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A method is presented for quantification of aquatic nature conservation value based on desmid assemblages present. Species richness (indicative of internal structural and functional differentiation of the ecosystem), the occurrence of rare taxa (often indicative of particular environmental conditions) and the presence of species indicative of ecosystem maturity are the parameters chosen to determine conservation value. For the sake of utility, schemes have been developed to transform the values scored for the various parameters to a simple scale ranging from 0 to 10, relative to regional and historical standards. By way of illustration, two examples are presented. The first shows the decline of desmid-related conservation value along a gradient of increasing eutrophication in a series of interconnected shallow lakes, the other illustrates the course of this value through time in a polluted and subsequently restored moorland pool.  相似文献   

A detailed qualitative investigation of the desmid community in the territory of the Province of Vojvodina (Northern Serbia, part of the Pannonian Plain) revealed a surprisingly high number of desmid taxa. Although most of the desmids were marked as rare, according to the results of physico-chemical analyses of water samples, several taxa were frequently recorded in habitats that are generally deemed unsuitable for desmids. The ecological characteristics of 18 desmid taxa, some of which known as acidophilic and/or oligotrophic, are briefly discussed. The unexpected presence of many desmid taxa is explained by assuming that their tolerance threshold to various physico-chemical parameters has changed considerably. Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia.  相似文献   

Zooplankton associations in the swamps of southern Sudan   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
J. Green 《Hydrobiologia》1984,113(1):93-98
Samples from the main Nile channel yield a poor zooplankton, deficient in species and heavily laden with organic debris. Samples from side arms and floodplain lakes yield a richer zooplankton, often containing 15–20 species of rotifers and ten or more species of Crustacea. When the floodplain lakes are heavily vegetated the number of species increases. For the Crustacea the index of diversity () normally varies between 0.6 and 2.4, but in a side arm of the Bahr el Zeraf it reaches 6.1 and in Lake Ambadi on the Bahr el Ghazal it reaches 8.4. The diversity of the rotifers is somewhat higher, normally ranging between 2 and 4.5, but reaching 23 in Lake Ambadi. The zooplankton of Lake Ambadi is the most distinctive and contains several species not found at other stations. The reasons for the peculiar zooplankton of Lake Ambadi are discussed.  相似文献   

The desmid flora of mesotrophic Lake Maarsseveen I, eutrophic Lake Maarsseveen II, as well as the interconnecting broads was studied during the period 1987–1991. Seasonal perodicity of euplanktonicStaurastrum andCosmarium species in the two Maarsseveen lakes fitted the well-known general pattern of desmid abundance peaks in (late) summer time. The deviating seasonality of two euplanktonicClosterium species (C. aciculare andC. acutum var.variabile) could be related to special nutritional demands. The tychoplanktonic desmid flora encountered in the interconnecting system of peat pits and canals proved to be more diversified as the influence of nutrient-poor seepage on the habitat (appearing from conductivity, transparency and the occurrence of particular macrophyte species) was greater. The rare speciesEuastrum germanicum andHeimansia pusilla had been only incidentally recorded in The Netherlands. Hanny Kooyman-van Blokland untimely died at the age of forty, in March 1994.  相似文献   

At 6 sites in 5 mesotrophic softwater lakes in the wetland Zwart Water (Belgium), periphyton samples were collected on different substrates ranging from macrophytes to mosses and sandy sediment. Significant differences between substrates were observed at 5 out of 6 sites studied. The differences between the substrates, however, could not be related to known effects of these substrates on their chemical environment (e.g., excretion of H+ ions, CO2 or allelopatic substances) nor to their morphology. Therefore, differences between substrates were probably related to differences in local environmental conditions associated with these substrates. Differences in desmid community composition between substrates within a lake were always smaller than differences with samples from other lakes.  相似文献   

Diversity and ecology of desmids of peat bogs in the Jizerské hory Mts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study focuses on diversity and ecological preferences of desmids in peat bogs in the Jizerské hory Mts (Czech Republic). Altogether 76 desmid algae taxa have been recorded at 18 sites of the study area during our investigation in 2003–2006. Taxa Actinotaenium crassiusculum (De Bary) Teiling, Hyalotheca dissiliens var. tatrica Racib., Staurastrum avicula var. subarcuatum (Wolle) West & G. S. West, S. borgeanum Schmidle, S. simonyi var. semicirculare Coesel, Staurodesmus extensus var. isthmosus (Heimerl) Coesel, S. extensus var. vulgaris (Eichler & Racib.) Croasdale and S. spencerianus (Mask.) Teiling are new for the Czech Republic. In addition, several rare and remarkable taxa were also encountered. The species richness was relatively high in comparison to similar localities in the Czech Republic. Desmid distribution was influenced by pH and conductivity. Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia.  相似文献   

