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Exo-antigens from the supernatant medium of in vitro cultures of Toxoplasmsa gondii on Vero and MRC5 cells have been characterized by different immunological techniques: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE), twodimensional immunoelectrophoresis (2-DIEP) and gel electrophoresis of derivated ELISA (GEDELISA). These exo-antigens are similar in molecular sizes, thermostability and of proteic nature with glucidic components. Their enzymatic properties and precipitation arcs differ. The exo-antigens, produced on Vero cells (monkey kidney cells), seem to be more antigenic than those produced on MRC5 cells (human foetal lung cells). The formaldehyde treatment stabilizes the exo-antigens, in spite of eliminating certain epitopes, and increases their migration rate; it has practically no effect on their enzymatic or antigenic activities. The pI of the formolated exo-antigens produced on MRC5 cells are mainly under 5.06.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo characterization of neural stem cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Neural stem cells are defined as clonogenic cells with self-renewal capacity and the ability to generate all neural lineages (multipotentiality). Cells with these characteristics have been isolated from the embryonic and adult central nervous system. Under specific conditions, these cells can differentiate into neurons, glia, and non-neural cell types, or proliferate in long-term cultures as cell clusters termed "neurospheres". These cultures represent a useful model for neurodevelopmental studies and a potential cell source for cell replacement therapy. Because no specific markers are available to unequivocally identify neural stem cells, their functional characteristics (self-renewal and multipotentiality) provide the main features for their identification. Here, we review the experimental and ultrastructural studies aimed at identifying the morphological characteristics and the antigenic markers of neural stem cells for their in vitro and in vivo identification.  相似文献   

The in vitro and in vivo characterization of cell-loaded immobilization devices is an important challenge in cell encapsulation technology for the long-term efficacy of this approach. In the present paper, alginate-poly-l-lysine-alginate (APA) microcapsules containing erythropoietin (Epo)-secreting C2C12 myoblasts have been elaborated, characterized, and tested both in vitro and in vivo. High mechanical and chemical resistance of the elaborated microcapsules was observed. Moreover, the in vitro cultured encapsulated cells released 81.9 +/- 8.2 mIU/mL/24 h (by 100 cell-loaded microcapsules) by day 7, reaching the highest peak at day 21 (161.7 +/- 0.9 mIU/mL/24 h). High and constant hematocrit levels were maintained over 120 days after a single subcutaneous administration of microcapsules and lacking immunosuppressive protocols. No major host reaction was observed. On the basis of the results obtained in our study, cell encapsulation technology might be considered a suitable therapeutic strategy for the long-term delivery of biologically active products, such as Epo.  相似文献   

To better characterize the cells involved in newt limb regeneration, blastemal cells from accumulation and differentiation phase blastemas were grown in dissociated cell culture, and their morphology and antigenic phenotype determined using a variety of antibodies directed against intermediate filaments, cell adhesion molecules, and extracellular matrix molecules. In addition to previously described blastemal cell morphologies, many of the cells in these cultures had a round cell body, with an eccentrically placed nucleus and a cytoplasm filled with autofluorescent granules. The majority of accumulation phase blastemal cells labeled with antibodies against GFAP, vimentin, 22/18 as well as with antibodies against NCAM, L-1, laminin, and fibronectin. The majority of differentiation phase blastemal cells had a similar phenotype but lacked expression of vimentin and fibronectin. Comparison of the blastemal phenotype in vitro and in vivo showed similar expression characteristics. However, in differentiation phase blastemas, laminin immunoreactivity was concentrated in specific locations. In addition, the proliferation of cultured blastemal cells is stimulated by the addition of a crude brain extract, consistent with previous studies in vivo and in vitro. Taken together, these observations suggest that dissociated cultures of newt limb blastemal cells provide a suitable model for the analysis of the cell and molecular mechanisms involved in limb regeneration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women. Tumors of unknown origin account for 5-15% of malignant neoplasms, with 1.5% corresponding to breast cancer. We selected an immunohistochemical panel with conventional and newer markers, such as mammaglobin, for the detection of neoplastic cells of breast origin. The specific objectives are: 1) to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the panel, with an especial emphasis on the inclusion of the mammaglobin marker, and 2) to compare immunohistochemistry performed on whole tissue sections and on Tissue Micro-Array. Methods. Twenty-nine metastatic breast tumors were included and assumed as tumors of unknown origin. Other 48 biopsies of other tissues were selected and assumed as negative controls. Tissue Micro-Array was performed. Immunohistochemistry for mammaglobin, gross cystic disease fluid protein-15, estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and cytokeratin 7 was done. Results. Mammaglobin positive staining was observed in 10/29 cases, in 13/29 cases for gross cystic disease fluid protein-15, in 20/29 cases for estrogen receptor, 9/29 cases for progesterone receptor, and in 25/29 cases for cytokeratin 7. Among the negative controls, mammaglobin was positive in 2/48, and gross cystic disease fluid protein-15 in 4/48. Conclusions. The inclusion of MAG antibody in the immunohistochemical panel for the detection of tumors of unknown origin increased the probability of detecting metastasis of breast cancer. For the diagnostic strategy with the highest positive predictive value (87.5%), hormone receptors and mammaglobin were considered in serial, non-parallel manner.  相似文献   

