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A new phytoplankton-based index was designed to respond to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) requirements concerning the assessment of lake ecological status. The “Indice Phytoplancton Lacustre” (IPLAC) is a multimetric index, taking into account biomass, abundance and species composition of communities. The first metric is based on the total phytoplankton biomass (MBA), the second on the abundance and taxonomic composition (MCS) of 165 indicator taxa. The IPLAC was developed on 2 independent databases, one for the calibration and the second for the validation of the metrics. The calibration dataset was composed of 255 “lake-years” from 214 distinct lakes sampled between 2005 and 2012. The validation dataset included 173 lake-years in order to confirm the response of the index to the trophic gradient and anthropogenic pressure.The results show that the IPLAC correctly highlights chemical pressure (eutrophication). Especially high Pearson correlations are shown with total phosphorus (r = −0.71, p-value <0.001), chlorophyll-a (r = −0.83, p-value <0.001) and water transparency (r = 0.73, p-value <0.001) which are the main proxies for the trophic level. Corine land cover was used as an indication of the anthropogenic pressure and good correlations are also found with the watershed land use, negatively correlated with agricultural area (r = −0.60, p-value <0.001), population density (r = −0.36, p-value <0.001) and positively with forest area (r = 0.57, p-value <0.001).The index is WFD-compliant and is dedicated to natural lakes and artificial water bodies in metropolitan France, and will be routinely used by the French Ministry of the Environment to assess lake ecological status through the phytoplankton community. However, the results must be carefully interpreted in two cases: reservoirs with large water level fluctuations, and samples that include less than 5 indicator species.  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2008,8(3):285-291
Community structure changes with pollution or stress. In the Water Framework Directive, high ecological status through biological parameters is defined as a slight or minor deviation from the reference community, while the good status is defined as a small deviation.To assess the importance of this deviation, and then to measure the degradation of ecological status along a river, an index based on the concept of “ecological distance” between species was created and called ecological distance index (EDI). It was tested on diatom data from a pilot watershed (the Garonne river basin, South-West France).The results show a good correlation between the EDI and the IPS (Indice de Pollusensibilité Spécifique – specific pollusensitivity index – a diatom-based biotic index) ecological ratios, which means first that the EDI is a valuable indicator of ecological status, and that it can account for ecoregional specificities. This index can be applied to any communities (macro-invertebrates, fish, etc.), since: (i) typical reference communities are found for each river type; (ii) species are characterised then ranked by pollution sensitivity values.  相似文献   

Specimens of Salmo trutta (n = 613) captured by local anglers in different rivers in Galicia (NW Spain) during the 2015 fishing season (15 March–15 August) were examined. In total 1479 adult helminths were recovered from the gastrointestinal tracts of 221 fish. Moreover, the microscopic observation of the sediments obtained, previous diphasic concentration, revealed the presence of helminth eggs in 485 trout specimens. The following species were identified by morphological and molecular analysis: Crepidostomum metoecus (8.97%) (Trematoda); Salmonema ephemeridarum (16.97%), Raphidascaris acus (9.46%) and Pseudocapillaria sp. (2.12%) (Nematoda); and Echinorhynchus truttae (8.48%) (Acanthocephala). The prevalence, mean intensity and mean abundance of each helminth species were determined in relation to size/age of the fish. The helminth infracommunity comprised a maximum of four species and the species richness was S = 5. The biological cycles of most of the helminth species recovered are dependent on benthic macroinvertebrate fauna, which, in turn, is influenced by the water quality. Therefore, any changes that take place in the aquatic ecosystem (due to anthropogenic activities or climate change) may be reflected in the helminth composition.  相似文献   

With the aim to know the importance of theCastanea pollen in the Galician honey(N. W. Spain), the interannual oscillations withinthe areas of production and the most activephenological period for bees, we have madethe melissopalynological analysis of: 599samples of honey collected during the period1990–1999 in Galicia, the production of 40beehives during three consecutive years(1990, 1991, 1992), the partial production during1990 of two beehives situated at distant pointsin our geography.  相似文献   

