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High-throughput interaction discovery initiatives are providing thousands of novel protein interactions which are unveiling many unexpected links between apparently unrelated biological processes. In particular, analyses of the first draft human interactomes highlight a strong association between protein network connectivity and disease. Indeed, recent exciting studies have exploited the information contained within protein networks to disclose some of the molecular mechanisms underlying complex pathological processes. These findings suggest that both protein-protein interactions and the networks themselves could emerge as a new class of targetable entities, boosting the quest for novel therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   



Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the leading genetically complex and heterogeneous disorder that is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. The underlying risk factors remain largely unclear for this heterogeneous disorder. In recent years, high throughput methodologies, such as genome-wide linkage analysis (GWL), genome-wide association (GWA) studies, and genome-wide expression profiling (GWE), have led to the identification of several candidate genes associated with AD. However, due to lack of consistency within their findings, an integrative approach is warranted. Here, we have designed a rank based gene prioritization approach involving convergent analysis of multi-dimensional data and protein-protein interaction (PPI) network modelling.


Our approach employs integration of three different AD datasets- GWL,GWA and GWE to identify overlapping candidate genes ranked using a novel cumulative rank score (SR) based method followed by prioritization using clusters derived from PPI network. SR for each gene is calculated by addition of rank assigned to individual gene based on either p value or score in three datasets. This analysis yielded 108 plausible AD genes. Network modelling by creating PPI using proteins encoded by these genes and their direct interactors resulted in a layered network of 640 proteins. Clustering of these proteins further helped us in identifying 6 significant clusters with 7 proteins (EGFR, ACTB, CDC2, IRAK1, APOE, ABCA1 and AMPH) forming the central hub nodes. Functional annotation of 108 genes revealed their role in several biological activities such as neurogenesis, regulation of MAP kinase activity, response to calcium ion, endocytosis paralleling the AD specific attributes. Finally, 3 potential biochemical biomarkers were found from the overlap of 108 AD proteins with proteins from CSF and plasma proteome. EGFR and ACTB were found to be the two most significant AD risk genes.


With the assumption that common genetic signals obtained from different methodological platforms might serve as robust AD risk markers than candidates identified using single dimension approach, here we demonstrated an integrated genomic convergence approach for disease candidate gene prioritization from heterogeneous data sources linked to AD.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-199) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

近年来,越来越多的生物学实验研究表明,microRNA (miRNA)在人类复杂疾病的发展中发挥着重要作用。因此,预测miRNA与疾病之间的关联有助于疾病的准确诊断和有效治疗。由于传统的生物学实验是一种昂贵且耗时的方式,于是许多基于生物学数据的计算模型被提出来预测miRNA与疾病的关联。本研究提出了一种端到端的深度学习模型来预测miRNA-疾病关联关系,称为MDAGAC。首先,通过整合疾病语义相似性,miRNA功能相似性和高斯相互作用谱核相似性,构建miRNA和疾病的相似性图。然后,通过图自编码器和协同训练来改善标签传播的效果。该模型分别在miRNA图和疾病图上建立了两个图自编码器,并对这两个图自编码器进行了协同训练。miRNA图和疾病图上的图自编码器能够通过初始关联矩阵重构得分矩阵,这相当于在图上传播标签。miRNA-疾病关联的预测概率可以从得分矩阵得到。基于五折交叉验证的实验结果表明,MDAGAC方法可靠有效,优于现有的几种预测miRNA-疾病关联的方法。  相似文献   

Identifying candidate genes related to complex diseases or traits and mapping their relationships require a system-level analysis at a cellular scale. The objective of the present study is to systematically analyze the complex effects of interrelated genes and provide a framework for revealing their relationships in association with a specific disease (asthma in this case). We observed that protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks associated with asthma have a power-law connectivity distribution as many other biological networks have. The hub nodes and skeleton substructure of the result network are consistent with the prior knowledge about asthma pathways, and also suggest unknown candidate target genes associated with asthma, including GNB2L1, BRCA1, CBL, and VAV1. In particular, GNB2L1 appears to play a very important role in the asthma network through frequent interactions with key proteins in cellular signaling. This network-based approach represents an alternative method for analyzing the complex effects of candidate genes associated with complex diseases and suggesting a list of gene drug targets. The full list of genes and the analysis details are available in the following online supplementary materials: http://biosoft.kaist.ac.kr:8080/resources/asthma_ppi.  相似文献   

