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In this study, a total of 302 adult Anatolian-Ottoman skulls were classified into three morphological forms (dolichocephalic, mesocephalic, brachycephalic), and were examined in order to find the incidence of sutural bones in each forms. In addition, the cranial capacity was measured in the skulls with and without sutural bones. Comparison of the incidence of sutural bones in each form of the skulls, and cranial capacity in skulls with and without sutural bones showed no significant difference. In most populations, the average measure of difference between Anatolian-Ottoman and the others was statistically significant. In conclusion, the incidence of sutural bones is well suited for comperative studies as an anthropological marker or an indicator of population distance. This study was presented in the 3rd National Anatomy Congress (6–9 Sept 1995) Izmir, Türkiye.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that crania with synostosed sutures will have a significantly higher incidence of calvarial sutural bones than normal crania. Sutural bones were counted in seven calvarial sutures and compared among four groups of adult New Zealand white rabbit skulls: normal in-colony (NI) controls (N = 14), normal out-colony (NO) controls (N = 12), skulls with familial delayed onset (DO) coronal synostosis (N = 25), and skulls with experimentally immobilized coronal sutures (EI) (N = 20). Comparisons among groups were made with a Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA and between groups with a Mann-Whitney U-test, using a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. Significant differences (P > 0.05) were noted only in the coronal and sagittal sutures, with EI crania having the greatest number of coronal sutural bones; between group differences were undetectable for sagittal sutural bones. A post hoc two-sample binomial test for equal proportions showed that the distribution of coronal sutural bones among individuals across groups was even, while the distribution of sagittal sutural bones was significantly higher in EI crania. These results suggest that altered sutural forces of the calvaria contribute to an increased occurrence of sutural bones. However, the influence of inheritance on increased occurrence of sutural bones cannot be discounted, as reflected in the equivalent number of individuals across groups that possessed coronal sutural bones. Am J Phys Anthropol 102:555–563, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

370 adult crania were examined to find the incidence of sutural bones in Gujarati (Indian) crania and to compare it with other populations to establish the distance between them. The mean measure of difference between Indian and other populations was statistically significant. Comparison of cranial capacity in skulls with and without sutural bones showed no significant difference, and this is interpreted as indicating that sutural bones are not formed secondary to stress.  相似文献   

The simultaneous incidence of sutural bones was studied by a multidimensional analysis (Wanke method). On a medieval sample of 249 male and female skulls from Lower Austria the presence of two main complexes of sutural and fontanelle bones was observed. The interaction of possible genetic factors and developmental growth incongruences in causing these phenomena are discussed. The necessity of further studies considering such basic biological aspects with minor skeletal traits is stressed.  相似文献   

The pattern of complexity of cranial sutures is highly variable both among and within species. Intentional cranial vault deformation in human populations provides a controlled natural experiment by which we were able to quantify aspects of sutural complexity and examine the relationship between sutural patterns and mechanical loading. Measures of sutural complexity (interdigitation, number, and size of sutural bones) were quantified from digitized tracings of 13 sutures and compared among three groups of crania (n = 70) from pre-European contact Peru. These groups represent sample populations deformed in 1) anteroposterior (AP) and 2) circumferential (C) directions and 3) an undeformed population. Intergroup comparisons show few differences in degree or asymmetry of sutural interdigitation. In the few comparisons which show differences, the C group is always more interdigitated than the other two while the AP group has more sutural bones. The sutures surrounding the temporal bone (sphenotemporal, occipitotemporal, and temporoparietal) most frequently show significant differences among groups. These differences are related to the more extreme binding of C type deformation and are consistent with hypothesized increases in tension at coronally oriented sutures in this group. The larger number of sutural bones in the AP group is consistent with the general broadening of the cranium in this group and with experimental evidence indicating the development of ossicles in areas of tension. We suggest that so few changes in sutural complexity occurred either because the magnitude of the growth vectors, unlike their direction, is not substantially altered or because mechanisms other than sutural growth modification are responsible for producing the altered vault shapes. In addition, the presence of fontanelles in the infant skulls during binding and the static nature of the binding may have contributed to the similarity in complexity among groups.  相似文献   

The sutures of the skulls of vertebrates are generally open early in life and slowly close as maturity is attained. The assumption that all vertebrates follow this pattern of progressive sutural closure has been used to assess maturity in the fossil remains of non-avian dinosaurs. Here, we test this assumption in two members of the Extant Phylogenetic Bracket of the Dinosauria, the emu, Dromaius novaehollandiae and the American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, by investigating the sequence and timing of sutural fusion in their skulls. As expected, almost all the sutures in the emu skull progressively close (i.e., they get narrower) and then obliterate during ontogeny. However, in the American alligator, only two sutures out of 36 obliterate completely and they do so during embryonic development. Surprisingly, as maturity progresses, many sutures of alligators become wider in large individuals compared to younger, smaller individuals. Histological and histomorphometric analyses on two sutures and one synchondrosis in an ontogenetic series of American alligator confirmed our morphological observations. This pattern of sutural widening might reflect feeding biomechanics and dietary changes through ontogeny. Our findings show that progressive sutural closure is not always observed in extant archosaurs, and therefore suggest that cranial sutural fusion is an ambiguous proxy for assessing maturity in non-avian dinosaurs.  相似文献   