Summary In previous studies, mouse cells grown in medium supplemented with horse serum (HS) developed more chromosomal aberrations and underwent malignant transformation earlier than cells from the same pool grown with fetal bovine serum (FBS) supplement. In the present study cells derived from C3Hf/HeN mouse embryos were grown in medium NCTC-135 supplemented with various combinations of large- and small-molecule fractions of HS and FBS in an effort to determine the effective components. The results indicate that the large-molecule fraction of HS (mare or stallion) produces alterations in chromosome number and structure. HS is also shown to cause chromatid breaks and exchanges at or near the centromere in contrast to fluorescent-light-induced breaks which occur randomly along the chromatid. However, efforts to control completely chromosome stability and malignant transformation through the use of large-and small-molecule fractions of HS and FBS or combinations thereof were unsuccessful. In comnection with this study, diagnosis of malignant transformation in vitro was made by a direct sampling method based on cytologic criteria previously described and documented. With one exception, the diagnoses of 11 different cell lines were consistent with results of in vivo assays.  相似文献   

The in vitro effects of 4 arylimidamides (DB811, DB786, DB750 and DB766) against the proliferative tachyzoite stage of the apicomplexan parasite Besnoitia besnoiti were investigated. These four compounds had been shown earlier to exhibit in vitro activities in the nanomolar range against the related apicomplexans Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii. Real-time-PCR was used to assess B. besnoiti intracellular proliferation in vitro. Preliminary assessment by light microscopy identified DB811 and DB750 as the most promising compounds, while DB786 and DB766 were much less effective. Three-day-growth assays and quantitative real-time PCR was used for IC50 determination of DB811 (0.079 μM) and DB750 (0.56 μM). Complete growth inhibition was observed at 1.6 μM for DB 811 and 1.7 μM for DB750. However, when infected cultures were treated for 14 days, proliferation of parasites occurred again in cultures treated with DB750 from day 4 onwards, while the proliferation of DB811-treated tachyzoites remained inhibited. Electron microscopy of B. besnoiti-infected fibroblast cultures fixed and processed at different time-points following the initiation of drug treatments revealed that DB811 exerted a much higher degree of ultrastructural alterations compared to DB750. These results show that arylimidamides such as DB811 could potentially become an important addition to the anti-parasitic arsenal for food animal production, especially in cattle.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of Vero cells and other somatic cells on in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes. Both denuded oocytes and oocytes with intact cumuli (COCs) were cultured on monolayer of Vero cells, cumulus cells and granulosa cells. The effect of gonadotropins was investigated after the addition of gonadotropins to the culture medium. The evaluation using analysis of variance revealed that removal of cumulus cells generally reduced the percentage of oocytes completing their maturation in vitro and that this effect could not be overcome by the addition of gonadotropins to the culture medium. However, in individual experiments, when oocytes were co-cultured with different monolayers of somatic cells, Vero cells were able significantly support the maturation of denuded oocytes, and their beneficial effect was further enhanced by the addition of gonadotropins (76 vs 80.9%). We did not observe a similar effect after the co-culture of oocytes with a monolayer of cumulus cells (65.3 and 53%, respectively). Granulosa cell monolayer delayed maturation in the both COCs and denuded oocytes (10.5 and 16.5%, respectively). In vitro fertilization was successful in most of the experimental groups. However, when denuded oocytes were cultured without any somatic cell support, they did not decondense the penetrated sperm head after in vitro fertilization. This study demonstrates that 1) Vero cells beneficially affect the in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes; 2) cumulus cells in the form of monolayer lose their beneficial influence on in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes; and 3) granulosa cells and FSH and LH alone (without somatic cells) do not show positive effects on in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes.  相似文献   

