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The diet of the Imperial Shag Phalacrocorax atriceps was studied on New Island, Falkland/Malvinas Islands during the 2008/2009 breeding season, with some additional data from 2007/2008. The diet comprised a large variety of prey, mainly fish, crustaceans and squid. In contrast to other species of the blue-eyed shag complex, prey not only consisted of benthic organisms but also included pelagic prey. Different sampling techniques were combined in order to obtain a comprehensive overview of the diet. Pellets, regurgitations and stomach contents yielded different results. We discuss the causes for these variations including different sample availability over time. In particular, the stomach analyses seem to overestimate the importance of squid based on the occurrence of squid beaks. For the pellet analyses, lobster krill accounted for the majority of the prey remains except during the second half of December (i.e. when young chicks were being attended), when fish was more important.  相似文献   

J. P. Croxall    Y. Naito    A. Kato    P. Rothery    D. R. Briggs 《Journal of Zoology》1991,225(2):177-199
The pattern and characteristics of diving of two male blue-eyed shags Phalacrocorax atriceps were studied, using continuous-recording time-depth recorders, for a total of 15 consecutive days during which the depth, duration, bottom time, ascent and descent rates and surface intervals of 674 dives were recorded. Deep dives (> 35 m, averages80–90 m, max. 116 m) were twice as common (64% versus 34%) as shallow dives (< 21 m and 90% < 10 m). Deep dives were long (averages 2.7-4.1 min, max. 5.2 min) with half the time spent near maximum depth and fast travel speeds (averages 1.0-2.4 m s−1). Shallow dives were short (average 0.5 min, max. 1.3 min), without bottom time and with slow travel speeds (0.1–0.6 m s−1). The time spent at depth and the diet (mainly benthic fish and octopus) is consistent with benthic foraging; the function of shallow dives is uncertain. Male shags forage mainly in the afternoon in3–5 distinct bouts of diving. Within bouts (and shorter homogeneous sequences of diving) surface intervals are consistently2–3 times the preceding dive duration; in other shags the reverse is the case. Blue-eyed shag diving depth, duration and pattern is extreme amongst shags; and the relationship between dives and surface intervals suggests that they may regularly exceed their aerobic dive limit.  相似文献   

C. R. Grau 《Ibis》1996,138(4):756-764
Egg production does not impose a major food need in the Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis because the eggs are small, are formed slowly and are laid at 3-day intervals. I used dye-dosing of females, laying time and, after fixing and staining the yolk, daily ring counts to estimate the amounts of protein and energy needed each day to produce a clutch of three eggs. Maximum daily nutrient needs during egg formation were only 1.15 g per day additional protein and 34 kJ per day energy. Yolk formation times of 40 eggs were 13.5 (±1.2 s.d.) days. Based on yolk-ring counts and laying dates of 15 eggs that contained dye, the lag period between yolk completion and laying was 3.1 ± 0.06 days. The distinct light and dark rings of the stained yolk resulted from differences in the transparency of the yolk spheres. In the dark rings, the spheres were relatively clear, so more depth of stained yolk could be seen than in the light rings, which reflected the incident light.  相似文献   

Individual consistency in foraging behaviour can generate behavioural variability within populations and may, ultimately, lead to species diversification. However, individual‐based long‐term behavioural studies are particularly scarce in seabird species. Between 2008 and 2011, breeding Imperial Shags Phalacrocorax atriceps at the Punta León colony, Argentina, were tracked with GPS devices to evaluate behavioural consistency during their foraging trips. Within a breeding season, individuals were highly consistent in the maximum distances they reached from the shore and the colony, as well as in the time invested in flight and diving across consecutive days during early chick rearing. In addition, each individual had its specific foraging area distinct from the foraging area of other individuals. Comparing between early and late chick rearing in the same season, individuals were consistent, to a lesser degree, in the maximum distance they reached from the colony and the shore, increasing in consistency later on in the season. Within the season, females were more consistent than males in the maximum distance they moved from the colony and the shore, the sexes segregated in their foraging areas and individual females were segregated from one another. Twenty‐eight individuals tracked in different breeding seasons were marginally consistent in their trip durations and maximum distance reached from shore across seasons. Among seasons, foraging locations differed between sexes and among individual females. Individuals from this colony exhibited consistency over time in several aspects of foraging behaviour, which may be due to a combination of individual characteristics such as learning abilities, breeding experience or health, as well as targeted prey type and stability of the environment at this location.  相似文献   

