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The pumpkinseed sunfish Lepomis gibbosus introduced into Lake Banyoles (Spain) were predominantly littoral but there was a tendency of large fish to use deeper zones. Their diet was dominated by littoral macrobenthos, particularly amphipods ( Echinogammarus sp.). There was ontogenetic variation in the diet, with small young-of-the-year (LF<4 cm) feeding on several littoral microcrustaceans, especially the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia reticulata , whereas larger fish shifted to a freshwater shrimp ( Atyaephyra desmaresti ), snails and damselfly larvae. Seasonal variation in diet was linked to resource availability, with consumption of fish eggs and plant debris in spring and summer. In autumn, pumpkinseeds were partially zooplanktivores, preying on the cladoceran Daphnia longispina. The diet of pumpkinseeds in Lake Banyoles and other Iberian populations shows less molluscivory than North American populations. The potential ecological impact of this successful exotic species involves mainly predation on fish eggs and molluscs.  相似文献   

Salinity relationships in a freshwater population of eastern mosquitofish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tolerance limit to elevated ambient salinity, and plasma osmotic regulatory capabilities were evaluated in a freshwater population of Gambusia holbrooki. The upper tolerance limit of ambient salinity was found to be 25‰. Plasma osmotic concentrations trended sharply upward with increasing salinity, but in a stepwise fashion, unlike patterns in related, but more euryhaline species. These laboratory observations are consistent with field observations that natural populations of G holbrooki are generally restricted to fresh and dilute brackish waters.  相似文献   

The demographic and genetic characteristics of dispersing Gambusia holbrooki were examined relative to changes in stream flow velocity, flow direction, and rapid saltwater inundation. Dispersal of all G. holbrooki sex classes decreased as flow velocity increased, dispersal for a given flow velocity being greater in female, than male and juvenile fish respectively. Juveniles and males dispersed at low (9 mm s−1) but not high (109 mm s 1) flow. Females dispersed at both flow rates. Dispersing adults were not larger than non-dispersing adults of the same sex. Direction of dispersal was sex and size dependent, but independent of flow velocity. Larger females (>22 mm) moved preferentially downstream, while smaller females (17–22 mm) remained stationary or moved in the upstream direction. Males dispersed equally in both directions. No relationship was found between dispersal characteristics and the presence of high salt concentrations. Movement patterns at high flow were independent of glucose-6-phosphate isomerase ( GPI-2* ) alleles carried by dispersing individuals. Significant non-random dispersal of sex or size cohorts, and the interaction of dispersal with flow velocity have significant implications for the maintenance of genetic diversity in stream ecosystems, particularly where localized selection or genetic drift may alter the genetic constitution of specific sex or size cohorts. The applicability of these results to field populations is discussed.  相似文献   

In aquaria, adults and young-of-the-year (YOY) of both Spanish toothcarp Aphanius iberus and Valencia toothcarp Valencia hispanica received more aggression in the presence of eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki . YOY of both species also showed decreased feeding rates, as did V. hispanica adults. Adult V. hispanica also were more aggressive themselves and had their reproductive behaviour disrupted. Cases of eastern mosquitofish predation on small A. iberus were also observed. The occurrence and intensity of these potentially harmful effects, however, seemed to be modulated by water temperature, reproductive condition, relative size of the interacting fishes and species-specific habitat preferences. Thus, aggression almost disappeared at low water temperatures. Valencia hispanica and eastern mosquitofish used similar vertical positions in the water column and this apparently increased the frequency of their interactions. In contrast, A. iberus preferred positions closer to the bottom than the other two species and this vertical segregation appeared to lead to less direct interaction with eastern mosquitofish. In an outdoor mesocosm experiment, under semi-natural conditions, the presence of eastern mosquitofish resulted in an almost 70% reduction in the number of o.spring produced by A. iberus . The addition of extra, non-breeding males of A. iberus had no significant effect. YOY A. iberus from cages with eastern mosquitofish or extra males were significantly smaller (c. 1 mm, or 8% shorter) than those from cages without additional fish. Results for V. hispanica were not conclusive, as very few YOY were recovered. In contrast, eastern mosquitofish did not affect the survivorship of breeding adults of both native species.  相似文献   

