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The hypoxia responsive region (HRR) of the VEGF promoter plays a key role in regulating VEGF expression. We found that the cold shock domain (Y-box) repressor proteins, dbpA and dbpB/YB-1, bind distinct strands of the human VEGF HRR. We find both dbpA and dbpB are phosphorylated by ERK2 and GSK3beta in vitro, and the binding of dbpB to single-strand VEGF HRR DNA is regulated by this phosphorylation. These findings suggest the ERK/MAPK and PI3K pathways may regulate VEGF expression in part through regulating the action of these repressor proteins.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent angiogenic factor with a unique specificity for vascular endothelial cells. In addition to its role in vasculogenesis and embryonic angiogenesis, VEGF is implicated in pathologic neovascularization associated with tumors and diabetic retinopathy. Four different constructs of a short variant of VEGF sufficient for receptor binding were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, refolded, purified, and crystallized in five different space groups. In order to facilitate the product on of heavy atom derivatives, single cysteine mutants were designed based on the crystal structure of platelet-derived growth factor. A construct consisting of residues 8 to 109 was crystallized in space group P21, with cell parameters a = 55.6 Å, b = 60.4 Å, c = 77.7 Å, β = 90.0°, and four monomers in the asymmetric unit. Native and derivative data were collected for two of the cysteine mutants as well as for wild-type VEGF. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

为避免一种来自五特征转基因小鼠的全人VEGF单克隆IgM抗体分子量大的不足,本研究探讨了该抗体单一重链可变区的功能特性。首先,PCR获得该抗体的重链可变区,将该序列克隆至pET28a表达载体内,在大肠杆菌中进行了诱导表达。通过变性纯化和复性等方法获得了具有生物学活性的16kDa重组抗体片段——rhVVH。体外结合实验表明,rhVVH保留有完整免疫球蛋白的人VEGF结合活性。人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVEC)增殖抑制实验表明:rhVVH可以剂量依赖性的抑制HUVEC的增殖。上述结果揭示了该抗体单一重链可变区保留有完整抗体的部分功能,为进一步开展全人源VEGF单克隆IgM抗体小型化研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

YB-1, a multifunctional DNA- and RNA-binding nucleocytoplasmic protein, is involved in the majority of DNA- and mRNA-dependent events in the cell. It consists of three structurally different domains: its central cold shock domain has the structure of a β-barrel, while the flanking domains are predicted to be intrinsically disordered. Recently, we showed that YB-1 is capable of forming elongated fibrils under high ionic strength conditions. Here we report that it is the cold shock domain that is responsible for formation of YB-1 fibrils, while the terminal domains differentially modulate this process depending on salt conditions. We demonstrate that YB-1 fibrils have amyloid-like features, including affinity for specific dyes and a typical X-ray diffraction pattern, and that in contrast to most of amyloids, they disassemble under nearly physiological conditions.  相似文献   

