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Subtelomeric chromosomal rearrangements detected in patients with idiopathic mental retardation and dysmorphic features: Cryptic aberrations involving the subtelomeric regions of chromosomes are thought to be responsible for idiopathic mental retardation (MR) and multiple congenital anomalies, although the exact incidence of these aberrations is still unclear. With the advent of chromosome-specific telomeric Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) probes, it is now possible to identify submicroscopic rearrangements of distal ends of the chromosomes that can not be detected by conventional cytogenetic methods. In this study, cryptic subtelomeric chromosomal aberrations were detected in two of ten patients with idiopathic MR and dysmorphic features by using FISH probes of subtelomeric regions of all chromosome arms. A cryptic unbalanced de novo translocation was detected between the subtelomeric regions of the chromosome 10p and 18p in a patient with severe mental retardation, sensorineuronal deafness and several dysmorphic features. In the other patient, with mild mental retardation and dysmorphic features, a de novo subtelomeric deletion of chromosome 2q was found. In conclusion, in both familial and sporadic cases with idiopathic MR and dysmorphic features, the detection of chromosomal aberrations including subtelomeric rearrangements is of great importance in offering genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

To screen a selected group of children with idiopathic mental retardation for subtelomeric abnormalities using the fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), which has been reported to be cost-effective in routine applications. We also aimed to assess the availability of the scoring system which is used for selection of those children for FISH analysis. A total of 30 children aged 3-16 years with idiopathic mental retardation (moderate to severe) and normal karyotypes were included in this study. The children whose parents had consanguineous marriages were excluded from the study. All cases were evaluated using the scoring system published by de Vries et al. (5) Forty-one subtelomeric regions for each case were analyzed by fluorescent in situ hybridization. One case with a score value 5 presented terminal deletion of chromosome 9p by FISH (3.3 %). Analyzing chromosomes of the same case with higher resolution G-banding showed the same abnormality. The frequency of subtelomeric abnormalities in our study group was much lower than the frequencies reported in other studies and the scoring criterions suggested by de Vries et al. have not effectively increased our subtelomeric deletion detection rates. Autosomal recessive disorders may be a more common reason compared to subtelomeric abnormalities in this group of patients in the countries where consanguinity rate is high. Laboratories may be encouraged to analyze high-resolution G-banded karyotypes in those cases. Moreover more effective selection criteria for FISH are suggested by establishing thorough genotype-phenotype correlations besides case reports with different subtelomeric abnormalities.  相似文献   



Unbalanced subtelomeric chromosomal rearrangements are often associated with intellectual disability (ID) and malformation syndromes. The prevalence of such rearrangements has been reported to be 5-9% in ID populations.


To study the prevalence of subtelomeric rearrangements in the Indonesian ID population.


We tested 436 subjects with unexplained ID using multiplex ligation dependent probe amplification (MLPA) using the specific designed sets of probes to detect human subtelomeric chromosomal imbalances (SALSA P070 and P036D). If necessary, abnormal findings were confirmed by other MLPA probe kits, fluorescent in situ hybridization or Single Nucleotide Polymorphism array.


A subtelomeric aberration was identified in 3.7% of patients (16/436). Details on subtelomeric aberrations and confirmation analyses are discussed.


This is the first study describing the presence of subtelomeric rearrangements in individuals with ID in Indonesia. Furthermore, it shows that also in Indonesia such abnormalities are a prime cause of ID and that in developing countries with limited diagnostic services such as Indonesia, it is important and feasible to uncover the genetic etiology in a significant number of cases with ID.  相似文献   



Mental retardation (MR) is a heterogeneous dysfunction of the central nervous system exhibiting complex phenotypes and has an estimated prevalence of 1-3% in the general population. However, in about 50% of the children diagnosed with any form of intellectual disability or developmental delay the cause goes undetected contributing to idiopathic intellectual disability.