We have studied the distribution of dinoflagellate cysts along10 Galician rías and part of their adjacent continentalshelf. Cyst abundance in the area averaged 856 cysts ml–1,which is of the same order of magnitude as those found in otherareas of the western European coast. It was higher in the ríasthan in the shelf, having a very heterogeneous distribution,especially in the former. Cyst assemblages in these two areaswere different, suggesting that differences are due to cystproduction rather than to accumulation. Principal componentanalysis, cluster analysis, distribution of macroscopic characteristicsof cyst populations and distribution of single species suggestthat local factors control the distribution in the rías.Nevertheless, a general pattern that splits the whole area intotwo-to the north and to the south of the ría de Camariñas-canbe distinguished. This latter trend was also observed in theshelf and, in our opinion, It should be attributed to threeconcurrent causes: the effect of different upwelling intensitiesor frequencies, the effect of the different numbers and sizesof the ría in each area, and the effect of the presenceof different water masses in these areas. The cyst distributionof a number of individual species was examined and showed threegeneral groups: species with very restricted distribution, suchas Alexandrium sp2 or Scrippsiella sp4, species with a widespreaddistribution along the rías, such as several Scrippsiellaspecies, and species mainly distributed along the shelf, suchas Gymnodinium catenatum. The distribution of cysts belongingto red tide organisms fits quite well with that of their correspondingmotile phases dunng the three previous years for most of theorganisms studied and also during the 1992–1993 period(7–8 years later), but the role of this resting stagein initiating such blooms seems to be highly variable with species.  相似文献   

A total of 103 cephalopod paralarvae were sampled during June 1995 in Galician waters (NW Spain). Samples were taken with Bongo nets of 300 and 500 m mesh size at 48 sampling stations along 10 transverse transects ranging from 80 to 600 m water depth. Paralarvae of loliginid squid were most abundant (40%). The Rhynchoteuthion paralarvae of ommastrephid squid accounted for 25%, whereas sepiolids comprised 23% of the total sample. Octopods were scarce, at only 6.6%. Other cephalopod families accounted for 5%. Sizes of paralarvae ranged from 1.0 to 7.1 mm mantle length. Temperature and salinity distribution showed the presence of an intense upwelling during the survey period. The sampling data obtained before and during the presence of upwelled water off Rias of Pontevedra and Vigo (southern zone) showed that paralarval cephalopod abundance and distribution were closely related to the upwelled Eastern North-Atlantic Central Water (ENACW).   相似文献   

As the only undammed river in the Yangtze River basin and an important rare fish reserve, the Chishui River has attracted the world's attention. It was recently selected as a reference river for a pilot biomonitoring assessment within the European Union-China River Basin Management Programme. As the outcome of the project, a pilot multimetric index (MMI-CS) was developed for future assessment of the ecological status of the Chishui River basin. In this study, eight core metrics were selected and used to build the multimetric system. These metrics included the total number of taxa (TotalTax), the number of taxa of sprawlers (SprwlTax), the number of intolerant taxa (IntolTax), the Hilsenhoff biotic index (HBI), the percentage of Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Plecoptera (EPTPct), the number of Ephemeroptera taxa (EphemTax), the percentage of collectors (CllctPct) and the average score per taxon (ASPT). Five ecological status ratings (“Excellent”, “Good”, “Fair”, “Poor” and “Very Poor”) were established. The results of the evaluation showed that the index was reasonable and effective. The results of the assessment showed that sites with higher ecological status were distributed mainly in the upper and middle reaches of the region and that sites with lower ecological status were centrally distributed in the lower reaches. Moreover, the index should be refined and validated using additional datasets obtained in different seasons in the future for routine bioassessment within the framework of sustainable management.  相似文献   

We assessed the feasibility of using herbarium specimens to validate reference conditions in the UK by comparing diatom community composition of river sites with both recent and historic diatom samples. The question of substrate specificity was addressed by comparing epilithon (stone-derived) and epiphyton (plant-derived) samples from a number of rivers. No significant differences were found between the Trophic Diatom Index (TDI), species richness, species diversity, and percentage of motile valves between paired diatom samples (epilithic and epiphytic) from contemporary samples. Significant differences were recorded between a number of indices derived from analysis of the historic diatom samples on plant material sampled pre-1930 compared with diatoms from stones collected post-1990 from the same river location. The TDI, mean species richness, and species diversity and percentage of motile valves and nutrient tolerant valves were all significantly greater in the contemporary samples (p ≤ 0.05). The percentage of nutrient sensitive valves was significantly lower in the contemporary samples (p ≤ 0.05).The relative abundance of Achnanthidium minutissimum and Cocconeis placentula var. lineata was significantly greater on the herbarium material compared to matched contemporary samples. Calculated values for the TDI (43 ± 3) expected at reference conditions were similar to the observed TDI values derived from herbarium material (44 ± 12) showing no significant deviation in ecological status.  相似文献   