It has been a challenging task to integrate high-throughput data into investigations of the systematic and dynamic organization of biological networks. Here, we presented a simple hierarchical clustering algorithm that goes a long way to achieve this aim. Our method effectively reveals the modular structure of the yeast protein-protein interaction network and distinguishes protein complexes from functional modules by integrating high-throughput protein-protein interaction data with the added subcellular localization and expression profile data. Furthermore, we take advantage of the detected modules to provide a reliably functional context for the uncharacterized components within modules. On the other hand, the integration of various protein-protein association information makes our method robust to false-positives, especially for derived protein complexes. More importantly, this simple method can be extended naturally to other types of data fusion and provides a framework for the study of more comprehensive properties of the biological network and other forms of complex networks.  相似文献   

Understanding the complex network and multi-functionality of proteins is one of the main objectives of post-genome research. Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (ARSs) are the family of enzymes that are essential for cellular protein synthesis and viability that catalyze the attachment of specific amino acids to their cognate tRNAs. However, a lot of evidence has shown that these enzymes are multi-functional proteins that are involved in diverse cellular processes, such as tRNA processing, RNA splicing and trafficking, rRNA synthesis, apoptosis, angiogenesis, and inflammation. In addition, mammalian ARSs form a macromolecular complex with three auxiliary factors or with the elongation factor complex. Although the functional meaning and physiological significance of these complexes are poorly understood, recent data on the molecular interactions among the components for the multi-ARS complex are beginning to provide insights into the structural organization and cellular functions. In this review, the molecular mechanism for the assembly and functional implications of the multi-ARS complex will be discussed.  相似文献   

文本挖掘技术在整合蛋白与疾病关系资源中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了整合文献中大量的人类蛋白质与疾病相互关系的信息,通过文本挖掘和通路分析的方法从PubMed中的摘要提取出对应关系后,利用KEGG中的通路信息构建出人类蛋白质和疾病相互的一个网络效应,并构建了查询数据库,用户可以根据蛋白质名称、疾病名称、通路名称来进行多方面的查询。  相似文献   



Understanding living systems is crucial for curing diseases. To achieve this task we have to understand biological networks based on protein-protein interactions. Bioinformatics has come up with a great amount of databases and tools that support analysts in exploring protein-protein interactions on an integrated level for knowledge discovery. They provide predictions and correlations, indicate possibilities for future experimental research and fill the gaps to complete the picture of biochemical processes. There are numerous and huge databases of protein-protein interactions used to gain insights into answering some of the many questions of systems biology. Many computational resources integrate interaction data with additional information on molecular background. However, the vast number of diverse Bioinformatics resources poses an obstacle to the goal of understanding. We present a survey of databases that enable the visual analysis of protein networks.


We selected M =10 out of N =53 resources supporting visualization, and we tested against the following set of criteria: interoperability, data integration, quantity of possible interactions, data visualization quality and data coverage. The study reveals differences in usability, visualization features and quality as well as the quantity of interactions. StringDB is the recommended first choice. CPDB presents a comprehensive dataset and IntAct lets the user change the network layout. A comprehensive comparison table is available via web. The supplementary table can be accessed on http://tinyurl.com/PPI-DB-Comparison-2015.