A total of 122 children with developmental delay/MR were studied to identify the microscopic and submicroscopic chromosome rearrangements by using the conventional cytogenetics and multiplex ligation dependent probe amplification (MLPA) analysis using SALSA MLPA kits from Microbiology Research Centre Holland [MRC] Holland.


All the recruited children were selected for this study, after thorough clinical assessment and metaphases prepared were analyzed by using automated karyotyping system. None was found to have chromosomal abnormality; MLPA analysis was carried out in all subjects and identified in 11 (9%) patients.


Karyotype analysis in combination with MLPA assays for submicroscopic micro-deletions may be recommended for children with idiopathic MR.  相似文献   



Mental retardation (MR) has a prevalence of 1-3% and genetic causes are present in more than 50% of patients. Chromosomal abnormalities are one of the most common genetic causes of MR and are responsible for 4-28% of mental retardation. However, the smallest loss or gain of material visible by standard cytogenetic is about 4 Mb and for smaller abnormalities, molecular cytogenetic techniques such as array comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) should be used. It has been shown that 15-25% of idiopathic MR (IMR) has submicroscopic rearrangements detectable by array CGH. In this project, the genomic abnormalities were investigated in 32 MR patients using this technique.


Patients with IMR with dysmorphism were investigated in this study. Karyotype analysis, fragile X and metabolic tests were first carried out on the patients. The copy number variation was then assessed in a total of 32 patients with normal results for the mentioned tests using whole genome oligo array CGH. Multiple ligation probe amplification was carried out as a confirmation test.


In total, 19% of the patients showed genomic abnormalities. This is reduced to 12.5% once the two patients with abnormal karyotypes (upon re-evaluation) are removed.


The array CGH technique increased the detection rate of genomic imbalances in our patients by 12.5%. It is an accurate and reliable method for the determination of genomic imbalances in patients with IMR and dysmorphism.  相似文献   

Gender Dysphoria is characterized by a marked incongruence between the cerebral sex and biological sex. To investigate the possible influence of karyotype on the etiology of Gender Dysphoria we carried out the cytogenetic analysis of karyotypes in 444 male-to-females (MtFs) and 273 female-to-males (FtMs) that attended the Gender Identity Units of Barcelona and Málaga (Spain) between 2000 and 2016. The karyotypes from 23 subjects (18 MtFs and 5 FtMs) were also analysed by Affymetrix CytoScan? high-density (HD) arrays. Our data showed a higher incidence of cytogenetic alterations in Gender Dysphoria (2.65%) than in the general population (0.53%) (p?<?0.0001). When G-banding was performed, 11 MtFs (2.48%) and 8 FtMs (2.93%) showed a cytogenetic alteration. Specifically, Klinefelter syndrome frequency was significantly higher (1.13%) (p?<?0.0001), however Turner syndrome was not represented in our sample (p?<?0.61). At molecular level, HD microarray analysis revealed a 17q21.31 microduplication which encompasses the gene KANSL1 (MIM612452) in 5 out of 18 MtFs and 2 out of 5 FtMs that corresponds to a copy-number variation region in chromosome 17q21.31. In conclusion, we confirm a significantly high frequency of aneuploidy, specifically Klinefelter syndrome and we identified in 7 out of 23 GD individuals the same microduplication of 572 Kb which encompasses the KANSL1 gene.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of a Greek traditional dance training program on the dynamic balance of individuals with mental retardation (MR). A total of 17 individuals participated in this study. Ten individuals with mild or moderate MR and 7 individuals with mild or moderate MR who studied in special schools were assigned to intervention (MR-I) and control (MR-C) groups, respectively. Pretraining and posttraining exercise tests were performed to determine the dynamic balance ability. Dynamic balance ability was measured by means of a balance deck (Lafayette, Lafayette, IN, USA) in 30-, 45-, and 60-second intervals. The MR-I group underwent a 16-week Greek traditional dance training program at a frequency of 3 times per week and for a duration of 45 minutes per season. Posttraining results showed that the individuals with MR in the MR-I group improved during treatment, from their baseline scores on dynamic balance measurements (30 seconds: p < 0.01, 45 seconds: p < 0.05, 60 seconds: p < 0.05). The MR-C group did not show any improvement between the 2 measurements. In conclusion, individuals with MR may be able to improve their dynamic balance when performing a systematic and well-designed Greek traditional dance training program.  相似文献   

