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Structures of the infectious form of prion protein (e.g. PrPSc or PrP-Scrapie) remain poorly defined. The prevalent structural models of PrPSc retain most of the native α-helices of the normal, noninfectious prion protein, cellular prion protein (PrPC), but evidence is accumulating that these helices are absent in PrPSc amyloid. Moreover, recombinant PrPC can form amyloid fibrils in vitro that have parallel in-register intermolecular β-sheet architectures in the domains originally occupied by helices 2 and 3. Here, we provide solid-state NMR evidence that the latter is also true of initially prion-seeded recombinant PrP amyloids formed in the absence of denaturants. These results, in the context of a primarily β-sheet structure, led us to build detailed models of PrP amyloid based on parallel in-register architectures, fibrillar shapes and dimensions, and other available experimentally derived conformational constraints. Molecular dynamics simulations of PrP(90–231) octameric segments suggested that such linear fibrils, which are consistent with many features of PrPSc fibrils, can have stable parallel in-register β-sheet cores. These simulations revealed that the C-terminal residues ∼124–227 more readily adopt stable tightly packed structures than the N-terminal residues ∼90–123 in the absence of cofactors. Variations in the placement of turns and loops that link the β-sheets could give rise to distinct prion strains capable of faithful template-driven propagation. Moreover, our modeling suggests that single PrP monomers can comprise the entire cross-section of fibrils that have previously been assumed to be pairs of laterally associated protofilaments. Together, these insights provide a new basis for deciphering mammalian prion structures.  相似文献   

In immune-mediated control of pathogens, human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I presents various antigenic peptides to CD8+ T-cells. Long-lived peptide presentation is important for efficient antigen-specific T-cell activation. Presentation time depends on the peptide sequence and the stability of the peptide-HLA complex (pHLA). However, the determinant of peptide-dependent pHLA stability remains elusive. Here, to reveal the pHLA stabilization mechanism, we examined the crystal structures of an HLA class I allomorph in complex with HIV-derived peptides and evaluated site-specific conformational fluctuations using NMR. Although the crystal structures of various pHLAs were almost identical independent of the peptides, fluctuation analyses identified a peptide-dependent minor state that would be more tightly packed toward the peptide. The minor population correlated well with the thermostability and cell surface presentation of pHLA, indicating that this newly identified minor state is important for stabilizing the pHLA and facilitating T-cell recognition.  相似文献   

Systemic light chain amyloidosis is a lethal disease characterized by excess immunoglobulin light chains and light chain fragments composed of variable domains, which aggregate into amyloid fibers. These fibers accumulate and damage organs. Some light chains induce formation of amyloid fibers, whereas others do not, making it unclear what distinguishes amyloid formers from non-formers. One mechanism by which sequence variation may reduce propensity to form amyloid fibers is by shifting the equilibrium toward an amyloid-resistant quaternary structure. Here we identify the monomeric form of the Mcg immunoglobulin light chain variable domain as the quaternary unit required for amyloid fiber assembly. Dimers of Mcg variable domains remain stable and soluble, yet become prone to assemble into amyloid fibers upon disassociation into monomers.  相似文献   

Conventional and novel isoenzymes of PKC are activated by the membrane-embedded second messenger diacylglycerol (DAG) through its interactions with the C1 regulatory domain. The affinity of C1 domains to DAG varies considerably among PKCs. To gain insight into the origin of differential DAG affinities, we conducted high-resolution NMR studies of C1B domain from PKCδ (C1Bδ) and its W252Y variant. The W252Y mutation was previously shown to render C1Bδ less responsive to DAG (Dries, D. R., Gallegos, L. L., and Newton, A. C. (2007) A single residue in the C1 domain sensitizes novel protein kinase C isoforms to cellular diacylglycerol production. J. Biol. Chem. 282, 826–830) and thereby emulate the behavior of C1B domains from conventional PKCs that have a conserved Tyr at the equivalent position. Our data revealed that W252Y mutation did not perturb the conformation of C1Bδ in solution but significantly reduced its propensity to partition into a membrane-mimicking environment in the absence of DAG. Using detergent micelles doped with a paramagnetic lipid, we determined that both the residue identity at position 252 and complexation with diacylglycerol influence the geometry of C1Bδ-micelle interactions. In addition, we identified the C-terminal helix α1 of C1Bδ as an interaction site with the head groups of phosphatidylserine, a known activator of PKCδ. Taken together, our studies (i) reveal the identities of C1Bδ residues involved in interactions with membrane-mimicking environment, DAG, and phosphatidylserine, as well as the affinities associated with each event and (ii) suggest that the initial ligand-independent membrane recruitment of C1B domains, which is greatly facilitated by the interfacial partitioning of Trp-252, is responsible, at least in part, for the differential DAG affinities.  相似文献   