Only some web resources featuring graph visualization can be successfully applied to interactive visual analysis of protein-protein interaction. Study results underline the necessity for further enhancements of visualization integration in biochemical analysis tools. Identified challenges are data comprehensiveness, confidence, interactive feature and visualization maturing.  相似文献   

The network-based representation and analysis of biological systems contributes to a greater understanding of their structures and functions at different levels of complexity. These techniques can also be used to identify potential novel therapeutic targets based on the characterisation of vulnerable or highly influential network components. There is a need to investigate methods for estimating the impact of molecular perturbations. The prediction of high-impact or critical targets can aid in the identification of novel strategies for controlling the level of activation of specific, therapeutically relevant genes or proteins. Here, we report a new computational strategy for the analysis of the vulnerability of cellular signalling networks based on the quantitative assessment of the impact of large-scale, dynamic perturbations. To show the usefulness of this methodology, two complex signalling networks were analysed: the caspase-3 and the adenosine-regulated calcium signalling systems. This allowed us to estimate and rank the perturbation impact of the components defining these networks. Testable hypotheses about how these targets could modify the dynamic operation of the systems are provided. In the case of the caspase-3 system, the predictions and rankings were in line with results obtained from previous experimental validations of computational predictions generated by a relatively more computationally complex technique. In the case of the adenosine-regulated calcium system, we offer new testable predictions on the potential effect of different targets on the control of calcium flux. Unlike previous methods, the proposed approach provides perturbation-specific scores for each network component. The proposed perturbation assessment methodology may be applied to other systems to gain a deeper understanding of their dynamic operation and to assist the discovery of new therapeutic targets and strategies.  相似文献   

Strona and Veech (2015) developed a new node segregation (or node overlap) index for analysing ecological network structure based on the Veech (2013)’s species co-occurrence probabilistic model, which was originally applied to species-site matrices. However, a species-site matrix for analysing species co-occurrence patterns and an adjacency matrix for characterising unimode network structures are different. Directly applying Veech’s species co-occurrence probabilistic model to adjacency matrices in unimode food webs is problematic. The central critical problem is related to the number of free species (or nodes/vertices) in the unimode network that can be the neighbors (have links to connect) of a focused species or a focused pair of species. This number is typically less than the total number of species in real food webs. That is, species are not independent from each other in unimode networks. For a simple undirected unimode network without self-loops, based on the criterion whether there is a link between two species for a focused pair, a correct probabilistic model is developed to accurately compute the probability of observing some shared neighbors for a pair of species in the network. Numerical simulation show that the node overlap calculated using the correct and original probabilistic models present remarkable differences, especially when a unimode network is nested and contains generalists. In summary, The correct probabilistic model should be used if ones want Strona and Veech (2015)’s node segregation index to work for unimode food webs.  相似文献   

In single-particle analysis, a three-dimensional (3-D) structure of a protein is constructed using electron microscopy (EM). As these images are very noisy in general, the primary process of this 3-D reconstruction is the classification of images according to their Euler angles, the images in each classified group then being averaged to reduce the noise level. In our newly developed strategy of classification, we introduce a topology representing network (TRN) method. It is a modified method of a growing neural gas network (GNG). In this system, a network structure is automatically determined in response to the images input through a growing process. After learning without a masking procedure, the GNG creates clear averages of the inputs as unit coordinates in multi-dimensional space, which are then utilized for classification. In the process, connections are automatically created between highly related units and their positions are shifted where the inputs are distributed in multi-dimensional space. Consequently, several separated groups of connected units are formed. Although the interrelationship of units in this space are not easily understood, we succeeded in solving this problem by converting the unit positions into two-dimensional (2-D) space, and by further optimizing the unit positions with the simulated annealing (SA) method. In the optimized 2-D map, visualization of the connections of units provided rich information about clustering. As demonstrated here, this method is clearly superior to both the multi-variate statistical analysis (MSA) and the self-organizing map (SOM) as a classification method and provides a first reliable classification method which can be used without masking for very noisy images.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems are beset by disease outbreaks, and efficient strategies to control dispersal of pathogens are scarce. We tested whether introducing no-farming areas or ‘firebreaks’ could disconnect dispersal networks of a parasitic disease affecting the world’s largest marine fish farming industry (~1000 farms). Larval salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) are released from and transported among salmon farms by ocean currents, creating inter-farm networks of louse dispersal. We used a state-of-the-art biophysical model to predict louse movement along the Norwegian coastline and network analysis to identify firebreaks to dispersal. At least one firebreak that fragmented the network into two large unconnected groups of farms was identified for all seasons. During spring, when wild salmon migrate out into the ocean, and louse levels per fish at farms must be minimised, two effective firebreaks were created by removing 13 and 21 farms (1.3% and 2.2% of all farms in the system) at ~61°N and 67°N, respectively. We have demonstrated that dispersal models coupled with network analysis can identify no-farming zones that fragment dispersal networks. Reduced dispersal pathways should lower infection pressure at farms, slow the evolution of resistance to parasite control measures, and alleviate infection pressure on wild salmon populations.  相似文献   



