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The palatofacial morphology of Proconsul africanus, P. nyanzae, P. major and Sivapithecus meteai is compared to extant catarrhines. The early Miocene hominoids (Proconsul) are unlike modern great apes, but retain a primitive catarrhine pattern more similar to some extant cercopthecoids. By middle Miocene times the typical hominoid palatofacial morphology can be recognized in at least one species (S. meteai) and this corresponds to the evolution of the postcranium in which the hominoid pattern is also only recognizable by the middle Miocene.  相似文献   

Traditionally, analogising comparative anatomical approaches, working on features of individual bony elements, have led to the Miocene hominoids Proconsul heseloni and P. nyanzae being described as arboreal, with a variety of possible locomotion modes. Whilst most researchers seemingly agree that quadrupedal was one of the most frequently adopted modes, any deeper knowledge about the kinematical characteristics of such quadrupedalism is very limited. Based on the previous studies and a computer simulation technique developed in our laboratory, a set of alternative models for Proconsul quadrupedalism was created. The body measurements and initial properties for the different models were held constant, using data from published literature if available, or otherwise estimated from data for Pan. Judged by the power output of joints, the results of computer simulation indicate that the style of quadrupedal locomotion typical of living macaques fits the body proportions of Proconsul better than that of Canis domesticus, Varecia variegata, Cebus albifrons or Pan troglodytes. It may reasonably be assumed that Proconsul's quadrupedal mode was similar to that of living macaques.  相似文献   

This paper describes the morphology of the vertebral remains of the KNM-BG 35250 Nacholapithecus kerioi individual from the Middle Miocene of Kenya. Cervical vertebrae are generally large relative to presumed body mass, suggesting a heavy head with large jaws and well-developed neck muscles. The atlas retains the lateral and posterior bridges over the vertebral artery. The axis has a robust dens and a large angle formed by superior articular surfaces. The thoracic vertebral specimens include the diaphragmatic vertebra and one post-diaphragmatic vertebra. The thoracic vertebral bodies are much smaller that those of male Papio cynocephalus, whereas many of the dorsal elements are large and robust, exceeding those of male P. cynocephalus. Lumbar vertebral bodies are small relative to body mass, craniocaudally moderately long, and have a median ventral keel. The transverse process is craniocaudally long and arises from the widest part of the body cranially and the pedicle above the inferior vertebral notch caudally. Anapophyses are present in one of the preserved lumbar vertebrae. The postzygapophyses are thick dorsoventrally. These lumbar features are broadly shared with Proconsul. However, the base of the spinous process is longer and more caudally positioned in N. kerioi compared to Proconsul, and is more similar to the condition in Pongo. They are not dorsally (or moderately caudally) directed as is seen in P. nyanzae, Pan, and most other extant primates. A caudally directed spinous process does not permit a broad range of spinal dorsiflexion. The presumed stiff back in N. kerioi suggests a different locomotor repertoire than in Proconsul. Morotopithecus bishopi, although not possessing the same features, exhibits another morphological suite of characters for lumbar stiffness. Diverse functional adaptations of the lumbar spine were present in African hominoids during the Early to Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

An almost entire skeleton of a male individual of Nacholapithecus kerioi (KNM-BG 35250) was discovered from Middle Miocene (approximately 15 Ma) sediments at Nachola, northern Kenya. N. kerioi exhibits a shared derived subnasal morphology with living apes. In many postcranial features, such as articular shape, as well as the number of the lumbar vertebrae, N. kerioi resembles Proconsul heseloni and/or P. nyanzae, and lacks suspensory specializations characteristic of living apes. Similarly, N. kerioi shares some postcranial characters with Kenyapithecus spp. However, despite the resemblance, N. kerioi and Proconsul spp. are quite different in their body proportions and some joint morphologies. N. kerioi has proportionally large forelimb bones and long pedal digits compared to its hindlimb bones and lumbar vertebrae. Its distinctive body proportions suggest that N. kerioi was more derived for forelimb dominated arboreal activities than P. nyanzae and P. heseloni. On the other hand, it exhibits a mixture of derived and primitive cranio-dental and postcranial features relative to the contemporaneous Kenyapithecus and Early MioceneMorotopithecus. While the phylogenetic position of N. kerioi is unsettled, it seems necessary to posit parallel evolution of cranio-dental and/or postcranial features in fossil and living apes.  相似文献   

