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Transcriptional regulation of secondary growth in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Serine (Ser) biosynthesis in C(3) plants can occur via several pathways. One major route involves the tetrahydrofolate (THF)-dependent activities of the glycine decarboxylase complex (GDC, EC and serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT, EC with glycine (Gly) as one-carbon (1-C) source. An alternative THF-dependent pathway involves the C1-THF synthase/SHMT activities with formate as 1-C source. Here, we have investigated aspects of the regulation of these two folate-mediated pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Columbia using two approaches. Firstly, transgenic plants overexpressing formate dehydrogenase (FDH, EC were used to continue our previous studies on the function of FDH in formate metabolism. The formate pool size was approximately 73 nmol (g FW)(-1) in wild type (WT) Arabidopsis plants; three independent transgenic lines had similar-sized pools of formate. Transgenic plants produced more (13)CO(2) from supplied [(13)C]formate than did WT plants but were not significantly different from WT plants in their synthesis of Ser. We concluded that FDH has no direct role in the regulation of the above two pathways of Ser synthesis; the breakdown of formate to CO(2) by the FDH reaction is the primary and preferred fate of the organic acid in Arabidopsis. The ratio between the GDC/SHMT and C1-THF synthase/SHMT pathways of Ser synthesis from [alpha-(13)C]Gly and [(13)C]formate, respectively, in Arabidopsis shoots was 21 : 1; in roots, 9 : 1. In shoots, therefore, the pathway from formate plays only a small role in Ser synthesis; in the case of roots, results indicated that the 9 : 1 ratio was as a result of greater fluxes of (13)C through both pathways together with a relatively higher contribution from the C1-THF synthase/SHMT route than in shoots. We also examined the synthesis of Ser in a GDC-deficient mutant of Arabidopsis (glyD) where the GDC/SHMT pathway was impaired. Compared with WT, glyD plants accumulated 5-fold more Gly than WT after supplying [alpha-(13)C]Gly for 24 h; the accumulation of Ser from [alpha-(13)C]Gly was reduced by 25% in the same time period. On the other hand, the accumulation of Ser through the C1-THF synthase/SHMT pathway in glyD plants was 2.5-fold greater than that in WT plants. Our experiments confirmed that the GDC/SHMT and C1-THF synthase/SHMT pathways normally operate independently in Arabidopsis plants but that when the primary GDC/SHMT pathway is impaired the alternative C1-THF synthase/SHMT pathway can partially compensate for deficiencies in the synthesis of Ser.  相似文献   

Adenosine 5'-phosphosulphate reductase (APR) is considered to be a key enzyme of sulphate assimilation in higher plants. We analysed the diurnal fluctuations of total APR activity and protein accumulation together with the mRNA levels of three APR isoforms of Arabidopsis thaliana. The APR activity reached maximum values 4 h after light onset in both shoots and roots; the minimum activity was detected at the beginning of the night. During prolonged light, the activity remained stable and low in shoots, but followed the normal rhythm in roots. On the other hand, the activity decreased rapidly to undetectable levels within 24 h of prolonged darkness both in shoots and roots. Subsequent re-illumination restored the activity to 50% in shoots and to 20% in roots within 8 h. The mRNA levels of all three APR isoforms showed a diurnal rhythm, with a maximum at 2 h after light onset. The variation of APR2 mRNA was more prominent compared to APR1 and APR3. 35SO42- feeding experiments showed that the incorporation of 35S into reduced sulphur compounds in vivo was significantly higher in light than in the dark. A strong increase of mRNA and protein accumulation as well as enzyme activity during the last 4 h of the dark period was observed, implying that light was not the only factor involved in APR regulation. Indeed, addition of 0.5% sucrose to the nutrient solution after 38 h of darkness led to a sevenfold increase of root APR activity over 6 h. We therefore conclude that changes in sugar concentrations are also involved in APR regulation.  相似文献   

Abiotic stresses induce oxidative stress, which modifies the level of several metabolites including amino acids. The redox control of free amino acid profile was monitored in wild‐type and ascorbate or glutathione deficient mutant Arabidopsis thaliana plants before and after hydroponic treatment with various redox agents. Both mutations and treatments modified the size and redox state of the ascorbate (AsA) and/or glutathione (GSH) pools. The total free amino acid content was increased by AsA, GSH and H2O2 in all three genotypes and a very large (threefold) increase was observed in the GSH‐deficient pad2‐1 mutant after GSH treatment compared with the untreated wild‐type plants. Addition of GSH reduced the ratio of amino acids belonging to the glutamate family on a large scale and increased the relative amount of non‐proteinogenic amino acids. The latter change was because of the large increase in the content of alpha‐aminoadipate, an inhibitor of glutamatic acid (Glu) transport. Most of the treatments increased the proline (Pro) content, which effect was due to the activation of genes involved in Pro synthesis. Although all studied redox compounds influenced the amount of free amino acids and a mostly positive, very close (r > 0.9) correlation exists between these parameters, a special regulatory role of GSH could be presumed due to its more powerful effect. This may originate from the thiol/disulphide conversion or (de)glutathionylation of enzymes participating in the amino acid metabolism.  相似文献   

