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We evaluated the effects of Plasmodium relictum (lineage P-SGS1), which is a host generalist, to five species of passerine birds. Light infection of P. relictum was isolated from a naturally infected adult reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus. The parasites were inoculated to naive juveniles of the chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, common crossbill Loxia curvirostra, house sparrow Passer domesticus, siskin Spinus spinus and starling Sturnus vulgaris. Susceptibility of these birds to the infection of P. relictum was markedly different. This parasite developed in birds belonging to the Fringillidae and Passeridae but the starlings (Sturnidae) were resistant. Only 50% of experimental house sparrows were susceptible to the infection. The intensity of parasitemia varied markedly inside and between different susceptible bird species. There were no effects of the infection on body mass or temperature of experimentally infected birds. Infection of P. relictum leads to the significant decrease of haematocrit value and hypertrophy of spleen and liver in heavily infected common crossbills and siskins. This study shows that infection of the same lineage of P. relictum causes diseases of different severity in different avian hosts; that might have different evolutionary consequences and should be taken in consideration in conservation projects.  相似文献   

The effects of avian malaria parasites of the genus Plasmodium on their hosts are insufficiently understood. This is particularly true for malarial co-infections, which predominant in many bird populations. We investigated effects of primary co-infection of Plasmodium relictum (lineage SGS1) and Plasmodium ashfordi (GRW2) on experimentally infected naive juveniles of siskin Spinus spinus, crossbill Loxia curvirostra and starling Sturnus vulgaris. All siskins and crossbills were susceptible but starlings resistant to both these infections. A general pattern of the co-infections was that heavy parasitemia (over 35% during peaks) of both parasites developed in both susceptible host species. There were no significant effects of the co-infections on mean body mass of the majority of infected birds. Mean haematocrit value decreased approximately 1.5 and 3 times in siskins and crossbills at the peak of parasitemia, respectively. Mortality was recorded among infected crossbills. We conclude that co-infections of P. relictum and P. ashfordi are highly virulent and act synergetically during primary infections in some but not all passerine birds.  相似文献   

Large herbivores may modify the ecosystem in a way that affects habitat quality and resource availability for other fauna. The increase in wild ungulate abundance in many areas may therefore lead to ecosystem changes, affecting distribution and reproduction of other species. Moose (Alces alces) in Scandinavia is a good example of a herbivore that has recently increased in abundance and has the potential to affect the ecosystem. In this study, we investigated how different levels of moose winter activity around supplementary feeding stations for moose affect reproduction in two insectivorous passerines: great tits (Parus major) and pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca). The two bird species showed contrasting responses to high moose activity at feeding stations. Great tits avoided habitats with high moose activity, where fledging success and feeding frequency was lower than at low moose activity habitats. Flycatchers nested more often at high moose activity habitats where fledging weight and feeding frequency were higher than at low moose activity habitats. Filming of nest boxes with great tits showed an increase in adult Lepidoptera in the diet at supplementary feeding stations for moose, and a smaller size of caterpillar prey at intermediate moose activity. The results support the hypothesis that herbivores may affect insectivorous passerines through changed arthropod food availability.  相似文献   

The evolution of elaborate secondary sexual traits (i.e., ornaments) is well‐studied in males but less so in females. Similarity in the appearance of ornaments between males and females supports the view that female ornaments arise as a neutral byproduct of selection on male traits due to genetic correlation between sexes, but recent research suggests an adaptive function of female ornaments in at least some contexts. Information on the degree to which production of ornaments differs between the sexes can shed light on these alternative perspectives. We therefore characterized the structural underpinnings of melanin‐based plumage production in males and females of two closely related passerine bird species (genus Malurus). Importantly, both ornamented and unornamented phenotypes in each sex are present between these two species, providing an opportunity to test the null expectation of equivalent modes of production in male and female ornamented phenotypes. In Malurus alboscapulatus, ornamented females are qualitatively similar to males, but we describe a distinctive ornamented female phenotype that differs from that of males in lacking a blue sheen and in lower feather barbule density. In M. melanocephalus, unornamented males and females are also similar in appearance, and we describe a similarity between unornamented phenotypes of males and females in both color and underlying feather barbule structure and pigment composition. Unornamented male M. melanocephalus can flexibly transition to the ornamented phenotype in weeks, and we found extreme differences in color and feather structure between these two alternative male phenotypes. These results contradict the idea that female ornaments have evolved in this system following a simple switch to male‐like plumage by demonstrating greater complexity in the production of the ornamented phenotype in males than in females.  相似文献   

