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W Hansen  P D Garcia  P Walter 《Cell》1986,45(3):397-406
The in vitro synthesized precursor of the alpha-factor pheromone, prepro-alpha-factor, of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was translocated across yeast microsomal membranes in either a homologous or a wheat germ cell free system. Translocated prepro-alpha-factor was glycosylated, sedimented with yeast microsomal vesicles, and was protected from digestion by added protease, but was soluble after alkaline sodium carbonate treatment. Thus prepro-alpha-factor was properly sequestered within yeast microsomal vesicles, but was not integrated into the lipid bilayer. In marked contrast to protein translocation across mammalian microsomal membranes, translocation of prepro-alpha-factor across yeast microsomal membranes could occur posttranslationally. This reaction required protein components in the yeast microsomal fraction that could be inactivated by alkylation or proteolysis, was ATP-dependent, and was insensitive to the presence of a variety of uncouplers and ionophores.  相似文献   

Ruggiu M  Cooke HJ 《Gene》2000,252(1-2):119-126
In Drosophila RNA-binding proteins play a fundamental role in key developmental pathways, such as sex determination. There is emerging evidence suggesting that RNA-binding proteins play a central role in regulation of development in mammals as well. We are interested in spermatogenesis as a model for cell differentiation and development in mammals. Two Y-encoded candidate spermatogenesis genes, RBMY and DAZ, have been isolated by positional cloning from infertile patients. They both encode putative RNA-binding proteins of the RRM (RNA recognition motif) type, and the high degree of conservation of both these gene families suggests an important role in spermatogenesis. Mice with a null allele for Dazl1, the mouse homologue of DAZ, are infertile due to a meiotic entry defect. Male flies mutant for boule, the Drosophila homologue of Dazl1, are infertile due to a G(2)/M meiotic block. However, no data has been published yet about the biochemical properties of the DAZ/DAZL1 proteins. We report here that Dazl1 is able to form homoheterodimers both in vivo and in vitro, that this activity is due to a novel protein-protein interaction domain, and that homotypic interaction activity is RNA-independent.  相似文献   

Recent reports on the possible contribution of the non-alpha-helical carboxy-terminal domain ("tail") of type III intermediate filament (IF) proteins to IF assembly have been controversial. To examine the importance and role of this domain, we have therefore engineered a Xenopus laevis vimentin cDNA to code for a tail-less polypeptide and have used it in combination with prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression systems. Here we show that tail-less vimentin, isolated from transfected bacteria (Escherichia coli), when used for assembly in vitro, forms normal-looking, loosely packed IFs. By viscometry we demonstrate that this tail-less vimentin assembles at an even higher rate and into longer IFs than wild-type vimentin. In vivo, i.e., by forced expression in transfected type III IF-free cultured epithelial cells, tail-less vimentin was also recovered in short fibrillar structures, in rodlets and in small as well as large spheroidal aggregates ("granules") that did not reveal any IF substructure. Surprisingly, however, spheroidal aggregate structures formed from the tail-deleted vimentin, were seen not only in the cytoplasm but also in the nucleus, indicating a role of the tail in higher order organization and compartmentalization of the vimentin IF system.  相似文献   

Gene fusions were constructed between Ste2, the receptor for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae alpha-factor, and beta la, the secreted form of beta-lactamase encoded by the bla gene of pBR322. The Ste2 and beta la components were linked by a processing fragment (P) from the yeast killer preprotoxin containing a C-terminal lysine-arginine site for cleavage by the Golgi-associated Kex2 protease. Ste2 is predicted to have a rhodopsinlike topology, with an external N terminus and seven transmembrane segments. Fusions to three of the four Ste2 domains predicted to be external resulted in beta la secretion from yeast cells. A fusion at a site just preceding the first transmembrane segment was an exception; the product was cell associated, indicating that the first 44 residues of Ste2 are insufficient to direct secretion of beta la; translocation of this domain presumably requires the downstream transmembrane segment. Expression of fusions located in two domains predicted to be cytoplasmic failed to result in beta la secretion. Following insertion of the preprotoxin signal peptide (S) between the Ste2 and P components of these cytoplasmic fusions, secretion of beta la activity occurred, which is consistent with inversion of the orientation of the beta la reporter. Conversely, insertion of S between Ste2 and P in an external fusion sharply reduced beta la secretion. Complementary information about both cytoplasmic and external domains of Ste2 was therefore provided, and most aspects of the predicted topology were confirmed. The steady-state levels of beta la detected were low, presumably because of efficient degradation of the fusions in the secretory pathway; levels, however, were easily detectable. This method should be valuable in the analysis of in vivo topologies of both homologous and foreign plasma membrane proteins expressed in yeast cells.  相似文献   