The results of clinical, genealogical, cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies of 113 patients from 96 families with different forms of mental retardation from Ukraine are presented. This study was held as part of the CHERISH project of the 7-th Framework Program. The aim of the project is to improve diagnostics of mental retardation in children in Eastern Europe and Central Asia through detailed analysis of known chromosomal and gene's aberrations and to find the new gene-candidates that cause mental retardation. All patients have normal chromosome number (46XY or 46XX). The cases with fragile-X syndrome were eliminated using molecular genetic methods. Genome rearrangements were found among 28 patients using cytogenetic analysis, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA analysis) ofsubtelomeric regions and array-based comparative genomic hybridisation (array CGH screening). In 10 cases known pathogenic CNV's were identified, 11 cases are unknown aberrations; their pathogenicity is being determined. The rest cases are known nonpathogenic gene rearrangements. Obtained results show the strong genetic heterogeneity of hereditary forms of mental retardation. The further studies will allow to identificate genes candidates and certain mutations in these genes that may be associated with this pathology.  相似文献   

We report on a patient with severe mental retardation, dysmorphic features as well as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. G-banding indicated two independent karyotypic anomalies in this patient: an interstitial deletion del(X)(p21p22.3) and a rearrangement involving chromosomes 1 and 7, which represents a direct insertion, ins(7;1)(q36;p13.2p31.2). Non-random inactivation of the paternally derived del(X) chromosome was observed in blood lymphocytes and fibroblasts. High resolution analysis of the rearrangement involving chromosomes 1 and 7 subsequently revealed the additional submicroscopic deletion of at least 5 Mb at the 1p13.2 breakpoint. The deletion occurred on the paternal chromosome and encompasses the PTPN22 gene, already known to be associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Our findings underline the importance of closely investigating the breakpoint regions of apparently balanced rearrangements in patients with abnormal phenotypes since complex chromosomal rearrangements (CCRs) may turn out to be unbalanced. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths in the developed world. There is no widely accepted method to screen for this cancer. The most commonly used method remains conventional sputum cytology, but this method is hampered by low sensitivity. We tested the hypothesis that sensitivity of sputum cytology for early lung cancer can be greatly improved by using image analysis of sputum cells, at a modest reduction of specificity.The study was double-blinded and used sputum samples from subjects with well-characterized clinical diagnoses. There were 177 cancers, 98 dysplasias, and 558 normals. The study samples were separated into two independent sets: training set and test set. Sputum samples were collected prospectively from subjects with a high probability of having lung cancer. Seven institutions from five countries participated in the study. All subjects had complete clinical diagnoses which included, as a minimum, negative chest x-rays for all negative cancers, while all cancers had confirmed tissue pathology. Samples were prepared according to the Saccomanno method. For conventional cytology, slides were stained using Papanicolaou stain. For image analysis, slides were stained using a DNA-specific (Feulgen-Thionin) stain. An automated, high-resolution image cytometer was used for measurements.At 90% specificity, sensitivity of 60% can be achieved for adenocarcinoma, compared to only 14% sensitivity of conventional cytology (at 99% specificity). Similarly, 45% sensitivity at 90% specificity can be reached for stages 0 and I lung cancer, compared to only 14% (at 99% specificity) using conventional cytology.Cytometry combined with conventional cytology shows an increase in sensitivity to early-stage cancer and to adenocarcinomas compared to conventional cytology alone. While the results are encouraging, the sensitivity to detect early lung cancer should be further improved to 70-80% at 90-95% specificity before this test can be considered for screening of high-risk individuals for lung cancer. Cytometry (Clin. Cytometry) 50:168-176, 2002.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome is the most common inherited form of familial mental retardation. It results from a (CGG) n trinucleotide expansion in the FMR1 gene leading to the typical Martin-Bell phenotype. Clinical features vary depending on age and sex. Expansion of a (CCG) n repeat in the FMR2 gene corresponds to the FRAXE fragile site which lies distal to FRAXA and is also associated with mental retardation, but it is less frequent and lacks a consistent phenotype. Analysis of repeat expansions in these two genes allows the molecular diagnosis of these different entities. We report here the screening of the FRAXA and FRAXE mutations in 222 unrelated mentally retarded individuals attending Spanish special schools. PCR and/or Southern blotting methods were used. We detected full mutations in the FMR1 gene in 11 boys (4.9%) and 1 boy (0.5%) with a CCG repeat expansion in the FMR2 gene. The latter shows mild mental retardation with psychotic behaviour and no remarkable physical traits. Molecular studies revealed a mosaicism for methylation in the FMR2 gene. This case supports the observation that expansions greater than 100 repeats can be partially methylated and cause the phenotype. Received: 11 February 1997 / Accepted: 9 June 1997  相似文献   