The anisakid species Contracaecum chubutensis n. sp. was found parasitizing the imperial cormorant Phalacrocorax atriceps at 2 different localities, Bahía Bustamante (45 degrees 11'S, 66 degrees 30'W) and Puerto Madryn (42 degrees 47'S, 65 degrees 02'W) on the Patagonian coast. Morphometrical analysis and further studies of adult specimens of C. chubutensis n. sp. and fourth-stage larvae of Contracaecum sp. were done using light and scanning electron microscopy. The possession and disposition of 7 pairs of tail papillae differentiate this new species from C. osculatum, C. radiatum, C. plagiaticium, and C. mirounga. Double-sized spicules separate it from C. variegatum and C. pelagicum. Moreover, the paracloacal papillae disposition and tail shape differentiate this new species from C. travassosi. The presence of bifurcated interlabia separate it from C. ogmorhini and C. margolisi. Three well-marked lip notches, a sharp tail shape, and the of the transversal paracloacal papillae disposition distinguishes C. chubutensis n. sp. from C. magnipapillatum and C. septentrionale. The species here described can be differentiated from C. caballeroi by its bifurcated interlabia, longer spicules, and for possessing more precloacal papillae pairs. It can be separated from C. rudolphii by a thinner interlabia at the base, deeper lip notches, a sharper tail, the disposition of transversal paracloacal papillae, and greater distance between both papillae of the first subventral distal papillae pair. In addition, fourth-stage larvae recovered from the same host and localities were identified and described as Contracaecum sp. Prevalence of adult parasites was 66.7 %, mean intensity was 4.0, and mean abundance was 7.1.  相似文献   

N. J. AEBISCHER 《Ibis》1993,135(3):225-232
At the beginning of May 1982, a westerly gale destroyed or damaged 49% of 761 Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis nests on the exposed west side of the Isle of May, southeast Scotland; 518 nests on the sheltered east side acted as controls against which to assess subsequent effects of the gale on Shag reproduction and recruitment.
On sites affected by the gale, 90% of pairs rebuilt their nest and laid a second clutch, on average 18 days after the loss of the first one. First-time breeders nested closer to the sea, suffered greater damage to their nests, and deserted their damaged nests more readily after the gale than did experienced ones; a quarter of potential recruits to the west side were deterred from breeding in that year.
By the end of the season, the number of chicks fledged per pair was 31% lower on the west side than on the east. The difference was caused partly by nest desertion, partly by greater hatching failure of full clutches in apparently undamaged nests and especially by lower fledging success of pairs that renested. Irrespective of breeding experience, delayed early breeders produced more chicks than late breeders nesting at the same time, showing that late breeders were of poorer intrinsic quality than early breeders. This was one reason for a seasonal decline in Shag productivity, although environmental factors also played a role.
During April-July, gales like that of May 1982 occur on average once every 5 years on the Isle of May. Despite the disruption that they may cause to nesting Shags, the impact on the long-term growth of the colony is small.  相似文献   

Quantifying population genetic structure is fundamental to testing hypotheses regarding gene flow, population divergence and dynamics across large spatial scales. In species with highly mobile life‐history stages, where it is unclear whether such movements translate into effective dispersal among discrete philopatric breeding populations, this approach can be particularly effective. We used seven nuclear microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (ND2) markers to quantify population genetic structure and variation across 20 populations (447 individuals) of one such species, the European Shag, spanning a large geographical range. Despite high breeding philopatry, rare cross‐sea movements and recognized subspecies, population genetic structure was weak across both microsatellites and mitochondrial markers. Furthermore, although isolation‐by‐distance was detected, microsatellite variation provided no evidence that open sea formed a complete barrier to effective dispersal. These data suggest that occasional long‐distance, cross‐sea movements translate into gene flow across a large spatial scale. Historical factors may also have shaped contemporary genetic structure: cluster analyses of microsatellite data identified three groups, comprising colonies at southern, mid‐ and northern latitudes, and similar structure was observed at mitochondrial loci. Only one private mitochondrial haplotype was found among subspecies, suggesting that this current taxonomic subdivision may not be mirrored by genetic isolation.  相似文献   