The persistence of pesticides in the environment and their effects are a cause of concern to more and more people, and so in 2009 the French government announced plans to reduce pesticide use in agriculture over the next 10 years. Water managers are to monitor the beneficial impact of this reduction on aquatic environments. It has been suggested that diatoms may be good indicators of pesticides, and more particularly of herbicides, in water. Diatoms have been routinely used to assess organic and nutrient pollution for more than 10 years. The general approach is to develop a diatom-based tool to assess pesticide contamination. Diatom indices are usually based on specific pollution sensitivity. Other metrics, such as life-forms, ecological guilds, or cell size offer other advantages. For instance, the relationships between trends in these metrics and environmental gradients are more robust, and make it easier to establish ecological hypotheses. We have therefore opted for this approach.To develop such a tool, outdoor, lotic mesocosm experiments lasting about 2 months were conducted from 2006 to 2008. Herbicides (diuron) and fungicides (azoxystrobin, tebuconazole) were tested at environmental concentrations (sum of pesticides concentrations from 1.11 to 3.01 μg L?1 for chronic pollutions and from 20.25 to 29.50 μg L?1 for short-term acute pollutions). Diatom communities in artificial channels were analyzed by light microscopy using standard European methods. The various parameters structuring diatom communities were assessed, and colonization time appeared to be the most important. However, pesticide contamination was the second most important, and had a more significant impact on the composition of ecological guilds than on species composition. Some metrics did not display any significant trends (benthic/planktonic, colonial, pedunculate, pioneer), but others looked promising for use in pesticide contamination assessment: the abundances of motile guild, low-profile guild and mucous tubule diatoms all increased in contaminated channels, whereas high-profile diatoms showed the opposite trend. Some possible explanations, such as a protective effect of the exopolysaccharide matrix, can be advanced: diatoms living inside a mucous tubule may be shielded from dissolved pesticides, as are motile diatoms, which have a micro-habitat preference for thick matrices which also allows them to withstand higher levels of water contamination. In the same way, high-profile guild diatoms are exposed to dissolved pesticides to a greater extent, and this could explain their lower abundance in contaminated channels.  相似文献   

Yessotoxins (YTXs) production along the culture growth of three strains of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum isolated from seawater of Galician Rias Baixas, Spain was investigated. Quantification and toxin profile determination in both cells and culture medium along the growth curve were performed by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS3) analysis. The YTX profile was very similar among strains, the three algal strains produce mainly YTX and also some YTX analogs. Among the strains the maximum toxin production ranged between 416 and 576 ng mL−1. This is the first report about YTX production by P. reticulatum isolated in Galician coast, NW Spain.  相似文献   

The development of ecologically based indices that respond to disturbances in a predictable manner has been stressed by the EU Water Framework Directive. The seagrass Posidonia oceanica, given its ecological indicator characteristics, has been identified as one of the elements to determine ecological status under the EU Water Framework Directive. The purpose of this study is therefore to develop a biotic index based on P. oceanica (BiPo), focussing on: (i) the necessity of an index that may be applied over the largest geographical extent possible, (ii) the necessity of a tool for a baseline evaluation of P. oceanica status in the Mediterranean, (iii) the compliance with WFD requirements, (iv) the efficiency of the method in terms of reliability and cost. The BiPo index is developed on the basis of all P. oceanica monitoring data available in the western Mediterranean and on a standard assessment of anthropogenic pressures. The index metrics are selected and evaluated on the basis of this pressures assessment, and are subsequently integrated for the evaluation of ecological status. The index is then tested on 15 sites around Corsica (France). The results show that the BiPo well reflects meadow health status and ecological status. Furthermore it is reliable, standard and cost-effective, and can be applied to a wide array of management and conservation purposes.  相似文献   

The European Union’s Water Framework Directive has set a target of achieving good ecological status for all aquatic environments in Europe by 2015. In order to determine the quality of aquatic environments, biological indicators such as diatoms are often used. However, biotic diatom indices can be difficult and time consuming to use because of complexity of species determination. We investigated whether the biological traits of diatoms in rivers (life-forms, size classes and ecological guilds) could be used to assess organic pollution and trophic level. We worked on a data set comprising 315 diatom species, determined at 328 river stations of south-east France and a variety of parameters. The abundances of some biological traits differed significantly between the different organic pollution and trophic levels, particularly stalked diatoms, and the motile and low-profile guilds.  相似文献   