This study provides the first report into immunohistochemical localization of Toll-like receptor (TLR) in the canine reproductive tract. TLR4 was investigated in endometrium during the estrous cycle and in pyometra. Pyometra is the most important pathological condition of the uterus due to bacterial infection in dogs. To protect against invading pathogens, the female reproductive tract has evolved immune mechanisms. TLRs are the cellular components of the afferent arm of the innate immune system. The expression of TLR4 was significantly higher in the endometrial stroma compared to the endometrial surface epithelium and glandular epithelium in proestrus. The glandular epithelium and stroma at the diestrous stage expressed TLR4 significantly higher than surface epithelium. Furthermore, when compared to other healthy groups, the glandular epithelium at diestrus also higher expressed TLR4 than other stages. The expression of TLR4 in the surface epithelium was higher in dogs with pyometra compared with all other groups. And, the surface epithelium of dogs suffering from pyometra also expressed TLR4 more intensely than the glandular epithelium. The innate immunity of infected canine endometrium response to bacterial infection is intensely extremely increased by the expression of TLR4. Furthermore, the different levels of TLR4 expression seems related to physiological changes in distinct cell types of endometrium, leukocytes populations, cytokines and sex hormones.  相似文献   

Although many wild bird species may act as reservoir hosts for tick-transmitted diseases and/or support long-distance dispersal of infected ticks, to date no research has been done on the extent to which songbirds may acquire resistance to ixodid ticks. Here we investigate whether two passerine species belonging to the family Paridae, the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) and the great tit (Parus major), are able to acquire resistance after repeated infestations with Ixodes ricinus nymphs. As blue tits are less frequently exposed to I. ricinus in the wild than great tits, we expected I. ricinus to be less adapted towards the blue tit’s resistance mechanisms. Over the three infestation sessions we observed consistently high tick attachment rates and yields, high engorgement weights, and short engorgement and moulting durations, indicating that neither of the two songbird species is able to mount effective immune responses against I. ricinus nymphs after repeated infestations. As a consequence of the lack of resistance, birds were unable to prevent the direct harm (acute blood depletion) caused by tick feeding. Birds compensated the erythrocyte loss without reduction in general body condition (body mass corrected for tarsus length). The lack of resistance suggests that I. ricinus has a long co-evolutionary history with both avian hosts, which enables the tick to avoid or suppress the host’s resistance responses.  相似文献   

DNA microarray is a useful technology for studying differential gene expression in the context of microbe-host interactions. This review concentrates on recent findings of the survival strategies of three intracellular pathogens: Shigella flexneri, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence of adaptive preferential investment during moult in those feather tracts that are more advantageous for fitness. In this study, we assessed whether, after the manual removal of two functionally different flight feathers (one primary and one rectrix), birds from two common passerine species (Eurasian Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla and European Robin Erithacus rubecula) favoured the regeneration of primary (supposedly the most functionally important feathers) over rectrix feathers. Our results did not show differences between replaced primary and rectrix feathers in their final length, but demonstrated that the gap left by the loss of the primary feather was filled earlier, suggesting that a rapid repair of the most essential feather tracts is also evolutionarily advantageous during the adventitious replacement of plumage.  相似文献   