We describe a novel human gene, named SEL-OB/SVEP1, expressed by skeletal tissues in vivo and by cultured osteogenic cells. The mRNA expression was analyzed on frozen tissues retrieved by laser-capture microscope dissection (LCM) and was detected in osteogenic tissues (periosteum and bone) but not in cartilage or skeletal muscle. The SEL-OB/SVEP1 cDNA of 11,139 bp was in silico translated into a 3574AA protein with expected molecular weight of 370 kDa. The protein is composed of multiple domains including complement control protein (CCP) modules with selectin superfamily signature; sushi and other domains, such as vWA, EGF, PTX, and HYR. Stromal osteogenic cells were analyzed for the protein expression using anti-SEL-OB/SVEP1 for immuno-precipitation and Western blot application confirm the presence of high molecular weight protein. Immuno-histochemistry and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) were applied to detect SEL-OB/SVEP1 on the surface of stromal cells. ELISA quantified the dependence of protein expression on cell density. Bioinformatic analysis of SEL-OB/SVEP1 revealed domains compositions recognized in cell surface molecules and suggested its role in cell adhesion. Analysis of mesechymal osteogenic cells' adhesion in presence of anti-SEL-OB/SVEP1 antibody demonstrated its interference with initial adhesion stages. In summary, present study describes novel SEL-OB/SVEP1 protein with a unique composition of functional domains, restricted pattern of expression in skeletal cells and demonstrated involvement in attachment of mesenchymal cells. The unusual composition of functional domains puts SEL-OB/SVEP1 in the discrete new group of membrane proteins involved in cell adhesion processes. All together makes SEL-OB/SVEP1 an attractive marker for studying the role of stromal osteogenic cells and their interactions within the bone marrow microenvironment creating a network that regulates the skeletal homeostasis.  相似文献   

An in vitro 51Cr release assay for human antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) against HeLa cells infected with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has been characterized by using leukophoresed and adherent cell-depleted adult lymphocytes. Lymphoytes from RSV seronegative children were also competent as effector cells. Sera from children with :1) primary and recurrent natural RSV infections, or 2) live attenuated RSV vaccine infection were examined to characterize the behavior of ADCC antibody in vivo. After natural RSV infection ADCC antibody rose and fell more rapidly than neutralizing antibody. In two children undergoing primary RSV infection with attenuated vaccine, neutralizing antibody was formed in the absence of detectable ADCC antibody. The nonparallel behavior of ADCC and neutralizing antibodies suggests the heterogeneity of either the antigen involved or the mechanism of antibody production in the two antibody systems.  相似文献   

The complement system is one potential cytotoxic effector mechanism that might be effective in immunotherapy of cancer using monoclonal antibodies (mAb) directed against tumor antigens. In order to evaluate the treatment outcome from trials using mAb in cancer patients, assessment of complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) may therefore be of interest. Here we describe the elaboration of a CDC assay in vitro using a rat hepatoma cell line, H4-II-E, as target cells sensitised with mAb F12, directed against the tumor-associated ganglioside antigen fucosyl-GM1. Sensitised cells were incubated with various concentrations of fresh serum as complement source for 48 h and cytotoxicity was then assessed by the tetrazolium bromide (MTT) test. A large variation in CDC efficacy was observed between individual serum donors. No differences in CDC could be seen between healthy donors and cancer patients. The CDC showed a strong correlation to the serum concentrations of complement factor C4, supporting the validity of the assay. Our results suggest that there may be significant variations in complement function within and between individuals that might influence the outcome of clinical mAb therapy. The H4/F12 CDC assay described here, together with measurement of individual complement factors, such as C4, should be further validated in cancer patients at various disease stages and phases of treatment. Received: 25 November 1999 / Accepted: 13 January 2000  相似文献   