The toxin profiles of three isolates and natural populations of the PSP agentAlexandrium minutum from several Galician rías (NW Spain) was obtained by HPLC. The toxin content of cultures ofA. minutum is dominated by GTX4 (80–90%) and GTX4 (10–15%) with small amounts of GTX3 and GTX2 (less than 3% of each); similar results were obtained for natural populations ofAlexandrium from three different Galician rías, where a mixture ofA. lusitanicum Balech andA. minutum can occur. Important quantitative differences were found between the three isolates, one being highly and two weakly toxic. The results obtained from these isolates and natural populations ofAlexandrium were very similar to those obtained from HPLC analyses of mussels intoxicated during a PSP outbreak in Ría de Ares (Rías Altas) in 1984, confirming thatA. minutum (previously identified asGonyaulax tamarensis Lebour andAlexandrium lusitanicum) was the PSP agent during the toxic outbreak in May 1984. Toxin profiles obtained from natural populations during different PSP outbreaks in different rías and from cultures are fairly consistent and suggest that at least from the toxin point of view,A. lusitanicum andA. minutum are identical, and that the toxin profile ofA. minutum from Galicia can be used as a biochemical marker.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative differences in carrageenan composition of gametophytes of the rhodophyte Mastocarpus stellatus (Gigartinales) were observed in this study. Carrageenans in gametophytes belong to the kappa family (κ-, ι-, ν-, μ-carrageenan). The dominant fractions were κ- and ι-carrageenan (more than 80 % of the total carrageenans). Mean total carrageenan content in gametophytes was of 37.32?±?1.21 % DW. Spatial and seasonal variations were observed, mainly related to changes on environmental and oceanographic factors and the role of carrageenans in adapting the fronds to these changes. Maximum values in carrageenan content were observed for San Román (Biscay Bay) in May and for Laxe and Mougás (Atlantic coast) in June. The results of this study indicated that spatial differences in carrageenan content were due to interactions of different factors, rather than the effect of a single factor. Fronds from San Román had higher carrageenan content (43.23?±?1.87 % DW) than those collected at two sites of the Atlantic coast, Mougás and Laxe (32.20?±?1.14 % DW). San Román is exposed to the open sea, windy and oriented to the north, and the water temperature is higher in summer than in the Atlantic coast. However, seasonal variations in carrageenan content resulted to be more related to other factors directly correlated with the input of energy in the ecosystems (irradiance, sunshine hours and insolation). Thus, carrageenan content began to increase in early spring when the number of sunlight hours increased. Maximum values were reached in late spring or early summer, just before maximum values of irradiance and air temperature were achieved.  相似文献   

The assessment of the ecological status of freshwater ecosystems is a key issue for many international laws such as the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in light of the actual impoverished status of these ecosystems. Different multimetric approaches have been successfully developed in different freshwater environments. However, multimetric indices are difficult to apply to Mediterranean rivers basins, characterized by freshwater fish communities very low in species richness and support a high number of endemics with generalist and opportunistic life strategies. Here we follow a site-specific approach to develop an adaptation of the multimetric procedure usually used in Indices of Biotic Integrity (IBI), resulting in the Index of Community Integrity (ICI). We modeled the presence–absence of 10 native freshwater fish species from the Guadiana River basin using the Assessment of Nearest Neighbor Analyses (ANNA) model, to assess the deviation of the observed and expected community composition at reference condition. ANNA, which is a multi-species model, allowed incorporating in the index some rare species, though not all of them present in the basin. Deviations were transformed into probabilities of belonging to a reference site and species by species measures were then integrated in a final score. The use of presence–absence only data reduces potential errors associated with estimations of species’ abundance and its seasonal changes, which is especially important in Mediterranean environments. The ICI was sensitive to both habitat degradation and the degree of dominance of non-native species within the freshwater fish community (or biotic perturbation), which have been traditionally overlooked in IBIs, but was unresponsive to natural sources of variation. Given the site-specific nature and the simplicity of the index that we propose here, we expect it to be applicable to other Mediterranean basins for which predictive models can be produced.  相似文献   

Artisanal coastal invertebrate fisheries in Galicia are socio-economically important and ecologically relevant. Their management, however, has been based on models of fish population dynamics appropriate for highly mobile demersal or pelagic resources and for industrial fisheries. These management systems focus on regulating fishing effort, but in coastal ecosystems activities that change or destruct key habitats may have a greater effect on population abundance than does fishing mortality. The Golfo Artabro was analysed as a representative example of a coastal ecosystem in Galicia, and the spider crab Maja squinado used as a model of an exploited coastal invertebrate, for which shallow coastal areas are key habitats for juvenile stages. The commercial legal gillnet fishery for the spider crab harvests adults during their reproductive migrations to deep waters and in their wintering habitats. Illegal fisheries operate in shallow waters. The annual rate of exploitation is >90%, and <10% of the primiparous females reproduce effectively at least once. A simple spatially-explicit cohort model was constructed to simulate the population dynamics of spider crab females. Yield- and egg-per-recruit analyses corresponding to different exploitation regimes were performed to compare management policies directed to control the fishing effort or to protect key habitats. It was found that the protection of juvenile habitats could allow increases in yield and reproductive effort higher than in the present system, with such protection based in the control of the fishing effort of the legal fishery. Additionally, there is an urgent need for alternative research and management strategies in artisanal coastal fisheries based on the implementation of a system of territorial use rights for fishers, the integration of the fishers into assessment and management processes, and the protection of key habitats (marine reserves) as a basic tool for the regulation of the fisheries.  相似文献   

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