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Transfection analyses are an informative method to assess the activity of specific promoter or enhancer elements in mammalian cells. Commercially available reporter vectors can be extremely useful investigative tools for such studies. This study reports that the pCAT 3- and pGL3-promoter vectors display cryptic responsiveness to androgens when they contain a DNA insert, while the empty vector, a commonly used negative control, is nonresponsive. Our studies initially aimed to characterize novel androgen-responsive DNA sequences in human genomic DNA through transactivational analyses. An isolated DNA fragment, designated ARC-3, contained three putative androgen response element "half-sites" and was androgen-responsive when cloned into the pCAT3-promoter vector. While we originally believed this to be a novel enhancer element, subsequent analyses of this clone revealed that this vector displays cryptic activity in the presence of an androgen. This was confirmed by cloning several unrelated DNA fragments that did not contain any known classic response elements into the pCAT3-promoter vector, all of which were found to be responsive. The empty vector (negative control) was again nonresponsive. The ARC-3 DNA fragment was also weakly responsive to stimulation when cloned into the pGL3-promotor vector, which is identical to the pCAT3-promoter vector, with the exception of an intron located 5' of the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene, and the reporter genes. This work demonstrates that both the pCAT3- and pGL3-promoter vectors are inappropriate to assess androgen-responsive enhancers and emphasizes the importance of the careful selection of reporter vectors and controls when conducting transactivational analysis.  相似文献   

Gonadal steroids influence the skeletal growth and metabolism both during the pubertal growth spurt and in adulthood with aging. It is now generally agreed that sex steroid effect on skeletal tissues is due to indirect and direct actions. In this presentation, in vitro effects of sex steroids on cartilage cells are reported by comparison with those observed on bone cells.  相似文献   

During a series of transfection experiments, the pRSV-luc plasmid used as an internal control was found to be sensitive to co-transfection with expression vectors for several members of the steroid/thyroid/retinoid superfamily of nuclear receptors. Therefore, a survey of the effect of these expression vectors on the activity of four reporter plasmids was conducted. In CV-1 cells, the activity of pRSV-luc, which contains the P. pyralis luciferase gene, was repressed by co-transfection of PPAR and ARP-1 and was activated by COUP-TFI. Expression of pSV40-luc, containing the same luciferase gene, was repressed by PPAR and HNF-4 and activated by both COUP-TFI and ARP-1. All four of these expression vectors reduced the expression of the pRL-TK plasmid, which contains the luciferase gene from Renilla reniformis. RXR expression vectors had no effect on luciferase activity in CV-1 cells but induced luciferase activity in H4IIEC3 hepatoma cells. This activation was blocked by the addition of ligand, 9-cis retinoic acid. pSV2-CAT, which contains the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene, was insensitive to all receptor expression vectors tested. Both the P. pyralis and R. reniformis luciferase genes appear to contain sequences that render them responsive to steroid/thyroid/retinoid nuclear receptors.  相似文献   



Elevations of serum prolactin (PRL) are associated with an increased risk for breast cancer. PRL signaling through its prolactin receptor (PRLr) involves the Jak2/Stat5 pathway. Luciferase-based reporter assays have been widely used to evaluate the activity of this pathway. However, the existing reporters are often not sensitive enough to monitor the effect of PRL in this pathway.  相似文献   

The mechanisms regulating the differential selenium (Se)-dependent stability of selenoprotein mRNAs are partially characterized. To further study the Se-dependent regulation of selenoproteins, we developed a novel chemiluminescent reporter to monitor the steady-state mRNA level of an artificial selenoprotein. Our reporter is a fusion of the Renilla luciferase gene and of the β-globin gene, but contains features required for incorporation of selenocysteine (SEC), namely, a UGA-SEC codon and a 3' untranslated region RNA stem loop called a SEC incorporation sequence (SECIS). At various levels of Se, the activity of reporters containing GPX1 or GPX4 SECIS elements is proportional to the steady-state mRNA level of the reporter construct and reflects the level of the corresponding endogenous mRNA. In a reporter containing a UGA codon and a functional GPX1 SECIS, Se-dependent nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) occurred in the cytoplasm, as opposed to the more typical nuclear location. To validate the reporter system, we used genetic and pharmacologic approaches to inhibit or promote NMD. Modulation of UPF1 by siRNA, overexpression, or by inhibition of SMG1 altered NMD in this system. Our reporter is derived from a Renilla luciferase reporter gene fused to an intron containing B-globin gene and is subject to degradation by NMD when a stop codon is inserted before the second intron.  相似文献   

The development of new genetic systems for studying the complex regulatory events that occur within Borrelia burgdorferi is an important goal of contemporary Lyme disease research. Although recent advancements have been made in the genetic manipulation of B. burgdorferi, there still remains a paucity of basic molecular systems for assessing differential gene expression in this pathogen. Herein, we describe the adaptation of two powerful genetic tools for use in B. burgdorferi. The first is a Photinus pyralis firefly luciferase gene reporter that was codon optimized to enhance translation in B. burgdorferi. Using this modified reporter, we demonstrated an increase in luciferase expression when B. burgdorferi transformed with a shuttle vector encoding the outer surface protein C (OspC) promoter fused to the luciferase reporter was cultivated in the presence of fresh rabbit blood. The second is a lac operator/repressor system that was optimized to achieve the tightest degree of regulation. Using the aforementioned luciferase reporter, we assessed the kinetics and maximal level of isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)-dependent gene expression. This lac-inducible expression system also was used to express the gene carried on lp25 required for borrelial persistence in ticks (bptA). These advancements should be generally applicable for assessing further the regulation of other genes potentially involved in virulence expression by B. burgdorferi.  相似文献   