Adjuvant-induced nonspecific supressor cells: in vitro and in vivo studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The in vitro mitogen responses of spleen cells from mice injected ip with the nonantigenic adjuvant, Al(OH)3, are markedly depressed. This depressed reactivity was found to be mediated by a population of nylon wool adherent, Fc-receptor-bearing suppressor cells. Suppressor cells were detected only in the spleens of the adjuvant-treated mice, as the response of lymph node cells to mitogenic stimulation in vitro was found comparable to that of normal controls. Moreover, elevated levels of suppressive activity could be detected in sera of Al(OH)3-treated mice during the first week after adjuvant administration, which, however, did not correlate with either the long-lasting presence of suppressor cells or the in vivo normal immune response of the adjuvant-treated animals. Studies designed to test the effect of suppressor cells on the generation of splenic PFC in vivo revealed that both the direct and indirect PFC responses against SRBC inoculated iv were enhanced rather than suppressed, as compared to those of the normal controls. Furthermore, the level of cytotoxic lymphocytes generated in spleens of Al(OH)3-treated mice immunized with allogeneic tumor cells was equal to or higher than that of the normal controls. In view of the present results, we feel that the concept that splenic, nonspecific suppressor cells (macrophages) are immunosuppressive in vivo as well as the in vivo relevance of in vitro findings should be carefully reevaluated.  相似文献   

We present here a unique engineered collagen formulation that is injectable and compacts into a porous viscoelastic solid after implantation, achieving completely focal application without cross-linking. This implant provides a cohesive continuously porous matrix, as demonstrated by permeability and compression experiments. Those experiments also provide initial mechanical characterization of the material and establish the ability to modify these essential properties by design. Further, the short-term compaction and long-term stability of the implant in vivo in terms of both physical and histological responses are assessed in an animal model to demonstrate the mechanism of action and long-term persistence of this novel material.  相似文献   

Tobacco etch virus protease (TEVp) is frequently applied in the cleavage of fusion protein. However, production of TEV protease in Escherichia coli is hampered by low yield and poor solubility, and auto-cleavage of wild type TEVp gives rise to the loss-of-function. Previously it was reported that TEVp S219V displayed more stability, and TEVp variant containing T17S/N68D/I77V and double mutant L56V/S135G resulted in the enhanced production and solubility, respectively. Here, we introduced T17S/N68D/I77V in TEVp S219V to generate TEVpM1 and combined five amino acid mutations (T17S/L56V/N68D/I77V/S135G) in TEVp S219V to create TEVpM2. Among TEVp S219V, and two constructed variants, TEVpM2 displayed highest solubility and catalytic activity in vivo, using EmGFP as the solubility reporter, and the designed fusion protein as in vivo substrate containing an N-terminal hexahistidine tagged GST, a peptide sequence for thrombin and TEV cut and E. coli diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase. The purified TEVp mutants fused with double hexahistidine-tag at N and C terminus showed highest yield, solubility and cleavage efficiency. Mutations of five amino acid residues in TEVpM2 slightly altered protein secondary structure conformed by circular dichroism assay.  相似文献   

Human foreskin cell cultures in scheduled DNA synthesis (S phase) of the cell cycle were exposed to UV irradiation at a dose of 10 J · m?2 in the presence of insulin. These treated cell populations, when selectively passaged in a high amino acid supplemented complete growth medium (CM) after 20 Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (pH 6.8) (PDL), were able to be grown in soft agar. These treated cell populations were also grown in 1% serum supplemented growth medium and at 41°C in 10% serum supplemented growth medium. Cell populations 4–5 PDL after treatment exhibited altered colony morphology and altered lectin agglutination profiles but would not grow in soft agar. These events appeared to be associated with the early stages in the expression phase of the transformed phenotype. After 20 PDL, we observed that these cells would grow in soft agar at a frequency of 20 colonies/105 cells seeded in soft agar. The cell populations derived from these colonies, when propagated and injected into the nude mice, formed myxofibromas at the injection sites rather than the type of tumor (fibrosarcoma) previously described for chemical carcinogen-induced neoplasms.  相似文献   

