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Proteins with internal repeats (Pir) belong to a minor group of covalently linked yeast cell wall proteins. They are not essential for viability but important for cell wall strength, reduced permeability against plant antifungal enzymes and maintenance of osmotic stability. Here we show the importance of Pir proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for growth at low pH and in presence of various inhibitors. Cell wall analysis of Deltapir1,2,3,4 deletion strain revealed slightly increased chitin content and changes in relative proportion of alkali-soluble and insoluble glucan and chitin fractions. Activation of the cell wall integrity pathway was indicated by increased levels of double phosphorylated Mpk1p/Slt2p in the pir deletants.  相似文献   

The budding yeast lyt1 mutation causes cell lysis. We report here that lyt1 is an allele of cdc15, a gene which encodes a protein kinase that functions late in the cell cycle. Neither cdc15-1 nor cdc15-lyt1 strains are able to septate at 37°C, even though they may manage to rebud. Cells lyse after a shmoo-like projection appears at the distal pole of the daughter cell. Actin polarizes towards the distal pole but the septins remain at the mother–daughter neck. This morphogenetic response reflects entry into a new round of the cell cycle: the preference for polarization from the distal pole was lost in bud1 cdc15 double mutants; double cdc15-lyt1 cdc28-4 mutants, defective for START, did not develop apical projections and apical polarization was accompanied by DNA replication. The same phenomena were caused by mutations in the genes CDC14, DBF2, and TEM1, which are functionally related to CDC15. Apical polarization was delayed in cdc15 mutants as compared with budding in control cells and this delay was abolished in a septin mutant. Our results suggest that the delayed M/G1 transition in cdc15 mutants is due to a septin-dependent checkpoint that couples initiation of the cell cycle to the completion of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Mannoproteins from cell walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae synthesized at successive stages of the population growth cycle have been solubilized with Zymolyase and subsequently analyzed. The major change along the population cycle concerned a large size mannoprotein material; the size of the newly-synthesized molecules varied from 120,000–500,000 (mean of about 200,000) at early exponential phase to 250,000–350,000 (mean of about 300,000) at late exponential phase. These differences are due to modifications in the amount of N-glycosidically linked mannose residues, since the size of the peptide moiety was 90,000–100,000 at all growth stages and the level of O-glycosylation changed only slightly. After, incubation of the purified walls with concanavalin A-ferritin and subsequent analysis by electron microscopy, labelling was localized at the external and internal faces of the walls. The middle space of these was labelled after digestion of the glucan network with Zymolyase, which demonstrate the presence of mannoproteins in close contact with the structural glucan molecules throughout the wall.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - Con A concanavalin A - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to study cell viability as a function of cooling rate during freezing. Cooling rate strongly influences the viability of cells during cold thermal stress. One of the particularities of this study was to investigate a large range of cooling rates and particularly very rapid cooling rates (i.e., faster than 20000 degrees C min (-1)). Four distinct ranges of cooling rates were identified. The first range (A(')) corresponds to very slow cooling rates (less than 5 degrees C min (-1)), and results in high cell mortality. The second range (A) corresponds to low cooling rates (5-100 degrees C min (-1)), at which cell water outflow occurs slowly and does not damage the cells. The third range (B) corresponds to rapid cooling rates (100-2000 degrees C min (-1)), at which there is competition between heat flow and water flow. In this case, massive water outflow, which is related to the increase in extracellular osmotic pressure and the membrane-lipid phase transition, can cause cell death. The fourth range (C) corresponds to very high cooling rates (more than 5000 degrees C min (-1)), at which the heat flow is very rapid and partially prevents water exit, which seems to preserve cell viability.  相似文献   



A highly regulated trafficking of cargo vesicles in eukaryotes performs protein delivery to a variety of cellular compartments of endomembrane system. The two main routes, the secretory and the endocytic pathways have pivotal functions in uni- and multi-cellular organisms. Protein delivery and targeting includes cargo recognition, vesicle formation and fusion. Developing new tools to modulate protein trafficking allows better understanding the endomembrane system mechanisms and their regulation. The compound Sortin2 has been described as a protein trafficking modulator affecting targeting of the vacuolar protein carboxypeptidase Y (CPY), triggering its secretion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


