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FREQUENCY (FRQ) is a crucial element of the circadian clock in Neurospora crassa. In the course of a circadian day FRQ is successively phosphorylated and degraded. Here we report that two PEST-like elements in FRQ, PEST-1 and PEST-2, are phosphorylated in vitro by recombinant CK-1a and CK-1b, two newly identified Neurospora homologs of casein kinase 1 epsilon. CK-1a is localized in the cytosol and the nuclei of Neurospora and it is in a complex with FRQ in vivo. Deletion of PEST-1 results in hypophosphorylation of FRQ and causes significantly increased protein stability. A strain harboring the mutant frq Delta PEST-1 gene shows no rhythmic conidiation. Despite the lack of overt rhythmicity, frq Delta PEST-1 RNA and FRQ Delta PEST-1 protein are rhythmically expressed and oscillate in constant darkness with a circadian period of 28 h. Thus, by deletion of PEST-1 the circadian period is lengthened and overt rhythmicity is dissociated from molecular oscillations of clock components.  相似文献   



Sensitivity and robustness are essential properties of circadian clock systems, enabling them to respond to the environment but resist noisy variations. These properties should be recapitulated in computational models of the circadian clock. Highly nonlinear kinetics and multiple loops are often incorporated into models to match experimental time-series data, but these also impact on model properties for clock models.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we study the consequences of complicated structure and nonlinearity using simple Goodwin-type oscillators and the complex Arabidopsis circadian clock models. Sensitivity analysis of the simple oscillators implies that an interlocked multi-loop structure reinforces sensitivity/robustness properties, enhancing the response to external and internal variations. Furthermore, we found that reducing the degree of nonlinearity could sometimes enhance the robustness of models, implying that ad hoc incorporation of nonlinearity could be detrimental to a model''s perceived credibility.


The correct multi-loop structure and degree of nonlinearity are therefore critical in contributing to the desired properties of a model as well as its capacity to match experimental data.  相似文献   

Timing is essential, but circadian clocks, which play a crucial role in timekeeping, are almost unaddressed in evolutionary ecology. A key property of circadian clocks is their free-running period length (τ), i.e. the time taken for a full cycle under constant conditions. Under laboratory conditions, concordance of τ with the ambient light–dark cycle confers major fitness benefits, but little is known about period length and its implications in natural populations. We therefore studied natural variation of circadian traits in a songbird, the great tit (Parus major), by recording locomotor activity of 98 hand-raised, wild-derived individuals. We found, unexpectedly, that the free-running period of this diurnal species was significantly shorter than 24 h in constant dim light. We furthermore demonstrate, to our knowledge for the first time in a wild vertebrate, ample genetic variation and high heritability (h2 = 0.86 ± 0.24), implying that period length is potentially malleable by micro-evolutionary change. The observed, short period length may be a consequence of sexual selection, as offspring from extra-pair matings had significantly shorter free-running periods than their half-siblings from within-pair matings. These findings position circadian clocks in the ‘real world’ and underscore the value of using chronobiological approaches in evolutionary ecology. Evolutionary ecologists study variation and its fitness consequences, but often have difficulties relating behavioural variation to physiological mechanisms. The findings presented here open the possibility that properties of internal, circadian clocks affect performance in traits that are relevant to fitness and sexual selection.  相似文献   

An outstanding unresolved issue in chronobiology is how the level of locomotor activity influences length of the free-running, endogenous circadian period (tau). To address this issue, the authors studied a novel model, 4 replicate lines of laboratory house mice (Mus domesticus) that had been selectively bred for high wheel-running activity (S) and their 4 unselected control (C) lines. Previous work indicates that S mice run approximately twice as many revolutions/day and exhibit an altered dopaminergic function as compared with C mice. The authors report that S mice have a tau shorter by about 0.5 h as compared with C mice. The difference in tau was significant both under constant light (control lines: tau = 25.5 h; selected: tau = 24.9 h) and under constant dark (control lines: 23.7 h; selected: 23.4 h). Moreover, the difference remained statistically significant even when the effects of running speed and time spent running were controlled in ANCOVA. Thus, something more fundamental than just intensity or duration of wheel-running activity per se must underlie the difference in tau between the S and C lines. However, despite significant difference in total wheel-running activity between females and males, tau did not differ between the sexes. Similarly, among individuals within lines, tau was not correlated with wheel-running activity measured as total revolutions per day. Instead, tau tended to decrease with average running speed but increase with time spent running. Finally, within individuals, an increase in time spent running resulted in decreased tau in the next few days, but changes in running speed had no statistically significant effect. The distinctions between effects of duration versus intensity of an activity, as well as between the among- versus within-individual correlations, are critical to understanding the relation between locomotor activity and pace of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Mammalian circadian behavior is governed by a central clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the brain hypothalamus, and its intrinsic period length is believed to affect the phase of daily activities. Measurement of this period length, normally accomplished by prolonged subject observation, is difficult and costly in humans. Because a circadian clock similar to that of the suprachiasmatic nucleus is present in most cell types, we were able to engineer a lentiviral circadian reporter that permits characterization of circadian rhythms in single skin biopsies. Using it, we have determined the period lengths of 19 human individuals. The average value from all subjects, 24.5 h, closely matches average values for human circadian physiology obtained in studies in which circadian period was assessed in the absence of the confounding effects of light input and sleep–wake cycle feedback. Nevertheless, the distribution of period lengths measured from biopsies from different individuals was wider than those reported for circadian physiology. A similar trend was observed when comparing wheel-running behavior with fibroblast period length in mouse strains containing circadian gene disruptions. In mice, inter-individual differences in fibroblast period length correlated with the period of running-wheel activity; in humans, fibroblasts from different individuals showed widely variant circadian periods. Given its robustness, the presented procedure should permit quantitative trait mapping of human period length.  相似文献   