Afropithecus turkanensis, a 17-17.5 million year old large-bodied hominoid from Kenya, has previously been reported to be the oldest known thick-enamelled Miocene ape. Most investigations of enamel thickness in Miocene apes have been limited to opportunistic or destructive studies of small samples. Recently, more comprehensive studies of enamel thickness and microstructure in Proconsul, Lufengpithecus, and Dryopithecus, as well as extant apes and fossil humans, have provided information on rates and patterns of dental development, including crown formation time, and have begun to provide a comparative context for interpretation of the evolution of these characters throughout the past 20 million years of hominoid evolution. In this study, enamel thickness and aspects of the enamel microstructure in two A. turkanensis second molars were quantified and provide insight into rates of enamel apposition, numbers of cells actively secreting enamel, and the time required to form regions of the crown. The average value for relative enamel thickness in the two molars is 21.4, which is a lower value than a previous analysis of this species, but which is still relatively thick compared to extant apes. This value is similar to those of several Miocene hominoids, a fossil hominid, and modern humans. Certain aspects of the enamel microstructure are similar to Proconsul nyanzae, Dryopithecus laietanus, Lufengpithecus lufengensis, Graecopithecus freybergi and Pongo pygmaeus, while other features differ from extant and fossil hominoids. Crown formation times for the two teeth are 2.4-2.6 years and 2.9-3.1 years respectively. These times are similar to a number of extant and fossil hominoids, some of which appear to show additional developmental similarities, including thick enamel. Although thick enamel may be formed through several developmental pathways, most Miocene hominoids and fossil hominids with relatively thick enamel are characterized by a relatively long period of cuspal enamel formation and a rapid rate of enamel secretion throughout the whole cusp, but a shorter total crown formation time than thinner-enamelled extant apes.  相似文献   

We describe phalanges of the KNM-BG 35250 Nacholapithecus kerioi skeleton from the Middle Miocene of Kenya. Phalanges of N. kerioi display similarities to those of Proconsul heseloni despite their enhanced robusticity. They do not show highly specialized features as in living suspensory primates. However, N. kerioi manifests several distinctive features that are observed in neither living arboreal quadrupeds nor P. heseloni or P. nyanzae. The most remarkable of them is its phalangeal elongation. N. kerioi phalanges (particularly pedal) are as long as those of Pan despite its much smaller body size. While lengthened digits enable a secure grip of supports and are especially adaptive for grasping large vertical trunks, the skeletal and soft tissues are subjected to greater stress. Probably, strong selective pressures favored powerful hallucal/pollical assisted grips. Although this functional adaptation does not exclude the possible use of the terrestrial environment, arboreal behavioral modes must have been crucial in its positional repertoire. N. kerioi is distinguished from P. heseloni in the greater size of its manual phalanges over its pedal phalanges. These derived features of N. kerioi suggest positional modes supporting more weight on the forelimb, and which occur more frequently on vertical supports. If Proconsul is referred to as an "above-branch arboreal quadruped" with a deliberate and effective climbing capability, N. kerioi may be thought of as an "orthograde climber". While living apes are powerful orthograde climbers, they are also more or less suspensory specialists. Suspensory behavior (plus climbing) and pronograde quadrupedalism (plus climbing) are the two main arboreal behavioral adaptations in living anthropoids. Thus, N. kerioi is an unusual fossil primate in that it cannot be incorporated into this dichotomy. It is plausible that a N. kerioi-like orthograde climber with large forelimbs and cheiridia was a precursor of suspensory living apes, and N. kerioi may demonstrate what an initial hominoid of this grade might have looked like.  相似文献   