A reverse chemical-genetics approach was used to identify key proteins for Sortin2 bioactivity. A genome-wide Sortin2 resistance screen revealed six yeast deletion mutants that do not secrete CPY when grown at Sortin2 condition where the parental strain does: met18, sla1, clc1, dfg10, dpl1 and yjl175w. Integrating mutant phenotype and gene ontology annotation of the corresponding genes and their interactome pointed towards a high representation of genes involved in the endocytic process. In wild type yeast endocytosis towards the vacuole was faster in presence of Sortin2, which further validates the data of the genome-wide screen. This effect of Sortin2 depends on structural features of the molecule, suggesting compound specificity. Sortin2 did not affect endocytic trafficking in Sortin2-resistant mutants, strongly suggesting that the Sortin2 effects on the secretory and endocytic pathways are linked.


Overall, the results reveal that Sortin2 enhances the endocytic transport pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This cellular effect is most likely at the level where secretory and endocytic pathways are merged. Them Sortin2 specificity over the endomembrane system places it as a powerful biological modulator for cell biology.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s40659-015-0032-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The absence of pentose-utilizing enzymes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an obstacle for efficiently converting lignocellulosic materials to ethanol. In the present study, the genes coding xylose reductase (XYL1) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XYL2) from Pichia stipitis were successfully engineered into S. cerevisae. As compared to the control transformant, engineering of XYL1 and XYL2 into yeasts significantly increased the microbial biomass (8.1 vs. 3.4 g/L), xylose consumption rate (0.15 vs. 0.02 g/h) and ethanol yield (6.8 vs. 3.5 g/L) after 72 h fermentation using a xylose-based medium. Interestingly, engineering of XYL1 and XYL2 into yeasts also elevated the ethanol yield from sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate (SUBH). This study not only provides an effective approach to increase the xylose utilization by yeasts, but the results also suggest that production of ethanol by this recombinant yeasts using unconventional nutrient sources, such as components in SUBH deserves further attention in the future.  相似文献   

During mitosis in budding yeast the nucleus first moves to the mother-bud neck and then into the neck. Both movements depend on interactions of cytoplasmic microtubules with the cortex. We investigated the mechanism of these movements in living cells using video analysis of GFP-labeled microtubules in wild-type cells and in EB1 and Arp1 mutants, which are defective in the first and second steps, respectively. We found that nuclear movement to the neck is largely mediated by the capture of microtubule ends at one cortical region at the incipient bud site or bud tip, followed by microtubule depolymerization. Efficient microtubule interactions with the capture site require that microtubules be sufficiently long and dynamic to probe the cortex. In contrast, spindle movement into the neck is mediated by microtubule sliding along the bud cortex, which requires dynein and dynactin. Free microtubules can also slide along the cortex of both bud and mother. Capture/shrinkage of microtubule ends also contributes to nuclear movement into the neck and can serve as a backup mechanism to move the nucleus into the neck when microtubule sliding is impaired. Conversely, microtubule sliding can move the nucleus into the neck even when capture/shrinkage is impaired.  相似文献   

Histidine-tagged homocitrate synthase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was purified to about 98% using a Ni-NTA resin and stabilized using a combination of 100 mM guanidine hydrochloride, 100 mM alpha-cyclodextrin, and 600 mM ammonium sulfate. The enzyme was assayed using dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP) as an oxidant to oxidize the CoASH produced in the reaction. A stoichiometry of 1:1 was obtained between DCPIP and CoASH. Kinetic parameters for the stable enzyme at pH 7.5 are: Km (AcCoA), 24 microM: Km (alpha-kg), 1.3 mM; and kcat, 37 min(-1). The enzyme, in the absence of reactants, self-associates, as suggested by size exclusion chromatography. Fluorescence and circular dichroic spectra suggested a partially exposed tryptophan residue and a mixed (alpha/beta) secondary structure for the enzyme. Fluorescence quenching studies with KI, CsCl, and acrylamide suggest that the microenvironment around the single tryptophan residue of the enzyme has some positive charge.  相似文献   

