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Burst swimming in fish results in a marked metabolic acidosis. Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) blood was shown to have a marked Root shift, such that burst swimming and the subsequent metabolic acidosis should impair oxygen delivery to the tissues and, therefore, aerobic swimming capacity. Burst swimming was found to have no effect on aerobic swimming capacity in Chinook salmon and it is concluded that any effects on aerobic swimming, of the induced metabolic acidosis following burst swimming, was offset by the release of catecholamines.  相似文献   

Most studies assessing adaptive MHC diversity in salmon populations have focused on the classical class II DAB or DAA loci, as these have been most amenable to single PCR amplifications due to their relatively low level of sequence divergence. Herein, we report the characterization of the classical class I UBA α2 locus based on collections taken throughout the species range of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Through use of multiple lineage-specific primer sets, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and sequencing, we identified thirty-four alleles from three highly divergent lineages. Sequence identity between lineages ranged from 30.0% to 56.8% but was relatively high within lineages. Allelic identity within the antigen recognition site (ARS) was greater than for the longer sequence. Global positive selection on UBA was seen at the sequence level (dN:dS = 1.012) with four codons under positive selection and 12 codons under negative selection.  相似文献   

A sex-specific genetic marker (growth hormone pseudogene) and age-at-maturation data were used to infer the cause of male-biased phenotypic sex ratios in adult chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha from the Kwethluk and Tuluksak Rivers, south-west Alaska. The results showed that: (1) adult genetic and phenotypic sex ratios were similar and were male biased, (2) genetic sex ratios of pre-smolts were not male biased and (3) the average age-at-maturation for males was significantly less than for females. These results suggest that the sex ratio distortion is due to gender bias in marine survival probably related to gender differences in marine life-history strategies.  相似文献   

Unusually high intra-specific floral trait variability has often been described within deceptive orchid populations, as opposed to rewarding ones. Such variability is traditionally thought to have consequences on reproduction in this orchid group, i.e. phenotypically variable deceptive species may have a reproductive success advantage compared to those with a constant floral display. The proposed reason for this hypothetic pattern is that floral trait variability decreases pollinator avoidance learning in dealing with nectarless flowers, hence increasing their visitation rate. However, despite an intuitive and appealing hypothesis and a possible mechanism to explain it, the often-cited higher reproductive success induced by floral trait variability still remains unsupported.Here, we review the literature and consider eight studies that have experimentally or correlatively tested this hypothesis in deceptive orchids. In all these experiments, we have found no difference in average reproductive success between populations with high versus low flower trait variability, either in scent variable or colour polymorphic species. We discuss possible explanations for the lack of this pattern including the incapability of pollinators in perceiving the variability, the scarce relevance of polymorphic traits in the choice of species to forage on, or a different pollinator behaviour than the one proposed. We suggest that the high phenotypic variability is not likely to enhance deceptive orchids’ reproductive success, but is more likely to be a consequence of relaxed selection by pollinators. Nonetheless, information regarding orchid pollination strategy or pollinator cognitive abilities is often superficial, hence calling researchers for additional investigations that can contribute to a better understanding of this debated and yet unsupported hypothesis.  相似文献   