福建沿岸红树林湿地多毛类生态分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林俊辉  郑凤武  何雪宝  王建军 《生态学报》2014,34(17):4910-4919
根据2009年至2012年在福建沿岸5块典型红树林湿地所作的调查资料,分析了福建沿岸红树林湿地多毛类的物种多样性、生态分布特点以及与环境因子的关系。研究区域春、秋两季共记录多毛类动物45种,其中沙蚕科、海稚虫科和小头虫科3个科种类最为丰富,种类属性为低盐或广盐性种类。多毛类平均密度和生物量分别为190个/m2和2.17 g/m2,样地×季节双因素方差分析表明,密度在不同样地间差异显著,密度和生物量的季节变化均为春季显著高于秋季。此外,林外光滩的多毛类数量要高于林内,不同样地的摄食群组成各异。红树林断面的平均种类数和多样性指数H'与沉积物粘土含量呈显著负相关,与多毛类类群的大尺度空间分布特征关联最为紧密的因子为地理纬度。  相似文献   

Two new species, five new varieties and five new forms belonging to the desmid genera Closterium Nitzsch, Pleurotaenium Naeg., Euastridium W. & W., Micrasterias Agardh, Cosmarium Corda and Staurastrum Meyen from the Andaman Islands are described.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the species diversity of rodents living in karst ecosystems of Thailand. A survey has been conducted throughout Thailand, 122 karsts sampled and 477 Murinae rodents live-trapped. Phylogenetic reconstructions were carried out using two mitochondrial markers (cytb, COI). A sequence-based species delimitation method completed by the analysis of the level of genetic divergence was then applied to define species boundaries within our dataset. The phylogenetic position of Niviventer hinpoon was also investigated and sequences obtained from the holotype specimen of this species were used to reliably identify samples of N. hinpoon. A total of 12 described Murinae species, corresponding to 17 deeply divergent genetic lineages, were encountered in limestone karsts of Thailand. Our study revealed an important genetic diversity within the traditionally recognized species Maxomys surifer (four highly divergent genetic lineages), Leopoldamys neilli (two highly divergent genetic lineages) and Berylmys bowersi (two highly divergent genetic lineages). These species could be considered as species complex and require further taxonomic work. This study also provides valuable information on the distribution of the two rodent species endemic to limestone karsts of Thailand, L. neilli and N. hinpoon. Leopoldamys neilli was the most abundant species encountered in Thai karsts during our survey. However, L. neilli specimens from western Thailand are genetically highly divergent from the remaining populations of L. neilli and could represent a separate species. Niviventer hinpoon, phylogenetically closely related to N. fulvescens, is much rarer and its distribution limited to central Thailand. Most of the other captured species are typically associated with forest ecosystems. This study suggests that limestone karsts play a key role in the preservation of the rodent species endemic to such habitat, but they would also provide refuges for the forest-dwelling Murinae rodents in deforested regions.  相似文献   

Mineralization rates of peat from eroding peat islands in reservoirs   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Reservoirs are sources of greenhouses gases to the atmosphere, primarily due to organic carbon mineralization in flooded plants and soils to carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Floating peat islands are common in reservoirs that inundated peatlands. These islands can decompose on mass, or small pieces of peat can erode from islands to decompose in the water column or on the bottom of reservoirs. Here we used large 450 liter sealed enclosures to measure mineralization rates of small peat pieces and larger peat blocks collected from floating peat islands. Mineralization rates were calculated by quantifying dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), CO2 and CH4 accumulation within the water and headspace of the enclosures over time. We found that peat did decompose under water, but rates of mineralization of peat pieces were not different than rates of mineralization of larger peat blocks. Mineralization rates ranged between 59 and l40 g C g–1 d–1. Peat pieces acidified the water, shifting the bicarbonate equilibrium to almost exclusively dissolved CO2, which was then readily able to flux to the atmosphere. We estimated that 2.4–5.6% of peat carbon was mineralized annually, suggesting that fluxes of CO2 and CH4 from reservoirs that flood peatlands could last at minimum 18–42 years from this carbon source alone.  相似文献   

