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Global climate changes during the Cenozoic (65.5–0 Ma) caused major biological range shifts and extinctions. In northern Europe, for example, a pattern of few endemics and the dominance of wide‐ranging species is thought to have been determined by the Pleistocene (2.59–0.01 Ma) glaciations. This study, in contrast, reveals an ancient subsurface fauna endemic to Britain and Ireland. Using a Bayesian phylogenetic approach, we found that two species of stygobitic invertebrates (genus Niphargus) have not only survived the entire Pleistocene in refugia but have persisted for at least 19.5 million years. Other Niphargus species form distinct cryptic taxa that diverged from their nearest continental relative between 5.6 and 1.0 Ma. The study also reveals an unusual biogeographical pattern in the Niphargus genus. It originated in north‐west Europe approximately 87 Ma and underwent a gradual range expansion. Phylogenetic diversity and species age are highest in north‐west Europe, suggesting resilience to extreme climate change and strongly contrasting the patterns seen in surface fauna. However, species diversity is highest in south‐east Europe, indicating that once the genus spread to these areas (approximately 25 Ma), geomorphological and climatic conditions enabled much higher diversification. Our study highlights that groundwater ecosystems provide an important contribution to biodiversity and offers insight into the interactions between biological and climatic processes.  相似文献   

Abstract  For 7 of the 23 described species of Australian gall-inducing thrips, the first individuals of the foundress' brood to eclose are gall-bound soldiers, which are morphologically and behaviourally specialised for defending the fully winged dispersing brood. Additional support is provided for the hypothesis that these self-sacrificing soldiers evolved only once and that there have been two subsequent reversions to a solitary life. Furthermore, this single origin of eusociality took place approximately six million years ago and perhaps four million years after the origin of gall induction in the Acacia thrips. The two losses of the soldier caste may have happened at very different times. One loss may have occurred very soon after the origin of soldiers (approximately 300 000 years later), and the other may have occurred another three million years after that.  相似文献   

Seasonal migration in birds is known to be highly labile and subject to rapid change in response to selection, such that researchers have hypothesized that phylogenetic relationships should neither predict nor constrain the migratory behaviour of a species. Many theories on the evolution of bird migration assume a framework that extant migratory species have evolved repeatedly and relatively recently from sedentary tropical or subtropical ancestors. We performed ancestral state reconstructions of migratory behaviour using a comprehensive, well-supported phylogeny of the Parulidae (the 'wood-warblers'), a large family of Neotropical and Nearctic migratory and sedentary songbirds, and examined the rates of gain and loss of migration throughout the Parulidae. Counter to traditional hypotheses, our results suggest that the ancestral wood-warbler was migratory and that losses of migration have been at least as prevalent as gains throughout the history of Parulidae. Therefore, extant sedentary tropical radiations in the Parulidae represent losses of latitudinal migration and colonization of the tropics from temperate regions. We also tested for phylogenetic signal in migratory behaviour, and our results indicate that although migratory behaviour is variable within some wood-warbler species and clades, phylogeny significantly predicts the migratory distance of species in the Parulidae.  相似文献   

Passiflora L. has more than 575 species distributed especially in the Neotropics. The chromosome number variation in the genus is highly congruent with its main subgenera, but its basic chromosome number (x) and the underlying events responsible for this variation have remained controversial. Here, we provide a robust and well-resolved time-calibrated phylogeny that includes 102 taxa, and by means of phylogenetic comparative methods (PCM) we tested the relative importance of polyploidy and dysploidy events to Passiflora karyotype evolution and diversification. Passiflora arose 42.9 Mya, with subgenus diversification at the end of the Palaeogene (Eocene-Oligocene). The basic chromosome number of the genus is proposed as x?=?6, and a strong recent diversification found in the Passiflora subgenus (Miocene) correlated to genome size increase and a chromosome change from n?=?6 to n?=?9 by ascending dysploidy. Polyploidy, conversely, appeared restricted to few lineages, such as Astrophea and Deidamioides subgenera, and did not lead to diversification increases. Our findings suggest that ascending dysploidy provided a great advantage for generating long-term persistent lineages and promoting species diversification. Thus, chromosome numbers/genome size changes may have contributed to morphological/ecological traits that explain the pattern of diversification observed in the genus Passiflora.  相似文献   