The "condition-specific competition hypothesis" proposes that coexistence of 2 species is possible when spatial or temporal variations in environmental conditions exist and each species responds differently to those conditions. The distribution of different species of feather mites on their hosts is known to be affected by intrinsic host factors such as structure of feathers and friction among feathers during flight, but there is also evidence that external factors such as humidity and temperature can affect mite distribution. Some feather mites have the capacity to move through the plumage rather rapidly, and within-host variation in intensity of sunlight could be one of the cues involved in these active displacements. We analyzed both the within- and between-feather spatial distribution of 2 mite species, Trouessartia bifurcata and Dolichodectes edwardsi , that coexist in flight feathers of the moustached warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon. A complex spatial segregation between the 2 species was observed at 3 spatial levels, i.e., "feather surfaces," "between feathers," and "within feathers." Despite certain overlapping distribution among feathers, T. bifurcata dominated proximal and medial regions on dorsal faces, while D. edwardsi preferred disto-ventral feather areas. An experiment to check the behavioral response of T. bifurcata to sunlight showed that mites responded to light exposure by approaching the feather bases and even leaving its dorsal face. Spatial heterogeneity across the 3 analyzed levels, together with response to light and other particular species adaptations, may have played a role in the coexistence and segregation of feather mites competing for space and food in passerine birds.  相似文献   

The main vector for transmission of malaria in Mexico is the Anopheles albimanus mosquito. The midgut of disease-transmitting mosquitoes carries out a variety of functions that are related to blood feeding. We analyzed the midgut of A. albimanus infected with Plasmodium berghei (resistant mosquito) using a proteomic approach to identify putative short peptides that are enriched in the midgut after blood feeding. Mosquito midguts were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis to determine the changes in protein profiles. We identified 21 spot proteins that are differentially expressed in the blood of mosquitoes during the immune challenge. Molecular weight of the spots varied from 13 to 36 kDa, with a broad isoelectric point range of 3.92–8.90. We identified the differentially expressed proteins using mass spectrometry and constructed a proteomic data base of the A. albimanus midgut with diverse functions, some of them proteins with digestive and immunologic functions. Identification of these proteins may have important implications for understanding the blood meal digestion process, as well as developing novel vector control strategies and understanding parasite vector interactions.  相似文献   

Multiple predators affect the evolution of aposematic signals in nature and these predators may substantially differ in terms of ecological and cognitive parameters. However, most experimental studies testing the evolution of Batesian mimics use only a single species of predator (usually the great tit or a domestic chick). Therefore, in the present study, we experimentally tested the responses of five passerine predators to an artificially made Batesian mimic (a cockroach equipped with the warning pattern of the red firebug) with respect to their dietary ecology. Half of the individuals of each species were fed on unmodified roaches before the experiment, whereas the other half were fed with mealworms and thus had no previous experience with roaches. We found that Batesian mimics were better protected than inconspicuous prey against inexperienced great tits and robins alone. The other three bird species showed high level of neophobia; therefore, the effect of warning coloration could not be assessed. We also found that experienced birds attacked a greater number of Batesian mimics compared to inexperienced individuals of all tested species, with the exception of blackcaps. In the great tits, robins, and blue tits, a significant number of experienced birds attacked the Batesian mimic, which was possibly the result of a learned search image for a roach. Our results suggest that using a limited array of predators to describe evolutionary processes forming the diversity of antipredatory strategies of the prey may be biased and need not describe the situation occurring in nature.  相似文献   

Summary The fire-prone California chaparral contains two sympatric species of shrubs: Arctostaphylos glauca and A. glandulosa. A previous study showed that in a stand where both species had similar amounts of coverage, A. glauca had fewer seeds in the soil. We attempt to answer the questions: 1) Could ground-foraging seed predators produce the lower population of A. glauca seeds in the soil? 2) Do predators select fruits randomly with respect to fruit size? 3) Do the fruits of the two species differ in the proportions of fruit components (i.e. seeds, endocarp, mesocarp, and exocarp) in ways that could be important to seed predators? Predation was measured on artificial caches of fruits, for 17 weeks. Selection by predators was examined by comparing weights of fruits recovered from soil samples with newlymatured fruits on the shrubs. Fruits components were characterized by dividing fruits into 3 fractions and weighing. More fruits of A. glauca were removed from the caches. Fruits of both species recovered from the soil were lighter than those on the shrubs. The weights of seeds, stony and fleshy fruit layers were all larger in A. glauca. Within fruits of A. glandulosa, the weights of the three components, various combinations, and ratios were all significantly correlated, while in A. glauca no other component, combination of components, or ratio examined was significantly correlated with the weights of the seeds.  相似文献   