The analysis of high-throughput data in biology is aided by integrative approaches such as gene-set analysis. Gene-sets can represent well-defined biological entities (e.g. metabolites) that interact in networks (e.g. metabolic networks), to exert their function within the cell. Data interpretation can benefit from incorporating the underlying network, but there are currently no optimal methods that link gene-set analysis and network structures.


Here we present Kiwi, a new tool that processes output data from gene-set analysis and integrates them with a network structure such that the inherent connectivity between gene-sets, i.e. not simply the gene overlap, becomes apparent. In two case studies, we demonstrate that standard gene-set analysis points at metabolites regulated in the interrogated condition. Nevertheless, only the integration of the interactions between these metabolites provides an extra layer of information that highlights how they are tightly connected in the metabolic network.


Kiwi is a tool that enhances interpretability of high-throughput data. It allows the users not only to discover a list of significant entities or processes as in gene-set analysis, but also to visualize whether these entities or processes are isolated or connected by means of their biological interaction. Kiwi is available as a Python package at http://www.sysbio.se/kiwi and an online tool in the BioMet Toolbox at http://www.biomet-toolbox.org.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0408-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This article describes a secondary analysis of the National Assessment of Educational Progress 2008 eighth-grade visual arts data (N = 3,912). These assessments occur under government mandate on a periodic schedule and data on the arts were collected in 1997 and again in 2008. The purpose of this study was to predict students' visual art response performance using students' home environment, personal characteristics, in-school curriculum, and art-related not-for-school (extracurricular) activities. Formative measurement models and structural paths were modeled in structural equation modeling (SEM) using Smart PLS. The initial SEM model included four latent constructs and one endogenous variable measuring students' performance. Both direct and indirect effects between latent constructs were modeled and assessed. Altogether, the four latent constructs explained 21.3% of the variance students' responding performance, out of which home environment construct had the strongest impact. School-related artistic activities in school do predict students' performance significantly but in lesser strength. Students' personal attributes and their art-related not-for-school activities predict students' performance to a substantially lesser degree. Implications of these findings will be discussed in terms of the data findings and larger issues of what these data represent as a means of following curriculum articulation with standards and the impact of art specialists in schools.  相似文献   