Janusz Kloskowski 《Ibis》2003,145(2):233-243
Brood reduction in Red-necked Grebes Podiceps grisegena breeding on fish ponds in south-eastern Poland occurred either through the desertion of the last-laid eggs after partial hatching of the clutch and/or the selective starvation of the smallest chicks. Abandonment of unhatched eggs was not influenced by the number of young already hatched or by the breeding date, but it was more likely in larger clutches and in families suffering chick starvation. Chicks from the largest broods had a higher probability of survival until fledging than those from single-chick broods. Larger chicks obtained food more successfully through better positioning during food delivery. In families that did not suffer brood reduction, chicks were better provisioned with food than in reduced broods. Although allocation of food among chicks in reduced broods was more skewed to the disadvantage of the younger siblings, dominant chicks obtained less food prior to brood reduction than dominant siblings in unreduced broods. Sibling aggression did not differ between unreduced and reduced broods before death of the weakest chicks. Post-laying adjustment of the number of offspring to prevailing feeding conditions occurred at two stages: by parental manipulation of the number of hatched eggs at the time when parents and chicks leave the nest and by competition between chicks. It is suggested that late egg desertion may be an adaptive mechanism of brood-size adjustment, when elimination of the weakest chicks through sibling competition is not very efficient.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 40 specimens of the blu0e-eyed shag Phalacrocorax atriceps bransfieldensis were sampled at Nelson Island, South Shetland Islands, in January 1994. The analysis of the diet showed that fish were by far the main component, followed by octopods, polychaetes and gammarids. Notothenia coriiceps predominated in frequency (58%) and in weight (65%), whereas Nototheniops nudifrons was the most important species by number (47%). The comparison with data published on pellet analysis of shags from the same colony gave similar results. However, although the methodology used in the present study requires more time in the field, it reduces the errors that arise from the examination of regurgitated casts, such as those due to erosion by digestion or loss of the otoliths through the gastrointestinal tract. The observation of 8 nests filmed continuously during 24 h showed that the members of the pairs alternate foraging and make 3–5 foraging trips per individual per day. The activity started as 0700 hours and finished at 2200 hours, and the mean duration of the trips was 73 min.  相似文献   

Brood reduction in temperate and sub-tropical ospreys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alan Poole 《Oecologia》1982,53(1):111-119
Summary In an effort to understand patterns and causes of nestling loss in Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus), I studied brood reduction in three eastern U.S. Osprey colonies during 1978 and 1979. The colonies, located in Florida Bay (1) and on coastal Long Island, N.Y. (2), differed in the average daily amount of food delivered to nestlings; Florida nests received 43% and 11% less fish per day than nests in the two N.Y. colonies, largely because latitude and season restricted day length and thus foraging time for the winter-breeding Florida Ospreys. Increased distance from stable food sources accounted for the lower rate of feeding at one of the N.Y. colonies. Variation in clutch size in the three colonies reflected differences in latitude more than in food availability; average clutch sizes in Long Island were larger than Florida clutches by 0.5 of an egg, but were similar to each other and to those in other northeastern U.S. Osprey populations.Increased nestling loss coincided with reduced food delivery rates and, in food stressed colonies, this loss was 2–3 times greater than any recorded for Ospreys. Starvation was the primary cause of nestling death, with mortality concentrated on third chicks, which hatched on average 3.9 d later and from eggs 5.6% smaller than chicks hatching first. Sibling aggression accounted for the preferential feeding of older nestmates,but only in colonies or nests where food was limited. Aggressive chicks nearly always stopped fighting after being fed. This behavior provided a reversible mechanism for controling brood reduction that was based on nutrition. Growth rates of young measured during the first half of the growth period were more variable between colonies than within nests. This is interpreted as reflecting both the differences in colony food delivery rates as well as the evolutionary pressures of sibling competition to equalize the growth of nestmates.  相似文献   

The probability of starvation of chicks increases through hatching order in broods of the coot, Fulica atra. After hatching chicks accompany, and are fed by, parents as they swim around the territory. The time that chicks are able to spend outside the nest increases rapidly with age, so that the earlier hatching chicks gain a feeding advantage over the later. Starvation of chicks occurs within 4–5 days of hatching. Even after this initial mortality there persist large differences in the parental feeding rates of individual chicks within a brood. These do not correlate with age and do not seem to be the result of sibling competition. Instead, the parents regulate which chicks accompany them on foraging trips and therefore actively maintain feeding differences within the brood. Chicks cannot counter this parental regulation and the least fed of the brood grow more slowly in spite of an increased self-feeding effort. The possible functions of this parental behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   

