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Closure of the neural tube is essential for normal development of the brain and spinal cord. Failure of closure results in neural tube defects (NTDs), common and clinically severe congenital malformations whose molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. On the other hand, it is increasingly well established that common molecular mechanisms are employed to regulate morphogenesis of multicellular organisms. For example, signaling triggered by polypeptide growth factors is highly conserved among species and utilized in multiple developmental processes. Recent studies have revealed that the Drosophila planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, which directs position and direction of wing hairs on the surface of the fly wing, is well conserved, and orthologs of several genes encoding components of the pathway are also found in vertebrates. Interestingly, in vertebrates, this signaling pathway appears to be co-opted to regulate "convergent extension" cell movements during gastrulation. Disruption of vertebrate PCP genes in Xenopus laevis or zebrafish causes severe gastrulation defects or the shortening of the trunk, as well as mediolateral expansion of somites. In Xenopus, in which the neural tube closes by elevation and fusion of neural folds, inhibition of convergent extension can also prevent neural tube closure causing a "spina bifida-like" appearance. Furthermore, several of the genes involved in the PCP pathway have recently been shown to be required for neural tube closure in the mouse, since mutation of these genes causes NTDs. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms underlying the establishment of cell polarity in Drosophila may provide important clues to the molecular basis of NTDs.  相似文献   

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the second most common birth defect in humans. Despite many advances in the understanding of NTDs and the identification of many genes related to NTDs, the fundamental etiology for the majority of cases of NTDs remains unclear. Planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling pathway, which is important for polarized cell movement (such as cell migration) and organ morphogenesis through the activation of cytoskeletal pathways, has been shown to play multiple roles during neural tube closure. The disrupted function of PCP pathway is connected with some NTDs. Here, we summarize our current understanding of how PCP factors affect the pathogenesis of NTDs.  相似文献   

Genetic heterogeneity in neural tube defects.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1985-1987, the authors attempted to ascertain all cases of confirmed neural tube defects (NTD) in California and Illinois, not only among live-born infants (postnatal) but also cases ascertained during pregnancy (prenatal). Mothers of both prenatal and postnatal NTD cases were interviewed within 5 months. Among postnatal NTD cases, 14.9% (45/303) had anomalies not ordinarily associated with NTD. The frequency of non-NTD related anomalies was 9.4% (5/53) in anencephaly, 0/3 in craniorachischisis, 22.9% (8/35) in encephalocele, 14.5% (27/186) in spina bifida, 20% (1/5) in multiple NTD cases and 19% (4/21) in other NTDs. However, relatively few postnatal NTD cases had known multiple malformation patterns; Meckel-Gruber syndrome was the most common, with 2 postnatal cases, and 3 additional prenatal cases. Maternal age, paternal age and birth order in postnatal cases were 26.7 +/- 5.4 SD, 28.9 +/- 5.8 and 2.8 +/- 1.8, respectively. These characteristics were similar in prenatal NTD cases (27.9 +/- 6.0, 30.1 +/- 6.3, 2.5 +/- 1.5, respectively). We also found no differences in parental ages among different types of NTD. Frequency of prior spontaneous abortion differed neither between postnatal NTD (9.3%) and postnatal controls (8.1%), nor between prenatal NTD (10.7%) and prenatal control (8.7%). Loss rates in the pregnancy immediately prior to the index NTD cases were not significantly higher than in control subjects. The high frequency of non-NTD associated malformations (14.9%) indicates the caution must be exercised before assuming that a given NTD case is polygenic-multifactorial in etiology, especially cases of encephalocele.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Valproic acid (VPA) causes the failure of neural tube closure in newborn mice. However, the molecular mechanism of its teratogenesis is unknown. This study was conducted to investigate the genomewide effects of VPA disruption of normal neural tube development in mice. METHODS: Microarray analysis was performed on the head part of NMRI mouse embryos treated for 1 hr with VPA on gestational day (GD) 8. Subsequently, we attempted to isolate genes that changed in correlation with the teratogenic action of VPA by employing reduced teratogenic VPA analogs, valpromide (VPD) and valnoctamide (VCD), in a real-time PCR study. RESULTS: Microarray results demonstrated that during neurulation, many genes, some of whose functions are known and some unknown, were either increased or decreased after VPA injection. Some genes were affected by VPD or VCD in the same way as VPA, but others were not changed by the analogs. In this way, our system identified 11 increased and 20 decreased genes. Annotation analysis revealed that the increased genes included gadd45b, ier5, per1, phfl3, pou3f1, and sox4, and the decreased genes included ccne2, ccnl, gas5, egr2, sirt1, and zfp105. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate that expression changes in genes having roles in the cell cycle and apoptosis pathways of neural tube cells were strongly expected to relate to the teratogenic, but not antiepileptic, activity of VPA. Our approach has allowed the expansion of the catalog of molecules immediately affected by VPA in the developing neural tube.  相似文献   

