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Biodesulfurization is regarded as a promising alternative technology for desulfurization from diesel oil due to its mild operating conditions and its ability to remove sulfur from alky dibenzothiophenes (Cx-DBTs). The diesel oil contains complex mixtures of Cx-DBTs in which individual microbial biodesulfurization may be altered. In this work, interactions among three typical Cx-DBTs such as dibenzothiophenes (DBT), 4-methyldibenzothiophene (4-MDBT), and 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene (4,6-DMDBT) were investigated using Mycobacterium sp. ZD-19 in an airlift reactor. The experimental results indicated that the desulfurization rates would decrease in the multiple Cx-DBTs system compared to the single Cx-DBT system. The extent of inhibition depended upon the substrate numbers, concentrations, and affinities of the co-existing substrates. For example, compared to individual desulfurization rate (100 %), DBT desulfurization rate decreased to 75.2 % (DBT + 4,6-DMDBT), 64.8 % (DBT + 4-MDBT), and 54.7 % (DBT + 4,6-DMDBT + 4-MDBT), respectively. This phenomenon was caused by an apparent competitive inhibition of substrates, which was well predicted by a Michaelis–Menten competitive inhibition model.  相似文献   

Kinetic model for microbial uptake of insoluble solid-state substrate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A kinetic model for anaerobic digestion of insoluble solid-state substrates was developed. Rate equations for cell growth and substrate consumption were derived based on the assumption that the microorganisms assimilate the substrate mainly at the point of contact where they grow. The model emphasizes effects of substrate particle size, organic loading, and cell concentration on the rates of cell growth and substrate utilization. Batch digestion of a stearic acid emulsion with a mean particle size of 2.0 mum and a biological sludge was conducted at 30 and 37 degrees C to verify the proposed model. Agreement between the experimental and calculated results indicated the validity of the model for describing the microbial degradation of insoluble solid-state substrates. Further examinationof the model revealed that with low cell substrate affinity or at low cell concentration, it coincided with a Michaelis-Menten type kinetics in which the effect of particle size was taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Microbial desulfurization of coal by pyrite oxidizing bacterial enrichment cultures has been studied in air-agitated slurry reactors of 4- and 20-L volumes. Batch experiments showed that inoculation with an active bacterial culture is essential to minimize the lag phase, although a considerable number of pyrite oxidizing bacteria was found on the coal prior to desulfurization. For detailed investigations of kinetics, energy requirements, and technical applicability, a bioreactor equipment consisting of a cascade of eight stages was developed and operated continuously. Microbial desulfurization of coal-monitored by measuring the axial profile of dissolved iron concentration, real and maximum oxygen consumption rates, and cell concentration-at pulp densities to 30% was performed over a period of 200 days without any disturbances concerning the aeration system, fluidization, transport of solids and microbial growth. At a pulp density of 20%, a pyrite conversion of 68% was achieved after the third reactor stage at a total residence time of five days in the first three stages. The kinetics of pyrite degradation were found to be well described by a rate equation of first order in pyrite surface area concentration if the pyrite is directly accessible for microbial attack. Rate constants were determined to 0.48 mg pyrite/(cm(2) day) in the first and to 0.24 mg pyrite/(cm(2) day) in the following reactor stages. Kinetic models taking into account adsorption/desorption as well as growth kinetics failed to describe the observed reaction rates. However, a model treating pyrite degradation and microbial growth kinetics formalistically seems to be applicable when backmixing between the reactor stages can be avoided. The advantage of a multistage reactor in comparison to single-stage equipment was shown by calculation. To obtain a pyrite conversion of 68%, a three-stage reactor would require only 58% of the volume of single-stage equipment.Measurement of oxygen consumption rates proved to provide quickly and easily measurable parameters to observe microbial coal desulfurization in technical scale: the real oxygen consumption rate is correlated to the pyrite oxidation rate and the maximum oxygen consumption rate is correlated to the concentration of viable cells. The Y(o/s) coefficient for the amount of oxygen consumed per mass unit of pyrite oxygen was determined to approximately 0.33 in comparison to 1.0 which can be calculated from stoichiornetry. This could yet not be explained. Chemical leaching experiments as well as sulfur analyses of desulfurized coal samples showed that the microorganisms play the main role in degradation of pyrite from coal and that pyrite oxidation by ferric iron can be neglected.  相似文献   