Life history and population dynamic patterns of Gambusia affinis in southeastern Louisiana varied spatially and temporally in 1990 and 1991, but were consistent with previous reports of this species in the southern regions of its natural range. Several differences exist among populations in different geographic regions within the United States, as reported in the literature, which do not follow a' native v . introduced' dichotomy: (1) brood size decreases and offspring size increases from north to south; (2) large overwintered females in northern areas produce more broods within a season than those in southern populations, while the reverse is true for young-of–year females; (3) minimum size at first reproduction follows a seasonal pattern within populations, but tends to be smaller in southern and larger in northern and Hawaiian populations; (4) synchronous reproduction early in the season is characteristic of northern populations, but does not occur in southern areas; and (5) mosquitofish reproduce year–round in Hawaii, while 'southern' populations within the continental U.S. cease reproduction during winter.  相似文献   

The ecology of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) is one of the best known for freshwater fish, though largely through studies within its native range (North America). I studied the habitat and diet of a bass population introduced into a Mediterranean lake. The bass displayed strong ontogenetic diet shifts as follows: young‐of‐the‐year <25 mm fed on microcrustaceans; fish 25–75 mm, on amphipods and insects; fish 100–225 mm, on a freshwater shrimp, small fish and insects; fish 250–300 mm, on shrimp or crayfish; and fish >300 mm, on crayfish and large fish. The diet showed several differences from most previous studies: importance of freshwater shrimp instead of insects, low piscivory, and a delay in the ontogenetic shift to piscivory. Moreover, the ontogenetic shift to piscivory was interrupted at 250–300 mm, with consumption of shrimp and crayfish. This interruption of piscivory has been largely unreported and seems a consequence of the size‐structure and species composition of the fish assemblage. A review of the literature suggests that piscivory by largemouth bass might be generally lower in populations introduced outside North America.  相似文献   

Introduced Gambusia holbrooki in a natural lagoon of southern Spain consisted of two age groups: 1992 cohort, 7-11 months old and 1993 cohort, <4 months old. In the 1992 cohort, females grew even during the gestation period at about 0·30 mm day-1. In the 1993 cohort, females displayed a high growth rate (0·55 mm day-1) and reached reproductive size in a few weeks, but stopped growing when they matured. All the 1992 cohort reproduced from mid-May to mid-June, but only 50% of the 1993 cohort reproduced, from mid-August to mid-September. Reproducing females were significantly larger in the 1992 cohort (39·8 mm) than in the 1993 one (34·8 mm). The largest 1992 females cohort had reproduced previously; the 1993 cohort had not. The mean dry weight of intra-ovarian embryos decreased to a minimum immediately before birth. These metabolic costs represented 29·8 and 31·4% of the initial weights of the 1992 and 1993 embryos, respectively. Mean dry weight of full-term embryo was significantly higher in the 1992 cohort (0·80 ± 0·129 mg; 95% CL) than in the 1993 one (0·70 ± 0·086 mg; 95% CL). With more females in 1992, cohort fecundity was considerably higher (number of embryos=7151; 63%) than in the 1993 (4193; 37%) cohort. The population completed two generations each year (spring and summer). The spring stock grew slower than the summer one but continued to grow during the gestation period, reaching larger final lengths, with more synchronous reproduction and clearer evidence of a second reproductive event. Each reproductive stock displayed its own life-history characteristics, with significant differences between mean length of reproducing females, growth rate, mean brood size, offspring size, standard fecundity and minimum length at reproduction.  相似文献   

Aspects of habitat selection in the mosquitofish gambusia affinis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Laboratory experiments were performed to determine behavioral preferences of Gambusia affinis for habitat variables in partitioned aquaria. The fish preferred calm water, dark-colored substrates and subsurface vegetation providing lateral concealment. Floating cover, which obstructed access to the surface, was avoided. Lack of preference for real over plastic plant cover indicates that visual rather than chemical cues are involved. These laboratory preferences correspond to the reported microhabitat distribution of G. affinis in nature and indicate the presence of an active habitat preference, as opposed to passive habitat correlation, in this species. Species-specific habitat preferences, which may be narrower where a species occurs sympatrically with its congeners, probably form part of a reproductive isolating mechanism.  相似文献   

Synopsis We studied the ontogenetic diet shift and prey electivity of an endangered cyprinodontid fish endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, the Spanish toothcarp (Aphanius iberus). The toothcarp’s diet was omnivorous, dominated by harpacticoid copepods (Mesochra lilljeborgi and Tisbe longicornis), copepod nauplii and detritus. Diet composition varied greatly among habitats, depending on prey availability. In a rarely inundated habitat (glasswort), there was more consumption of the isopod Protracheoniscus occidentalis and the harpacticoid copepod Mesochra lilljeborgi, while in algal mats another harpacticoid (Tisbe longicornis), chironomid dipterans and invertebrate eggs were more important in diet. Although a benthic feeding habitat has previously been suggested, in our study the diet was based rather on water column organisms for both glasswort and algal mat habitats. There was also an ontogenetic diet shift, with an increase of mean prey length with fish length, clearly linked to a microhabitat change. Smaller fish showed positive electivity and greater reliance on planktonic prey (e.g. copepod nauplii, the harpacticoid copepods Mesochra lilljeborgi and Tisbe longicornis, the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis, and ostracods), while larger fish elected and preyed on more benthic organisms (e.g. Canuella perplexa, Mesochra rapiens, and ephydrid dipterans).  相似文献   

Eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) are among the most widely introduced freshwater species globally. To gain a better understanding of feeding patterns in non‐native populations, and which local factors may influence them at the population level, we carried out gut content analysis on 163 specimens from nine invasive populations in Italy and Spain. Based on previous studies, we predicted that (a) mosquitofish are omnivores with a preference for detritus and cladocerans; (b) they display size‐ and population‐specific differences in gut morphologies and diet, with larger fish feeding more intensively over a wider range of prey items; and (c) some of the variation would be associated with differences in local environmental and climatic factors. Our results confirmed our first prediction, because mosquitofish fed on a variety of diet items, among which detritus and Cladocera dominated. However, not a single diet item was shared among all populations. Congruent with our second prediction, we further identified size‐ and population‐specific differences in the occurrence of some diet items and gut morphologies. However, observed patterns in dietary habits did not seem to be driven by the environmental and climatic variables we had quantified. The fairly variable diet likely aids invasion success and helps explain the ubiquity of invasive mosquitofish across Italy and Spain, as mosquitofish seem to be able to rely on whatever a local habitat provides. We further propose that size‐specific differences likely capture the substantial sexual size dimorphism (males are smaller than females), while population‐specific differences are likely the result of differences in local prey abundance. The lack of an influence of temperature on dietary habits suggests that mosquitofish feeding ecology may be less impacted by rising temperatures than other freshwater fish species. If true, then this suggests climate change‐induced effects may further exacerbate the competitive superiority of mosquitofish over native species in the future.  相似文献   

Inhibition of cholinesterases (ChE) has been widely used as an environmental biomarker of exposure to organophosphates (OP) and carbamate (CB) pesticides. Different ChE isoforms may be present in the same tissue and may present distinct sensitivities towards environmental contaminants. The present work characterises the soluble ChE present in mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) total head homogenates, through the use of different substrates and selective inhibitors of cholinesterasic activity. Furthermore, the effects of sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) on the enzymatic activity were investigated, both in vivo and in vitro. These results showed that acetylcholinesterase (AChE) seemed to be the predominant form present in head homogenates of G. holbrooki, despite the inhibition by tetraisopropylpyrophosphoramide (iso-OMPA) found at high concentrations. SDS was responsible for in vitro, but not in vivo, inhibitory effects. The in vitro AChE inhibitory effects of SDS was partially prevented by the use of increasing amounts of ethanol, suggesting that the inhibition was induced by an emulsion effect, which may explain the lack of effect in vivo.  相似文献   

AimFormerly introduced for their presumed value in controlling mosquito‐borne diseases, the two mosquitofish Gambusia affinis and G. holbrooki (Poeciliidae) are now among the world''s most widespread invasive alien species, negatively impacting aquatic ecosystems around the world. These inconspicuous freshwater fish are, once their presence is noticed, difficult to eradicate. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to assess their geographic potential and to identify their likely ability to persist under novel climatic conditions.LocationGlobal.MethodsWe build species distribution models using occurrence data from the native and introduced distribution ranges to identify putative niche shifts and further ascertain the areas climatically suitable for the establishment and possible spread of mosquitofish.ResultsWe found significant niche expansions into climatic regions outside their natural climatic conditions, emphasizing the importance of integrating climatic niches of both native and invasive ranges into projections. In particular, there was a marked shift toward tropical regions in Asia and a clear niche shift of European G. holbrooki. This ecological flexibility partly explains the massive success of the two species, and substantially increases the risk for further range expansion. We also showed that the potential for additional expansion resulting from climate change is enormous—especially in Europe.Main conclusionsDespite the successful invasion history and ongoing range expansions, many countries still lack proper preventive measures. Thus, we urge policy makers to carefully evaluate the risk both mosquitofish pose to a particular area and to initiate appropriate management strategies.  相似文献   