The relationship between locomotor behavior and long bone structural proportions is examined in 179 individuals and 13 species of hominoids and cercopithecoids. Articular surface areas, estimated from linear caliper measurements, and diaphyseal section moduli (strengths), determined from CT scans, were obtained for the femur, tibia, humerus, radius, and ulna. Both within-bone (articular to shaft) and between-bone (forelimb to hindlimb) proportions were calculated and compared between taxa. It was hypothesized that: 1) species emphasizing slow, cautious movement and/or more varied limb positioning (i.e., greater joint excursion) would exhibit larger articular to cross-sectional shaft proportions, and 2) species with more forelimb suspensory behavior would have relatively stronger/larger forelimbs, while those with more leaping would have relatively stronger/larger hindlimbs. The results of the analysis generally confirm both hypotheses. Several partial exceptions can be explained on the basis of more detailed structural-functional considerations. Associations between locomotion and structural proportions can be demonstrated both across major groupings (hominoids and cercopithecoids) and between relatively closely related taxa, e.g., mountain and lowland gorillas, siamangs and gibbons, and Trachypithecus and other colobines. Furthermore, structure and function do not always covary with taxonomy. For example, compared to cercopithecoids, mountain gorillas have relatively larger joints, like other hominoids, but do not have relatively stronger forelimbs, unlike other hominoids. This is consistent with a locomotor repertoire emphasizing relatively slow movement but with very little forelimb suspension. Proportions of Proconsul nyanzae, Proconsul heseloni, Morotopithecus bishopi, and Theropithecus oswaldi are compared with modern distributions to illustrate the application of the techniques to fossil taxa.  相似文献   

步氏巨猿(Gigantopithecus blacki)是更新世时期生活于我国华南地区的一种超大型猿类, 它的体态特征和演化分类倍受关注。牙齿釉质厚度在探讨灵长类食性、环境适应以及系统演化方面具有重要意义。本文利用显微CT技术构建18颗巨猿臼齿虚拟模型, 测量其釉质厚度。将巨猿釉质厚度与现代人、现生类人猿、古人类、中新世古猿及其他现生灵长类进行比较, 从牙齿釉质厚度探讨巨猿的食性适应和系统演化问题。结果发现巨猿的实测釉质厚度是目前所有已知现生和化石灵长类中最厚的, 只有傍人、南非早期人属及奥兰诺古猿三种化石灵长类与之接近; 如果考虑不同物种牙齿与身体大小的关联因素, 相对釉质厚度指数显示巨猿属于"厚"釉质类型, 但非"超厚"类型, 低于奥兰诺古猿、傍人、南非早期人属; 巨猿与某些中新世古猿 (如原康修尔猿尼安萨种、非洲古猿)、南方古猿、东非早期人属、亚洲直立人以及现代人、现生卷尾猴的相对釉质厚度指数相近。巨猿的厚釉质特征与其食性和环境适应密切相关, 使得牙齿具有非常强的抗磨损功能, 能够适应长时间的咀嚼和研磨食物。从釉质厚度的系统演化角度推测, 厚釉质应该是人类祖先的特征性状, 巨猿有可能是早期人类支系演化过程中的一个特化旁支, 同时也不排除巨猿是从某种具有厚釉质的中新世古猿旁支平行演化而来的可能性。  相似文献   

Body mass estimation equations are generated from long bone cross-sectional diaphyseal and articular surface dimensions in 176 individuals and 12 species of hominoids and cercopithecoids. A series of comparisons is carried out to determine the best body mass predictors for each of several taxonomic/locomotor groupings. Articular breadths are better predictors than articular surface areas, while cross-sectional shaft strengths are better predictors than shaft external breadths. Percent standard errors of estimate (%SEEs) and percent prediction errors for most of the better predictors range between 10-20%. Confidence intervals of equations using sex/species means are fairly representative of those calculated using individual data, except for sex/species means equations with very low %SEEs (under about 10%), where confidence intervals (CIs) based on individuals are likely to be larger. Given individual variability, or biological "error," this may represent a lower limit of precision in estimating individual body masses. In general, it is much more preferable to determine at least broad locomotor affinities, and thus appropriate modern reference groups, before applying body mass estimation equations. However, some structural dimensions are less sensitive to locomotor distinctions than others; for example, proximal tibial articular M-L breadth is apparently "locomotor blind" regarding body mass estimation within the present study sample. In other cases where locomotor affiliation is uncertain, mean estimates from different reference groups can be used, while for some dimensions no estimation should be attempted. The techniques are illustrated by estimating the body masses of four fossil anthropoid specimens of Proconsul nyanzae, Proconsul heseloni, Morotopithecus bishopi, and Theropithecus oswaldi.  相似文献   