T Franz 《Teratology》1992,46(6):599-604
Homozygous Splotch mutant mice (Sp/Sp) die on day 14 of gestation with neural tube defects, curly tail, and malformations of neural crest derivatives. Sp1H mice, which have a radiation-induced allele of Splotch with a similar phenotype, were used for this study. The neural tube defects are always located in the lumbosacral region and in 50% of the cases also in the region of the hindbrain. In this report, rare cases of neural tube defects and tail defects among the offspring of crosses between Splotch (Sp1H) heterozygotes are presented, which are not associated with a neural crest defect. This suggests that the development of the neural tube and neural crest defects in this mutant is caused by independent mechanisms or is dependent on the dosage of the mutant gene, with different thresholds being pathogenetic in the neural tube and neural crest, respectively.  相似文献   

Strain differences in heat-induced neural tube defects in mice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Neural tube defects are common congenital anomalies affecting approximately 0.1% of liveborn infants. It is widely accepted that these disorders are of a multifactorial origin, having both a genetic and an environmental component to their development. In a study designed to elucidate the genetic factors involved in a mouse model of hyperthermia-induced neural tube defects, it is apparent that a hierarchy of susceptibility exists among various inbred mouse strains. Female SWV mice were extremely sensitive to a 10-minute hyperthermic treatment on day 8.5 of gestation, with 44.3% of their offspring having exencephaly. The other strains used in these studies (LM/Bc, SWR/J, C57BL/6J, and DBA/2J) all had less than 14% affected offspring. In experimental situations where the environment is held constant and the only difference between the strains is their genotype, it is assumed that the difference in response to a teratogen is genetically mediated. To test the hypothesis that several genes are involved, reciprocal crosses were made between strains of high, moderate, and low sensitivity. When this was done, the high sensitivity of the SWV strain was lost in the F1 hybrid, implying not only that multiple genes are involved, but that it is the embryo's genotype and not the maternal genotype that is the major factor in determining susceptibility to heat-induced neural tube defects.  相似文献   

We identified two novel mouse mutants with abnormal head-shaking behavior and neural tube defects during the course of independent ENU mutagenesis experiments. The heterozygous and homozygous mutants exhibit defects in the orientation of sensory hair cells in the organ of Corti, indicating a defect in planar cell polarity. The homozygous mutants exhibit severe neural tube defects as a result of failure to initiate neural tube closure. We show that these mutants, spin cycle and crash, carry independent missense mutations within the coding region of Celsr1, encoding a large protocadherin molecule [1]. Celsr1 is one of three mammalian homologs of Drosophila flamingo/starry night, which is essential for the planar cell polarity pathway in Drosophila together with frizzled, dishevelled, prickle, strabismus/van gogh, and rhoA. The identification of mouse mutants of Celsr1 provides the first evidence for the function of the Celsr family in planar cell polarity in mammals and further supports the involvement of a planar cell polarity pathway in vertebrate neurulation.  相似文献   

Planar cell polarity (PCP) establishes polarity within an epithelial sheet. Defects in PCP are associated with developmental defects involving directional cell growth, including defects in kidney tubule elongation that lead to formation of kidney cysts. Given the strong association between kidney cyst formation and developmental biliary defects in patients and in animal models, we investigated the importance of PCP in biliary development. Here we report that in zebrafish, morpholino antisense oligonucleotide-mediated knockdown of PCP genes including prickle-1a (pk1a) led to developmental biliary abnormalities, as well as localization defects of the liver and other digestive organs. The defects in biliary development appear to be mediated via downstream PCP targets such as Rho kinase, Jun kinase (JNK), and both actin and microtubule components of the cytoskeleton. Knockdown of pk1a led to decreased expression of vhnf1, a homeodomain gene previously shown to be involved in biliary development and in kidney cyst formation; forced expression of vhnf1 mRNA led to rescue of the pk1a morphant phenotype. Our results demonstrate that PCP plays an important role in vertebrate biliary development, interacting with other factors known to be involved in biliary morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Neural tube defects (NTD) together with cardiovascular system defects are the most common malformations in the Polish population (2.05-2.68/1000 newborns). They arise during early embryogenesis and are caused by an improper neural groove closure during the neurulation process. NTD can arise from the influence of specific environmental factors on the foetus. The genetic factor is also very important, because NTDs have multigenetic conditioning. It was suggested that genes connected with the regulation of neurulation could also be involved in NTD aetiology, especially when their deletion or modification leads to neural tube defects in the mouse model. Examples are genes from the PAX family, T (Brachyury), BRCA1 and PDGFRA genes.  相似文献   