Synopsis In seasonally flooding fresh waters, dissolved oxygen and fluctating water levels combine to create strong seasonal changes in habitat availability and dispersal pathways for fishes. In this study we demonstrate how respiratory mode can affect the use of and dispersal through hypoxic papyrus swamps for a small cyprinid fish, Barbus neumayeri, a species which uses aquatic surface respiration (ASR) in response to severe hypoxia. Monthly records of the distribution and relative abundance of B. neumayeri across 28 stations in a papyrus swamp in Uganda were used to examine seasonal patterns of habitat use and movement. The distribution of B. neumayeri was very restricted during the drier months. Most fish were captured in open pools and channels with large areas of open water surface and higher oxygen. Movement of B. neumayeri was limited to short periods during the wet season when peak water levels produced high levels of oxygen and pathways for movement. Three lines of evidence suggest that these patterns relate to its respiratory mode. These include: the positive :relationship between dissolved oxygen and the number of stations used per month, the positive relationship between fish density at dry season stations and dissolved oxygen, and the absence of fish from stations with. little open water surface area during the dry season. Significant differences in the gill morphology between B. neumayeri from the papyrus swamp and those from the main river suggest that papyrus swamps may contribute to the diversification of B. neumayeri by limiting movement and demanding specialization for extremely hypoxic waters.  相似文献   

This report summarizes the results of summer studies of five soft water lakes, five hard water lakes and six calcareous spring ponds in Wisconsin with respect to the composition of the plankton and aufwuchs communities and the relative role of desmids in those communities. The results are compared with similar data obtained from selected acid bog lakes, alkaline bog lakes and closed bogs. Soft water lakes harbored a greater aufwuchs and plankton desmid diversity than hard water lakes or spring ponds; however, diversity in acid bog lakes was substantially greater than in any other lake type. Utricularia contained the greatest desmid diversity and population density in every lake where it occurred. Staurastrum was the most prevalent genus in the plankton and it was the only one recorded from hard water lakes and calcareous spring ponds. Desmid aufwuchs population densities were roughly comparable in hard water lakes, soft water lakes and acid bogs and the contribution of desmids to the total aufwuchs population was similar for the latter two lake types. However, the plankton of acid bog lakes generally harbored substantially greater desmid populations and these populations contributed much more to the total population than in any other lake type. Aufwuchs data are presented for several hosts and comparisons of population densities are given among hosts within a given lake and between the same host in different lakes of a given type. Data for other algal groups are also included.  相似文献   

Alan Klima 《Ethnos》2013,78(4):445-464
Since the crash of the Thai baht in 1997, Buddhist mass rituals of money and passion in Thailand are addressing the emotional predicaments of globalization with technologies of community that refigure the nation – from a geo-spatial body into a monetary spirit. Buddhist donation ceremonies, intended to shore up the national currency reserves, as well as mass rites staged to aid the spirit of the nation's leader, represent emerging practices of money, love, and identity in Thailand. This might suggest that the study of emotion should shift emphasis from the interpretation of numerous cultural systems toward addressing a shared global situation of subjection to international financial integration and uncertainty.  相似文献   

In South Australia, Swamps of the Fleurieu Peninsula are critically endangered due to past vegetation clearance and changes in hydrology, but still contain a high diversity of threatened plant species. This vegetation community provides habitat for 82 threatened ground-stratum plant species, including the nationally critically endangered subshrub Hibbertia tenuis which is endemic to these swamps. With infrequent burning, native ferns and taller shrubs outcompete these species. We conducted glasshouse trials to determine the potential of fire to regenerate threatened and other swamp plant species. Soil samples from eight swamps were used in germination trials with half of each sample treated with heat plus smoke, and half left untreated. Samples were spread onto trays (n = 188), and seedling emergence was recorded for twelve months. Emergence was dominated by native species (2649 seedlings m−2) compared to exotics (675 seedlings m−2). In total, 48 native and 25 introduced species germinated, with 21% of germinated native species absent from the above-ground vegetation. The dominant native fern Gleichenia microphylla did not emerge from any soil samples, indicating that recovery likely lags behind that of ground-strata species, giving them time to establish and set seed before being outcompeted. Thirty-four rare or threatened species germinated, including five species absent from above-ground vegetation. Of all native species that emerged, only five were confined to heat plus smoke treatments, suggesting most species will regenerate without fire if overstorey competition is reduced. However, seedling emergence of native shrubs/subshrubs more than doubled with the fire treatment. Of particular importance, H. tenuis showed an 18-fold increase in germination when treated with heat plus smoke. This study supports the utility of ecological burns as a management tool to regenerate threatened plant species in long-undisturbed peaty heathlands on permanent swamps.  相似文献   