Cationic membrane-proximal amino acids determine the topology of membrane proteins by interacting with anionic lipids that are restricted to the intracellular membrane leaflet. This mechanism implies that anionic lipids interfere with electrostatic interactions of membrane proteins. The integrin αIIbβ3 transmembrane (TM) complex is stabilized by a membrane-proximal αIIb(Arg995)-β3(Asp723) interaction; here, we examine the influence of anionic lipids on this complex. Anionic lipids compete for αIIb(Arg995) contacts with β3(Asp723) but paradoxically do not diminish the contribution of αIIb(Arg995)-β3(Asp723) to TM complex stability. Overall, anionic lipids in annular positions stabilize the αIIbβ3 TM complex by up to 0.50 ± 0.02 kcal/mol relative to zwitterionic lipids in a headgroup structure-dependent manner. Comparatively, integrin receptor activation requires TM complex destabilization of 1.5 ± 0.2 kcal/mol, revealing a sizeable influence of lipid composition on TM complex stability. We implicate changes in lipid headgroup accessibility to small molecules (physical membrane characteristics) and specific but dynamic protein-lipid contacts in this TM helix-helix stabilization. Thus, anionic lipids in ubiquitous annular positions can benefit the stability of membrane proteins while leaving membrane-proximal electrostatic interactions intact.  相似文献   

In recent years several groups have shown that isotype switching from IgM to IgG to IgA can affect the affinity and specificity of antibodies sharing identical variable (V) regions. However, whether the same applies to IgE is unknown. In this study we compared the fine specificity of V region-identical IgE and IgA to Cryptococcus neoformans capsular polysaccharide and found that these differed in specificity from each other. The IgE and IgA paratopes were probed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with 15N-labeled peptide mimetics of cryptococcal polysaccharide antigen (Ag). IgE was found to cleave the peptide at a much faster rate than V region-identical IgG subclasses and IgA, consistent with an altered paratope. Both IgE and IgA were opsonic for C. neoformans and protected against infection in mice. In summary, V-region expression in the context of the ϵ constant (C) region results in specificity changes that are greater than observed for comparable IgG subclasses. These results raise the possibility that expression of certain V regions in the context of α and ϵ C regions affects their function and contributes to the special properties of those isotypes.  相似文献   

The biologically and clinically important membrane transporters are challenging proteins to study because of their low level of expression, multidomain structure, and complex molecular dynamics that underlies their activity. ATP7B is a copper transporter that traffics between the intracellular compartments in response to copper elevation. The N-terminal domain of ATP7B (N-ATP7B) is involved in binding copper, but the role of this domain in trafficking is controversial. To clarify the role of N-ATP7B, we generated nanobodies that interact with ATP7B in vitro and in cells. In solution NMR studies, nanobodies revealed the spatial organization of N-ATP7B by detecting transient functionally relevant interactions between metal-binding domains 1–3. Modulation of these interactions by nanobodies in cells enhanced relocalization of the endogenous ATP7B toward the plasma membrane linking molecular and cellular dynamics of the transporter. Stimulation of ATP7B trafficking by nanobodies in the absence of elevated copper provides direct evidence for the important role of N-ATP7B structural dynamics in regulation of ATP7B localization in a cell.  相似文献   