Gene trapping of the Arabidopsis genome with a firefly luciferase reporter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experiments with gene-trap vectors containing the firefly luciferase (LUC) reporter genes were carried out with the aim of analyzing functions of the Arabidopsis genome. Studies with protein fusion-type trap vectors as well as an internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-assisted non-fusion-type vector revealed that both types of vectors were suitable for gene trapping in Arabidopsis, although there were some differences in trapping efficiencies. The established trap lines were subjected to analyses for light responses, demonstrating the powerful and unique applications of a LUC-trapping system. A systematic survey of the insertion sites of the T-DNAs in LUC-expressing lines revealed 12-41% gene-trapping efficiencies depending on the vector. We demonstrate that the LUC-trapping system provides a unique system with which to monitor temporal expression of plant genes.  相似文献   

Under standard culture conditions, epithelial cells grow with their basal surface attached to the culture dish and their apical surface facing the medium. Morphological and functional markers are located in the appropriate plasma membrane, and transepithelial transport occurs in a variety of cultured epithelia. As a result of the polarity of the cells and the presence of tight junctions between cells, on standard tissue culture dishes there is restricted access of growth medium to the basolateral surface of the epithelium, which is the surface at which nutrient exchange normally occurs. Greater differentiation of epithelial cultures can be achieved by growing primary cultures or continuous cell lines on permeable surfaces such as porous bottom cultures dishes in which the porous bottom is formed by a filter or membrane of collagen, or on floating collagen gels. In many cultures, differentiation varies with the time after the culture was seeded. Certain chemicals that accelerate differentiation in nonepithelial cells also accelerate the differentiation of epithelial cultures. Ultimately, defined media and specific substrates for cell attachment should lead to further differentiation of epithelia in culture.  相似文献   

徐惠娟  周守标 《生物工程学报》2014,30(11):1733-1741
为了研究T-bet在T细胞中的转录调控机制,并研究其在多发性硬化症中的信号通路,本研究构建小鼠TBX21(编码T-bet)基因启动子区和增强子区萤火虫荧光素酶报告基因载体。在对小鼠TBX21基因5?侧翼区进行详尽生物信息学特征分析后,设计相应引物,用PCR的方法从小鼠基因组中扩增出TBX21基因5?侧翼区–1 000 bp-28 bp片段长为1 028 bp的启动子区(以翻译起始点ATG为+1)和–3 308 bp-–2 000 bp片段长为1308 bp的非编码区保守序列(No-coding conserved sequence,CNS),再用定向克隆的方法将这两个片段定向重组入专门用于启动子活性研究的萤火虫荧光素酶报告基因载体(p GL4.10)中,构建出包含小鼠TBX21基因启动子区和CNS区的萤火虫荧光素酶报告基因载体(p GL4.10-TBX21pr-CNS),电泳与测序鉴定,最后再将p GL4.10-TBX21pr-CNS与内参p RL-TK用lipofectamine 2000共转染293T细胞和Jurkat细胞中,通过双荧光素酶报告基因检测系统鉴定p GL4.10-TBX21pr-CNS的启动子和增强子活性,并用独立样本t检验方法进行统计分析。对照组共转染p GL4.10与内参p RL-TK。结果表明,成功构建出荧光素酶报告基因重组质粒p GL4.10-TBX21pr-CNS。与转染空质粒p RL-TK组相比,293T细胞(P=0.012 2)和Jurkat细胞(P=0.002 2)中转染p GL4.10-TBX21pr-CNS组荧光素酶活性升高。研究结果表明在293T细胞和Jurkat细胞中p GL4.10-TBX21pr-CNS可以表现出启动子活性,为后续小鼠T-bet转录调控研究提供了基本材料。  相似文献   

The properties of the firefly luciferase (LUC) make it a very good nondestructive reporter to quantify and image transgene promoter activity in plants. The short half-life of the LUC mRNA and protein, and the very limited regeneration of the LUC protein after reacting with luciferin, enables monitoring of changes in gene activity with a high time resolution. However, the ease at which luciferase activity is measuredin planta, using a light sensitive camera system (2D-luminometer), contrasts sharply with the complications that arise from interpreting the results. A variegated pattern of luciferase activity, that is often observed inin planta measurements, might either be caused by differences in influx, availability of the substrates (luciferin, oxygen, ATP) or by local differences in reporter gene activity. Here we tested the possible contribution of differences in the availability of each substrate to the variegatedin planta luciferase activity, and we show whenin planta luciferase activity is measured under substrate equilibrium conditions and can be related to the promoter activity of the reporter gene. Furthermore, we demonstrate the effects of protein stability, apparent half-life of luciferase activity, regeneration of luciferase and pH on thein vivo andin vitro luciferase measurements. The combined results give the prerequisites for the correct utilisation of the luciferase reporter system, especially forin vivo gene expression studies in plant research.  相似文献   

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