This review focuses on the 19 identified genes involved in X-linked "non-syndromic" mental retardation (MR) and defines the signaling pathways in which they are involved, focusing on emerging common mechanisms. The majority of proteins are involved in three distinct pathways: (1) Rho GTPases pathway modulating neuronal differentiation and synaptic plasticity; (2) Rab GTPases pathway regulating synaptic vesicle cycling; (3) gene expression regulation. The function of four proteins (ACSL4, AT2, SLC6A8, and SAP102) could not be reconciled to a common pathway. From a clinical point of view, the review discusses whether some common dysmorphic features can be identified even in non-syndromic MR patients and whether it is correct to maintain the distinction between "non-syndromic" and "syndromic" MR.  相似文献   

Summary A cytogenetic study, done on randomized coded slides, of 90 patients with idiopathic mental retardation and at least 3 other developmentally independent congenital anomalies and of 90 normal subjects is reported. Audiatorography, Q-banding and C-staining were used in the analysis of chromosomally abnormal cases. Eight patients were found to have chromosome abnormalities. Four had substantial chromosome aberrations that would be expected to cause abnormal phenotype. These were CD165 (46,18q-); CD25 (46,18q+) (partial trisomy of 10q); CD175 (46,4q+) and CD95 (46,mar22). In addition, 4 patients were found to have chromosomal anomalies that could not account for their conditions. Three of these were considered to have heterochromatic variants. Patient CD167 had an 9qh+ chromosome which had been inherited from her mother. Case CD137 had a No. 19 chromosome with additional centric heterochromatin. A similar chromosome was found in her mother, maternal grandmother and 2 of 3 half sibs. In patient CD125 a telocentric No. 13 was found. In addition, CD80 was shown to have an XYY constitution.In the normal subjects, no unbalanced chromosome rearrangements were found. Four persons, however, had minor chromosome anomalies. Three were considered to have heterochromatic variants. These were CD54 (46,22p+); CD149 (46,21p+) and CD19 (46,tel22). One normal subject (CD51) was found to be a balanced t(13q14q) carrier. The translocation chromosome had been inherited from his father.  相似文献   