Diurnal behavior in humans is governed by the period length of a circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the brain hypothalamus. Nevertheless, the cell-intrinsic mechanism of this clock is present in most cells of the body. We have shown previously that for individuals of extreme chronotype (“larks” and “owls”), clock properties measured in human fibroblasts correlated with extreme diurnal behavior.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we have measured circadian period in human primary fibroblasts taken from normal individuals and, for the first time, compared it directly with physiological period measured in vivo in the same subjects. Human physiological period length was estimated via the secretion pattern of the hormone melatonin in two different groups of sighted subjects and one group of totally blind subjects, each using different methods. Fibroblast period length was measured via cyclical expression of a lentivirally delivered circadian reporter. Within each group, a positive linear correlation was observed between circadian period length in physiology and in fibroblast gene expression. Interestingly, although blind individuals showed on average the same fibroblast clock properties as sighted ones, their physiological periods were significantly longer.


We conclude that the period of human circadian behaviour is mostly driven by cellular clock properties in normal individuals and can be approximated by measurement in peripheral cells such as fibroblasts. Based upon differences among sighted and blind subjects, we also speculate that period can be modified by prolonged unusual conditions such as the total light deprivation of blindness.  相似文献   


The relationship between left and right circadian oscillations in the ERG of the crayfishProcambarus bouvieri have been studied in intact animals and in animals with cerebral ganglion damage. Except in split‐brain preparations, the ERG oscillations of both sides were always in phase. Surgical bisection of the cerebral ganglion, also results in a shortening of the period length; this suggests that ERG circadian pacemakers normally receive a bilateral input of light stimulation. The neural connections between the eyestalks at the protocerebrum seem to have the most important role in the synchronization of the ERG oscillations of both sides.  相似文献   

A new circadian clock mutant of Neurospora crassa has been isolated, whose most distinctive characteristic is the complete loss of temperature compensation of its period length. The Q10 of the period length was found to be equal to about 2 in the temperature range from 18 degrees to 30 degrees C. The period length was also found to be dependent on the composition of the medium, including the nature and concentration of both the carbon source and the nitrogen source. Although the rate of the clock and the growth rate were directly related when affected by varying the temperature, they were inversely related when altered by changing the composition of the medium. Therefore, the mutation has not simply coupled clock rate to growth rate in this strain. The mutation maps to the frq locus, where seven other clock mutations previously studied also map. Therefore, this mutant has been called frq-9. Since several of the other frq mutants show partial loss in temperature compensation, it is suggested that the frq gene or its product is closely related to the temperature compensation mechanism of the circadian clock of Neurospora.  相似文献   

Of the complementarity‐determining regions (CDRs) of antibodies, H3 loops, with varying amino acid sequences and loop lengths, adopt particularly diverse loop conformations. The diversity of H3 conformations produces an array of antigen recognition patterns involving all the CDRs, in which the residue positions actually in contact with the antigen vary considerably. Therefore, for a deeper understanding of antigen recognition, it is necessary to relate the sequence and structural properties of each residue position in each CDR loop to its ability to bind antigens. In this study, we proposed a new method for characterizing the structural features of the CDR loops and obtained the antigen‐binding ability of each residue position in each CDR loop. This analysis led to a simple set of rules for identifying probable antigen‐binding residues. We also found that the diversity of H3 loop lengths and conformations affects the antigen‐binding tendencies of all the CDR loops.  相似文献   

In the mouse, activity is precisely timed by the circadian clock and is normally most intense in the early subjective night. Since vigorous activity (e.g., wheel running) is thought to induce phase shifts in rodents, the temporal placement of daily exercise/activity could be a determinant of observed circadian rhythm period. The relationship between spontaneous running-wheel activity and the circadian period of free-running rhythms was studied to assess this possibility. With ad libitum access to a running wheel, mice exhibited a free-running period (tau) of 23.43 +/- 0.08 hr (mean +/- SEM). When running wheels were locked, tau increased (23.88 +/- 0.04 hr, p less than 0.03), and restoration of ad libitum wheel running again produced a shorter period (tau = 23.56 +/- 0.06 hr, p less than 0.05). A survey of free-running activity patterns in a population of 100 mice revealed a significant correlation between the observed circadian period and the time of day in which spontaneous wheel running occurred (r = 0.7314, p less than 0.0001). Significantly shorter periods were observed when running was concentrated at the beginning of the subjective night (tau = 23.23 +/- 0.04), and longer periods were observed if mice ran late in the subjective night (tau = 23.89 +/- 0.04), F (1, 99) = 34.96, p less than 0.0001. It was previously believed that the period of the circadian clock was primarily responsive to externally imposed tonic or phasic events. Systematic influences of spontaneous exercise on tau demonstrate that physiological and/or behavioral determinants of circadian timekeeping exist as well.  相似文献   

We show that the folding rates (k(F)s) of RNA are determined by N, the number of nucleotides. By assuming that the distribution of free-energy barriers separating the folded and the unfolded states is Gaussian, which follows from central limit theorem arguments and polymer physics concepts, we show that k(F)≈k(0)exp(-αN(0.5)). Remarkably, the theory fits experimental rates spanning over 7 orders of magnitude with k(0)~1.0(μs)(-1). Our finding suggests that the speed limit of RNA folding is ~ 1 μs, [corrected] just as it is in the folding of globular proteins.  相似文献   

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