The use of developmental instability (an individual's failure to produce a consistent phenotype in a given environment) was evaluated to detect the effects of outplanting hatchery fish on wild salmon. Juvenile chinook salmon were collected in 1989, 1990, and 1991 from five drainages in the Snake River Basin. In each drainage we attempted to collect fish from streams with no hatchery supplementation (wild), naturally spawning fish from streams with hatchery supplementation (natural), and fish collected at a hatchery. Forty fish were collected per site and the number of elements in bilateral characters were counted on each side of the fish. Indices of fluctuating asymmetry (FA), a measure of minor, random deviations in perfect symmetry of bilateral counts, were calculated as an estimator of developmental instability. Analysis of character counts from seven paired characters revealed normal distributions. Only one of the characters displayed counts that were statistically larger on one side than the other, indicating that directional asymmetry (DA) or antisymmetry was not a major bias of FA. However, the means of all individual characters revealed a non-statistically significant left side bias. We analyzed our data using two indices of FA (FA1 and FA5) with different levels of sensitivity to DA. Differences in both FA indices were found among years, with collection sites in 1989 having significantly larger FA values than in 1991 (FA p < 0.01). Levels of FA among wild, natural, and hatchery fish were comparatively small (FA1 p = 0.17). This suggests developmental conditions were different in the first year of the study than in the last. The cause of these differences may be linked to either genetic or environmental variation or to gene—environment interactions, but the general population declines of salmon that occurred during this time obscures more specific conclusions.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that branchial gas transfer is enhanced in rainbow trout during hypoxia or hypercarbia by bradycardia and systemic vasoconstriction. Gas transfer was indirectly assessed by continuous monitoring of arterial blood gases, PaO2 and PaCO2. Cardiac frequency was maximally decreased by 34.9+/-4.3 and 8.6+/-3.2 bpm in hypoxic and hypercarbic fish, respectively. Pre-treating fish with atropine (1micromol kg(-1)) attenuated or abolished the bradycardia during hypoxia and hypercarbia, respectively. However, there were no significant differences in the arterial blood gases between the control and atropinized fish. Dorsal aortic blood pressure was increased maximally by 11.3+/-2.8 and 17.7+/-2.0mm Hg in the hypoxic and hypercarbic fish. Pre-treatment of fish with prazosin (2.4micromol kg(-1)) prevented these increases in blood pressure. Blood gases were unaltered by prazosin treatment in the hypercarbic fish. However, in the hypoxic fish, gas transfer appeared to be impaired by prazosin on the basis of lowered PaO2 (by approximately 35 mm Hg compared to control fish) and increased PaCO2 (by approximately 0.3mm Hg). Because the normal hyperventilatory response to hypoxia was prevented by prazosin, it is possible that the impairment of gas transfer was related to inadequate ventilation rather than to any differences in the pressor response. The present results provide no evidence that gas transfer in rainbow trout is enhanced by bradycardia nor do they reveal any obvious benefit associated with the increases in blood pressure that accompany hypoxia and hypercarbia.  相似文献   

That colour polymorphism may protect prey populations from predation is an old but rarely tested hypothesis. We examine whether colour polymorphic populations of prey exposed to avian predators in an ecologically valid visual context were exposed to increased extinction risk compared with monomorphic populations. We made 2976 artificial pastry prey, resembling Lepidoptera larvae, in four different colours and presented them in 124 monomorphic and 124 tetramorphic populations on tree trunks and branches such that they would be exposed to predation by free-living birds, and monitored their ‘survival’. Among monomorphic populations, there was a significant effect of prey coloration on survival, confirming that coloration influenced susceptibility to visually oriented predators. Survival of polymorphic populations was inferior to that of monomorphic green populations, but did not differ significantly from monomorphic brown, yellow or red populations. Differences in survival within polymorphic populations paralleled those seen among monomorphic populations; the red morph most frequently went extinct first and the green morph most frequently survived the longest. Our findings do not support the traditional protective polymorphism hypothesis and are in conflict with those of earlier studies. As a possible explanation to our findings, we offer a competing ‘giveaway cue’ hypothesis: that polymorphic populations may include one morph that attracts the attention of predators and that polymorphic populations therefore may suffer increased predation compared with some monomorphic populations.  相似文献   

Using a fixed‐speed test, burst swimming performance was found to vary among nine populations of emergent sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka fry reared in a common‐garden environment. No consistent relationship was, however, detected between difficulty of fry migration (upstream v. downstream) to rearing areas and total burst swimming duration or bursting rate.  相似文献   