An automatically working test arrangement for the permanent analysis of O2 and CO2 in microbiological cultures is described. The measuring principle is based on the paramagnetic properties of oxygen and on the absorption of infrared by carbon dioxide. The preparation of the gas for measuring and the correction of the recording are indicated. The formula of correction was programmed and the values were calculated for a range of 3%. The routine correction of analysis values is done with a nomogram established on the basis of these individual values. The advantages of the described test arrangement are illustrated by two examples of growth experiments on Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

For the production of oil-desulfurizing biocatalyst, a two-stage fermentation strategy was adopted, in which the cell growth stage and desulfurization activity induction stage were separated. Sucrose was found to be the optimal carbon source for the growth of Gordonia nitida CYKS1. Magnesium sulfate was selected to be the sulfur source in the cell growth stage. The optimal ranges of sucrose and magnesium sulfate were 10-50 and 1-2.5 g x L(-1), respectively. Such a broad optimal concentration of sucrose made the fed-batch culture easy, while the sucrose concentration was maintained between 10-20 g x L(-1) in the actual operation. As a result, 92.6 g x L(-1) of cell mass was acquired by 120 h of fed-batch culture. This cell mass was over three times higher than a previously reported result, though the strain used was different. The desulfurization activity of the harvested cells from the first stage culture was induced by batch cultivation with dibenzothiophene as the sole sulfur source. The optimal induction time was found to be about 4 h. The resting-cell biocatalyst made from the induced cells was applied for the deep desulfurization of a diesel oil. It was observed that the sulfur content of the diesel oil decreased from 250 mg-sulfur x L-oil(-1) to as low as 61 mg-sulfur x L-oil(-1) in 20 h. It implied that the biocatalyst developed in this study had a good potential to be applied to a deep desulfurization process to produce ultra-low-sulfur fuel oils.  相似文献   

A cultivation set-up for multiple cultures has been designed that can be used for anaerobic screening for quantitative changes in growth rate or other analyses, e.g. protein composition of different strains. The developed gas distribution system provides a reproducible level of anaerobicity in 30 cultivation flasks and resembles the open system of a high-performance bioreactor in that it ensures cultivation at atmospheric pressure and avoids supersaturation of carbon dioxide. The system is cheap and user-friendly and allows rapid screenings of many strains simultaneously.  相似文献   

Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) is a common groundwater contaminant often present with more toxic compounds of primary interest. Because of this, few studies have been performed to determine the effect of microbial community structure on MEK biodegradation rates in aquifer sediments. Here, microcosms were prepared with aquifer sediments containing MEK following a massive spill event and compared to laboratory-spiked sediments, with MEK biodegradation rates quantified under mixed aerobic/anaerobic conditions. Biodegradation was achieved in MEK-contaminated site sediment microcosms at about half of the solubility (356 mg/L) with largely Firmicutes population under iron-reducing conditions. MEK was biodegraded at a higher rate [4.0 ± 0.74 mg/(L days)] in previously exposed site samples compared to previously uncontaminated sediments [0.51 ± 0.14 mg/(L days)]. Amplicon sequencing and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rRNA genes were combined to understand the relationship between contamination levels, biodegradation, and community structure across the plume. More heavily contaminated sediments collected from an MEK-contaminated field site had the most similar communities than less contaminated sediments from the same site despite differences in sediment texture. The more diverse microbial community observed in the laboratory-spiked sediments reduced MEK concentration 47 % over 92 days. Results of this study suggest lower rates of MEK biodegradation in iron-reducing aquifer sediments than previously reported for methanogenic conditions and biodegradation rates comparable to previously reported nitrate- and sulfate-reducing conditions.  相似文献   

A multigas concentration analyzer particularly suited for respiratory gas analysis has been developed using a new principle based on the measurement of the intensity of light emitted by excited atoms or ions in a direct current glow discharge. This glow discharge spectral emission gas analyzer (GDSEA), or light spectrometer, simultaneously measures O2, N2, CO2, He, and N2O gas concentrations with a 0-90% response time of 100 ms and a sample rate of less than 20 ml/min in a short gas sample line configuration. Mole accuracy and resolution of the GDSEA using a short sample line were determined in the laboratory to be +/- 0.15 to +/- 0.7% and 0.02-0.05%, respectively. In the clinical setting a comparative evaluation was made with a mass spectrometer in a long sample line, computerized, multibed, respiratory monitoring system. Results indicate a close agreement between the two instruments with differences in mixed inspiratory or expiratory O2 and CO2 concentrations of less than 2% and of derived variables, such as O2 consumption, CO2 production, and respiratory exchange ratio, of less than 5%.  相似文献   

