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The family Labridae (including scarines and odacines) contains 82 genera and about 600 species of fishes that inhabit coastal and continental shelf waters in tropical and temperate oceans throughout the world. The Labridae (the wrasses) is the fifth largest fish family and second largest marine fish family, and is one of the most morphologically and ecologically diversified families of fishes in size, shape, and color. Labrid phylogeny is a long-standing problem in ichthyology that is part of the larger question of relationships within the suborder Labroidei. A phylogenetic analysis of labrids was conducted to investigate relationships among the six classical tribes of wrasses, the affinities of the wrasses to the parrotfishes (scarines), and the broad phylogenetic structure among labrid genera. Four gene fragments were sequenced from 98 fish species, including 84 labrid fishes and 14 outgroup taxa. Taxa were chosen from all major labrid clades and most major global ocean regions where labrid fishes exist, as well as cichlid, pomacentrid, and embiotocid outgroups. From the mitochondrial genome we sequenced portions of 12S rRNA (1000 bp) and 16S rRNA (585 bp), which were aligned by using a secondary structure model. From the nuclear genome, we sequenced part of the protein-coding genes RAG2 (846 bp) and Tmo4C4 (541 bp). Maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and Bayesian analyses on the resulting 2972 bp of DNA sequence produced similar topologies that confirm the monophyly of a family Labridae that includes the parrotfishes and butterfishes and strong support for many previously identified taxonomic subgroups. The tribe Hypsigenyini (hogfishes, tuskfishes) is the sister group to the remaining labrids and includes odacines and the chisel-tooth wrasse Pseudodax moluccanus, a species previously considered close to scarines. Cheilines and scarines are sister-groups, closely related to the temperate Labrini, and pseudocheilines and cheilines are split in all phylogenies. The razorfishes (novaculines) and temperate pseudolabrines form successive sister clades to the large crown group radiation of the Julidini. The cleaner wrasses (Labrichthyini) are nested within this radiation and several julidine genera do not appear to be monophyletic (e.g., Coris and Halichoeres). Invasion of temperate water by this predominantly tropical group has occurred multiple times and the reconstruction of biogeography assuming an Indo-Pacific ancestor results in five different lineages invading the Atlantic/Caribbean region. Functional novelties in the feeding apparatus have allowed labrid fishes to occupy nearly every feeding guild in reef environments, and trophic variation is a central axis of diversification in this family.  相似文献   

Sequence data derived from two mitochondrial markers, 16S rRNA and cytochrome b genes, were used to infer the phylogenetic relationships of 38 populations of the snake-eyed skinks of the genus Ablepharus with emphasis on A. kitaibelii from Greece and Turkey. The partition-homogeneity tests indicated that the combined data set was homogeneous, and maximum-parsimony, maximum-likelihood, and Bayesian analyses produced topologically identical trees that revealed a well-resolved phylogeny. All species except A. kitaibelii form monophyletic units. The latter species appears paraphyletic with respect to A. budaki and A. chernovi with populations clustering into two distinct clades. A. chernovi and A. budaki, which have recently been raised to species status, were confirmed as genetically distinct forms. We used sequence divergence and paleogeographic history of the Aegean region to reconstruct a biogeographic evolutionary scenario for A. kitaibelii.  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationships of the extant species within the order Acipenseriformes are not well understood. Nucleotide sequences of four mitochondrial genes (12S rRNA, COII, tRNA(Phe), and tRNA(Asp) genes) in North American sturgeon and paddlefish were examined to reconstruct a phylogeny. Analysis of the combined gene sequences suggests a basal placement of the paddlefish with regard to the sturgeons. Nucleotide sequences of all four genes for the three Scaphirhynchus species were identical. The position of Scaphirhynchus based on our data was uncertain. Within the genus Acipenser, the two Acipenser oxyrinchus subspecies were very similar in sequence and found to be basal to the remaining Acipenser species examined. Based on our data, Acipenser transmontanus and Acipenser medirostris were sister taxa, as were Acipenser fulvescens and Acipenser brevirostrum. Comparison of our results with hypotheses of sturgeon relationships proposed by previous authors is presented. The sequence data presented here are phylogenetically useful and provide a solid foundation of genetic information for the North American Acipenseriformes that can be expanded to include Eurasian species to provide a global picture of sturgeon evolution.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA sequences were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of the Penaeus s.l. genus of marine shrimp. This phylogeny was used to test the validity of hypotheses on the species groupings, in particular the subgenus/genus subdivision, and on the species' evolutionary history. Newly derived sequences of both 16S rRNA and COI genes from 19 species of Penaeus s.l. and one outgroup were combined with previous sequences from seven additional species to allow analysis of 26 of the 28 recognised (or nominated) species. Phylogenetic analyses do not support the validity of all the previously created six subgenera (or genera) but provide evidence for division of the genus into two previously unrecognised clades (Melicertus+Marsupenaeus and Penaeus s.s.+Fenneropenaeus+Farfantepenaeus+Litopenaeus). A key conclusion from a previous molecular study, that the subgenera Farfantepenaeus and Litopenaeus are paraphyletic, was rejected. The molecular data support an Indo-West Pacific origin of the genus, with a single relatively recent colonisation of the Western Hemisphere, and subsequent subdivision into two clades prior to the emergence of the Panamanian isthmus.  相似文献   