The simultaneous identification, by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH), of each chromosome in a distinct colour became feasible a few years ago. The key question in the application of this and many other developments in molecular cytogenetics to clinical situations is whether the results add significant further information that is relevant to the diagnosis. So far, limited data exist regarding how much improvement the technique brings to the diagnosis of phenotypically abnormal individuals in whom no abnormalities have been detected by conventional G-banding analysis. Because of the lack of a conclusive diagnosis, genetic counselling, estimation of recurrence risk and prenatal diagnosis of these individuals and their relatives is problematic. We report a study with 24-colour whole-chromosome painting of 10 familial and 11 isolated cases with abnormal phenotypes and normal G-banding karyotypes. Previously undetected unbalanced translocations were revealed in two cases. The value and current cost-effectiveness of multicolour FISH for cytogenetic diagnosis is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports selected results of a quantitative study of the affective behavior of the Efe, exchange-dependent hunter-gatherers of the Ituri forest in northeastern Zaire. Measures of the amount and kind of affective display were based on systematic, direct observation of the routine behavior of three Efe bands in residential settings (camps), using a new technique to characterize affect-laden behavior according to nonlinguistic information conveyed in the voice. Resulting data provide a direct measure of the affective milieu of a foraging people, providing an objective indicator of the subjective impact of social and ecological conditions, which are thought to affect quality of life. In this paper, measures of "camp mood" are used to explore the psychosocial impact of a 3-month period of acute food shortage that occurred in the Ituri Project study area in 1983. Contrary to expectation, rates of behaviors conveying pleasure did not exhibit significant change, whereas a 44% increase in expressions of displeasure and a 17% drop in use of complaint tones were observed during the period of hunger. This and other findings support the view that systematic, direct observation in natural habitats can increase our understanding, both of the functions of affective behavior, and of the affective dimension of quality of life.  相似文献   

Pulmonary emphysema and bronchiectasis in HIV seropositive patients has been described in the presence of injection drug use, malnutrition, repeated opportunistic infections, such as Pneumocytis jirovici pneumonia and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, and has been linked to the presence of HIV virus in lung tissue. Given the high burden of pulmonary infections and malnutrition among people living with HIV in resource poor settings, these individuals may be at increased risk of developing pulmonary emphysema, potentially reducing the long term benefit of antiretroviral therapy (ART) if initiated late in the course of HIV infection. In this report, we describe three HIV-infected individuals (one woman and two children) presenting with extensive pulmonary cystic disease.  相似文献   

Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL) has a characteristic clinical presentation, morphology, and immunophenotype, representing a clinically favorable subgroup of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). By gene expression profiling (GEP), PMBCL shares features with classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL). Of further interest, BCL6 gene mutations and BCL6 and/or MUM1 expression in a number of PMBCLs have supported an activated B-cell (ABC) origin. Several studies, including GEP, have failed to detect BCL2 gene rearrangements (GRs) in PMBCL. An index case of t(14; 18)+ PMBCL prompted our study of the incidence of BCL2 GRs in PMBCL by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses and its possible clinical impact. Twenty-five retrospectively identified, well-defined PMBCLs (five with cytogenetics) from three institutions were analyzed for a BCL2 GR by PCR/FISH analyses. The formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of 24 available cases were also analyzed by BCL2 immunohistochemistry (IHC). Of the five with cytogenetics, two had a t(14; 18) (q32; q21). Of the 25 analyzed by PCR, 2 had no amplifiable DNA (aDNA), including 1 t(14; 18)+ case. Of those with aDNA, two showed a BCL2 GR; by FISH analysis, three demonstrated a BCL2 GR. BCL2 protein expression by IHC analysis was variably detected in 21 out of 24 (strongly, uniformly expressed: 6, including all with a t(14; 18) or a BCL2 gene rearrangement; moderately weakly expressed in a subset of the malignant cells: 15). Available clinical follow-up of this BCL2+ subset showed a similar course to the other PMBCL cases. Our results imply that a subset of PMBCL [(4 out of 24 analyzed) in our series] may be of GC origin. A larger study is necessary to determine any clinical significance.  相似文献   

In the debate about whether to return individual genetic results to research participants, consideration of the nature of results has taken precedence over contextual factors associated with different study designs and populations. We conducted in-depth interviews with 24 individuals who participated in a genotype-driven study of cystic fibrosis: 9 of the individuals had cystic fibrosis, 15 had participated as healthy volunteers, and all had gene variants of interest to the researchers. These interviews revealed that the two groups had different ideas about the meaningfulness of genetic results. Our findings point to the importance of understanding research context, such as participants' relationship with the researcher and whether they have the disease condition under study, when considering whether to return individual results.  相似文献   

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