Cyclophilin (Cyp) allergens are considered pan-allergens due to frequently reported cross-reactivity. In addition to well studied fungal Cyps, a number of plant Cyps were identified as allergens (e.g. Bet v 7 from birch pollen, Cat r 1 from periwinkle pollen). However, there are conflicting data regarding their antigenic/allergenic cross-reactivity, with no plant Cyp allergen structures available for comparison. Because amino acid residues are fairly conserved between plant and fungal Cyps, it is particularly interesting to check whether they can cross-react. Cat r 1 was identified by immunoblotting using allergic patients'' sera followed by N-terminal sequencing. Cat r 1 (∼91% sequence identity to Bet v 7) was cloned from a cDNA library and expressed in Escherichia coli. Recombinant Cat r 1 was utilized to confirm peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans-isomerase (PPIase) activity by a PPIase assay and the allergenic property by an IgE-specific immunoblotting and rat basophil leukemia cell (RBL-SX38) mediator release assay. Inhibition-ELISA showed cross-reactive binding of serum IgE from Cat r 1-allergic individuals to fungal allergenic Cyps Asp f 11 and Mala s 6. The molecular structure of Cat r 1 was determined by NMR spectroscopy. The antigenic surface was examined in relation to its plant, animal, and fungal homologues. The structure revealed a typical cyclophilin fold consisting of a compact β-barrel made up of seven anti-parallel β-strands along with two surrounding α-helices. This is the first structure of an allergenic plant Cyp revealing high conservation of the antigenic surface particularly near the PPIase active site, which supports the pronounced cross-reactivity among Cyps from various sources.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation mediates essentially all aspects of cellular life. In humans, this is achieved by ∼500 kinases, each recognizing a specific consensus motif (CM) in the substrates. The majority of CMs are surface-exposed and are thought to be accessible to kinases for phosphorylation. Here we investigated the archetypical protein kinase A (PKA)-mediated phosphorylation of filamin, a major cytoskeletal protein that can adopt an autoinhibited conformation. Surprisingly, autoinhibited filamin is refractory to phosphorylation by PKA on a known Ser2152 site despite its CM being exposed and the corresponding isolated peptide being readily phosphorylated. Structural analysis revealed that although the CM fits into the PKA active site its surrounding regions sterically clash with the kinase. However, upon ligand binding, filamin undergoes a conformational adjustment, allowing rapid phosphorylation on Ser2152. These data uncover a novel ligand-induced conformational switch to trigger filamin phosphorylation. They further suggest a substrate shape-dependent filtering mechanism that channels specific exposed CM/kinase recognition in diverse signaling responses.  相似文献   

Insulin provides a model for the therapeutic application of protein engineering. A paradigm in molecular pharmacology was defined by design of rapid-acting insulin analogs for the prandial control of glycemia. Such analogs, a cornerstone of current diabetes regimens, exhibit accelerated subcutaneous absorption due to more rapid disassembly of oligomeric species relative to wild-type insulin. This strategy is limited by a molecular trade-off between accelerated disassembly and enhanced susceptibility to degradation. Here, we demonstrate that this trade-off may be circumvented by nonstandard mutagenesis. Our studies employed LysB28, ProB29-insulin (“lispro”) as a model prandial analog that is less thermodynamically stable and more susceptible to fibrillation than is wild-type insulin. We have discovered that substitution of an invariant tyrosine adjoining the engineered sites in lispro (TyrB26) by 3-iodo-Tyr (i) augments its thermodynamic stability (ΔΔGu 0.5 ±0.2 kcal/mol), (ii) delays onset of fibrillation (lag time on gentle agitation at 37 °C was prolonged by 4-fold), (iii) enhances affinity for the insulin receptor (1.5 ± 0.1-fold), and (iv) preserves biological activity in a rat model of diabetes mellitus. 1H NMR studies suggest that the bulky iodo-substituent packs within a nonpolar interchain crevice. Remarkably, the 3-iodo-TyrB26 modification stabilizes an oligomeric form of insulin pertinent to pharmaceutical formulation (the R6 zinc hexamer) but preserves rapid disassembly of the oligomeric form pertinent to subcutaneous absorption (T6 hexamer). By exploiting this allosteric switch, 3-iodo-TyrB26-lispro thus illustrates how a nonstandard amino acid substitution can mitigate the unfavorable biophysical properties of an engineered protein while retaining its advantages.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the connexin43 C-terminal (Cx43CT) domain regulates gap junction intercellular communication. However, an understanding of the mechanisms by which phosphorylation exerts its effects is lacking. Here, we test the hypothesis that phosphorylation regulates Cx43 gap junction intercellular communication by mediating structural changes in the C-terminal domain. Circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance were used to characterize the effects of phosphorylation on the secondary structure and backbone dynamics of soluble and membrane-tethered Cx43CT domains. Cx43CT phospho-mimetic isoforms, which have Asp substitutions at specific Ser/Tyr sites, revealed phosphorylation alters the α-helical content of the Cx43CT domain only when attached to the membrane. The changes in secondary structure are due to variations in the conformational preference and backbone flexibility of residues adjacent and distal to the site(s) of modification. In addition to the known direct effects of phosphorylation on molecular partner interactions, the data presented here suggest phosphorylation may also indirectly regulate binding affinity by altering the conformational preference of the Cx43CT domain.  相似文献   