Summary In order to describe precisely the fixed action patterns of salmon sexual behavior, we recorded the electromyographic (EMG) activities of trunk and jaw muscles from freely behaving male and female Himé salmon (landlocked sockeye salmon,Oncorhynchus nerka). A series of action patterns (quivering and spawning act in males, digging, covering, prespawning act and spawning act in females, and the swimming and turning movements in both sexes) were characterized by rhythmic activities of the trunk muscles. Each of these activity patterns is quantitatively distinct from the others in such parameters as frequency, bout duration, duty value, intersegmental phase delay, and spatial distribution of rhythmic activities. However, all of these rhythms share a qualitatively homologous pattern with the forward swimming movement: rhythmic activities alternate on both sides of the body (bilateral coupling) and are posteriorly propagated (intersegmental coupling). In addition, a 31 intersegmental phase coupling occurs in the most anterior trunk muscles during the spawning act in some males. Based on these observations, we discussed the biomechanics for these motor patterns (oviposition, ejaculation, body vibration, and mouth opening), and the neural mechanisms for the pattern generation. A possibility was pointed out that the locomotor pattern generator in the spinal cord may be modulated by descending supraspinal signals and recruited to generate such diverse forms of action patterns in sexual behavior.Abbreviations CPG central pattern generator - EMG electromyography - AC adductor mandibulae (cephalic portion) - AM adductor mandibulae (mandibular portion) - DO dilator operculi - GH geniohyoideus - LAP levator arcus palatitni - LPe musculus lateralis profundus (epaxial portion) - LPh musculus lateralis profundus (hypaxial portion) - LS musculus lateralis superficialis - PD protractor dorsalis - PI protractor ischii - RD retractor dorsalis - RI retractor ischii  相似文献   

Food availability influences multiple stages of the breeding cycle of birds, and supplementary feeding has helped in its understanding. Most supplementation studies have reported advancements of laying, whilst others, albeit less numerous, have also demonstrated fitness benefits such as larger clutches, shorter incubation periods, and greater hatching success. Relatively few studies, however, have investigated the effects of supplementary feeding for protracted periods across multiple stages of the breeding cycle. These effects are important to understand since long-term food supplementation of birds is recommended in urban habitats and is used as a tool to increase reproductive output in endangered species. Here, we compare the breeding phenology and productivity of blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus and great tits Parus major breeding in food-supplemented and non-supplemented blocks in a broadleaf woodland in central England over three seasons (2006–2008). Supplementation was provided continuously from several weeks pre-laying until hatching, and had multiple significant effects. Most notably, supplementation reduced brood size significantly in both species, by half a chick or more at hatching (after controlling for year and hatching date). Reduced brood sizes in supplemented pairs were driven by significantly smaller clutches in both species and, in blue tits, significantly lower hatching success. These are novel and concerning findings of food supplementation. As expected, supplementary feeding advanced laying and shortened incubation periods significantly in both species. We discuss the striking parallels between our findings and patterns in blue and great tit reproduction in urban habitats, and conclude that supplementary feeding may not always enhance the breeding productivity of birds.  相似文献   

Himé salmon (landlocked red salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka) have an elaborate communication system, which ensures synchronous spawning by both sexes and successful fertilization. Both the vibrational and visual signals have been suggested to be involved in this communication system. To characterize these signals, vibrating or stationary three-dimensional models of various types were presented to the male, and male behavior elicited was examined. The results showed that the vibrating model mimicking certain aspects of the female behavior (prespawning act) elicits the spawning in the male (Figs. 2, 3, 5). Furthermore, it was found that (1) the presence of both the vibrational and visual cues (Figs. 6, 7), and (2) spatial coincidence of these two cues (Fig. 8) are necessary for eliciting this behavior. Based on these results it was supposed that the vibrational and visual informations converge at the central nervous system where they are integrated to elicit the spawning.  相似文献   