Collodaria are the only group of Radiolaria that has a colonial lifestyle. This group is potentially the most important plankton in the oligotrophic ocean because of its large biomass and the high primary productivity associated with the numerous symbionts inside a cell or colony. The evolution of Collodaria could thus be related to the changes in paleo-productivity that have affected organic carbon fixation in the oligotrophic ocean. However, the fossil record of Collodaria is insufficient to trace their abundance through geological time, because most collodarians do not have silicified shells. Recently, molecular phylogeny based on nuclear small sub-unit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) confirmed Collodaria to be one of five orders of Radiolaria, though the relationship among collodarians is still unresolved because of inadequate taxonomic sampling. Our phylogenetic analysis has revealed four novel collodarian sequences, on the basis of which collodarians can be divided into four clades that correspond to taxonomic grouping at the family level: Thalassicollidae, Collozoidae, Collosphaeridae, and Collophidae. Comparison of the results of our phylogenetic analyses with the morphological characteristics of each collodarian family suggests that the first ancestral collodarians had a solitary lifestyle and left no silica deposits. The timing of events estimated from molecular divergence calculations indicates that naked collodarian lineages first appeared around 45.6 million years (Ma) ago, coincident with the diversification of diatoms in the pelagic oceans. Colonial collodarians appeared after the formation of the present ocean circulation system and the development of oligotrophic conditions in the equatorial Pacific (ca. 33.4 Ma ago). The divergence of colonial collodarians probably caused a shift in the efficiency of primary production during this period.  相似文献   

Since their discovery almost one hundred years ago, the adaptive radiations of cichlid fishes in the largest East African lakes have fascinated biologists. They are a prime example of explosive speciation. Among vertebrates, these species assemblages are the most species rich and the most diverse, morphologically, ecologically and behaviorally. Recent phylogenetic analyses of molecular data and refined knowledge about the geological history of the East African lakes are throwing new light on the evolutionary history of these extraordinary fish faunas.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the three recognized genera of skunks (Mephitis, Spilogale, andConepatus) were examined using allozymes and nucleotide sequence data from portions of the cytochromeb gene and displacement loop of the mitochondrial genome. The data sets indicated thatMephitis andSpilogale shared a common ancestor after they diverged fromConepatus. Intrageneric relationships revealed that the level of genetic divergence between the two species ofSpilogale was equal to the level of divergence between the two species ofMephitis, with the two North American species ofConepatus possessing the least amount of genetic divergence.  相似文献   



The Nme family, previously known as Nm23 or NDPK, is involved in various molecular processes including tumor metastasis and some members of the family, but not all, exhibit a Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase (NDPK) activity. Ten genes are known in humans, in which some members have been extensively studied. In non-mammalian species, the Nme protein family has received, in contrast, far less attention. The picture of the vertebrate Nme family remains thus incomplete and orthology relationships with mammalian counterparts were only partially characterized. The present study therefore aimed at characterizing the Nme gene repertoire in vertebrates with special interest for teleosts, and providing a comprehensive overview of the Nme gene family evolutionary history in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The evolution of segmentation in Crustacea, that is, the formation of sclerotized and jointed body somites and arrangement of somites into tagmata, is viewed in light of historical traits and functional constraints. The set of Early to Late Cambrian 'Orsten' arthropods have informed our current views of crustacean evolution considerably. These three-dimensionally preserved fossils document ancient morphologies, as opposed to purely hypothetical models and, because of the unusual preservation of larval stages, provide us with unparalleled insight into the morphogenesis of body somites and their structural equipment. The variety of evolutionary levels represented in the 'Orsten' including lobopodians, tardigrades, and pentastomids also allows phylogenetic interpretations far beyond the Crustacea. The 'Orsten' evidence and data from representatives of the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang biota in southwestern China, including phylogenetically earlier forms, form the major source of our morphology-based review of structural and functional developments that led toward the Crustacea. The principal strategy of arthropods is the simultaneous development of head somites, as expressed in a basal "head larva," and a successive addition of postcephalic somites from a preterminal budding zone with progressive maturation of metameric structures. This can be recognized in the developmental patterns of extant and fossil representatives of several euarthropod taxa, particularly crustaceans, trilobites, and chelicerates (at least basally). The development of these taxa points to an early somite-poor and free-living hatching stage. Embryonic development to a late stage within an egg, as occurring in recent onychophorans and certain in-group euarthropods, is regarded as achieved several times convergently.  相似文献   