alpha(2)-Macroglobulin (alpha(2)M) is a highly conserved proteinase inhibitor present in human plasma at high concentration (2-4 mg/ml). alpha(2)M exists in two conformations, a native form and an activated, receptor-recognized form. While alpha(2)M binds to numerous cytokines and growth factors, in most cases, the nature of the alpha(2)M interaction with these factors is poorly understood. We examined in detail the interaction between alpha(2)M and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and found a novel and unexpected mechanism of interaction as demonstrated by the following observations: 1) the binding of VEGF to alpha(2)M occurs at a site distinct from the recently characterized growth factor binding site; 2) VEGF binds different forms of alpha(2)M with distinct spatial arrangement, namely to the interior of methylamine or ammonia-treated alpha(2)M and to the exterior of native and proteinase-converted alpha(2)M; and 3) VEGF (molecular mass approximately 40 kDa) can access the interior of receptor-recognized alpha(2)M in the absence of a proteinase trapped within the molecule. VEGF bound to receptor-recognized forms of alpha(2)M is internalized and degraded by macrophages via the alpha(2)M receptor, the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein. Oxidation of both native and receptor-recognized alpha(2)M results in significant inhibition of VEGF binding. We also examined the biological significance of this interaction by studying the effect of alpha(2)M on VEGF-induced cell proliferation and VEGF-induced up-regulation of intracellular Ca(2+) levels. We demonstrate that under physiological conditions, alpha(2)M does not impact the ability of VEGF to induce cell proliferation or up-regulate Ca(2+).  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), one of the most important angiogenic factors, plays an essential role in both physiological and pathological angiogenesis. The VEGF receptor KDR/Flk-1 (a kinase domain receptor) mediates various biological activities of VEGF related to proliferation, differentiation, and migration of endothelial cells. Here we present a novel peptide designated K237-(HTMYYHHYQHHL), which was isolated from a phage-displayed peptide library, binding to KDR with high affinity and specificity. By interfering with the VEGF-KDR interaction, the peptide K237 inhibited proliferation of cultured primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells induced by recombinant human VEGF(165) in a dose-dependent and cell type-specific manner. The peptide also exerted an anti-angiogenesis activity in vivo as revealed using the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane angiogenesis assay. Moreover, the peptide K237 significantly inhibited the growth of solid tumors implanted beneath the breasts and their metastases to lungs in severe combined immunodeficient mice. Taken together, these findings suggest that the peptide K237 can functionally disrupt the interaction between VEGF and the KDR receptor and cause potent biological effects that include the inhibition of angiogenesis and tumor growth. As a consequence, this peptide (and its future derivatives) may have use as a potential cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels, is regulated by a number of factors, including hypoxia and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Although the effects of hypoxia have been studied intensely, less attention has been given to other extracellular parameters such as pH. Thus, the present study investigates the consequences of acidic pH on VEGF binding and activity in endothelial cell cultures. We found that the binding of VEGF165 and VEGF121 to endothelial cells increased as the extracellular pH was decreased from 7.5 to 5.5. Binding of VEGF165 and VEGF121 to endothelial extracellular matrix was also increased at acidic pH. These effects were, in part, a reflection of increased heparin binding, because VEGF165 and VEGF121 showed increased retention on heparin-Sepharose at pH 5.5 compared with pH 7.5. Consistent with these findings, soluble heparin competed for VEGF binding to endothelial cells under acidic conditions. However, at neutral pH (7.5) low concentrations of heparin (0.1-1.0 microg/ml) potentiated VEGF binding. Extracellular pH also regulated VEGF activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (Erk1/2). VEGF165 and VEGF121 activation of Erk1/2 at pH 7.5 peaked after 5 min, whereas at pH 6.5 the peak was shifted to 10 min. At pH 5.5, neither VEGF isoform was able to activate Erk1/2, suggesting that the increased VEGF bound to the cells at low pH was sequestered in a stored state. Therefore, extracellular pH might play an important role in regulating VEGF interactions with cells and the extracellular matrix, which can modulate VEGF activity.  相似文献   