Suggestions that short-faced members of the Felidae tend to lack the second upper premolar (P2) imply a possible shift in scaling associated with the palate and maxillary tooth row in Lynx , which lacks P2, as compared to felids that retain it. This hypothesis is tested using a scaling model that relates the lengths of the palate, and the upper tooth row and its components, to post-palatal skull length in the small to moderately large felids Felis catus (domestic cat), L. canadensis (Canada lynx), F. pardalis (ocelot), and F. concolor (cougar). Scaling relationships of both palate and tooth row length to post-palatal skull length do not differ significantly from isometry in all four species. However, ocelots have a significantly shorter palate and tooth row than lynxes over their overlapping ranges of post-palatal skull length, suggesting that the absence of P2 is not correlated with the length of the face in these species. CI, P3 and P4 tend to be relatively longer in larger felids; none the less, ocelots have a relatively small P3 and lynxes have a proportionately large P4. Because both lynxes and ocelots have a relatively small gap between CI and P3, the absence of P2 is not correlated with available space within the tooth row in adults. However, lynxes also appear to have a relatively long dP3 that almost obliterates the diastema within the deciduous tooth row. The absence of P2 in Lynx may be an engineering artefact that is associated with a shift in proportions within the deciduous toothrow, resulting in inhibition of the development of P2 and dP2 early in ontogeny. Despite the variable occurrence and polymorphism associated with P2 in the Felidae, this character has systematic value within this clade and is a synapomorphy for Lynx.  相似文献   

The beginning of specialization characterizing the robust australopithecines is manifested in almost every aspect of the masticatory system of Australopithecus africanus. Of particular significance is the presence of two massive bony columns on both sides of the nasal aperture that support the anterior portion of the palate. These columns--the anterior pillars--are viewed as a structural response to the greater occlusal load stemming from the beginning stages of molarization of the premolars and exerted on the more anterior part of the dental arcade. In A. africanus the molarization process is, indeed, just in its initial phase, but the still considerable protrusion of the palate relative to the more peripheral facial frame increases the need for pillars. The anterior pillars and the advancement of the inferior part of the infraorbital plate (the origin of the masseter) play a major role in molding the facial topography of A. africanus. The absence of the pillars and the common position of the masseteric origin lead us to define the face of A. afarensis as the most primitive of the australopithecines and allow us to discriminate between its facial morphology and that of A. africanus. The presence of anterior pillars in the face of the latter places it clearly in the robust australopithecine clade.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the wrist of two species of the early Miocene hominoid Proconsul is described based on new material collected on Rusinga Island, Kenya. These fossils generally confirm previous findings that the wrist of Proconsul is monkey-like in much of its morphology. However, the structure of the ulnar side of the wrist, particularly the ulnocarpal joint, is significantly different from that of extant monkeys and suggests some functional affinities with extant hominoids. Thus the wrist of Proconsul is neither monkey-like nor ape-like in its total morphology. Instead, it shows a unique combination of features which once again point to the oversimplicity of forcing fossil forms into categories based only on extant taxa.  相似文献   

The morphology of mandibular molars of the twoProconsulspecies,Proconsul majorandProconsul africanus, from the Tinderet region, Kenya was analyzed. While the molar size variability within the TinderetP. majorwas slightly greater than those of local African ape subspecies, the shape variability was comparable. Because the twoProconsulspecies show some differences in cusp areal proportions,P. majoris not just a largerP. africanusin molar morphology. Napak specimens are generally similar to the TinderetP. major.  相似文献   

Cleft palate repair by double opposing Z-plasty   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In an attempt to improve speech results following palate repair while allowing adequate maxillary growth, a palatoplasty using two opposing Z-plasties of the soft palate, one of the oral and one of the nasal layers, has been used in 22 infants. Eight patients had unilateral cleft lip and palate, eight had bilateral cleft lip and palate, and six had cleft palate. The Z-plasties facilitate effective dissection and redirection of the palatal muscles to produce an overlapping muscle sling and lengthen the velum without using tissue from the hard palate, which permits hard palate closure without pushback or lateral relaxing incisions. Of the 20 children old enough for speech evaluation, 18 have no velopharyngeal insufficiency. Two have very mild velopharyngeal insufficiency. None has required a pharyngeal flap.  相似文献   

