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Electrofusion of rat adrenal and Leydig cells generated hybrids capable of synthesizing simultaneously both testosterone and corticosterone, under stimulation of lutropin or adrenocorticotropin. Evidence was obtained indicating that under such circumstances, heterologous lutropin receptor--adrenal adenylate cyclase complexes were formed.  相似文献   

A new apparatus was constructed which enables the use of the electrofusion method to obtain polynuclear cells of various mammalian cell lines, erythrocytes and plant protoplasts. This technique was applied to both suspensions and monolayers. Electrical and other physical parameters were monitored to find optimal conditions for mutual contact of cells (dielectrophoresis) and subsequent fusion. In the suspension technique, dielectrophoresis of mouse erythrocytes occurred at a field frequency of 20 kHz and a strength of 500 V.cm-1, whereas cultured mammalian cells and plant protoplasts required a frequency of 1-1.4 MHz and a strength of 250-800 V.cm-1. Fusion of cells was induced after the application of 1 to 10 high-voltage pulses of 1-5 kV.cm-1, 10-36 microseconds duration. After these high-voltage pulses were to the monolayer of mouse L cells, about 12% viable homokaryons were obtained.  相似文献   

This study aimed to construct new yeast hybrid strains for introducing flavor and aroma diversity to ciders. The inactivated protoplasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida krusei were electric-induced fused under the optimized electric condition of pulse field density 2200 V/cm, pulse time 20 μs, pulse number 2 times and pulse interval 1 s, and 69 fusants were initially obtained. By performing Durham's fermentation for ten generations, 9 stable hybrid strains were screened. The chemical analysis showed that the alcoholic degree of ciders fermented by R2, R4, R5, R6 and R8 achieved about 12% (v/v), which was statistically the same level as the one fermented by parental strain WF1. The GC–MS results showed different strain generated totally different aroma profiles. R4 produced significant higher concentration of 2-methyl-butanoic acid ethyl ester, 2-methyl-1-propanol, 3-methyl-butanol acetate, 1-butanol, acetic acid hexyl ester, 1-hexanol and 1-octanol. The 9 hybrid yeast strains and parental strains were further compared through fuzzy comprehensive evaluation combining sensory score and aroma components content. The results showed that the hybrid R4 scored highest and displayed desirable properties of both parents.  相似文献   

This review summarizes our studies of the past several years on the development of third generation dendritic cell (DC) vaccines. These developments have implemented two major innovations in DC preparation: first, young DCs are prepared within 3 days and, second, the DCs are matured with the help of Toll-like receptor agonists, imbuing them with the capacity to produce bioactive IL-12 (p70). Based on phenotype, chemokine-directed migration, facility to process and present antigens, and stimulatory capacity to polarize Th1 responses in CD4+ T cells, induce antigen-specific CD8+ CTL and activate natural killer cells, these young mDCs display all the important properties needed for initiating good antitumor responses in a vaccine setting.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) loaded in vitro with Ag are used as cellular vaccines to induce Ag-specific immunity. These cells are thought to be responsible for direct stimulation of Ag-specific T cells, which may subsequently mediate immunity. In this study, in transgenic mouse models with targeted MHC class II expression specifically on DCs, we show that the DC vaccine is responsible only for partial CD4(+) T cell activation, but to obtain optimal expansion of T cells in vivo, participation of endogenous (resident) DCs, but not endogenous B cells, is crucial. Transfer of Ag to endogenous DCs seems not to be mediated by simple peptide diffusion, but rather by DC-DC interaction in lymph nodes as demonstrated by histological analysis. In contrast, injection of apoptotic or necrotic DC vaccines does not induce T cell responses, but rather represents an immunological null event, which argues that viability of DC vaccines can be crucial for initial triggering of T cells. We propose that viable DCs from the DC vaccine must migrate to the draining lymph nodes and initiate a T cell response, which thereafter requires endogenous DCs that present transferred Ag in order induce optimal T cell expansion. These results are of specific importance with regard to the applicability of DC vaccinations in tumor patients, where the function of endogenous DCs is suppressed by either tumors or chemotherapy.  相似文献   