Cabral  J. A.  Mieiro  C. L.  Marques  J. C. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,382(1-3):41-51
We studied the relationships between a predator fish, Gambusia holbrooki, and its main food prey, within the content of a rice field food web. The influence of some environmental and biological factors on these trophic interactions, in combination with existent quantitative information, allowed us to evaluate the ecological viability of using a non-ionic surfactant, Genapol OXD-080, to control a plague caused by crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) populations in the rice fields. In the Lower Mondego River Valley, Portugal, G. holbrooki is abundant in rice fields. It feeds mainly on copepods, cladocerans and rotifers. Surface insects, such as aphids, collembolans, adult (imago) chironomids and other dipterans, are additional food. Large G. holbrooki consumed greater amounts of cladocerans and adult chironomids than other smaller size groups, while small fish prefered rotifers. Gravid females ate copepods, cladocerans, and adult chironomids and other dipterans in significantly greater amounts than immatures, males, and non-gravid females. Non-gravid females ate collembolans in significantly greater quantities than any other fish group. The population density of copepods, cladocerans, adult chironomids, and other dipterans, the area covered by aquatic vegetation, and water temperature all had significant effects on the total number of prey caught by G. holbrooki. In contrast, a negative correlation was found with rotifers, collembolans, aphids in higher densities, and of increased water volume, dissolved oxygen and pH. G. holbrooki holds a key intermediate position in the rice field food chain, feeding in large amounts of aquatic invertebrates and being eaten, in turn, by piscivores. With regard to the toxicity of Genapol OXD-080 on non-target organisms, LC50 values for G. holbrooki and some of its main prey were several times lower than the concentration necessary to decrease the activity of crayfish populations in the rice fields. Thus, Genapol OXD-080 could potentially cause greater damage to the local populations of non-target species and should not be used without taking precautions not to contaminate other important biological reservoirs, such as the rice field irrigation channels. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of Zeus faber Linnaeus, 1758 were studied by examining digestive tracts in I2 size classes of individuals. It is a stenophagus species which begins life feeding almost exclusively on zooplankton until it is about 80 mm long, then switches gradually from zooplankton to small demersal fish, and finally when > 140 mm switches to feeding exclusively on benthic and demersal fish. Mysids were the most important food component in Z.faber < 141 mm and Cepola macrophthalma (Linnaeus, 1758) in Z.fiber > 140mm. The switch to fish prey was followed by a greater body weight per unit length. Z.faber > 140 mm selected primarily for small-and intermediate-sized C. macrophthalma (and to a lesser extent for Callionymus maculatus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810, Gaidropsarus sp. and Trigla Iyra Linnaeus, 1758). Our results suggested that the ratio of vertical to horizontal dimension of prey, the motion and coloration of prey as well as the visual capabilities and perceptual potentialities of Z. faber may all in a synergetic fashion account for prey type and size selection and the positive relations found between the size of Z.faber and the size and variance of its ingested prey. Possible co-evolutionary relationships between Z.faber and C. macrophthalma are also discussed.  相似文献   

Invasive fish threaten many native freshwater fauna. However, it can be difficult to determine how invasive fish impact animals with complex life cycles as interaction may be driven by either predation of aquatic larvae or avoidance of fish‐occupied waterbodies by the terrestrial adult stage. Mosquitofish (Gambusia spp.) are highly successful and aggressive invaders that negatively impact numerous aquatic fauna. One species potentially threatened by Gambusia holbrooki is the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). However, G. holbrooki's role in this frog's decline was unclear due to declines driven by the chytrid fungal disease and the continued co‐existence of these fish and frogs in multiple locations. To clarify the extent to which Gambusia is impacting L. aurea, we conducted 3 years of field surveys across a deltaic wetland system in south‐east Australia. We measured the presence and abundance of aquatic taxa including G. holbrooki, and L. aurea frogs and tadpoles, along with habitat parameters at the landscape and microhabitat scale. Generalized linear models were used to explore patterns in the abundance and distributions of L. aurea and G. holbrooki. We found strong negative associations between G. holbrooki and tadpoles of most species, including L. aurea, but no apparent avoidance of G. holbrooki by adult frogs. Native invertebrate predators (Odonata and Coleoptera) were also absent from G. holbrooki‐occupied ponds. Due to the apparent naivety of adult frogs toward G. holbrooki, the separation of G. holbrooki and tadpoles, plus the abundance of alternative predators in G. holbrooki‐free ponds, we conclude that the impact of G. holbrooki on L. aurea recruitment is likely substantial and warrants management action.  相似文献   

The diet of juvenile (0 year old) stone flounder Platichthys bicoloratus after settlement was investigated in an estuarine habitat. The principal prey items included harpacticoids and palps of polychaetes in February and March and thereafter shifted to siphons of the bivalve Nuttallia olivacea from April to June. This seasonal change in diet occurred irrespective of body size, suggesting that other factors, such as morphological development of the predator or vulnerability of prey, induced the diet shift.  相似文献   

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