Distinct tissues and organs of plants exhibit dissimilar responses to light exposure – cotyledon growth is promoted by light, whereas hypocotyl growth is inhibited by light. Light can have different impacts on root development, including impacting root elongation, morphology, lateral root proliferation and root tropisms. In many cases, light inhibits root elongation. There has been much attention given to whether roots themselves are the sites of photoperception for light that impacts light-dependent growth and development of roots. A number of approaches including photoreceptor localization in planta, localized irradiation and exposure of dissected roots to light have been used to explore the site(s) of light perception for the photoregulation of root development. Such approaches have led to the observation that photoreceptors are localized to roots in many plant species, and that roots are capable of light absorption that can alter morphology and/or gene expression. Our recent results show that localized depletion of phytochrome photoreceptors in Arabidopsis thaliana disrupts root development and root responsiveness to the plant hormone jasmonic acid. Thus, root-localized light perception appears central to organ-specific, photoregulation of growth and development in roots.  相似文献   

Glutathione biosynthesis is a key component in the network of plant stress responses that counteract oxidative damage and maintain intracellular redox environment. Using a combination of mass spectrometry and site-directed mutagenesis, we examined the response of Arabidopsis thaliana glutamate-cysteine ligase (GCL) to changes in redox environment. Mass spectrometry identified two disulfide bonds (Cys186-Cys406 and Cys349-Cys364) in GCL. Mutation of either Cys-349 or Cys-364 to a Ser reduced reaction rate by twofold, but substitution of a Ser for either Cys-186 or Cys-406 decreased activity by 20-fold and abrogated the response to changes in redox environment. Redox titrations show that the regulatory disulfide bond has a midpoint potential comparable with other known redox-responsive plant proteins. Mutation of Cys-102, Cys-251, Cys-349, or Cys-364 did not alter the response to redox environment, indicating that modulation of activity depends on the Cys186-Cys406 disulfide bond. In vivo analysis of GCL in Arabidopsis root extracts revealed that multiple oxidative stresses altered the distribution of oxidized (active) and reduced (inactive) enzyme and that this change correlated with increased GCL activity. The thiol-based regulation of GCL provides a posttranslational mechanism for modulating enzyme activity in response to in vivo redox environment and suggests a role for oxidative signaling in the maintenance of glutathione homeostasis in plants.  相似文献   

Zhao Y  Zhou DX 《遗传学报》2012,39(7):307-315
Epigenomes including genome-wide histone modification and DNA methylation profiles are important for genome activity and for defining gene expression patterns of plant development and responses to various environmental conditions.Rice is the most important crop plant and serves as a model for cereal genomics.Rice epigenomic landscape is emerging and the function of chromatin modification regulators in gene expression,transposon repression and plant development is being characterized.Epigenomic variation that gives rise to stable or transgenerational heritable epialleles related to variation of important agronomical traits or stress responses is being characterized in rice.Implication of epigenomic variation in rice heterosis is being exploited.  相似文献   

DNA methylation directed by 24-nucleotide small RNAs involves the small RNA-binding protein ARGONAUTE4 (AGO4), and it was previously shown that AGO4 localizes to nucleolus-adjacent Cajal bodies, sites of snRNP complex maturation. Here we demonstrate that AGO4 also localizes to a second class of nuclear bodies, called AB-bodies, which are found immediately adjacent to condensed 45S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences. AB-bodies also contain other proteins involved in RNA-directed DNA methylation including NRPD1b (a subunit of the RNA Polymerase IV complex, RNA PolIV), NRPD2 (a second subunit of this complex), and the DNA methyltransferase DRM2. These two classes of AGO4 bodies are structurally independent--disruption of one class does not affect the other--suggesting a dynamic regulation of AGO4 within two distinct nuclear compartments in Arabidopsis. Abolishing Cajal body formation in a coilin mutant reduced overall AGO4 protein levels, and coilin dicer-like3 double mutants showed a small decrease in DNA methylation beyond that seen in dicer-like3 single mutants, suggesting that Cajal bodies are required for a fully functioning DNA methylation system in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Phytochromes regulate light- and sucrose-dependent anthocyanin synthesis and accumulation in many plants. Mesophyll-specific phyA alone has been linked to the regulation of anthocyanin accumulation in response to far-red light in Arabidopsis thaliana. However, multiple mesophyll-localized phytochromes were implicated in the photoregulation of anthocyanin accumulation in red-light conditions. Here, we report a role for mesophyll-specific phyA in blue-light-dependent regulation of anthocyanin levels and novel roles for individual phy isoforms in the regulation of anthocyanin accumulation under red illumination. These results provide new insight into spatial- and isoform-specific regulation of pigmentation by phytochromes in A. thaliana.Key words: anthocyanin, Arabidopsis, photomorphogenesis, photoreceptor, phytochrome  相似文献   

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