To elicit a therapeutic antitumor immune response, dendritic cells (DCs) have been employed as a cellular adjuvant. Among various DC-based approaches, fusion of DCs and tumor cells potentially confers not only DC functionality, but also a continuous source of unaltered tumor antigens. We have recently demonstrated successful generation of fusion hybrids by a large-scale electrofusion technique. The immunogenicity and therapeutic potential of fusion hybrids were further analyzed in a model system of a murine melanoma cell line expressing beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) as a surrogate tumor antigen. A single vaccination with fusion hybrids plus IL-12 induced a therapeutic immune response against 3-day established pulmonary metastases. This immunotherapy was beta-gal specific and involved both CD4 and CD8 T cells. In vitro, fusion hybrids stimulated specific IFN-gamma secretion from both CD4 and CD8 immune T cells. They also nonspecifically induced IL-10 secretion from CD4 but not CD8 T cells. Compared to other DC loadings, our results demonstrate the superior immunogenicity of fusion. The current technique of electrofusion is adequately developed for clinical use in cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Summary Mesophyll derived protoplasts of Solanum khasianum Clarke and S. aculeatissimum Jacq. were fused by electrofusion and resulted in interspecific hybrids. In total, 249 calluses were obtained from which more than 65% produced shoots. From the regenerated plantlets 45% could be identified as hybrids by chromosome counts (4x = 48) and esterase isozyme pattern. Most hybrids showing intermediate phenotypic characteristics, had a normal flower morphology with fertile pollen and produced fertile berries. More than 80% of the seeds germinated.Abbreviations MS Murashige and Skoog medium - BAP 6-Benzylammopurine - NAA 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid - PAGE Poly-Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis - AC alternating current - DC direct current  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are potent antigen-presenting cells that are specialized in initiation of T-cell immunity. DCs induce promising anti-tumor T-cell and clinical responses, apparently without significant toxicity. Under certain conditions, DCs even silence T-cell immune responses in vivo. This dual capacity to modulate the immune system uniquely positions DCs for the treatment of autoimmunity, cancer and chronic viral infections.  相似文献   

Antigen cross-presentation by dendritic cells (DCs) is thought to play a critical role in driving a polyclonal and durable T cell response against cancer. It follows, therefore, that the capacity of emerging immunotherapeutic agents to orchestrate tumour eradication may depend on their ability to induce antigen cross-presentation. ImmTACs [immune-mobilising monoclonal TCRs (T cell receptors) against cancer] are a new class of soluble bi-specific anti-cancer agents that combine pico-molar affinity TCR-based antigen recognition with T cell activation via a CD3-specific antibody fragment. ImmTACs specifically recognise human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-restricted tumour-associated antigens, presented by cancer cells, leading to T cell redirection and a potent anti-tumour response. Using an ImmTAC specific for a HLA-A*02-restricted peptide derived from the melanoma antigen gp100 (termed IMCgp100), we here observe that ImmTAC-driven melanoma-cell death leads to cross-presentation of melanoma antigens by DCs. These, in turn, can activate both melanoma-specific T cells and polyclonal T cells redirected by IMCgp100. Moreover, activation of melanoma-specific T cells by cross-presenting DCs is enhanced in the presence of IMCgp100; a feature that serves to increase the prospect of breaking tolerance in the tumour microenvironment. The mechanism of DC cross-presentation occurs via ‘cross-dressing’ which involves the rapid and direct capture by DCs of membrane fragments from dying tumour cells. DC cross-presentation of gp100-peptide-HLA complexes was visualised and quantified using a fluorescently labelled soluble TCR. These data demonstrate how ImmTACs engage with the innate and adaptive components of the immune system enhancing the prospect of mediating an effective and durable anti-tumour response in patients.  相似文献   

Known for years as the principal messengers of the immune system, dendritic cells (DC) represent a heterogeneous population of antigen presenting cells critically located at the nexus between innate and adaptive immunity. DC play a central role in the initiation of tumor-specific immune responses as they are endowed with the unique ability to take up, process and present tumor antigens to naïve CD4+ or CD8+ effector T lymphocytes. By virtue of the cytokines they produce, DC also regulate the type, strength and duration of T cell immune responses. In addition, they can participate in anti-tumoral NK and NKT cell activation and in the orchestration of humoral immunity. More recent studies have documented that besides their primary role in the induction and regulation of adaptive anti-tumoral immune responses, DC are also endowed with the capacity to directly kill cancer cells. This dual role of DC as killers and messengers may have important implications for tumor immunotherapy. First, the direct killing of malignant cells by DC may foster the release and thereby the immediate availability of specific tumor antigens for presentation to cytotoxic or helper T lymphocytes. Second, DC may participate in the effector phase of the immune response, potentially augmenting the diversity of the killing mechanisms leading to tumor elimination. This review focuses on this non-conventional cytotoxic function of DC as it relates to the promotion of cancer immunity and discusses the potential application of killer DC (KDC) in tumor immunotherapy.  相似文献   