Colonial seabirds are central place foragers and likely to be subject to substantial competition for resources. Mechanisms proposed for reducing intra‐specific competition include differential inter‐sex area use mediated by adult choice. We used GPS loggers and dive recorders to study area use and dive depth in a total of 27 male and 26 female imperial cormorants Phalacrocorax atriceps breeding at a colony of some 6500 birds at Punta Leon, Chubut, Argentina during 2004 and 2005. Although time spent travelling and distances between the colony and foraging sites were similar for both sexes, males and females travelled away from their colony using routes virtually perpendicular to each other so that their foraging areas were distinctly different; females hunted close to the coast while males foraged offshore in deeper water. Consideration of foraging efficiency underwater, defined as the duration spent on the bottom divided by the dive cycle duration, showed that females were more efficient at depths < 40 m while males more efficient at depths > 40 m. We suggest that the substantial sexual dimorphism in this species may be responsible for the different depth‐linked foraging efficiencies and that selection for appropriate depths could lead to differential habitat use and putative differences in prey selection.  相似文献   

Peeter Hõrak 《Oecologia》1995,102(4):515-519
The long-term fitness consequences of brood reduction were examined in two (urban and rural) great tit populations in south-eastern Estonia during 1987–1994. The brood reduction hypothesis in its initial, Lackian sense was not supported since partial brood loss was accompanied by a decrease in fledgling weight and recruitment rate. Female survival was significantly improved in broods with high nestling mortality in the rural population. My results suggest that female great tits might be able to reallocate resources for self-maintenance if food appears to be short for the successful raising of the brood. However, parents are not capable of efficiently reallocating resources between nestlings.  相似文献   

Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) is an alternative reproductive tactic found in many animals with parental care. Parasitizing females lay eggs in the nests of other females (hosts) of the same species, which incubate and raise both their own and the foreign offspring. The causes and consequences of CBP are debated. Using albumen fingerprinting of eggs for accurately detecting parasitism, we here analyse its relation to female condition and clutch size in High Arctic common eiders Somateria mollissima borealis. Among 166 clutches in a Svalbard colony, 31 (19%) contained eggs from more than one female, and 40 of 670 eggs (6%) were parasitic. In 6 cases an active nest with egg(s) was taken over by another female. Many suitable nest sites were unoccupied, indicating that CBP and nest takeover are reproductive tactics, not only consequences of nest site shortage. Similarity in body mass between female categories suggests that condition does not determine whether a nesting female becomes parasitised. There was no evidence of low condition in parasites: egg size was similar in hosts and parasites, and parasitism was equally frequent early and late in the laying season. Meta‐analysis of this and 3 other eider studies shows that there is a cost of being parasitised in this precocial species: host females laid on average 7% fewer eggs than other females.  相似文献   

A new albinistic allele in the cat is described and designated blue-eyed albino (symbol c a ). The coat is completely white. The eyes possess a dull red pupil in reduced light and a pale translucent blue iris. Reasons are given for regarding the allele as less extreme than complete albinism. The inheritance of three members of the albino series in the cat has now been reported. In decreasing order of dominance these are full colour (C), Burmese (c b ), Siamese (c s ) and blue-eyed albino (c a ).  相似文献   

Broods of fledgling robins Erithacus rubecula are sometimes divided between their parents so that each parent feeds only some of the chicks. These associations between a parent and certain of its young (‘family units’) are shown to be stable over periods of days. Brood division is most frequent in broods that are not followed by another nesting attempt. Experimental manipulation of the food supply suggests that brood division is relaxed when food is readily available. An analysis of the interactions between parents and chicks demonstrates that both adults and fledglings play a role in brood division. The possible functions of brood division are discussed with reference to ‘other types of care’, ‘parental efficiency’, ‘cheat countermeasure’ and ‘two types of chick’ hypotheses. Male parents feed chicks with shorter winglengths than do females: since females tend to have shorter winglengths than males, this suggests that chicks are cared for by parents of the opposite sex. Possible causes and consequences of this observation are discussed.  相似文献   

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