Kindlins are a subclass of FERM-containing proteins that have recently emerged as key regulators of integrin receptor activation and signaling. As compared with the conventional FERM domain, the kindlin FERM domain contains an inserted pleckstrin homology (PH) domain that recognizes membrane phosphoinositides, including phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3). Using NMR spectroscopy, we show that PIP3 site-specifically binds to kindlin-2 PH with substantial chemical shift changes that are much larger than PIP2. This suggests an enhanced association of kindlin-2 with membrane as mediated by PIP3 upon its conversion from PIP2 by phosphoinositide-3 kinase, a known regulator of integrin activation. We determined the NMR structure of the kindlin-2 PH domain bound to the head group of PIP3, inositol 1,3,4,5-tetraphosphate (IP4). The structure reveals a canonical PH domain fold, yet with a distinct IP4 binding pocket that appears highly conserved for the kindlin family members. Functional experiments demonstrate that although wild type kindlin-2 is capable of cooperating with integrin activator talin to induce synergistic integrin α(IIb)β(3) activation, this ability is significantly impaired for a phosphoinositide binding-defective kindlin-2 mutant. These results define a specific PIP3 recognition mode for the kindlin PH domain. Moreover, they shed light upon a mechanism as to how the PH domain mediates membrane engagement of kindlin-2 to promote its binding to integrin and cooperation with talin for regulation of integrin activation.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositides (PIs) are crucial lipid components of membranes and are involved in a number of cellular processes through interactions with their effector proteins. Recently, we have established a lipid-protein nanoscale bilayer (nanodisc) containing PIs, hereafter referred to as PI-nanodisc and demonstrated that it could be used for both qualitative and quantitative evaluations of protein-membrane interactions. Here, we report further NMR analyses for obtaining structural insights at the residue-specific level between PI-binding effector protein and PI-nanodisc, using the FYVE domain of early endosome antigen 1 (EEA1), denoted as EEA1 FYVE, and PI(3)P-nanodisc as a model system. We performed a combination of the NMR analyses including chemical shift perturbation, transferred cross-saturation, and paramagnetic relaxation enhancement experiments. These enabled an identification of the interaction surface, structural change, and relative orientation of EEA1 FYVE to the PI(3)P-incorporated lipid bilayer, substantiating that NMR analyses of protein-membrane interactions using nanodisc makes it possible to show the residue-specific interactions in the lipid bilayer environment.  相似文献   

Tim23 mediates protein translocation into mitochondria. Although inserted into the inner membrane, the dynamic association of its intermembrane space (IMS) domain with the outer membrane promotes protein import. However, little is known about the molecular basis of this interaction. Here, we demonstrate that the IMS domain of Tim23 tightly associates with both inner and outer mitochondrial membrane-like membranes through a hydrophobic anchor at its N terminus. The structure of membrane-bound Tim23IMS is highly dynamic, allowing recognition of both the incoming presequence and other translocase components at the translocation contact. Cardiolipin enhances Tim23 membrane attachment, suggesting that cardiolipin can influence preprotein import.  相似文献   

Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Ptr ToxB (ToxB) is a proteinaceous host-selective toxin produced by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (P. tritici-repentis), a plant pathogenic fungus that causes the disease tan spot of wheat. One feature that distinguishes ToxB from other host-selective toxins is that it has naturally occurring homologs in non-pathogenic P. tritici-repentis isolates that lack toxic activity. There are no high-resolution structures for any of the ToxB homologs, or for any protein with >30% sequence identity, and therefore what underlies activity remains an open question. Here, we present the NMR structures of ToxB and its inactive homolog Ptr toxb. Both proteins adopt a β-sandwich fold comprising three strands in each half that are bridged together by two disulfide bonds. The inactive toxb, however, shows higher flexibility localized to the sequence-divergent β-sandwich half. The absence of toxic activity is attributed to a more open structure in the vicinity of one disulfide bond, higher flexibility, and residue differences in an exposed loop that likely impacts interaction with putative targets. We propose that activity is regulated by perturbations in a putative active site loop and changes in dynamics distant from the site of activity. Interestingly, the new structures identify AvrPiz-t, a secreted avirulence protein produced by the rice blast fungus, as a structural homolog to ToxB. This homology suggests that fungal proteins involved in either disease susceptibility such as ToxB or resistance such as AvrPiz-t may have a common evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