Purpose: Detecting and diagnosing gastric cancer (GC) during its early period remains greatly difficult. Our analysis was performed to detect core genes correlated with GC and explore their prognostic values.Methods: Microarray datasets from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) (GSE54129) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)-stomach adenocarcinoma (STAD) datasets were applied for common differentially co-expressed genes using differential gene expression analysis and Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA). Functional enrichment analysis and protein–protein interaction (PPI) network analysis of differentially co-expressed genes were performed. We identified hub genes via the CytoHubba plugin. Prognostic values of hub genes were explored. Afterward, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) was used to analyze survival-related hub genes. Finally, the tumor-infiltrating immune cell (TIC) abundance profiles were estimated.Results: Sixty common differentially co-expressed genes were found. Functional enrichment analysis implied that cell–cell junction organization and cell adhesion molecules were primarily enriched. Hub genes were identified using the degree, edge percolated component (EPC), maximal clique centrality (MCC), and maximum neighborhood component (MNC) algorithms, and serpin family E member 1 (SERPINE1) was highly associated with the prognosis of GC patients. Moreover, GSEA demonstrated that extracellular matrix (ECM) receptor interactions and pathways in cancers were correlated with SERPINE1 expression. CIBERSORT analysis of the proportion of TICs suggested that CD8+ T cell and T-cell regulation were negatively associated with SERPINE1 expression, showing that SERPINE1 may inhibit the immune-dominant status of the tumor microenvironment (TME) in GC.Conclusions: Our analysis shows that SERPINE1 is closely correlated with the tumorigenesis and progression of GC. Furthermore, SERPINE1 acts as a candidate therapeutic target and prognostic biomarker of GC.  相似文献   



Network-based approaches for the analysis of large-scale genomics data have become well established. Biological networks provide a knowledge scaffold against which the patterns and dynamics of ‘omics’ data can be interpreted. The background information required for the construction of such networks is often dispersed across a multitude of knowledge bases in a variety of formats. The seamless integration of this information is one of the main challenges in bioinformatics. The Semantic Web offers powerful technologies for the assembly of integrated knowledge bases that are computationally comprehensible, thereby providing a potentially powerful resource for constructing biological networks and network-based analysis.


We have developed the Gene eXpression Knowledge Base (GeXKB), a semantic web technology based resource that contains integrated knowledge about gene expression regulation. To affirm the utility of GeXKB we demonstrate how this resource can be exploited for the identification of candidate regulatory network proteins. We present four use cases that were designed from a biological perspective in order to find candidate members relevant for the gastrin hormone signaling network model. We show how a combination of specific query definitions and additional selection criteria derived from gene expression data and prior knowledge concerning candidate proteins can be used to retrieve a set of proteins that constitute valid candidates for regulatory network extensions.


Semantic web technologies provide the means for processing and integrating various heterogeneous information sources. The GeXKB offers biologists such an integrated knowledge resource, allowing them to address complex biological questions pertaining to gene expression. This work illustrates how GeXKB can be used in combination with gene expression results and literature information to identify new potential candidates that may be considered for extending a gene regulatory network.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0386-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Fuite J  Vernon SD  Broderick G 《Genomics》2008,92(6):393-399
This work investigates the significance of changes in association patterns linking indicators of neuroendocrine and immune activity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Gene sets preferentially expressed in specific immune cell isolates were integrated with neuroendocrine data from a large population-based study. Co-expression patterns linking immune cell activity with hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA), thyroidal (HPT) and gonadal (HPG) axis status were computed using mutual information criteria. Networks in control and CFS subjects were compared globally in terms of a weighted graph edit distance. Local re-modeling of node connectivity was quantified by node degree and eigenvector centrality measures. Results indicate statistically significant differences between CFS and control networks determined mainly by re-modeling around pituitary and thyroid nodes as well as an emergent immune sub-network. Findings align with known mechanisms of chronic inflammation and support possible immune-mediated loss of thyroid function in CFS exacerbated by blunted HPA axis responsiveness.  相似文献   

借助网络分析可对基因调控、蛋白质互作和信号转导等细胞活动进行全局和局部性质分析.以细胞黏附的蛋白质相互作用为对象,通过数据挖掘和可视化软件构建了整合蛋白介导的黏附分子互作网络,该分子互作网络由156种蛋白质通过690种相互作用相连,其平均节点度为8.66、平均聚集系数为0.24,平均路径长度为2.6.黏附分子互作网络中包含数个功能模块,这些模块涉及网络内部多种分子相互作用的启动与停止,并进一步影响细胞的黏附、迁移和骨架组织.对黏附分子网络进行模体筛选和比较,发现一些数量相对较少、以三元复合物为主要结构的关键模体,同时对各网络模块和模体对细胞黏附的调控作用进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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