Among non-mammalian vertebrates, rigid skulls with tight sutural junctions are associated with high levels of cranial loading. The rigid skulls of mammals presumably act to resist the stresses of mastication. The pig, Sus scrofa, is a generalized ungulate with a diet rich in resistant foods. This report synthesizes previous work using strain gages bonded to the bones and sutures of the braincase, zygomatic arch, jaw joint, and mandible with new studies on the maxilla. Strains were recorded during unrestrained mastication and/or in anesthetized pigs during muscle stimulation. Bone strains were 100-1000 micro epsilon, except in the braincase, but sutural strains were higher, regardless of region. Strain regimes were specific to different regions, indicating that theoretical treatment of the skull as a unitary structure is probably incorrect. Muscle contraction, especially the masseter, caused strain patterns by four mechanisms: (1) direct loading of muscle attachment areas; (2) a compressive reaction force at the jaw joint; (3) bite force loading on the snout and mandible; and (4) movement causing new points of contact between mandible and cranium. Some expected patterns of loading were not seen. Most notably, strains did not differ for right and left chewing, perhaps because pigs have bilateral occlusion and masseter activity.  相似文献   

Sutures in the dermal skull roof of several Palaeozoic temnospondyl amphibians were studied, including Archegosaurus decheni, Sclerocephalus haeuseri, Cheliderpeton latirostre (Archegosauridae), Acanthostomatops vorax (Zatrachydidae), Onchiodon labyrinthicus (Eryopidae), Micromelerpeton credneri and Branchierpeton amblystomum (Dissorophoidea). Lamellae, flat bevels, butt joints, steep walls, and grooves are the sutural types occurring. Morphological sutural differences cannot be used as taxonomically relevant characters, as they mainly differ in their functional manifestations. Similarities of sutural patterns in taxa not closely related are most probably based on convergence, therefore sutural morphology allows functional conclusions rather than revealing phylogenetic relationships. The basic sutural pattern is described in Micromelerpeton credneri. Different textures and obliquity patterns of the sutural surfaces are characteristic of each region of the skull roof. In all temnospondyls studied, the median plane and the margin of the skull roof show a nearly uniform sutural morphology; the circumorbital region is most complex. Although the skulls studied are akinetic, mesokinetic movements of dermal elements along their sutures must have been permitted to guarantee the dynamic stability of the skull construction.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties of cranial sutures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many bones in mammalian skulls are linked together by cranial sutures, connective tissue joints that are morphologically variable and show different levels of interdigitation among and within species. The goal of this investigation was to determine whether sections of skull with cranial sutures have different mechanical properties than adjacent sections without sutures, and if these properties are enhanced with increased interdigitation. To test these hypotheses, bending strength and impact energy absorption were measured for samples of goat (Capra hircus) cranial bone without sutures and with sutures of different degrees of interdigitation. Bending strength was measured under both dynamic (9.7 mm displacement s-1) and relatively static (0.8 mm s-1) conditions, and at either speed, increased sutural interdigitation provided increased strength during three-point bending. However, except for very highly interdigitated sutures loaded slowly, sutures were not as strong in bending as bone. In contrast, sutures absorbed from 16% to 100% more energy per unit volume during impact loading than did bone. This five-fold increase in energy absorption by the sutures was significantly correlated with increased sutural interdigitation.  相似文献   

The skull of Erethistes pussilus is described in detail. The general disposition of the bones corresponds to the siluroid pattern. Among the siluroid fishes, E. pussilus approaches the advanced forms in certain features such as obliteration of myodomic space, edentulous palate, absence of entopterygoids and supratemporals, intimate sutural articulation of posttemporals and complex vertebra with the cranium, diminished cranial cavity and loss of sutural articulation among the palatopterygoquadrate elements. In certain characters like the hyomandibula exclusively supported from the sphenotic, solitary hypohyal on each hyoid cornu, absence of interhyals, reduced orbits, edentulous vomer, small gape of mouth, toothless ectopterygoid and in the small number of branchiostegals, E. pussilus stands specialized alone among the catfishes. A diagnosis of the salient cranial characters of the fish is given and its relationship discussed.  相似文献   

The skull of Erethistes pussilus is described in detail. The general disposition of the bones corresponds to the siluroid pattern. Among the siluroid fishes, E. pussilus approaches the advanced forms in certain features such as obliteration of myodomic space, edentulous palate, absence of entopterygoids and supratemporals, intimate sutural articulation of posttemporals and complex vertebra with the cranium, diminished cranial cavity and loss of sutural articulation among the palatopterygoquadrate elements. In certain characters like the hyomandibula exclusively supported from the sphenotic, solitary hypohyal on each hyoid cornu, absence of interhyals, reduced orbits, edentulous vomer, small gape of mouth, toothless ectopterygoid and in the small number of branchiostegals, E. pussilus stands specialized alone among the catfishes. A diagnosis of the salient cranial characters of the fish is given and its relationship discussed.  相似文献   