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The field of tumor vaccination is currently undergoing a shift in focus, from individualized tailor-made vaccines to more generally applicable vaccine formulations. Although primarily predicated by financial and logistic considerations, stemming from a growing awareness that clinical development for wide-scale application can only be achieved through backing from major pharmaceutical companies, these new approaches are also supported by a growing knowledge of the intricacies and minutiae of antigen presentation and effector T-cell activation. Here, the development of whole-cell tumor and dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccines from an individualized autologous set-up to a more widely applicable allogeneic approach will be discussed as reflected by translational studies carried out over the past two decades at our laboratories and clinics in the vrije universiteit medical center (VUmc) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Manufacturing procedures for cellular therapies are continuously improved with particular emphasis on product safety. We previously developed a dendritic cell (DC) cancer vaccine technology platform that uses clinical grade lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and interferon (IFN)-y for the maturation of monocyte derived DCs. DCs are frozen after 6 hrs exposure at a semi-mature stage (smDCs) retaining the capacity to secret interleukin (IL)-12 and thus support cytolytic T-cell responses, which is lost at full maturation. We compared closed systems for monocyte enrichment from leucocyte apheresis products from healthy individuals using plastic adherence, CD14 selection, or CD2/19 depletion with magnetic beads, or counter flow centrifugation (elutriation) using a clinical grade in comparison to a research grade culture medium for the following DC generation. We found that elutriation was superior compared to the other methods showing 36 ± 4% recovery, which was approximately 5-fold higher as the most frequently used adherence protocol (8 ± 1%), and a very good purity (92 ± 5%) of smDCs. Immune phenotype and IL-12 secretion (adherence: 1.4 ± 0.4; selection: 20 ± 0.6; depletion: 1 ±0.5; elutriation: 3.6 ± 1.5 ng/ml) as well as the potency of all DCs to stimulate T cells in an allogeneic mixed leucocyte reaction did not show statistically significant differences. Research grade and clinical grade DC culture media were equally potent and freezing did not impair the functions of smDCs. Finally, we assessed the functional capacity of DC cancer vaccines manufactured for three patients using this optimized procedure thereby demonstrating the feasibility of manufacturing DC cancer vaccines that secret IL-12 (9.4 ± 6.4 ng/ml). We conclude that significant steps were taken here towards clinical grade DC cancer vaccine manufacturing.  相似文献   

Human dendritic cells (DC) have polarized responses to chemokines as a function of maturation state, but the effect of maturation on DC trafficking in vivo is not known. We have addressed this question in a highly relevant rhesus macaque model. We demonstrate that immature and CD40 ligand-matured monocyte-derived DC have characteristic phenotypic and functional differences in vitro. In particular, immature DC express CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) and migrate in response to macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha (MIP-1alpha), whereas mature DC switch expression to CCR7 and respond exclusively to MIP-3beta and 6Ckine. Mature DC transduced to express a marker gene localized to lymph nodes after intradermal injection, constituting 1.5% of lymph node DC. In contrast, cutaneous DC transfected in situ via gene gun were detected in the draining lymph node at a 20-fold lower frequency. Unexpectedly, the state of maturation at the time of injection had no influence on the proportion of DC that localized to draining lymph nodes, as labeled immature and mature DC were detected in equal numbers. Immature DC that trafficked to lymph nodes underwent a significant up-regulation of CD86 expression indicative of spontaneous maturation. Moreover, immature DC exited completely from the dermis within 36 h of injection, whereas mature DC persisted in large numbers associated with a marked inflammatory infiltrate. We conclude that in vitro maturation is not a requirement for effective migration of DC in vivo and suggest that administration of Ag-loaded immature DC that undergo natural maturation following injection may be preferred for DC-based immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Therapeutic dendritic cell (DC) vaccines stimulate the elimination of tumor cells by the immune system. However, while antigen-specific T cell responses induced by DC vaccines are commonly observed, the clinical response rate is relatively poor, necessitating vaccine optimization. There is evidence that the suppression of DC function by immune checkpoints hinders the anti-tumor immune responses mediated by DC vaccines, ultimately leading to the immune escape of the tumor cells. The use of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) and immune checkpoint activators (ICAs) has extended the immunotherapeutic range. It is known that both inhibitory and stimulatory checkpoint molecules are expressed by most DC subsets and can thus be used to manipulate the effectiveness of DC vaccines. Such manipulation has been investigated using strategies such as chemotherapy, agonistic or antagonistic antibodies, siRNA, shRNA, CRISPR-Cas9, soluble antibodies, lentiviruses, and adenoviruses to maximize the efficacy of DC vaccines. Thus, a deeper understanding of immune checkpoints may assist in the development of improved DC vaccines. Here, we review the actions of various ICIs or ICAs shown by preclinical studies, as well as their potential application in DC vaccines. New therapeutic interventional strategies for blocking and stimulating immune checkpoint molecules in DCs are also described in detail.  相似文献   