One of the current criteria for evaluating the acceptability of cell lines for use in vaccine production is lack of tumorigenicity. Vero cells represent an example of a class of cells known as continuous cell lines. They were derived from African green monkey kidney, and their growth properties and culture characteristics have many advantages over other cell substrates for use in vaccine production. We have tested Vero cells for tumorigenicity in nude mice and in a human muscle organ culture system, and found a significant increase in their tumorigenic potential with increasing passage numbers. Cells at passage 232 and higher produced nodules in all nude mice inoculated. Histologically the nodules were well defined, anaplastic tumors, which exhibited some of the characteristics of renal adenocarcinomas. In about 6 to 8 days all of the nodules began to regress. Data were obtained that suggested an immune mechanism was the basis for the regression phenomenon.  相似文献   

Potential of embryonic and adult stem cells in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent developments in the field of stem cell research indicate their enormous potential as a source of tissue for regenerative therapies. The success of such applications will depend on the precise properties and potentials of stem cells isolated either from embryonic, fetal or adult tissues. Embryonic stem cells established from the inner cell mass of early mouse embryos are characterized by nearly unlimited proliferation, and the capacity to differentiate into derivatives of essentially all lineages. The recent isolation and culture of human embryonic stem cell lines presents new opportunities for reconstructive medicine. However, important problems remain; first, the derivation of human embryonic stem cells from in vitro fertilized blastocysts creates ethical problems, and second, the current techniques for the directed differentiation into somatic cell populations yield impure products with tumorigenic potential. Recent studies have also suggested an unexpectedly wide developmental potential of adult tissue-specific stem cells. Here too, many questions remain concerning the nature and status of adult stem cells both in vivo and in vitro and their proliferation and differentiation/transdifferentiation capacity. This review focuses on those issues of embryonic and adult stem cell biology most relevant to their in vitro propagation and differentiation. Questions and problems related to the use of human embryonic and adult stem cells in tissue regeneration and transplantation are discussed.  相似文献   

Translocation of dimeric IgA through neoplastic colon cells in vitro.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
We studied the translocation of dimeric IgA across epithelium, using neoplastic human colon cells in culture as a source of epithelial cells, and immunoelectronmicroscopy with peroxidase-labeled antigens and antibodies. The cells had some of the ultrastructural characteristics of normal, mature epithelial cells, i.e., polarity, desmosomal junctions, and secretory component on their basal and lateral plasma membranes. Horseradish peroxidase-labeled dimeric IgA, exposed to the cells at 0 degrees C, bound selectively to secretory component on the cell surfaces. At 37 degrees C, the bound dimeric IgA was taken into the cells by endocytosis and transported apically through the cytoplasm in vesicles. After 30 min, IgA was discharged across the apical surface. Neither colchicine (10(-4) M) nor cytochalasin B (10(-5) M) interfered with binding or endocytosis of dimeric IgA, but colchicine inhibited intracellular transport of the IgA-containing vesicles. These experiments demonstrated that dimeric IgA can be transported through living intestinal epithelial cells in vitro. The transport includes 1) specific binding of IgA dimers to secretory component on plasma membranes, 2) endocytosis of IgA in vesicles, 3) transcytoplasmic transport of the IgA-containing vesicles by a process involving microtubules, and 4) discharge of IgA at the apical surfaces.  相似文献   

We report that a monoclonal antibody directed against phosphorylated neurofilaments (SMI 31) recognizes nuclear antigens present in embryonic but not in adult neural cells. On Western blots, the antibody reacts with four proteins of apparent MW 35, 37, 52/54, and 250 KD which are found exclusively in developing brain tissue. These nuclear antigens are expressed by glial and neuronal cells. Both nuclear staining and immunoreactive proteins decrease with ongoing in vitro differentiation. A computer search for proteins that share the epitope recognized by antibody SMI 31 did not yield any proteins of known nuclear localization that exhibit the same molecular weights and solubility characteristics as the above immunoreactive proteins. We conclude that antibody SMI 31 recognizes hitherto unknown nuclear proteins which, in neural cells, are developmentally regulated.  相似文献   

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