Summary The caudal spinal cord of the coho salmon was investigated by means of immunocytochemistry using antisera against serotonin, urotensin I, urotensin II, somatostatin and a urea-extract of bovine Reissner's fiber (AFRU). Populations of serotonin-immunoreactive (IR) neurons were found rostral and dorsal to the urophysis in close spatial association with caudal secretory neurons. Thick, smooth serotonin-IR processes extended toward the external surface of the spinal cord where they displayed conspicuous terminal dilatations. Thin, beaded serotonin-IR fibers appeared to innervate populations of caudal secretory and somatostatin-IR cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons. Most caudal neurosecretory cells displayed both urotensin I and urotensin II immunoreactivities; only a minority reacted exclusively with either urotensin I or urotensin II antisera. Urotensin II-IR and somatostatin-IR cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting neurons were found as an integral component of the central canal wall in the caudal spinal cord and filum terminale; their dendritic processes appeared to contact Reissner's fiber, which displayed a weak AFRU-immunoreactivity while inside the central canal, but became strongly reactive in the interior of the terminal ventricle as it formed the massa caudalis. The distribution of serotoninergic processes points to a regulatory role in the function of caudal secretory and CSF-contacting neurons and to a putative serotonin release into the subarachnoid space and/or meningeal vasculature. It is also suggested that the CSF-contacting neurons of the central canal may participate in a feedback mechanism controlling the secretory activity of the subcommissural organ.Supported by Grant A/1095-1 from the International Foundation for Science, Sweden, to C.Y.; Grant I/63-476 from Volkswagen-Stiftung to E.R.; and Grant S-85-39 from the Dirección de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de Chile  相似文献   

In this study, we documented the breeding system of a wild population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) by genetically sampling every returning adult and assessed the determinants of individual fitness. We then quantified the impacts of catch and release (C&R) on mating and reproductive success. Both sexes showed high variance in individual reproductive success, and the estimated standardized variance was higher for males (2.86) than for females (0.73). We found a weak positive relationship between body size and fitness and observed that fitness was positively correlated with the number of mates, especially in males. Mature male parr sired 44% of the analysed offspring. The impact of C&R on the number of offspring was size dependent, as the reproductive success of larger fish was more impaired than smaller ones. Also, there was an interactive negative effect of water temperature and air exposure time on reproductive success of C&R salmon. This study improves our understanding of the complex reproductive biology of the Atlantic salmon and is the first to investigate the impact of C&R on reproductive success. Our study expands the management toolbox of appropriate C&R practices that promote conservation of salmon populations and limit negative impacts on mating and reproductive success.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of dietary fatty acid composition on sodium–potassium ATPase (Na+/K+-ATPase) activity and isoform expression in the gills of juvenile fall chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha by supplementing diets with either anchovy oil (AO) or AO blended with canola oil (CO) so that CO comprised 0% (0CO), 11% (11CO), 22% (22CO), 33% (33CO), 43% (43CO), or 54% (54CO) of the measured dietary lipid content. The effects of diet were assessed in freshwater (FW) following 104 days of diet manipulation, in response to 24-h seawater (SW) transfer at this time, and following an additional 35 days of SW acclimation. Gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity was not significantly affected by diet at any sampling time, and there were no consistent effects of diet on the expression of the Na+/K+-ATPase α1a isoform. As dietary CO increased, Na+/K+-ATPase α1b mRNA decreased in fish held in FW, with the 43CO and 54CO diet groups having significantly lower levels than fish fed the 0CO and 11CO diets. Twenty-four-hour SW challenge did not affect the expression of the Na+/K+-ATPase α1a isoform in any diet group, but this isoform was down-regulated in all diet groups following 35 days of SW acclimation. Na+/K+-ATPase α1b expression levels increased in response to 24-h SW transfer and SW acclimation only in fish fed the 54CO diet. The effects of the two extreme diets (0CO and 54CO) were also assessed at various time points during 104 days of rearing in FW. Na+/K+-ATPase α1b mRNA levels were greater in fish fed diet 0CO versus those fed diet 54CO at all times during the FW culture period. These data demonstrate that dietary fatty acid composition can influence the gill Na+/K+-ATPase isoform physiology of juvenile fall-run chinook salmon prior to SW transfer.  相似文献   

