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Human Cytogenetic Cancer Markersedited by Sandra R. Wolman and Stewart Sell, Humana Press, 1997. US $125.00 (xii+484 pages) ISBN 0 89603 357 0  相似文献   

Comprehensive identification of the acquired mutations that cause common cancers will require genomic analyses of large sets of tumor samples. Typically, the tissue material available from tumor specimens is limited, which creates a demand for accurate template amplification. We therefore evaluated whether phi29-mediated whole genome amplification introduces false positive structural mutations by massive mate-pair sequencing of a normal human genome before and after such amplification. Multiple displacement amplification led to a decrease in clone coverage and an increase by two orders of magnitude in the prevalence of inversions, but did not increase the prevalence of translocations. While multiple strand displacement amplification may find uses in translocation analyses, it is likely that alternative amplification strategies need to be developed to meet the demands of cancer genomics.  相似文献   

Ucar D  Hu Q  Tan K 《Nucleic acids research》2011,39(10):4063-4075
Chromatin modifications, such as post-translational modification of histone proteins and incorporation of histone variants, play an important role in regulating gene expression. Joint analyses of multiple histone modification maps are starting to reveal combinatorial patterns of modifications that are associated with functional DNA elements, providing support to the 'histone code' hypothesis. However, due to the lack of analytical methods, only a small number of chromatin modification patterns have been discovered so far. Here, we introduce a scalable subspace clustering algorithm, coherent and shifted bicluster identification (CoSBI), to exhaustively identify the set of combinatorial modification patterns across a given epigenome. Performance comparisons demonstrate that CoSBI can generate biclusters with higher intra-cluster coherency and biological relevance. We apply our algorithm to a compendium of 39 genome-wide chromatin modification maps in human CD4(+) T cells. We identify 843 combinatorial patterns that recur at >0.1% of the genome. A total of 19 chromatin modifications are observed in the combinatorial patterns, 10 of which occur in more than half of the patterns. We also identify combinatorial modification signatures for eight classes of functional DNA elements. Application of CoSBI to epigenome maps of different cells and developmental stages will aid in understanding how chromatin structure helps regulate gene expression.  相似文献   

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is perma-nent and localized dilation of the abdominal aorta. Intraluminal thrombus (ILT) is involved in evolution and rupture of AAA. Complex biological processes associated with AAA include oxidative stress, proteolysis, neovascularization, aortic inflammation, cell death, and extracellular matrix breakdown. Biomarkers of growth and AAA rupture could give a more nuanced indication for surgery, unveil novel pathogenic pathways, and open possibilities for pharmacological inhibition of growth. Differential analysis of metabolites released by normal and pathological arteries in culture may help to find molecules that have a high probability of later being found in plasma and start signaling processes or be useful diagnostic/prognostic markers. We used a LC-QTOF-MS metabolomic approach to analyze metabolites released by human ILT (divided into luminal and abluminal layers), aneurysm wall (AW), and healthy wall (HW). Statistical analysis was used to compare luminal with abluminal ILT layer, ILT with AW, and AW with HW to select the metabolites exchanged between tissue and external medium. Identified compounds are related to inflammation and oxidative stress and indicate the possible role of fatty acid amides in AAA. Some metabolites (e.g., hippuric acid) had not been previously associated to aneurysm, others (fatty acid amides) have arisen, indicating a very promising line of research.  相似文献   

Streptococcus agalactiae is a significant pathogen causing invasive disease in neonates and thus an understanding of the molecular basis of the pathogenicity of this organism is of importance. N-terminal lipidation is a major mechanism by which bacteria can tether proteins to membranes. Lipidation is directed by the presence of a cysteine-containing 'lipobox' within specific signal peptides and this feature has greatly facilitated the bioinformatic identification of putative lipoproteins. We have designed previously a taxon-specific pattern (G+LPP) for the identification of Gram-positive bacterial lipoproteins, based on the signal peptides of experimentally verified lipoproteins (Sutcliffe I.C. and Harrington D.J. Microbiology 148: 2065-2077). Patterns searches with this pattern and other bioinformatic methods have been used to identify putative lipoproteins in the recently published genomes of S. agalactiae strains 2603/V and NEM316. A core of 39 common putative lipoproteins was identified, along with 5 putative lipoproteins unique to strain 2603/V and 2 putative lipoproteins unique to strain NEM316. Thus putative lipoproteins represent ca. 2% of the S. agalactiae proteome. As in other Gram-positive bacteria, the largest functional category of S. agalactiae lipoproteins is that predicted to comprise of substrate binding proteins of ABC transport systems. Other roles include lipoproteins that appear to participate in adhesion (including the previously characterised Lmb protein), protein export and folding, enzymes and several species-specific proteins of unknown function. These data suggest lipoproteins may have significant roles that influence the virulence of this important pathogen.  相似文献   