The potential activity of methane production was determined in the vertical profiles of the peat deposits of three bogs in Tver oblast, which were representative of the boreal zone. In the minerotrophic fen, the rates of methane production measured throughout the profile did not change significantly with depth and comprised 3–6 ng CH4-C g?1 h?1. In ombrotrophic peat bogs, the rate did not exceed 5 ng CH4-C g?1 h?1 in the upper layer of the profile (up to 1.5 m) and increased to 15–30 ng CH4-C g?1 h?1 in the deep layers of the peat deposits. The distribution of fermentative microorganisms and methanogens in the profiles of peat deposits was uniform in all the studied bogs. In bog water samples, the presence of butyrate (up to 14.1 mg 1?1) and acetate (up to 2.4 mg 1?1) was revealed throughout the whole profile; in the upper 0.5-m layer of the ombrotrophic bogs, formate (up to 8.9 mg 1?1) and propionate (up to 0.3 mg 1?1) were detected as well. The arrangement of local maxima of the fatty acid content and methanogenic activity in the peat deposits, as well as the decrease in the acetate concentrations during summer, support the hypothesis that the initial substrates for methanogenesis come from the upper peat layers. It was established that the addition of sulfate and nitrate inhibits methane production in peat samples; the changes in the concentrations, recorded in situ, may also influence the methane content in peat layers.  相似文献   

Photoaccumulations in light trap experiments have been studied in the desmids, Cosmarium, Micrasterias and Euastrum. Dependence of accumulation density on exposure time follows saturation curves, while dose response curves show optima. Time-lapse microcinematography and population methods have revealed that all three basic light-induced motor responses known in microorganisms participate in producing photoaccumulations in desmids. During the initial phase the cells are phototactically attracted towards the trap by scattered light. In low light intensity traps photokinetic reactions may play only a minor role, since photokinesis could be evoked only by light intensities100 lx in Cosmarium cucumis. True photophobic reactions have been demonstrated for the first time in desmids. There are two types of phobic responses in desmids: either the cell reverses its movement or it swings sidewise into the new direction. Behaviour of partially shadowed cells suggests that perception of light direction is brough about by simultaneous intensity measurement at two or more sites within the cell.  相似文献   

The water hyacinth now forms an almost ubiquitous fringe to open-water habitats in the permanent wetland of the Sudd. In a typical river-lake the fringe varied between 9 and 16 m in breadth with highest plant biomasses in the centre. Largest quantities of macroinvertebrates in hyacinth root-mats were obtained in drop-trap samples within 6 m of the open water. They were dominated by coleopterans, odonatans, gastropods andCaridina nilotica. Outer edges of the fringe offer easy access, good dissolved oxygen concentrations, and a variety of potential food resources for aquatic invertebrates. By contrast the less hospitable landward zone contained a reduced fauna in which coleopterans, hydracarines and gastropods were prominent. A marked reduction in the numbers of invertebrates in lift-net samples of detached hyacinth rafts was attributed to browsing by fish. Hyacinth root-mats appear to have replaced the niches formerly provided by those of the Nile cabbage for aquatic invertebrates in the Sudd.  相似文献   

Summary We determined the degree of peat decomposition by measuring the reflectivity of near red rays (λ=650 nm) on 194 Sphagnum peat samples. This technique was simple, fast, inexpensive and reliable. The percentage reflectivity was highly correlated with the concentration of soluble humic substances (r=0.88), and with the maximum water holding capacity (r=0.92). Thus, the measure of reflectivity can be used advantageously to evaluate the degree of decomposition of Sphagnum peat related to its horticultural potential as growing medium.  相似文献   

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