Cleft palate most commonly occurs as a sporadic multifactorial disorder with a clear but difficult to define genetic component. As a semi-dominant disorder, X-linked cleft palate (CPX) provides a useful model to investigate a congenital defect that is little influenced by non-genetic factors. By using an Icelandic kindred, CPX has been localised between DXS1196 and DXS1217 and mapped, in a 3-Mb yeast artificial chromosome contig, at Xq21.3. Markers generated from this physical map have now been used to construct a contig of P1 and bacterial artificial chromosome clones for genomic DNA sequencing. Genomic DNA sequence analysis has revealed two novel expressed genes and two pseudogenes in the order Cen-KLHL4-LAMRL5-CAPZA1P-CPXCR1-Tel. KLHL4 and CPXCR1 are widely expressed in fetal tissues, including the tongue, mandible and palate. DNA mutation screening of CPXCR1 has revealed several sequence variants present on all affected CPX chromosomes. However, these variants have also been detected at a lower frequency on unaffected chromosomes, indicating that they are polymorphisms that are unlikely to cause the CPX phenotype.  相似文献   

Murine glucocorticoid receptors and the H-2 locus--a reappraisal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been demonstrated that susceptibility to glucocorticoid-induced formation of cleft palate is regulated by the mouse histocompatibility complex (H-2). This has encouraged us to examine H-2 effects on glucocorticoid binding in tissues of adult animals which would provide sufficient material with which to study the biochemical mechanism of the H-2 effect. Although it has been reported that cytosol prepared from lungs of adult mice with a high susceptibility to steroid-induced cleft palate formation have a higher level of glucocorticoid binding than lung cytosol prepared from a low-susceptibility strain, we are unable to demonstrate any influence of H-2 on binding capacity in this tissue from adult animals when glucocorticoid receptors are assayed in the presence of receptor reducing and stabilizing agents that maximize binding capacity. Cytosol prepared from rat liver contains an endogenous receptor-reducing system composed of NADPH and thioredoxin. It has also been reported that the murine H-2 complex contains a gene(s) that regulates the level of a modifier(s) in fetal hepatic cytosol that affects the binding of glucocorticoids to the receptor. Of two known low molecular weight modifiers that could account for this effect, we have previously established that the heat-stable, steroid receptor "modulator" is not regulated by the H-2 complex. In the present work we have assayed thioredoxin, a second potential modifier, in liver cytosols prepared from adults of two pairs of two H-2 congenic mouse strains. Our results show that the amount of thioredoxin is the same in all four mouse strains and that it is not regulated by the H-2 locus. At this time, we are unable to identify a system in adult mice in which the widely reported regulation of glucocorticoid binding by the mouse histocompatibility locus can be submitted to definitive biochemical study.  相似文献   

Recent work on the wrist joints of modern anthropoids has uncovered qualitative differences between the fully quadrupedal Cercopithecoidea and the non-quadrupedal Hominoidea. These findings are here related to a reconsideration of casts of the Dryopithecus (Proconsul) africanus wrist and inferior radioulnar joints. It is consluded that D. africanus was quadruped in much the same sense as are the modern cercopithecoid monkeys. The “dental ape” nature of D. africanus is considered to be perfectly consistent with the time and cladistic frameworks provided by recent molecular data.  相似文献   

The oldest ape     
This paper recounts the history and significance of Morotopithecus bishopi, an early Miocene East African ape. Morotopithecus differs in intriguing ways from its contemporary Proconsul. While craniodental differences are slight, the known elements of its postcranium suggest that Morotopithecus was capable of modern ape–like positional behaviors, including vertical postures, deliberate climbing, and arm hanging. In contrast, Proconsul and other early and middle Miocene hominoids have been reconstructed as above–branch quadrupeds. Paleoanthropologists are currently divided over whether and which of the anatomical features associated with upright posture and suspension in the modern apes are due to inheritance or independent evolution. This debate has important implications for interpreting the phylogenetic positions of both Morotopithecus and Proconsul, as well as for reconstructing the pattern and timing of the emergence of modern ape adaptations.  相似文献   

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