A part of eukaryotic tRNA genes harbor an intron at one nucleotide 3' to the anticodon, so that removal of the intron is an essential processing step for tRNA maturation. While some tRNA introns have important roles in modification of certain nucleotides, essentiality of the tRNA intron in eukaryotes has not been tested extensively. This is partly because most of the eukaryotic genomes have multiple genes encoding an isoacceptor tRNA. Here, we examined whether the intron of tRNA-Trp(CCA) genes, six copies of which are scattered on the genome of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is essential for growth or translation of the yeast in vivo. We devised a procedure to remove all of the tRNA introns from the yeast genome iteratively with marker cassettes containing both positive and negative markers. Using this procedure, we removed all the introns from the six tRNA-Trp(CCA) genes, and found that the intronless strain grew normally and expressed tRNA-Trp(CCA) in an amount similar to that of the wild-type genes. Neither incorporation of (35)S-labeled amino acids into a TCA-insoluble fraction nor the major protein pattern on SDS-PAGE/2D gel were affected by complete removal of the intron, while expression levels of some proteins were marginally affected. Therefore, the tRNA-Trp(CCA) intron is dispensable for growth and bulk translation of the yeast. This raises the possibility that some mechanism other than selective pressure from translational efficiency maintains the tRNA intron on the yeast genome.  相似文献   

Thiol peroxidases are critical enzymes in the redox control of cellular processes that function by reducing low levels of hydroperoxides and regulating redox signaling. These proteins were also shown to regulate genome stability, but how their dysfunction affects the actual mutations in the genome is not known. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has eight thiol peroxidases of glutathione peroxidase and peroxiredoxin families, and the mutant lacking all these genes (∆8) is viable. In this study, we employed two independent ∆8 isolates to analyze the genome-wide mutation spectrum that results from deficiency in these enzymes. Deletion of these genes was accompanied by a dramatic increase in point mutations, many of which clustered in close proximity and scattered throughout the genome, suggesting strong mutational bias. We further subjected multiple lines of wild-type and ∆8 cells to long-term mutation accumulation, followed by genome sequencing and phenotypic characterization. ∆8 lines showed a significant increase in nonrecurrent point mutations and indels. The original ∆8 cells exhibited reduced growth rate and decreased life span, which were further reduced in all ∆8 mutation accumulation lines. Although the mutation spectrum of the two independent isolates was different, similar patterns of gene expression were observed, suggesting the direct contribution of thiol peroxidases to the observed phenotypes. Expression of a single thiol peroxidase could partially restore the growth phenotype of ∆8 cells. This study shows how deficiency in nonessential, yet critical and conserved oxidoreductase function, leads to increased mutational load and decreased fitness.  相似文献   

The term 'sake yeast' is generally used to indicate the Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains that possess characteristics distinct from others including the laboratory strain S288C and are well suited for sake brewery. Here, we report the draft whole-genome shotgun sequence of a commonly used diploid sake yeast strain, Kyokai no. 7 (K7). The assembled sequence of K7 was nearly identical to that of the S288C, except for several subtelomeric polymorphisms and two large inversions in K7. A survey of heterozygous bases between the homologous chromosomes revealed the presence of mosaic-like uneven distribution of heterozygosity in K7. The distribution patterns appeared to have resulted from repeated losses of heterozygosity in the ancestral lineage of K7. Analysis of genes revealed the presence of both K7-acquired and K7-lost genes, in addition to numerous others with segmentations and terminal discrepancies in comparison with those of S288C. The distribution of Ty element also largely differed in the two strains. Interestingly, two regions in chromosomes I and VII of S288C have apparently been replaced by Ty elements in K7. Sequence comparisons suggest that these gene conversions were caused by cDNA-mediated recombination of Ty elements. The present study advances our understanding of the functional and evolutionary genomics of the sake yeast.  相似文献   

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