Calpains are non-lysosomal, Ca 2+ -dependent cysteine proteases, which are ubiquitously distributed across cell types and vertebrate species. The rules that govern calpain specificity have not yet been determined. To elucidate the cleavage pattern of calpains, we carried out calpain-induced proteolytic studies on the insulin-like growth factor binding proteins IGFBP-4 and -5. Proteolysis of IGFBPs is well characterized in numerous reports. Our results show that calpain cleavage sites are in the non-conserved unstructured regions of the IGFBPs. Compilation of the calpain-induced proteolytic cleavage sites in several proteins reported in the literature, together with our present study, has not revealed clear preferences for amino acid sequences. We therefore conclude that calpains seem not to recognize amino acid sequences, but instead cleave with low sequence specificity at unstructured or solvent-exposed fragments that connect folded, stable domains of target proteins.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent mediator of angiogenesis and vascular permeability, in which c-Src tyrosine kinase plays an essential role. However, the mechanisms by which VEGF stimulates c-Src activation have remained unclear. Here, we demonstrate that vascular endothelial cadherin (VE-cadherin) plays a critical role in regulating c-Src activation in response to VEGF. In vascular endothelial cells, VE-cadherin was basally associated with c-Src and Csk (C-terminal Src kinase), a negative regulator of Src activation. VEGF stimulated Csk release from VE-cadherin by recruiting the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP2 to VE-cadherin signaling complex, leading to an increase in c-Src activation. Silencing VE-cadherin with small interference RNA significantly reduced VEGF-stimulated c-Src activation. Disrupting the association of VE-cadherin and Csk through the reconstitution of Csk binding-defective mutant of VE-cadherin also diminished Src activation. Moreover, inhibiting SHP2 by small interference RNA and adenovirus-mediated expression of a catalytically inactive mutant of SHP2 attenuated c-Src activation by blocking the disassociation of Csk from VE-cadherin. Furthermore, VE-cadherin and SHP2 differentially regulates VEGF downstream signaling. The inhibition of c-Src, VE-cadherin, and SHP2 diminished VEGF-mediated activation of Akt and endothelial nitric-oxide synthase. In contrast, inhibiting VE-cadherin and SHP2 enhanced ERK1/2 activation in response to VEGF. These findings reveal a novel role for VE-cadherin in modulating c-Src activation in VEGF signaling, thus providing new insights into the importance of VE-cadherin in VEGF signaling and vascular function.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)/vascular permeability factor induces both angiogenesis and vascular permeability mainly through VEGF receptor (VEGFR)-2 activation. VEGF binds VEGFR-1 as well, but the importance of VEGFR-1 signaling in vascular permeability has been largely neglected. Here, we report the purification and characterization of a novel VEGF-like protein from Trimeresurus flavoviridis Habu snake venom. The Habu snake has a venom-specific VEGF-like molecule, T. flavoviridis snake venom VEGF (TfsvVEGF), in addition to VEGF-A. TfsvVEGF has almost 10-fold less mitotic activity than VEGF(165), a predominant isoform of human VEGF-A, but a similar effect on vascular permeability. TfsvVEGF bound VEGFR-1 and induced its autophosphorylation to almost the same extent as VEGF(165), but bound VEGFR-2 weakly and induced its autophosphorylation almost 10-fold less effectively than VEGF(165). This unique binding affinity for VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 leads to the vascular permeability-dominant activity of TfsvVEGF. These results suggest that Habu snakes have acquired a highly purposive molecule for a toxin, which enhances the toxicity in envenomation without inducing effective angiogenesis and the following regeneration of damaged tissues, taking advantage of the difference in signaling properties involving VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 between vascular permeability and angiogenesis. TfsvVEGF is thus a potent inducing factor selective for vascular permeability through preferential signaling via VEGFR-1. These data strongly indicate the importance of VEGFR-1 signaling in vascular permeability.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic mRNA 3' poly(A) tail acts synergistically with the 5' cap structure to enhance translation. This effect is mediated by a bridging complex, composed of the poly(A) binding protein (PABP), eIF4G, and the cap binding protein, eIF4E. PABP-interacting protein 1 (Paip1) is another factor that interacts with PABP to coactivate translation. Here, we describe a novel human PABP-interacting protein (Paip2), which acts as a repressor of translation both in vitro and in vivo. Paip2 preferentially inhibits translation of a poly(A)-containing mRNA, but has no effect on the translation of hepatitis C virus mRNA, which is cap- and eIF4G-independent. Paip2 decreases the affinity of PABP for polyadenylate RNA, and disrupts the repeating structure of poly(A) ribonucleoprotein. Furthermore, Paip2 competes with Paip1 for PABP binding. Thus, Paip2 inhibits translation by interdicting PABP function.  相似文献   

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