With approximately 25 endemic species, the genus Pyrus (pears) is highly diverse in the Caucasus ecoregion. The majority of Caucasian pears inhabit xerophytic open woodlands or similar habitats, to which they display morphological adaptations, such as narrow leaves. The other species, both Caucasian and non‐Caucasian taxa, mainly inhabit mesophytic forests and display broad leaves. Using a representative taxon sampling of Pyrus from the Caucasus, Europe and Asia, we reconstruct phylogenetic relationships in the genus based on multiple plastid regions. We also estimate the divergence times of major clades in Pyrus, reconstruct the evolution of leaf shapes, and discuss the emergence of xeromorphic leaf traits. Our results confirm the monophyly of Pyrus and the existence of two major clades: (a) an E Asian clade with a crown group age of 15.7 (24.02–8.37 95% HPD) My, and (b) a W Eurasian clade that comprises species from Europe, SW Asia and the Caucasus and that displays a slightly younger crown group of 12.38 (19.02–6.41 95% HPD) My. The existing infrageneric classification of Pyrus was found partially incongruent with the inferred phylogenetic trees. Several currently accepted species were not recovered as monophyletic, indicating that current species limits require re‐evaluation. Ancestral character state reconstructions revealed several independent transitions from broad‐ to narrow‐shaped leaves in Pyrus, probably via intermediate‐shaped leaves.  相似文献   

We present a new, broadly applicable measure of the spatial restriction of phylogenetic diversity, termed phylogenetic endemism (PE). PE combines the widely used phylogenetic diversity and weighted endemism measures to identify areas where substantial components of phylogenetic diversity are restricted. Such areas are likely to be of considerable importance for conservation. PE has a number of desirable properties not combined in previous approaches. It assesses endemism consistently, independent of taxonomic status or level, and independent of previously defined political or biological regions. The results can be directly compared between areas because they are based on equivalent spatial units. PE builds on previous phylogenetic analyses of endemism, but provides a more general solution for mapping endemism of lineages. We illustrate the broad applicability of PE using examples of Australian organisms having contrasting life histories: pea-flowered shrubs of the genus Daviesia (Fabaceae) and the Australian species of the Australo-Papuan tree frog radiation within the family Hylidae.  相似文献   

The Drosophila virilis group is one of the major lineages of Drosophila previously recognised and it has been used as a model for different types of studies. It comprises 13 species whose phylogenetic relationships are not well resolved. In the present study, six nuclear genes (Adh, fused, Gpdh, NonA, CG9631 and CG7219) and the mitochondrial ribosomal RNA genes (12S-16S) have been used to estimate the evolutionary tree of the group using different methods of phylogenetic reconstruction. Different competing evolutionary hypotheses have also been compared using the Approximately Unbiased test to further evaluate the robustness of the inferred trees. Results are, in general, consistent with previous studies in recovering the four major lineages of the group (D. virilis phylad, Drosophila montana subphylad, Drosophila kanekoi subphylad and Drosophila littoralis subphylad), although D. kanekoi, D. littoralis and Drosophila ezoana are here inferred to be more closely related to the D. virilis phylad than to the D. montana subphylad. The age of the crown group, estimated with a Bayesian method that assumes a relaxed molecular clock, is placed in the late Miocene (~ 10 Mya). The oldest lineages also appeared during this period (~ 7.5 to ~ 8.9 Mya), while the ages of the basal nodes of the montana subphylad and the virilis phylad are located in the early Pliocene (~ 4.9 and ~ 4.1 Mya). Major cladogenesis events correlate to geological and palaeoclimatic occurrences that most likely affected the freshwater and deciduous forests where these species are found. The inferred biogeographical history of the group, based on the statistical dispersal-vicariance analysis, indicates that the last common ancestor of the group had a Holarctic distribution from which the North American and the Eurasian lineages evolved as a result of a vicariant event.  相似文献   

Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) catalyses the key reaction by which inorganic carbon may be assimilated into organic carbon. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that there are three classes of bona fide RubisCO proteins, forms I, II and III, which all catalyse the same reactions. In addition, there exists another form of RubisCO, form IV, which does not catalyse RuBP carboxylation or oxygenation. Form IV is actually a homologue of RubisCO and is called the RubisCO-like protein (RLP). Both RubisCO and RLP appear to have evolved from an ancestor protein in a methanogenic archaeon, and comprehensive analyses indicate that the different forms (I, II, III and IV) contain various subgroups, with individual sequences derived from representatives of all three kingdoms of life. The diversity of RubisCO molecules, many of which function in distinct milieus, has provided convenient model systems to study the ways in which the active site of this protein has evolved to accommodate necessary molecular adaptations. Such studies have proven useful to help provide a framework for understanding the molecular basis for many important aspects of RubisCO catalysis, including the elucidation of factors or functional groups that impinge on RubisCO carbon dioxide/oxygen substrate discrimination.  相似文献   

Toroviruses (family Coronaviridae, order Nidovirales) are enveloped, positive-stranded RNA viruses that have been implicated in enteric disease in cattle and possibly in humans. Despite their potential veterinary and clinical relevance, little is known about torovirus epidemiology and molecular genetics. Here, we present the first study into the diversity among toroviruses currently present in European swine and cattle herds. Comparative sequence analysis was performed focusing on the genes for the structural proteins S, M, HE, and N, with fecal specimens serving as sources of viral RNA. Sequence data published for animal and human torovirus variants were included. Four genotypes, displaying 30 to 40% divergence, were readily distinguished, exemplified by bovine torovirus (BToV) Breda, porcine torovirus (PToV) Markelo, equine torovirus Berne, and the putative human torovirus. The ungulate toroviruses apparently display host species preference. In phylogenetic analyses, all PToV variants clustered, while the recent European BToVs mostly resembled the New World BToV variant Breda, identified 19 years ago. However, we found ample evidence for recurring intertypic recombination. All newly characterized BToV variants seem to have arisen from a genetic exchange, during which the 3' end of the HE gene, the N gene, and the 3' nontranslated region of a Breda virus-like parent had been swapped for those of PToV. Moreover, some PToV and BToV variants carried chimeric HE genes, which apparently resulted from recombination events involving hitherto unknown toroviruses. From these observations, the existence of two additional torovirus genotypes can be inferred. Toroviruses may be even more promiscuous than their closest relatives, the coronaviruses and arteriviruses.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the Santalales and relatives   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Determining relationships among parasitic angiosperms has often been difficult owing to frequent morphological reductions in floral and vegetative features. We report 18S (small-subunit) rRNA sequences for representative genera of three families within the Santalales (Olacaceae, Santalaceae, and Viscaceae) and six outgroup dicot families (Celastraceae, Cornaceae, Nyssaceae, Buxaceae, Apiaceae, and Araliaceae). Using Wagner parsimony analysis, one most parsimonius tree resulted that shows the Santalales to be a holophyletic taxon most closely related toEuronymus (Celastraceae). The santalalean taxa showed approximately 13% more transitional mutations than the group of seven other dicot species. This suggests a higher fixation rate for mutations in these organisms, possibly owing to a relaxation of selection pressures at the molecular level in parasitic vs nonparasitic plants. Outgroup relationships are generally in accord with current taxonomic classifications, such as the grouping of Nyssaceae and Cornaceae together (Cornales) and the grouping of Araliaceae with Apiaceae (Apiales). These data provide the first nucleotide sequences for any parasitic flowering plant and support the contention that rRNA sequence analysis can result in robust phylogenetic comparisons at the family level and above.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic information is increasingly being used to understand the assembly of biological communities and ecological processes. However, commonly used metrics of phylogenetic diversity (PD) do not incorporate information on the relative abundances of individuals within a community. In this study, we develop three indices of PD that explicitly consider species abundances. First, we present a metric of phylogenetic-abundance evenness that evaluates the relationship between the abundance and the distribution of terminal branch lengths. Second, we calculate an index of hierarchical imbalance of abundances at the clade level encapsulating the distribution of individuals across the nodes in the phylogeny. Third, we develop an index of abundance-weighted evolutionary distinctiveness and generate an entropic index of phylogenetic diversity that captures both information on evolutionary distances and phylogenetic tree topology, and also serves as a basis to evaluate species conservation value. These metrics offer measures of phylogenetic diversity incorporating different community attributes. We compare these new metrics to existing ones, and use them to explore diversity patterns in a typical California annual grassland plant community at the Jasper Ridge biological preserve.
Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 96–105  相似文献   

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