CCL28 is a human chemokine constitutively expressed by epithelial cells in diverse mucosal tissues and is known to attract a variety of immune cell types including T-cell subsets and eosinophils. Elevated levels of CCL28 have been found in the airways of individuals with asthma, and previous studies have indicated that CCL28 plays a vital role in the acute development of post-viral asthma. Our study builds on this, demonstrating that CCL28 is also important in the chronic post-viral asthma phenotype. In the absence of a viral infection, we also demonstrate that CCL28 is both necessary and sufficient for induction of asthma pathology. Additionally, we present the first effort aimed at elucidating the structural features of CCL28. Chemokines are defined by a conserved tertiary structure composed of a three-stranded β-sheet and a C-terminal α-helix constrained by two disulfide bonds. In addition to the four disulfide bond-forming cysteine residues that define the traditional chemokine fold, CCL28 possesses two additional cysteine residues that form a third disulfide bond. If all disulfide bonds are disrupted, recombinant human CCL28 is no longer able to drive mouse CD4+ T-cell chemotaxis or in vivo airway hyper-reactivity, indicating that the conserved chemokine fold is necessary for its biologic activity. Due to the intimate relationship between CCL28 and asthma pathology, it is clear that CCL28 presents a novel target for the development of alternative asthma therapeutics.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) ion channels control neuronal and cardiac electrical rhythmicity. There are four homologous isoforms (HCN1–4) sharing a common multidomain architecture that includes an N-terminal transmembrane tetrameric ion channel followed by a cytoplasmic “C-linker,” which connects a more distal cAMP-binding domain (CBD) to the inner pore. Channel opening is primarily stimulated by transmembrane elements that sense membrane hyperpolarization, although cAMP reduces the voltage required for HCN activation by promoting tetramerization of the intracellular C-linker, which in turn relieves auto-inhibition of the inner pore gate. Although binding of cAMP has been proposed to relieve auto-inhibition by affecting the structure of the C-linker and CBD, the nature and extent of these cAMP-dependent changes remain limitedly explored. Here, we used NMR to probe the changes caused by the binding of cAMP and of cCMP, a partial agonist, to the apo-CBD of HCN4. Our data indicate that the CBD exists in a dynamic two-state equilibrium, whose position as gauged by NMR chemical shifts correlates with the V½ voltage measured through electrophysiology. In the absence of cAMP, the most populated CBD state leads to steric clashes with the activated or “tetrameric” C-linker, which becomes energetically unfavored. The steric clashes of the apo tetramer are eliminated either by cAMP binding, which selects for a CBD state devoid of steric clashes with the tetrameric C-linker and facilitates channel opening, or by a transition of apo-HCN to monomers or dimer of dimers, in which the C-linker becomes less structured, and channel opening is not facilitated.  相似文献   

Nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B) is essential for hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication as it carries the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase enzymatic activity. HCV replication occurs in a membrane-associated multiprotein complex in which HCV NS5A and host cyclophilin A (CypA) have been shown to be present together with the viral polymerase. We used NMR spectroscopy to perform a per residue level characterization of the molecular interactions between the unfolded domains 2 and 3 of NS5A (NS5A-D2 and NS5A-D3), CypA, and NS5BΔ21. We show that three regions of NS5A-D2 (residues 250–262 (region A), 274–287 (region B), and 306–333 (region C)) interact with NS5BΔ21, whereas NS5A-D3 does not. We show that both NS5BΔ21 and CypA share a common binding site on NS5A that contains residues Pro-306 to Glu-323. No direct molecular interaction has been detected by NMR spectroscopy between HCV NS5BΔ21 and host CypA. We show that cyclosporine A added to a sample containing NS5BΔ21, NS5A-D2, and CypA specifically inhibits the interaction between CypA and NS5A-D2 without altering the one between NS5A-D2 and NS5BΔ21. A high quality heteronuclear NMR spectrum of HCV NS5BΔ21 has been obtained and was used to characterize the binding site on the polymerase of NS5A-D2. Moreover these data highlight the potential of using NMR of NS5BΔ21 as a powerful tool to characterize in solution the interactions of the HCV polymerase with all kinds of molecules (proteins, inhibitors, RNA). This work brings new insights into the comprehension of the molecular interplay between NS5B, NS5A, and CypA, three essentials proteins for HCV replication.  相似文献   

Human VH single domains represent a promising class of antibody fragments with applications as therapeutic modalities. Unfortunately, isolated human VH domains also generally display poor biophysical properties and a propensity to aggregate. This has encouraged the development of non-human antibody domains as alternative means of antigen recognition and, in particular, camelid (VHH) domains. Naturally devoid of light chain partners, these domains are characterized by favorable biophysical properties and propensity for cleft binding, a highly desirable characteristic, allowing the targeting of cryptic epitopes. In contrast, previously reported structures of human VH single domains had failed to recapitulate this property. Here we report the engineering and characterization of phage display libraries of stable human VH domains and the selection of binders against a diverse set of antigens. Unlike “camelized” human domains, the domains do not rely on potentially immunogenic framework mutations and maintain the structure of the VH/VL interface. Structure determination in complex with hen egg white lysozyme revealed an extended VH binding interface, with complementarity-determining region 3 deeply penetrating into the active site cleft, highly reminiscent of what has been observed for camelid domains. Taken together, our results demonstrate that fully human VH domains can be constructed that are not only stable and well expressed but also rival the cleft binding properties of camelid antibodies.  相似文献   

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