The dorsal crest of newts (Salamandridae) is a novel, phenotypically plastic, sexually selected trait that may evolve in association with complex courtship behaviours. We estimated a near-comprehensive, time-calibrated phylogeny for salamandrids and analysed the evolution of their crests and display behaviour. Different models give conflicting reconstructions for crest evolution, showing that likelihood can estimate incorrect ancestral states with strong statistical support. The best-fitting model suggests that crests evolved once and were lost repeatedly, supporting the hypothesis that sexually selected traits may be frequently lost. We demonstrate the correlated evolution of crests and courtship behaviour and show that species with larger numbers of crest-related traits have larger repertoires of behaviours. We also show that phenotypically plastic morphological traits can be maintained over long macroevolutionary timescales (~25-48 Myr). Finally, we use salamandrids to address how novel structures may arise, and support a model involving the expansion and subdivision of pre-existing structures.  相似文献   

Darters (Percidae: Etheostomatinae), a species‐rich group of North American freshwater fishes, vary in the presence of a premaxillary fraenum, a strip of skin that connects the premaxillary bones to the snout, and it is hypothesized that this trait is a trophic adaptation to particular substrata. Ancestral state reconstructions and analyses of phylogenetic associations between presence of the premaxillary fraenum and preferred stream substratum were conducted in a clade of closely related darters (snubnose darters and allies) that vary in morphology and habitat preferences. The most recent common ancestor of this clade was inferred to possess a fraenum and to inhabit rocky substrata, consistent with previous hypotheses, but a significant correlation between fraenum presence and substratum type across the phylogeny was not found.  相似文献   

The subfamily Typhlocybinae is a ubiquitous, highly diverse group of mostly tiny, delicate leafhoppers. The tribal classification has long been controversial and phylogenetic methods have only recently begun to test the phylogenetic status and relationships of tribes. To shed light on the evolution of Typhlocybinae, we performed phylogenetic analyses based on 28 newly sequenced and 19 previously sequenced mitochondrial genomes representing all currently recognized tribes. The results support the monophyly of the subfamily and its sister‐group relationship to Mileewinae. The tribe Zyginellini is polyphyletic with some included genera derived independently within Typhlocybini. Ancestral character state reconstruction suggests that some morphological characters traditionally considered important for diagnosing tribes (presence/absence of ocelli, development of hind wing submarginal vein) are homoplastic. Divergence time estimates indicate that the subfamily arose during the Middle Cretaceous and that the extant tribes arose during the Late Cretaceous. Phylogenetic results support establishment of a new genus, Subtilissimia Yan & Yang gen. nov., with two new species, Subtilissimia fulva Yan & Yang sp. nov. and Subtilissimia pellicula Yan & Yang sp. nov.; but indicate that two previously recognized species of Farynala distinguished only by the direction of curvature of the processes of the aedeagus are synonyms, that is, Farynala dextra Yan & Yang, 2017 equals Farynala sinistra Yan & Yang, 2017 syn. nov. A key to tribes of Typhlocybinae is provided.  相似文献   

Regeneration, the ability to replace lost body structures, and agametic asexual reproduction, such as fission and budding, are post‐embryonic developmental capabilities widely distributed yet highly variable across animals. Regeneration capabilities vary dramatically both within and across phyla, but the evolution of regeneration ability has rarely been reconstructed in an explicitly phylogenetic context. Agametic reproduction appears strongly associated with high regenerative abilities, and there are also extensive developmental similarities between these two processes, suggesting that the two are evolutionarily related. However, the directionality leading to this relationship remains unclear: while it has been proposed that regeneration precedes asexual reproduction, the reverse hypothesis has also been put forward. Here, we use phylogenetically explicit methods to reconstruct broad patterns of regeneration evolution and formally test these hypotheses about the evolution of fission in the phylum Annelida (segmented worms). We compiled from the literature a large dataset of information on anterior regeneration, posterior regeneration, and fission abilities for 401 species and mapped this information onto a phylogenetic tree based on recent molecular studies. We used Markovian maximum likelihood and Bayesian MCMC methods to evaluate different models for the evolution of regeneration and fission and to estimate the likelihood of each of these traits being present at each node of the tree. Our results strongly support anterior and posterior regeneration ability being present at the basal node of the annelid tree and being lost 18 and 5 times, respectively, but never regained. By contrast, the ability to fission is reconstructed as being absent at the basal node and being gained at least 19 times, with several possible losses. Models assuming independent evolution of regeneration and fission yield significantly lower likelihoods. Our findings suggest that anterior and posterior regeneration are ancestral for Annelida and are consistent with the hypothesis that regenerative ability is required to evolve fission.  相似文献   