The function of the Frizzled pathway is essential for the formation of the array of distally pointing hairs found on the Drosophila wing. Previous research found that regulating the subcellular location for hair initiation controlled hair polarity. Recent work argues a graded Frizzled-dependent signal results in the accumulation of the Frizzled, Dishevelled and Flamingo proteins along the distal edge of the wing cells. This cortical mark leads to the local activation of downstream gene products and the subsequent activation of the cytoskeleton to form a hair.  相似文献   

A major problem in biology is to understand how complex tissue shapes may arise through growth. In many cases this process involves preferential growth along particular orientations raising the question of how these orientations are specified. One view is that orientations are specified through stresses in the tissue (axiality-based system). Another possibility is that orientations can be specified independently of stresses through molecular signalling (polarity-based system). The axiality-based system has recently been explored through computational modelling. Here we develop and apply a polarity-based system which we call the Growing Polarised Tissue (GPT) framework. Tissue is treated as a continuous material within which regionally expressed factors under genetic control may interact and propagate. Polarity is established by signals that propagate through the tissue and is anchored in regions termed tissue polarity organisers that are also under genetic control. Rates of growth parallel or perpendicular to the local polarity may then be specified through a regulatory network. The resulting growth depends on how specified growth patterns interact within the constraints of mechanically connected tissue. This constraint leads to the emergence of features such as curvature that were not directly specified by the regulatory networks. Resultant growth feeds back to influence spatial arrangements and local orientations of tissue, allowing complex shapes to emerge from simple rules. Moreover, asymmetries may emerge through interactions between polarity fields. We illustrate the value of the GPT-framework for understanding morphogenesis by applying it to a growing Snapdragon flower and indicate how the underlying hypotheses may be tested by computational simulation. We propose that combinatorial intractions between orientations and rates of growth, which are a key feature of polarity-based systems, have been exploited during evolution to generate a range of observed biological shapes.  相似文献   

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are a common cause of disability or death of new-borns, but the aetiology and genetic background of this disease are still poorly understood. Therefore, it was decided to determine the conditions for the identification of several polymorphisms and to perform a preliminary study on Polish NTD patients and their parents. According to the results of this study, the genetic predisposition to NTD can be correlated with the 677TT genotype in the MTHFR gene, 677CT/1298AC haplotype (the MTHFR gene), 2756G allele in the MTR gene, 66AG variant and minisatellite sequence with 5 or 10 repeats in intron 6 of the MTRR gene. The 530GG and TIVS7-2/TIVS7-2 genotypes in the T gene could also be considered as a risk factor for NTD. The analysis also revealed no correlation between neurulation disturbances and A4956G and A1186G mutations in the BRCA1 gene and the 844ins68bp in CBS gene. Although a correlation was found of some molecular markers with NTD, an additional examination should be conducted on more numerous groups to obtain statistically significant results.  相似文献   

Pregnant mice congenic with C57BL/10 (B10.A, B10.BR, B10.D2, B10.A[2R], B10.A[5R], B10.A[15Rd, B10.A[1R], B10.A[18R], and B10.0L) were fed Purina Mouse Chow or the same diet plus 200 IU of vitamin A daily. The pregnant dams were sacrificed on the eighteenth day of gestation, and the fetuses were sexed and examined for defects in neural tube development. The frequency of neural tube defects was low (mean frequency of all strains, 0.36%) and was not affected by the addition of vitamin A (200 IU/day) to the diet. Twenty-seven of the 29 defects observed occurred in the anterior tube (exencephaly); fourteen were identified in female fetuses, but the sex could not be determined in the other 15 cases because of fetal death and early autolysis. Variations in frequency among the strains suggest that a locus between E beta and H-2D has a moderate influence on the occurrence of neural tube defects. Strains that had H-2d alleles in this segment of the H-2 complex had relatively high frequencies, and those with H-2b or H-2k alleles had significantly lower frequencies.  相似文献   

We have studied the function of protein kinase A (PKA) during embryonic development using a PKA-deficient mouse that retains only one functional catalytic subunit allele, either Calpha or Cbeta, of PKA. The reduced PKA activity results in neural tube defects that are specifically localized posterior to the forelimb buds and lead to spina bifida. The affected neural tube has closed appropriately but exhibits an enlarged lumen and abnormal neuroepithelium. Decreased PKA activity causes dorsal expansion of Sonic hedgehog signal response in the thoracic to sacral regions correlating with the regions of morphological abnormalities. Other regions of the neural tube appear normal. The regional sensitivity to changes in PKA activity indicates that downstream signaling pathways differ along the anterior-posterior axis and suggests a functional role for PKA activation in neural tube development.  相似文献   

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