Studies on ts mutants of avian sarcoma viruses have previously implicated the src gene product (pp60src) kinase function in in vitro transformation. The role of src in vivo, however, has not been clearly defined. Using a sensitive and quantitative assay that was developed in chicken embryos (Chambers et al., Cancer Res. 42:4018-4025, 1982), we tested the in vivo tumorigenic properties of cells transformed with LA23, an avian sarcoma virus that is temperature sensitive for in vitro transformation. We found that the in vivo growth ability of these cells was temperature sensitive and that this in vivo behavior correlated with the in vitro transformation behavior (growth in soft agar and saturation density).  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying compartmentalization of prokaryotic DNA replication are largely unknown. In the case of the Bacillus subtilis phage 29, the viral protein p1 enhances the rate of in vivo viral DNA replication. Previous work showed that p1 generates highly ordered structures in vitro. We now show that protein p1, like integral membrane proteins, has an amphiphilic nature. Furthermore, immunoelectron microscopy studies reveal that p1 has a peripheral subcellular location. By combining in vivo chemical cross-linking and cell fractionation techniques, we also demonstrate that p1 assembles in infected cells into multimeric structures that are associated with the bacterial membrane. These structures exist both during viral DNA replication and when 29 DNA synthesis is blocked due to the lack of viral replisome components. In addition, protein p1 encoded by plasmid generates membrane-associated multimers and supports DNA replication of a p1-lacking mutant phage, suggesting that the pre-assembled structures are functional. We propose that a phage structure assembled on the cell membrane provides a specific site for 29 DNA replication.  相似文献   

Fibre is essential to maintain healthy gut; however, energy demands of performance horses can be too high to be met by forages alone. Yeast may support the function of cellulolytic bacteria to digest fibre. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of an oral supplement (VistaEQ) containing 4% live yeast on the in vitro and in vivo digestibility of high-starch (HS) and high-fibre diets (HF). Eight ponies were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design consisting of 4- × 19-day periods and four diets: HF, HF + yeast (HFY), HS and HS + yeast (HSY). In vivo apparent digestibility (AD) was estimated using total collection technique, and faecal particle size was measured using NASCO digestive analyser. Faeces from the ponies were subsequently used as an inoculum in ANKOM RF gas production system to assess fermentation kinetics in vitro. Each module contained 1 g of feed substrate DM in the following combinations: 50% grass hay and 50% alfalfa (HF_50 : 50) or concentrate (HS_50 : 50), and 75% grass hay and 25% alfalfa (HF_75 : 25) or concentrate (HS_75 : 25) with or without yeast. Yeast was able to induce more gas production from HF_75 : 25, HS_75 : 25 and HF_50 : 50 feed substrates incubated with respective faecal inoculum base. Yeast did not affect pH in vitro when the substrates were incubated in 50 : 50 ratio, while the pH was higher for HF_75 : 25 incubated with correspondent faecal inoculum compared to HS_75 : 25 and HSY_75 : 25. Yeast had no effects on ADF and CP AD of either diet. Yeast addition increased DM (HF: 0.2%, HS: 0.4%), organic matter (HF: 0.7%, HS: 1.3%), NDF (HF: 0.5%, HS: 1.5%), total detergent fibre (HF: 0.7%; HS: 0.4%) (P < 0.05) and also tended to increase hemicellulose AD (HF: 0.9%, HS: 1.2%) (P < 0.10). Faecal pH in vivo was higher for both HF diets compared to HS diet without yeast supplementation (P < 0.001, HF and HFY: 6.8; HS: 6.6, HSY: 6.7). However, no difference was observed in faecal pH when HSY was compared to both HF diets. Yeast had no effect on the size of the faecal particles (P > 0.05). Yeast increased in vitro gas production, suggesting more energy could be extracted from the feed, and the in vivo AD of some of the nutrients when HF and HS diets were fed.  相似文献   