Animal activity is driven by the environmental conditions and physical structure of a habitat, and the need to interact with, or avoid, other animals. Knowledge of the proportion of the 24-hour cycle spent active (activity level), and the time/s of day in which activity is concentrated (activity pattern), informs our understanding of species' ecology and community dynamics. In multidimensional habitats such as tropical rainforests, arboreal (canopy-dwelling) taxa comprise up to three-quarters of vertebrate assemblages; yet, wildlife surveys are typically limited to ground level. Terrestrial-only sampling can result in activity metrics that do not take account of species' full use of horizontal and vertical habitat space. We paired ground- and canopy-level camera traps to characterize mammal activity across vertical strata in Borneo. Additionally, we sampled unlogged and recovering-logged rainforest to evaluate whether this activity was impacted by logging. Activity across vertical strata varied substantially among 37 species. Arboreal mammals were predominantly nocturnal or diurnal but never cathemeral, terrestrial mammals were mostly nocturnal or cathemeral, and semi-arboreal mammals appeared to fill the temporal niches under-utilized by other groups. Differences in activity between unlogged and recovering-logged forest were minimal, with 92% of species found in both forest types retaining the same activity pattern. Our study demonstrates that the inclusion of canopy-based sampling provides much greater insights into overall rainforest mammal activity than terrestrial sampling alone. Our results suggest that the varying opportunities and constraints of each stratum act in concert to influence the diel patterns of tropical mammals. Abstract in Malay is available with online material.  相似文献   

Phylogeny is deeply pertinent to evolutionary studies. Traits that perform a body function are expected to be strongly influenced by physical "requirements" of the function. We investigated if such traits exhibit phylogenetic signals, and, if so, how phylogenetic noises bias quantification of form-function relationships. A form-function system that is strongly influenced by physics, namely the relationship between eye morphology and visual optics in amniotes, was used. We quantified the correlation between form (i.e., eye morphology) and function (i.e., ocular optics) while varying the level of phylogenetic bias removal through adjusting Pagel's λ. Ocular soft-tissue dimensions exhibited the highest correlation with ocular optics when 1% of phylogenetic bias expected from Brownian motion was removed (i.e., λ= 0.01); the value for hard-tissue data were 8%. A small degree of phylogenetic bias therefore exists in morphology despite of the stringent functional constraints. We also devised a phylogenetically informed discriminant analysis and recorded the effects of phylogenetic bias on this method using the same data. Use of proper λ values during phylogenetic bias removal improved misidentification rates in resulting classifications when prior probabilities were assumed to be equal. Even a small degree of phylogenetic bias affected the classification resulting from phylogenetically informed discriminant analysis.  相似文献   

Birds in which both sexes produce complex songs are thought to be more common in the tropics than in temperate areas, where typically only males sing. Yet the role of phylogeny in this apparent relationship between female song and latitude has never been examined. Here, we reconstruct evolutionary changes in female song and breeding latitude in the New World blackbirds (Icteridae), a family with both temperate and tropical representatives. We provide strong evidence that members of this group have moved repeatedly from tropical to temperate breeding ranges and, furthermore, that these range shifts were associated with losses of female song more often than expected by chance. This historical perspective suggests that male-biased song production in many temperate species is the result not of sexual selection for complex song in males but of selection against such songs in females. Our results provide new insights into the differences we see today between tropical and temperate songbirds, and suggest that the role of sexual selection in the evolution of bird song might not be as simple as we think.  相似文献   

Many animals are active only during a particular time (e.g., day vs. night), a partitioning that may have important consequences for species coexistence. An open question is the extent to which this diel activity niche is evolutionarily conserved or labile. Here, we analyze diel activity data across a phylogeny of 1914 tetrapod species. We find strong phylogenetic signal, showing that closely related species tend to share similar activity patterns. Ancestral reconstructions show that nocturnality was the most likely ancestral diel activity pattern for tetrapods and many major clades within it (e.g., amphibians, mammals). Remarkably, nocturnal activity appears to have been maintained continuously in some lineages for ~350 million years. Thus, we show that traits involved in local‐scale resource partitioning can be conserved over strikingly deep evolutionary time scales. We also demonstrate a potentially important (but often overlooked) metric of niche conservatism. Finally, we show that diurnal lineages appear to have faster speciation and diversification rates than nocturnal lineages, which may explain why there are presently more diurnal tetrapod species even though diurnality appears to have evolved more recently. Overall, our results may have implications for studies of community ecology, species richness, and the evolution of diet and communication systems.  相似文献   