Two different full-length cDNAs for cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H1 and C4H2) were isolated from Citrus sinensis Osbeck cv. Valencia libraries. C4H1 (1708 bp) and C4H2 (1871 bp) share only 65% identity on nucleotide and 66% identity on the amino acid level, respectively. C4H1 is most homologous to a cinnamate 4-hydroxylase sequence from French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), but codes for a unique N-terminus. C4H2 shows highest similarity to a poplar (Populus kitakamiensis) sequence, but also shows a unique N-terminus. The two genes are expressed differentially in orange flavedo, C4H2 is constitutive, C4H1 is wound-induced. In competitive RT-PCR, the mRNA for both genes in wounded and untreated tissue was quantified. C4H1 is strongly wound-inducible from `not detectable' to about 35 fg mRNA per 50 ng total RNA 8 h after wounding. The first detectable C4H1 mRNA was found 4 h after wounding. After reaching peak levels 4 h later the levels slightly declined, but stayed elevated until the end of the experiment (48 h). C4H2 is expressed 3–10 times higher than wound-induced C4H1 even in the control sample; wounding transiently increases the level of expression another 2–3 times. The existence of different N-termini and their effects on the possible role of both genes in phenylpropanoid pathways is discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic studies in Acanthaceae revealed that Schaueria azaleiflora and three species of Streblacanthus are closely related to the genus Pachystachys. In the present study, we propose the enlargement of Pachystachys to reflect these relationships. Two new species are described and illustrated, P. gracilis from Brazil and P. linearibracteata from Peru, and four new combinations are proposed in the genus. A key to identify the 18 species of Pachystachys s.l. is also provided.  相似文献   

Many insular taxa possess extraordinary abilities to disperse but may differ in their abilities to diversify and compete. While some taxa are widespread across archipelagos, others have disjunct (relictual) populations. These types of taxa, exemplified in the literature by selections of unrelated taxa, have been interpreted as representing a continuum of expansions and contractions (i.e. taxon cycles). Here, we use molecular data of 35 out of 40 species of the avian genus Pachycephala (including 54 out of 66 taxa in Pachycephala pectoralis (sensu lato), to assess the spatio-temporal evolution of the group. We also include data on species distributions, morphology, habitat and elevational ranges to test a number of predictions associated with the taxon-cycle hypothesis. We demonstrate that relictual species persist on the largest and highest islands across the Indo-Pacific, whereas recent archipelago expansions resulted in colonization of all islands in a region. For co-occurring island taxa, the earliest colonists generally inhabit the interior and highest parts of an island, with little spatial overlap with later colonists. Collectively, our data support the idea that taxa continuously pass through phases of expansions and contractions (i.e. taxon cycles).  相似文献   

The sub-tropical red seaweed Asparagopsis taxiformis is of significant interest due to its ability to store halogenated compounds, including bromoform, which can mitigate methane production in ruminants. Significant scale-up of aquaculture production of this seaweed is required; however, relatively little is known about the molecular mechanisms that control fundamental physiological processes, including the regulatory factors that determine sexual dimorphism in gametophytes. In this study, we used comparative RNA-sequencing analysis between different morphological parts of mature male and female A. taxiformis (lineage 6) gametophytes that resulted in greater number of sex-biased gene expression in tips (containing the reproductive structures for both sexes), compared with the somatic main axis and rhizomes. Further comparative RNA-seq against immature tips was used to identify 62 reproductive sex-biased genes (59 male-biased, 3 female-biased). Of the reproductive male-biased genes, 46% had an unknown function, while others were predicted to be regulatory factors and enzymes involved in signaling. We found that bromoform content obtained from female samples (8.5 ± 1.0 mg·g−1 dry weight) was ~10% higher on average than that of male samples (6.5 ± 1.0 mg·g−1 dry weight), although no significant difference was observed (p > 0.05). There was also no significant difference in the marine bromoform biosynthesis locus gene expression. In summary, our comparative RNA-sequencing analysis provides a first insight into the potential molecular factors relevant to gametogenesis and sexual differentiation in A. taxiformis, with potential benefits for identification of sex-specific markers.  相似文献   

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