Summary The dependence of microphotometrically recorded reaction rate on local enzyme concentration was studied as a basic prerequisite of comparative microphotometric enzyme activity determinations at initial rate conditions in tissue sections. Polyacrylamide gels containing defined concentrations of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase served as a model. Optimal conditions of preparing enzyme containing gels are reported. Measurements in which either thickness of gel sections or enzyme concentration was varied proved the linear relationship between local enzyme concentration and microphotometrically recorded reaction rate. Sections of enzyme containing gels as well as cross-sections of rat muscles were used as models for studying possible influences of heterogeneous chromophore distribution (distributional error). No such influences could be detected during the initial phase of the staining reaction which suggests that distributional error is of no significance for kinetic microphotometric enzyme activity determination at initial rate conditions.  相似文献   

The dependence of microphotometrically recorded reaction rate on local enzyme concentration was studied as a basic prerequisite of comparative microphotometric enzyme activity determinations at initial rate conditions in tissue sections. Polyacrylamide gels containing defined concentrations of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase served as a model. Optimal conditions of preparing enzyme containing gels are reported. Measurements in which either thickness of gel sections or enzyme concentration was varied proved the linear relationship between local enzyme concentration and microphotometrically recorded reaction rate. Sections of enzyme containing gels as well as cross-sections of rat muscles were used as models for studying possible influences of heterogeneous chromophore distribution (distributional error). No such influences could be detected during the initial phase of the staining reaction which suggests that distributional error is of no significance for kinetic microphotometric enzyme activity determination at initial rate conditions.  相似文献   

从含硫土壤中分离筛选出一株专一性脱硫菌Fds-1,经生理生化指标和16S rRNA序列分析鉴定其属于枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。用Gibb’s试剂显色和气相色谱-质谱联用分析表明,该菌株通过“4S”途径脱除有机硫。实验发现Fds-1的最佳脱硫活性在30℃,在此温度下72h内能脱除约0.5mmol/L DBT中的有机硫。Fds-1菌株对有机硫化合物的利用情况和柴油脱硫前后烃组分比较都进一步证明该菌株适合于柴油生物脱硫。利用休止细胞对不同组分柴油的脱硫研究表明,脱硫菌株Fds-1对精制柴油中的DBT类化合物的降解能力强。因此,该菌株对精制低硫柴油的深度脱硫具有应用意义。  相似文献   

We introduce a method for the analysis of multilocus, multitrait genetic data that provides an intuitive and precise characterization of genetic architecture. We show that it is possible to infer the magnitude and direction of causal relationships among multiple correlated phenotypes and illustrate the technique using body composition and bone density data from mouse intercross populations. Using these techniques we are able to distinguish genetic loci that affect adiposity from those that affect overall body size and thus reveal a shortcoming of standardized measures such as body mass index that are widely used in obesity research. The identification of causal networks sheds light on the nature of genetic heterogeneity and pleiotropy in complex genetic systems.  相似文献   

As vegetable oils and phytosterol-enriched spreads are marketed for frying food or cooking purposes, temperature is one of the most important factors leading to the formation of phytosterol oxides in food matrix. A methodology based on saponification, organic solvent extraction, solid-phase extraction (SPE), followed by mass spectrometric identification and quantitation of beta-sitosterol oxides using capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode was developed and characterized. Relative response factors of six beta-sitosterol oxides, including 7alpha-hydroxy, 7beta-hydroxy, 5,6alpha-epoxy, 5,6beta-epoxy, 7-keto, and 5alpha,6beta-dihydroxysitosterol, were calculated against authentic standards of 19-hydroxycholesterol or cholestanol. Linear calibration data, limit of detection, and sample recoveries during analytical process. Recoveries of these oxidation compounds in spiked samples ranged from 88 to 115%, while relative standard derivation (R.S.D.) values were below 10% in most cases. The analytical method was applied to quantify beta-sitosterol oxides formed in thermal-oxidized vegetable oils which were heated at different temperatures and for varying time periods. Sitosterol oxidation is strikingly higher in sunflower oil relative to olive oil under all conditions of temperature and heating time.  相似文献   

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