The tetrapod skull has undergone a reduction in number of bones in all major lineages since the origin of vertebrates, an evolutionary trend known as Williston’s Law. Using connectivity relations between bones as a proxy for morphological complexity we showed that this reduction in number of bones generated an evolutionary trend toward more complex skulls. This would imply that connectivity patterns among bones impose structural constraints on bone loss and fusion that increase bone burden due to the formation of new functional and developmental dependencies; thus, the higher the number of connections, the higher the burden. Here, we test this hypothesis by exploring plausible evolutionary scenarios based on selective versus random processes of bone loss and fusion. To do this, we have built a computational model that reduces iteratively the number of bones by loss and fusion, starting from hypothetical ancestral skulls represented as Gabriel networks in which bones are nodes and suture connections are links. Simulation results indicate that losses and fusions of bones affect skull structure differently whether they target bones at random or selectively depending on the number of bone connections. Our findings support a mixed scenario for Williston’s Law: the random loss of poorly connected bones and the selective fusion of the most connected ones. This evolutionary scenario offers a new explanation for the increase of morphological complexity in the tetrapod skull by reduction of bones during development.  相似文献   

Researchers have debated whether the presence and frequency of wormian bones (sutural bones, supernumerary bones, and ossicles) are attributable to genetic factors, environmental factors, or both. This research examines the effects of many different kinds of cranial deformation on the incidence of wormian bones. A sample of 127 deformed and undeformed crania from New World archaeological sites was examined. An undeformed cranial sample (n=35) was compared to the following cranially deformed groups: 1) occipital, 2) lambdoid, 3) annular, 4) fronto-vertico-occipital, 5) parallelo-fronto-occipital, and 6) sagittal synostosis. Three levels of degree of cultural cranial deformation were qualitatively determined. Type and number of wormian bones along each major suture were recorded for each cranium. Group means were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA statistical tests to test the null hypothesis that cranial deformation does not have an effect on wormian bone incidence. Results indicate that all forms of cranial deformation affect the frequency of some types of wormian bones. In particular, all cranially deformed groups exhibited significantly greater frequencies of lambdoid ossicles. Apical, parieto-mastoid, and occipito-mastoid wormian bones also appeared with greater frequency in some groups of culturally deformed crania. Further, varying degrees of cultural deformation all had more lambdoid wormian bones than the undeformed group. These results suggest that wormian bone development in posteriorly placed sutures may be affected more by environmental forces than are their anteriorly placed counterparts.  相似文献   

A method for the differentiation of sutural patterns of the human cranial vault is introduced. Three criteria of differentiation are considered, one for size and two for shape: 1) maximal shape extension; 2) basic configuration; 3) secondary protrusion. The method is illustrated here for the coronal and lambdoid sutures of 70 recent Italian skulls (35 adult males and 35 adult females). Differences between coronal and lambdoid sutural size and shape can be detected analytically; for example, the coronal suture commonly shows lesser degrees of shape extension, a simpler basic configuration, and an absence of secondary protrusion. Heterogeneity within each suture, as well as a relationship among corresponding sections and between the three criteria adopted, have been also observed; symmetry predominates for both the sutures, and sexual differences are slight.  相似文献   

The kinetic skull is a key innovation that allowed snakes to capture, manipulate, and swallow prey exclusively using their heads using the coordinated movement of eight bones. Despite these unique feeding behaviors, patterns of evolutionary integration and modularity within the feeding bones of snakes in a phylogenetic framework have yet to be addressed. Here, we use a dataset of 60 μCT‐scanned skulls and high‐density geometric morphometric methods to address the origin and patterns of variation and integration in the feeding bones of aquatic‐foraging snakes. By comparing alternate superimposition protocols allowing us to analyze the entire kinetic feeding system simultaneously, we find that the feeding bones are highly integrated, driven predominantly by functional selective pressures. The most supported pattern of modularity contains four modules, each associated with distinct functional roles: the mandible, the palatopterygoid arch, the maxilla, and the suspensorium. Further, the morphological disparity of each bone is not linked to its magnitude of integration, indicating that integration within the feeding system does not strongly constrain morphological evolution, and that adequate biomechanical solutions to a wide range of feeding ecologies and behaviors are readily evolvable within the constraint due to integration in the snake feeding system.  相似文献   

浙江余姚河姆渡新石器时代人类头骨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对距今约七千年前的河姆渡新石器时代早期的两具人头骨进行了观察和测量,认为这两具头骨在蒙古人种形态的发育上比旧石器时代晚期的柳江人更明显,同时具有某些类似澳大利亚-尼格罗人种的性状。  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty adult and 80 human fetal skulls were examined to find the relationship (if any) between the presence of wormian bones in the lambdoidal suture and artificial deformation of the skull. Wormian bones occur in deformed and undeformed skulls with no significant differences. Wormian bones detected in fetal skulls preclude cultural deformation as an important factor in the formation of these bones. It is hypothesized that a genetic predisposition (genes allowing formation of secondary ossification centers) is present and that wormian bones are under direct genetic control regardless of the presence or absence of detectable cultural deformation.  相似文献   

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