maximum observed in the 200–400 m layer. The distributions of main zooplankton taxa described in epipelagic waters in the eastern Ligurian Sea in autumn were compared with their distribution at surface in the north-western Mediterranean obtained by sampling performed with the Continuous Plankton Recorder in 1997–1999. The analysis of the zooplankton community in CPR samples confirms the dominance of small copepods (Paracalanus spp., Clausocalanus spp., Oithona spp.) and appendicularians in the north-western Mediterranean in late autumn-winter and shows that their distribution is mainly related to the main mesoscale hydrographic features characterising this basin. Guest editors: S. Souissi & G. A. Boxshall Copepoda in the Mediterranean: Papers from the 9th International Conference on Copepoda, Hammamet, Tunisia  相似文献   

In the Varzuga River (Kola Peninsula), juvenile Atlantic salmon occur at a high mean density of 1·1 individuals per m2, with a relatively low growth rate, reaching c. 8 g at age 3. They migrate to sea at ages 2–4 before they are fully silvered. Mortality is not high and the fish forage in the estuary where they grow fast and acclimate to the pelagic and high salinity habitat.  相似文献   

飞云江口附近海域浮游动物群落特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2010—2011年在飞云江附近海域(27°46'N—27°75'N,120°66'E—121°01'E)秋、冬、春3个季节的调查资料,分析了浮游动物的种类组成及多样性分布、总丰度的平面分布和季节变化及其与水团变化的关系。结果表明:飞云江口附近水域秋、冬、春三季共鉴定出浮游动物60种,分属于11大类;秋季检出浮游动物9大类42种,冬季检出5大类20种,春季检出8大类34种;调查水域浮游动物丰度在秋、冬之间和冬、春之间有较大变化,秋、冬、春三季浮游动物平均丰度分别为221.69、19.52和137.50 ind·m-3;秋、冬、春季种类数近岸较少,外海较多;三季中,秋季浮游动物Shannon多样性指数最高,高值区位于调查水域的东南部,其次为春季,最高值出现在飞云江口外海域,冬季为三季最低,最高值出现在调查水域北侧岛群之间;中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)是冬、春季影响总丰度变化最主要的种类,秋季总丰度变化主要受针刺拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus aculeatus)和百陶箭虫(Sagitta bedoti)影响;各水团随季节变化此消彼长共同作用于研究水域,对该水域浮游动物数量分布和群落组成产生相应的影响。  相似文献   

The barnacle fauna of the White Sea is briefly described. The morphology of barnacle larvae in this water body is comparatively analyzed. The characters important for the larvae identification are given particular attention. A classification key for the naupliar and cyprid larvae of White Sea barnacles is proposed.  相似文献   

Composition, abundance, biomass and distribution of zooplankton in the coastal Canadian Beaufort Sea were studied in the summer of 2005 and 2006. Data were collected from two cross-shelf transects (11 stations in each). Sampling was conducted with vertical hauls using a conical net of 153-μm mesh size. Our results revealed that there are three ecological zones, Intense Plume, Diffuse Plume and oceanic, which are primarily shaped by the highly variable Mackenzie River plume. The Intense Plume Grouping was located at stations influenced greatly by the Mackenzie River, where Podon leuckarti, Pseudocalanus spp., Copepoda nauplii and Limnocalanus macrurus were most abundant. The Diffuse Plume Grouping, that was located in the transitional zone between the river plume and the ocean, had the highest diversity. This grouping was characterised by high abundance of Copepoda nauplii, Polychaeta larvae, Pseudocalanus and L. macrurus. The Oceanic Grouping, located farthest from shore beyond the 85-m depth contour, was mainly inhabited by marine taxa—Calanus glacialis, C. hyperboreus, Triconia (Oncea) borealis and Microcalanus spp.—and had the greatest overall zooplankton abundance and biomass of all groupings.  相似文献   

An analysis of interannual variations of zooplankton composition and biomass in the Kola Section (Barents Sea) in summer was conducted based on the data of 2003–2010. Maximum values of the mean water temperature and temperature anomaly were found in 2006 and in 2007. Variations in the zooplankton composition and relative biomass of common species were studied in relation to climatic factors. It is discussed which parameters may be used as indicators of climatic changes in the southern Barents Sea.  相似文献   

Aspects of Scotia Sea zooplankton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Information on small scale distributions of three species of Antarctic zooplankton is reviewed. Aggregations of the euphausiid Euphausia superba , the tunicate Salpa thompsoni , and the amphipod Parathemisto gaudichaudii are compared, and the manner in which such aggregations mav arise is discussed. A possible relationship between swarming and feeding activity in E. superba is suggested in which krill are thought to be dispersed whilst feeding but that on repletion they swarm. It is thought that this may account for this species' irregular spatial distribution as recorded bv previous expeditions. A further consequence of this theory is that during the Winter swarming will be minimal.  相似文献   

Jamet  Jean-Louis  Bogé  Gérard  Richard  Simone  Geneys  Claude  Jamet  Dominique 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):155-165
The abundance and the diversity of the zooplankton community were studied during an annual cycle in three shallow bays differently affected by anthropogenic inputs of Toulon area in the northwest Mediterranean Sea (France). Environmental variables of water quality were also considered. Our results discriminated Little Bay from the La Garonne and Niel Bay. Little Bay, heavely perturbed by anthropogenic inputs, had high chlorophyll a levels, abundant zooplankton, a low diversity index, a high dominance Index and a single dominant species (Oithona nana). La Garonne Bay and Niel Bay, much less polluted, had low chlorophyll a levels, low zooplankton abundance, low dominance Index and high diversity index and eveness. In addition, O. nana occurred rarely in the latter bays. Zooplankton successions were also different between Little Bay and the two other bays.  相似文献   

Due to a long-lasting drought afflicting the Sahel, the Casamance River has been transformed into a hyperhaline estuary, with salinities up to 170% at a distance of 210 km from the sea. Foraminifera and zooplankton populations both show a marked decrease in the number of species in increasingly confined water, the distribution of species being closely related to the evolution of abiotic variables. Our three-prong study allowed us to identify six zones, upwards from the sea. The uppermost ones are characterized by drastic conditions which considerably reduce the number of species. Therefore, the populations of Foraminifera, zooplankton and even fish become oligo or mono specific. The Casamance River appears to fit quite well into the general rules concerning hyperhaline environments. However, it shows some peculiar features which are: the large dimensions of the hyperhaline estuary (over 230 km long and over 5 km wide in the lower course); peak salinities among the highest known for a permanently open estuary (up to 170%); and water remaining trapped inside the river for several years.  相似文献   

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