In vitro conservation of Mandevilla moricandiana was performed by slow-growth storage and encapsulation–dehydration. For slow-growth storage, half- and full-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium and Woody Plant Medium, with or without sorbitol, mannitol, or glucose, were used to test the development of nodal segments and maintenance of plant viability after 6 mo. Recovery was performed using MS medium. The basal medium and carbon source did not interact, and only the carbon source had a significant effect on slow-growth storage and recovery. Sorbitol and glucose, individually or in combination, promoted development of plants with a low multiplication rate during the slow-growth period and a high multiplication rate during the recovery period. For encapsulation–dehydration, nonencapsulated and sodium alginate-encapsulated nodal segments were evaluated to determine their viability after storage at different temperatures. Nonencapsulated nodal segments gave 16.6% recovery after 60 d at 25°C. The effects of preculturing encapsulated nodal segments in MS medium with 0.4 or 0.75 M sucrose followed by dehydration were also tested. Capsules precultured for 48 h in the presence of 0.40 M sucrose and dehydrated to 40% moisture content showed 93.3% recovery. These conditions were then used to store capsules under different temperatures and for different lengths of time. The precultured capsules showed ca. 30% recovery after storage for 30 d at 4°C. Well-developed plantlets regenerated from encapsulated, stored nodal segments were rooted and acclimatized successfully, with 100% survival.  相似文献   

Aquaporins facilitate water permeation across biological membranes. Additionally, glycerol and other small neutral solutes are permeated by related aquaglyceroporins. The role of aquaporins in gas permeation has been a long-standing and controversially discussed issue. We present an extensive set of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations that address the question of CO(2) permeation through human aquaporin-1. Free energy profiles derived from the simulations display a barrier of approximately 23 kJ/mol in the aromatic/arginine constriction region of the water pore, whereas a barrier of approximately 4 kJ/mol was observed for a palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylethanolamine lipid bilayer membrane. The results indicate that significant aquaporin-1-mediated CO(2) permeation is to be expected only in membranes with a low intrinsic CO(2) permeability.  相似文献   

The effect of vacuum packaging on the shelf-life and handling of Pesta granules and seed treatment made with chlamydospores of Fusarium oxysporum strains Foxy2, PSM197 or their mixture was studied at 4°C and 22±3°C over 1 year. In addition, the effects of co-incorporated amendments [urea in Pesta or co-delivered fungicides (Ridomil Gold®, Apron XL®) on coated sorghum seeds], and coating material (Arabic gum ‘AG’, SUET Binder ‘SB’) on the viability of Striga-mycoherbicides were evaluated. Storage under vacuum packaging did not enhance shelf-life of the formulated Striga-mycoherbicidal products after 12 months of storage regardless of the treatment used. The co-incorporated urea into Pesta granules significantly reduced the viability of mycoherbicides, but less so at 4°C (58% strain-stability after 12 months). No significant differences between the coating materials in maintaining the viability of mycoherbicides were observed. The shelf-life of isolates on coated seeds significantly decreased when adding Ridomil Gold®. However, at 4°C, the fungicide Apron XL® allowed better survival of Foxy2 and PSM197 by maintaining their averaged half-lives (t 0.5) by an additional 6 months compared to Ridomil Gold®. In general, Striga-mycoherbicidal product combinations exhibited a significantly higher shelf-life when stored at 4°C than at 22±3°C. The absence of a positive effect of vacuum packaging on shelf-life of Striga-mycoherbicidal products reflects the tolerance of the formulated fungal propagules (chlamydospores) to withstand an oxygen enriched environment and allows their handling and distribution through ordinary packaging systems in Africa. The high compatibility between Striga-mycoherbicides and the co-delivered fungicide Apron XL®, and the fungal storage stability allows simultaneous control of Striga and fungal cereal diseases within an integrated pest management (IPM).  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Cell-based wound therapy is faced with some limiting factors that decrease the therapeutic efficacy of transplanted cells. In this study, we aimed to genetically modify...  相似文献   

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