An analogue of the periodogram method for unequally spaced data is presented with a view to resolving the frequency structure of the observations. The algorithm is explicitly based on the sequential least squares procedure. In particular, the key concept is that the with-in-plot spectral analysis can be augmented by the between-plot information to make inferences about common characteristics. It is also shown how the between-plot random variations can be incorporated into the multiple harmonic regression model. A detailed spectral analysis investigates the periodic fluctuations in four cardio-circulatory variables, measured by autorhythmometric observation by eight men at rest and extending over a time span of 2 years. The spectral curves show the existence of circadian and circaseptan rhythmicities. The amplitude modulation of the dian rhythm by circaseptan variation is assimilated with the rhythmicity of work during the week. The blood-pressure variables situate their maximum annual peak in the winter period. These quasi-periodic fluctuations appear to be related to the amount of physical activity performed in time by the subjects.  相似文献   

The spruce bud moth,Zeiraphera canadensis Mutt & Free. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), displayed a bimodal activity pattern in two young white spruce,Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, plantations. During the day, when temperatures were highest and relative humidities lowest, most moths remained in the lower crown, presumably in response to the risk of hygrothermal stress and/or predation. Flight activity peaks occurred near dawn and dusk. Moths moved higher in the crowns shortly after sunset and many were observed flying above the tree canopy. This activity peak was associated with oviposition and mating. Oviposition started at sunset and continued for approximately 3 h. Females probed oviposition sites with their ovipositor before ovipositing, suggesting that they use sensillae on the ovipositor to evaluate potential oviposition sites. Most mating occurred between 22∶00 and 04∶00 h. Males hovered adjacent to branches containing females before alighting. After alighting, males usually approached to within 2–5 cm of females and then remained motionless for a short time before attempting mounting, indicating that some short-range communication usually occurs prior to mating. Reduced flight activity between midnight and dawn was not due to low temperatures, which were above the minimal temperatures for flight for males (10°C) and females (12°C) determined in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Y. Zhang    L. Wang    M. Shao    J. Li    B. Li  † H. Zhang   《Journal of fish biology》2008,72(5):1215-1222
An orthologue of hadh2 (hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase type II) has been isolated from amphioxus. At the amino acid level, hadh2 exhibits high sequence similarity between amphioxus and vertebrates, including zebrafish. Similarities also exist in the developmental expression patterns of amphioxus and zebrafish hadh2 , which may provide information on the molecular mechanisms responsible for some human disease phenotypes caused by hadh2 mutation.  相似文献   

Sperm maturation in the epididymis includes changes in their potential for motility that enables spermatozoa to reach the egg and penetrate its investments. The motility characteristics of spermatozoa from the testis, the epididymis, and vas deferens of the rabbit were investigated by computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA). Various forms of motility were displayed by sperm from different regions of the epididymis released into incubation medium Testicular sperm were motile, although nonprogressive. The maximum percentage motility was expressed by sperm in the proximal cauda epididymidis, and forward progression was developed by spermatozoa from the distal caput. Once forward progression was established, the curvilinear velocity was about the same for sperm from all regions of the tract, whereas straight-line velocity increased between the mid-corpus and cauda and paralleled the decline in lateral displacement of the head. The maintenance of motility in vitro was best maintained by sperm from the distal regions of the tract although sperm from the distal caput maintained motility better than sperm from the proximal and midcorpus regions. Analysis of the motile sperm cells revealed several types of trajectories (“irregular,” “small circular,” “large circular and arcs,” “jagged” and “straight-line”) that were analyzed by discriminant analysis using the variables generated by CASA. Accuracy of classification varied from 70% to 96%, depending on the type of track. The classification function was then applied to the changes that occurred during incubation and showed that irregular trajectories gave way to small and then large circular tracks and progressive forms as sperm matured. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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