The development of vaccines against one or all forms of human leishmaniasis remains hampered by a paucity of investment, at least in part resulting from the lack of well-evidenced and agreed estimates of vaccine demand. Starting from the definition of 4 main use cases (prevention of visceral leishmaniasis, prevention of cutaneous leishmaniasis, prevention of post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis and treatment of post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis), we have estimated the size of each target population, focusing on those endemic countries where incidence levels are sufficiently high to justify decisions to adopt a vaccine. We assumed a dual vaccine delivery strategy, including a wide age-range catch-up campaign before the start of routine immunisation. Vaccine characteristics and delivery parameters reflective of a target product profile and the likely duration of the clinical development effort were considered in forecasting the demand for each of the four indications. Over a period of 10 years, this demand is forecasted to range from 300–830 million doses for a vaccine preventing visceral leishmaniasis and 557–1400 million doses for a vaccine preventing cutaneous leishmaniasis under the different scenarios we simulated. In a scenario with an effective prophylactic visceral leishmaniasis vaccine, demand for use to prevent or treat post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis would be more limited (over the 10 years ~160,000 doses for prevention and ~7,000 doses for treatment). Demand would rise to exceed 330,000 doses, however, in the absence of an effective vaccine for visceral leishmaniasis. Because of the sizeable demand and potential for public health impact, a single-indication prophylactic vaccine for visceral or cutaneous leishmaniasis, and even more so a cross-protective prophylactic vaccine could attract the interest of commercial developers. Continuous refinement of these first-of-their kind estimates and confirmation of country willingness and ability to pay will be paramount to inform the decisions of policy makers and developers in relation to a leishmaniasis vaccine. Positive decisions can provide a much-needed contribution towards the achievement of global leishmaniasis control.  相似文献   

Fusion of unfractionated human lymphocytes with mouse myeloma cells resulted in proliferating hybrid colonies, almost all producting human Ig. We examined whether this high frequency of Ig production was the result of selective formation of human B lymphocyte-mouse myeloma hybrids, rather than induction of Ig genes in T lymphocytes. Unfractionated peripheral lymphocytes and B lymphocytes from patients with the common variable form of agammaglobulinemia formed proliferating somatic cell hybrid colonies. In contrast, peripheral lymphocytes from a patient with agammaglobulinema who lacked B lymphocytes, as well as albumin gradient fractions of peripheral blood which do not contain B lymphocytes, failed to produce somatic cell hybrids with three different myeloma parent cell lines. B, T, and precursor lymphocytes all had Sendai virus receptors, as witnessed by viral agglutination. We conclude that fusion of human lymphocytes with mouse myeloma cells results in selective hybrid formation, rather than activation of Ig genes in disparate cell types. Only B lymphocyte-mouse myeloma heterokaryons form hybrid cells.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) have been successfully used in clinical pilot studies to induce tumor-specific immunity as well as clinical response in selected patients. However, DC-based immunotherapy remains a challenge and several parameters need to be examined in order to optimize the induction of anti-tumor immune responses. This study focuses on DC vaccination for leukemia and evaluates the in vitro efficacy of three different strategies for generating antigen-loaded DC-based vaccines for the induction of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-restricted anti-leukemia cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses. These included direct fusion of DC with leukemia cells to generate DC-leukemia cell hybrids, and DC pulsed with either apoptotic leukemia cell fragments or whole tumor cell lysates. Using either the U937 cell line or primary human acute myeloid leukemia blasts (AML), DC-leukemia cell hybrids were found to be the most potent in vitro inducers of CTL activity. DC pulsed with apoptotic tumor cell fragments were less efficient, but induced a more potent CTL response compared to tumor lysate-pulsed DC. The CTL responses were both MHC class I-restricted and antigen-specific, as shown by the inability of the CTL to lyse other control targets. The data presented here suggest that the method of antigen loading onto DC may be critical in the design of tumor vaccines.  相似文献   

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