A yeast mutant with an impaired system of translocation of adenine nucleotides across the mitochondrial membrane, which stops dividing after superposition of the λ - mutation, was investigated. The results of this work indicate that combination of the op1 mutation with the λ- mutation in a single cell results in interruption of synthesis of polysaccharides and DNA leading to cessation of division of theop 1λ mutant. The mechanism of this effect remains unclear.  相似文献   

The effect of ethidium bromide on the growth of a yeast mutant with an impaired mitochrondrial translocation system of adenine nucleotides (op-1 mutant) was investigated. It was found that the op-1 mutant stops growing both under growing and non-growing conditions after treatment with ethidium bromide and that the growth cannot be restored by adding low-molecular compounds to the growth medium. It was the aim of the experiments to clarify whether the cessation of growth of the op-1 mutant after induction of the rho- mutation can be simulated by inhibitors phenotypically changing the mitochondrial function. It appears likely that the op-1 mutant stops growing only after the rho- mutation has been induced, because the phenotypic simulation of the rho- mutation does not lead the cessation of growth of the op-1 mutant.  相似文献   

Abelson murine leukemia virus encodes a transforming protein which contains tyrosine kinase activity and is phosphorylated in vivo and in vitro. We found that P160 and P160-derived virus strains expressed an additional, altered v-abl protein which could not be phosphorylated. The altered v-abl protein (L-v-abl) differed from the phosphorylated form (K-v-abl) in that it was glycosylated and localized exclusively to the membrane fraction. Tunicamycin inhibition of N-linked carbohydrate addition did not restore phosphorylation. It did, however, reveal that L-v-abl had additional sequences relative to K-v-abl. The coding sequences required for this region and for the expression of L-v-abl were identified by replacing sequences in the P120 virus genome, which did not express L-v-abl, with sequences from the P160 virus genome. The necessary sequences were localized to the Moloney murine leukemia virus-derived gag gene. Comparison between the in vitro altered P120 and wild-type P120 virus strains indicated that expression of L-v-abl did not increase the efficiency of lymphoid transformation. Although the biological role of L-v-abl is not clear, our analyses have revealed that a specific amino terminal gag sequence can prevent v-abl from acting as a kinase substrate and can alter the cellular localization and modification of v-abl. These properties distinguish L-v-abl from previously reported v-abl proteins.  相似文献   

Of central importance to studying protein translocation via a combined genetic and biochemical approach is the in vitro analysis of yeast conditionally-lethal secretory mutants. Analysis of sec53 presented an opportunity not only to see if mutants could be examined in recently developed yeast in vitro translocation systems, but also to characterize further the nature of this mutant originally postulated to be defective in protein translocation. Membranes from sec53 were capable of translocating and glycosylating nascent prepro-alpha-factor in vitro in both sec53 and wild-type lysates at temperatures that were non-permissive for growth of the mutant cells. These results suggested that the Sec53 protein does not function directly in the translocation and glycosylation of prepro-alpha-factor. To examine this point further, we isolated membranes from sec53 cells that had been grown at the non-permissive temperature prior to disruption. In such cases, regardless of assay temperature, membranes from sec53 cells efficiently translocated but failed to glycosylate prepro-alpha-factor in vitro. The in vitro phenotype of sec53 could be mimicked by isolating rough microsomes from wild-type cells that had been grown for 1 h in the presence of tunicamycin. Together, these results demonstrate that sec53 is not defective in translocation, rather in assembly of the dolichol-oligosaccharide substrate needed for N-linked glycosylation.  相似文献   