Epigenomics provides the context for understanding the function of genome sequence, analogous to the functional anatomy of the human body provided by Vesalius a half-millennium ago. Much of the seemingly inconclusive genetic data related to common diseases could therefore become meaningful in an epigenomic context.  相似文献   

The draft genome sequence of the Western clawed frog Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis facilitates the identification, expression analysis and phylogenetic classification of the amphibian globin gene repertoire. Frog and mammalian neuroglobin display about 67% protein sequence identity, with the expected predominant expression in frog brain and eye. Frog and mammalian cytoglobins share about 69% of their amino acids, but the frog protein lacks the mammalian-type extension at the C-terminus. Like in mammals, X. tropicalis cytoglobin is expressed in many organs including neural tissue. Neuroglobin and cytoglobin genomic regions are syntenically conserved in all vertebrate classes. Frog and fish globin X show only 57% amino acid identity, but gene synteny analysis confirms orthology. The expression pattern of X. laevis globin X differs from that in fish, with a prominent expression in the eye and weak expression in most other examined tissues. Globin X is possibly present as two paralogous copies in X. tropicalis, with one copy showing transition stages of non-functionalization. The amphibian genome contains a previously unknown globin type (tentatively named 'globin Y') which is expressed in a broad range of tissues and is distantly related to the cytoglobin lineage. The globin Y gene is linked to a cluster of larval and adult hemoglobin alpha and beta genes which contains substantially more paralogous hemoglobin gene copies than previously published. Database and gene synteny analyses confirm the absence of a myoglobin gene in X. tropicalis.  相似文献   

Birds are characterised by feathers, flight, a small genome and a very distinctive karyotype. Despite the large numbers of chromosomes, the diploid count of 2n approximately 80 has remained remarkably constant with 63% of birds where 2n = 74-86, 24% with 2n = 66-74 and extremes of 2n = 40 and 2n = 142. Of these, the most studied is the chicken (2n = 78), and molecular cytogenetic probes generated from this species have been used to further understand the evolution of the avian genome. The ancestral karyotype is, it appears, very similar to that of the chicken, with chicken chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4q, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 4p and Z representing the ancestral avian chromosomes 1-10 + Z; chromosome 4 being the most ancient. Avian evolution occurred primarily in three stages: the divergence of the group represented by extant ratites (emu, ostrich etc.) from the rest; divergence of the Galloanserae (chicken, turkey, duck, goose etc.)--the most studied group; and divergence of the 'land' and 'water' higher birds. Other than sex chromosome differentiation in the first divergence there are no specific changes associated with any of these evolutionary milestones although certain families and orders have undergone multiple fusions (and some fissions), which has reduced their chromosome number; the Falconiformes are the best described. Most changes, overall, seem to involve chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 10 and Z where the Z changes are intrachromosomal; there are also some recurring (convergent) events. Of these, the most puzzling involves chromosomes 4 and 10, which appear to have undergone multiple fissions and/or fusions throughout evolution - three possible hypotheses are presented to explain the findings. We conclude by speculating as to the reasons for the strange behaviour of these chromosomes as well as the role of telomeres and nuclear organisation in avian evolution.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in ribosomes requires two kinds of tRNAs: initiation and elongation. The former initiates the process (formylmethionine tRNA in prokaryotes and special methionine tRNA in eukaryotes). The latter participates in the synthesis proper, recognizing the sense codons. Synthesis is also assisted by special proteins: initiation, elongation, and termination factors. The termination factors are necessary to recognize stop codons (UAG, UGA, and UAA) and to release the complete protein chain from the elongation tRNA preceding a stop codon. No termination tRNA capable of recognizing stop codons by their anticodons is known. The termination factors are thought to do this. In the large ribosomal RNA, we found two sites that, like tRNAs, contain the anticodon hairpin but with triplets complementary to stop codons. One site is hairpin 69 from domain IV; the other site is hairpin 89, domain V. By analogy, we call them termination tRNAs: Ter-tRNA1 and Ter-tRNA2, respectively, even though they transport no amino acids, and suggest that they directly pair to stop codons. The termination factors only aid in this recognition, making it specific and reliable. A strong argument in favor of our hypothesis comes from vertebrate mitochondria. They are known to acquire two new stop codons, AGA and AGG. In the standard code, these are two out of six arginine codons. We revealed that the corresponding anticodons, UCU and CCU, have evolved in Ter-tRNA1 of these mitochondria.  相似文献   