A mutant with a defect in telomere elongation leads to senescence in yeast   总被引:105,自引:0,他引:105  
V Lundblad  J W Szostak 《Cell》1989,57(4):633-643
We describe a general assay designed to detect mutants of yeast that are defective for any of several aspects of telomere function. Using this assay, we have isolated a mutant that displays a progressive decrease in telomere length as well as an increased frequency of chromosome loss. This mutation defines a new gene, designated EST1 (for ever shorter telomeres). Null alleles of EST1 are not immediately inviable; instead, they have a senescence phenotype, due to the gradual loss of sequences essential for telomere function, leading to a progressive decrease in chromosomal stability and subsequent cell death.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae pyruvate kinase 1 (Pyk1) was demonstrated to be associated to an immunoprecipitate of yeast protein kinase A holoenzyme (HA-Tpk1.Bcy1) and to be phosphorylated in a cAMP-dependent process. Both glutathione S-transferase (GST)-Pyk1 and GST-Pyk2 were phosphorylated in vitro by the bovine heart protein kinase A (PKA) catalytic subunit and by immobilized yeast HA-Tpk1. The specificity constant for the phosphorylation of GST-Pyk1 and GST-Pyk2 by bovine catalytic subunit was in the range of the value for Leu-Arg-Arg-Ala-Ser-Leu-Gly (Kemptide). Both fusion proteins were phosphorylated in vivo, in intact cells overexpressing the protein, or in vitro using crude extracts, as source of protein kinase A, when a wild type strain was used but were not phosphorylated when using a strain with only one TPK gene with an attenuated mutation (tpk1(w1)). The effect of phosphorylation on Pyk activity was assayed in partially purified preparations from three strains, containing different endogenous protein kinase A activity levels. Pyk1 activity was measured at different phosphoenolpyruvate concentrations in the absence or in the presence of the activator fructose 1,6-bisphosphate at 1.5 mm. Preliminary kinetic results derived from the comparison of Pyk1 obtained from extracts with the highest versus those from the lowest protein kinase A activity indicate that the enzyme is more active upon phosphorylation conditions; in the absence of the activator it shows a shift in the titration curve for phosphoenolpyruvate to the left and an increase in the Hill coefficient, whereas in the presence of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate it shows an n(H) value of 1.4, as compared with an n(H) of 2 for the Pyk1 obtained from extracts with almost null protein kinase A activity.  相似文献   

Summary Translation of mitochondrial cytochrome b mRNA in yeast is activated by the product of the nuclear gene CBS1. CBS1 encodes a 27 kDa precursor protein, which is cleaved to a 24 kDa mature protein during the import into isolated mitochondria. The sequences required for mitochondrial import reside in the amino-terminal end of the CBS1 precursor. Deletion of the 76 amino-terminal amino acids renders the protein incompetent for mitochondrial import in vitro and non-functional in vivo. When present on a high copy number plasmid and under the control of a strong yeast promoter, biological function can be restored by this truncated derivative. This observation indicates that the CBS1 protein devoid of mitochondrial targeting sequences can enter mitochondria in vivo, possibly due to a bypass of the mitochondrial import system.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells grown at 24 degrees C acquire thermotolerance and survive exposure to 50 degrees C, but only if they are first incubated at 30 degrees C, the temperature where heat shock genes are activated. We show here that the enzymatic activity of a secretory beta-lactamase fusion protein, pre-accumulated at 37 degrees C in the endoplasmic reticulum, was abolished by exposure of the cells to 50 degrees C. When the cells were returned to 24 degrees C, beta-lactamase activity was resumed. Reactivation occurred in the endoplasmic reticulum, but not in the Golgi apparatus. It was dependent on metabolic energy, but did not require de novo protein synthesis. According to co-immunoprecipitation experiments, immuno-globulin-binding protein (BiP/Kar2p) was associated with the fusion protein. We suggest that recovery from thermal insult involves, in addition to cytoplasmic and nuclear events, refolding of heat-damaged proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum by a heat-resistant machinery, which forms part of a fundamental survival mechanism.  相似文献   

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