用生物信息学方法预测猪链球菌2型05ZYH33株的脂蛋白   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙理云 《微生物学报》2008,48(8):1104-1109
[目的]鉴别已公布基因组序列的SS2 05ZYH33株的脂蛋白(Lpp).[方法]首先从Genbank获取由 SS2 05ZYH33基因组推测的蛋白质氨基酸序列,然后利用Lpp预测软件PrositeScan和DOLOP预测05ZYH33株的Lpp,采用SignalP 3.0 HMM、PrediSi、Phobius、LipoP-HMM和TMHMMversion2.0分析预测的Lpp的信号肽,然后经"多数票决法"确定Lpp;最后利用InterProScan和BlastP服务器对鉴定的Lpp进行功能分析.[结果]鉴定出34种Lpp,占SS2致病株05ZYH33蛋白质组的1.555%.结构与功能分析结果表明,最大的一类Lpp是ABC运输蛋白的底物结合蛋白,共有16种,其中YP_001197586、YP_001197918、YP_001198449、YP_001199435、YP_001197482、YP_001199452和YP_001198914等7种基因可与其他成分组成完整的ABC运输蛋白操纵子,这些Lpp在SS2获取糖、氨基酸和金属离子等营养物质方面具有重要作用.YP_001197698与无乳链球菌的黏附素Lmb和化脓链球菌的黏附素Lbp及YP_001198710与肺炎链球菌的SlrA高度同源,推测它们与黏附功能有关,为SS2新的毒力因子;其他Lpp包括酶、参与蛋白质折叠过程的Lpp及功能未知的Lpp.[结论]这些资料提示Lpp在SS2的生理和致病性方面具有重要作用.  相似文献   

We developed a new evolutionary method for identifying exons from genomic sequences and found 19000 potential coding exons that are absent from all existing annotations of the human genome. Of these, 13700 satisfied very stringent criteria and can with confidence be considered as novel exons. Evidently, a large number of new human genes can be identified using evolutionary approaches.  相似文献   

With the completion of the honey bee genome project, a transition is now occurring from the acquisition of gene sequence to understanding the role and context of gene products within the genome. Here we annotated and characterised a cluster of three genes in a GC-rich 11 kb genomic region on the linkage group 4 encoding highly hydrophobic polypeptides (named apidermins; APD 1-3) containing both sequence motifs characteristic of cuticular proteins and distinctly novel features. Five amino acids, Ala, Gly, Leu, Pro and Val, account for 74-86% of their respective sequences with Ala being the most abundant residue (at least 30% of each peptide). A conserved tetra-peptide AAPA/V is found in all three proteins, but none has the 'R and R' signature implicated in chitin binding. Two proteins, APD-1 and APD-2, contain an arginine-rich motif RERR in short non-hydrophobic stretches near the N-terminal of mature proteins and in both proteins tryptophan is the C-terminal residue. All three genes are spliced and highly expressed in a defined spatio-temporal pattern. apd-1 is expressed in the exoskeletal epidermis, but only during a restricted period of a few days of late pupal and early adult life when the cuticle becomes dark. APD2 appears to be a protein of "internal" cuticles and is expressed in the tracheas, oesophagus and stomach, and also in the embryo. The expression of apd-3 partly overlaps with both apd-1 and apd-3, but apd-3 also is uniquely associated with non-pigmented cuticles such as the eye cover and external cuticle of white pupae. This study expands the collection of genes encoding cuticular proteins by three novel and well characterised members.  相似文献   

Rhizobia, bacteria that fix atmospheric nitrogen, are important agricultural resources. In order to establish the evolutionary relationships among rhizobia isolated from different geographic regions and different plant hosts for systematic studies, we evaluated the use of physical structure of the rhizobial genomes as a phylogenetic marker to categorize these bacteria. In this work, we analyzed the features of genome structures of 64 rhizobial strains. These rhizobial strains were divided into 21 phylogenetic clusters according to the features of genome structures evaluated by the endonuclease I-Ceul. These clusters were supported by 16S rRNA comparisons and genomic sequences of four rhizobial strains, but they are largely different from those based on the current taxonomic scheme (except 16S rRNA).  相似文献   

Rhizobiaareagriculturallyandenvironmentallyimportantbacteria.Theirsymbiosiswithleguminousplantsisresponsibleformostoftheatmosphericni-trogenfixedonland.Classificationofthesebacteriabasedontheirnaturalrelationshipswillpromotetheirapplication.Thisresearchemploysanewphylogeneticmethod,i.e.,revelationandcomparisonofgenomestructure,tocategorizerhizobia.Phylogenyisthestudyoftheevolutionaryrelationshipsamongorgan-isms[1].Currentlyphylogeneticrelationshipsamongrhizobiaaremostlyinferredfromcomparisons…  相似文献   

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